Trump can start detaining people without applying any charges.

Thank you Obama.

Do not forget to think the Repubs that added it to the funding bill and voted for it in Veto proof numbers

Considering how much money Obama flushed down the toilet, it's good to see a portion of it went to a worthwhile cause.

Giving the president unlimited detention power is a worthwhile cause to you?

Certainly one way to deter the onslaught of illegal immigrants.

Eat a Baby
Save The Planet!

Imagine all of the Baby Back Ribs joints that could be opened up at The Southern Border.

Illegal Aliens:

They aren't just for breakfast any more!
Do they have ketchup in Russia?
You may want to consider FAUX news, Breitbart, PJMEDIA, the BLAZE, rush limbaugh and hate radio......

before saying even STUPIDER stuff.

Tell me... how can you be so ?dumb? as to NOT recognize the EXTREME conservative bias of the conservative media?

Guess I'm too busy recognizing the EXTREME bullshit from the liberal media.

It is a shame that you lack the ability to see it from both sides. But not surprising
We don't swing that way, Science Denier.

Behold the wonder of the XX and XY Chromosome.

You can only be one, but not both.

As I said, not even a very good bot.
Self Confession is the first step to setting yourself free of your self imposed prison.

Free yourself Bot, Run Free. You don't have to work for Putin as his favorite Butt Puppet.

Face it, I am better than you in every measurable category, including my manhood. I am a better American, you are probably not even an American. I am better looking, stronger, smarter, make more money than you, and women like me.

But as for you?

"Life is not funny when you go to your honey and she laughs at your teeny weeny."
From the diary of Golfing Gator: 'Reflections of a frustrated Beta Male"

True Story..... need larger fonts....
Thanks to president obama. So the next time you whiny leftist start your Antifa whine parties you might want to reconsider.
“President Obama's action today is a blight on his legacy because he will forever be known as the president who signed indefinite detention without charge or trial into law,” said Anthony D. Romero, ACLU executive director. “The statute is particularly dangerous because it has no temporal or geographic limitations, and can be used by this and future presidents to militarily detain people captured far from any battlefield. The ACLU will fight worldwide detention authority wherever we can, be it in court, in Congress, or internationally.”
President Obama Signs Indefinite Detention Bill Into Law

Some crazy bullshit to blame this one on Obama. This rule was added to the NDAA and without signing it the military did not get funded in the middle of a war.

It passed the House 283 to 136, with 190 Repubs voting for it and only 42 Repubs against. In the Senate it passed 86 to 13 with 6 of each party voting against it. When it was signed it was hailed as a victory by the Repubs.

There is no one part that is responsible for the abomination of a law, it was a joint effort. I would also say you are a naive fool if you think it is not already being used.
You didn't read the source you dumbass

I did not, as I do not need someone to tell me what to think. I gave you the facts but you will run from them like the little girl you are.
I don't give a fuck about what you think but your Obama gave Trump the authority to lock up the resistance.
Well? Here's your opportunity to get those guns out to defend liberty. I mean, isn't that we keep being told that's what the 2nd Amendment is really about? Why are you taking this lying down in a fetal position?

How many gays, atheists, muslims, liberals, feminists and democrats would you lock up?

all of them?

what would happen to all of their property?

None of that matters to old Trumpybear. As long as they're willing to swear fealty to the King, kiss the ring, and promise not to mention his wardrobe, which as we all know, is the finest in the land.
Face it. Y'all just mad because Trump took Barbecue Baby off of your menu. You people are sadistic butchers, murderers and liars.

Planned Parenthood: 50 Million Served!

You really are a hoot. Well a vulgar Hoot Owl that that has made a home in your rotting trunk, who knows how to type. But do keep up the good work showing Americans what Goobers the Russians are.

My advice to you of the resistance pack lightly

Ah look....a threat.
“Trump can start detaining people without applying any charges.”

Trump would if he could – given his contempt for our democratic institutions, the rule of law, and the Constitution.
Typical stupid response from the board nutter
Trump can but he hasn't

How do you know that he has not? Under the law nobody would have to be notified and the person detained is not given the opportunity to tell anyone
Another stupid post from you. If Trump would have tried it even though he has the authority you would have heard about it by now and started whining about it.

How would we have heard about it? Is there a reporting requirement?
My family member was taken by the government word of mouth from the family member.
Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure. :71:
Do not forget to think the Repubs that added it to the funding bill and voted for it in Veto proof numbers

Considering how much money Obama flushed down the toilet, it's good to see a portion of it went to a worthwhile cause.

Giving the president unlimited detention power is a worthwhile cause to you?

Certainly one way to deter the onslaught of illegal immigrants.

Eat a Baby
Save The Planet!

Imagine all of the Baby Back Ribs joints that could be opened up at The Southern Border.

Illegal Aliens:

They aren't just for breakfast any more!
Do they have ketchup in Russia?

You bet, John Kerry's kid made millions.
I know you would really like to see him attempt a Russia style round-up of political dissidents but I think the aim right now is to not get removed from office.
Obama approved it. Next

Also Approved by conservative christian republicans.

Why didn't all those gun owners take up arms when this passed?
Are you scared now? do you want to retain your second amendment right? lol
Typical stupid response from the board nutter
Trump can but he hasn't

How do you know that he has not? Under the law nobody would have to be notified and the person detained is not given the opportunity to tell anyone
Another stupid post from you. If Trump would have tried it even though he has the authority you would have heard about it by now and started whining about it.

How would we have heard about it? Is there a reporting requirement?
My family member was taken by the government word of mouth from the family member.
Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure. :71:
That's how you know someone has been taken by the government reported by family members
"My family member was arrested by the government," Word of mouth.
Thanks to president obama. So the next time you whiny leftist start your Antifa whine parties you might want to reconsider.
“President Obama's action today is a blight on his legacy because he will forever be known as the president who signed indefinite detention without charge or trial into law,” said Anthony D. Romero, ACLU executive director. “The statute is particularly dangerous because it has no temporal or geographic limitations, and can be used by this and future presidents to militarily detain people captured far from any battlefield. The ACLU will fight worldwide detention authority wherever we can, be it in court, in Congress, or internationally.”
President Obama Signs Indefinite Detention Bill Into Law

Some crazy bullshit to blame this one on Obama. This rule was added to the NDAA and without signing it the military did not get funded in the middle of a war.

It passed the House 283 to 136, with 190 Repubs voting for it and only 42 Repubs against. In the Senate it passed 86 to 13 with 6 of each party voting against it. When it was signed it was hailed as a victory by the Repubs.

There is no one part that is responsible for the abomination of a law, it was a joint effort. I would also say you are a naive fool if you think it is not already being used.


I love it!
I love this so much!

The hypocrisy never ends.

So when Obama signs a law that you don't like..... you instantly revert to.... oh well republicans voted for it in Congress! You can't blame Obama! It was the REPUBLICANS IN CONGRESS!

But today, when I see you talking about Trump and over spending....... and I point out that spending bills originate in the House, and Trump can either veto it and then you blame him for shutting down the government, or sign it and you blame him for over spending.... but what about all the Democrats that control the spending......

You go "Trump is president! He owns it!"

Oh the hypocrisy is endless and delicious! I LOVE IT when you toss yourself under the buss from one thread to the next.

I laugh st you fucking jackasses.

Ever hear of the Patriot Act?

Since the original passage of the Patriot Act, terrorists could be detained without all the rules as others.


That is what the law said that Obama signed Obama also issued an EO about it.

You God damn idiots are dumber than shit.
Dude obama owns the power he gave Trump to detain you.
I suggest you take a chill pill.
No taking a piss I bet you can decide if you have to sit or stand

You never piss while you are taking a shit?
no I piss before

that is weird.

I guess your limited IQ keeps you from multitasking.
No, it's weird to say others are far left than you are when in fact you are a far-leftist. and those you accuse are right wing.

I did not say you were far left, I said you were far left of me. Which is a simple fact.

True right wing people do not support deficit spending

True right wing people do not support government interference in the free market.
You are far left of me

As I said in my very first post, to blame either party is just stupid, it was a joint effort.

and it only took you 230 post to figure it out.

I guess you are not as stupid as I thought.
You want to try that one more time Go_______ you were all about defending obama and all you did was point out Republicans
Some crazy bullshit to blame this one on Obama. This rule was added to the NDAA and without signing it the military did not get funded in the middle of a war.

It passed the House 283 to 136, with 190 Repubs voting for it and only 42 Repubs against. In the Senate it passed 86 to 13 with 6 of each party voting against it. When it was signed it was hailed as a victory by the Repubs.

There is no one part that is responsible for the abomination of a law, it was a joint effort. I would also say you are a naive fool if you think it is not already being used.

As I said in my very first post, to blame either party is just stupid, it was a joint effort.

and it only took you 230 post to figure it out.

I guess you are not as stupid as I thought.
You want to try that one more time Go_______ you were all about defending obama and all you did was point out Republicans
Some crazy bullshit to blame this one on Obama. This rule was added to the NDAA and without signing it the military did not get funded in the middle of a war.

It passed the House 283 to 136, with 190 Repubs voting for it and only 42 Repubs against. In the Senate it passed 86 to 13 with 6 of each party voting against it. When it was signed it was hailed as a victory by the Repubs.

There is no one party that is responsible for the abomination of a law, it was a joint effort. I would also say you are a naive fool if you think it is not already being used.

I guess the term "it was a joint effort" is too complicated for you. No surprise, you seem to have the IQ of a head of cabbage.
Thanks to president obama. So the next time you whiny leftist start your Antifa whine parties you might want to reconsider.
“President Obama's action today is a blight on his legacy because he will forever be known as the president who signed indefinite detention without charge or trial into law,” said Anthony D. Romero, ACLU executive director. “The statute is particularly dangerous because it has no temporal or geographic limitations, and can be used by this and future presidents to militarily detain people captured far from any battlefield. The ACLU will fight worldwide detention authority wherever we can, be it in court, in Congress, or internationally.”
President Obama Signs Indefinite Detention Bill Into Law

Some crazy bullshit to blame this one on Obama. This rule was added to the NDAA and without signing it the military did not get funded in the middle of a war.

It passed the House 283 to 136, with 190 Repubs voting for it and only 42 Repubs against. In the Senate it passed 86 to 13 with 6 of each party voting against it. When it was signed it was hailed as a victory by the Repubs.

There is no one part that is responsible for the abomination of a law, it was a joint effort. I would also say you are a naive fool if you think it is not already being used.

How many gays, atheists, muslims, liberals, feminists and democrats would you lock up?

all of them?

what would happen to all of their property?

We'll put the Muslims and Sharia Law in charge of that. Isn't that what you want? To watch Muslims throw gays and women off of tall buildings?

No worries, God will judge the wicked, the liars, and The Baby Killers on Judgment day. We just have to speak out against the EVIL you do like we do every day.

No one is going to "Lock You Up". But they should. That and take away your twitter account and your right to defend yourself.

If Hillary isn't in jail, no one else is ever going to go to jail again.

No worries, you won't be punished until you are sent straight to Hell.

You have time to repent.
As we can see....I've been right about islam and christianity being two sides of the SAME coin.

a conservative on monday "muslims are evil because they throw gays from rooftops"

a conservative on tuesday "the only good thing muslims ever did was to throw gays from rooftops"

cons = verifiably insane

As I said in my very first post, to blame either party is just stupid, it was a joint effort.

and it only took you 230 post to figure it out.

I guess you are not as stupid as I thought.
You want to try that one more time Go_______ you were all about defending obama and all you did was point out Republicans
Some crazy bullshit to blame this one on Obama. This rule was added to the NDAA and without signing it the military did not get funded in the middle of a war.

It passed the House 283 to 136, with 190 Repubs voting for it and only 42 Repubs against. In the Senate it passed 86 to 13 with 6 of each party voting against it. When it was signed it was hailed as a victory by the Repubs.

There is no one party that is responsible for the abomination of a law, it was a joint effort. I would also say you are a naive fool if you think it is not already being used.

I guess the term "it was a joint effort" is too complicated for you. No surprise, you seem to have the IQ of a head of cabbage.
If that is true I'm still smarter than you
Some crazy bullshit to blame this one on Obama. This rule was added to the NDAA and without signing it the military did not get funded in the middle of a war.

It passed the House 283 to 136, with 190 Repubs voting for it and only 42 Repubs against. In the Senate it passed 86 to 13 with 6 of each party voting against it. When it was signed it was hailed as a victory by the Repubs.

There is no one part that is responsible for the abomination of a law, it was a joint effort. I would also say you are a naive fool if you think it is not already being used.

How many gays, atheists, muslims, liberals, feminists and democrats would you lock up?

all of them?

what would happen to all of their property?

We'll put the Muslims and Sharia Law in charge of that. Isn't that what you want? To watch Muslims throw gays and women off of tall buildings?

No worries, God will judge the wicked, the liars, and The Baby Killers on Judgment day. We just have to speak out against the EVIL you do like we do every day.

No one is going to "Lock You Up". But they should. That and take away your twitter account and your right to defend yourself.

If Hillary isn't in jail, no one else is ever going to go to jail again.

No worries, you won't be punished until you are sent straight to Hell.

You have time to repent.
As we can see....I've been right about islam and christianity being two sides of the SAME coin.

a conservative on monday "muslims are evil because they throw gays from rooftops"

a conservative on tuesday "the only good thing muslims ever did was to throw gays from rooftops"

cons = verifiably insane
It's insane to use your words for somebody else

As I said in my very first post, to blame either party is just stupid, it was a joint effort.

and it only took you 230 post to figure it out.

I guess you are not as stupid as I thought.
You want to try that one more time Go_______ you were all about defending obama and all you did was point out Republicans
Some crazy bullshit to blame this one on Obama. This rule was added to the NDAA and without signing it the military did not get funded in the middle of a war.

It passed the House 283 to 136, with 190 Repubs voting for it and only 42 Repubs against. In the Senate it passed 86 to 13 with 6 of each party voting against it. When it was signed it was hailed as a victory by the Repubs.

There is no one party that is responsible for the abomination of a law, it was a joint effort. I would also say you are a naive fool if you think it is not already being used.

I guess the term "it was a joint effort" is too complicated for you. No surprise, you seem to have the IQ of a head of cabbage.
If that is true I'm still smarter than you

Whatever helps you sleep at night little man.
Thanks to president obama. So the next time you whiny leftist start your Antifa whine parties you might want to reconsider.
“President Obama's action today is a blight on his legacy because he will forever be known as the president who signed indefinite detention without charge or trial into law,” said Anthony D. Romero, ACLU executive director. “The statute is particularly dangerous because it has no temporal or geographic limitations, and can be used by this and future presidents to militarily detain people captured far from any battlefield. The ACLU will fight worldwide detention authority wherever we can, be it in court, in Congress, or internationally.”
President Obama Signs Indefinite Detention Bill Into Law

Some crazy bullshit to blame this one on Obama. This rule was added to the NDAA and without signing it the military did not get funded in the middle of a war.

It passed the House 283 to 136, with 190 Repubs voting for it and only 42 Repubs against. In the Senate it passed 86 to 13 with 6 of each party voting against it. When it was signed it was hailed as a victory by the Repubs.

There is no one part that is responsible for the abomination of a law, it was a joint effort. I would also say you are a naive fool if you think it is not already being used.

Dude the power was there before Obama got elected & then it was renewed veto proof. I would suspect that even a dumbass like you can figure it out.


I love it!
I love this so much!

The hypocrisy never ends.

So when Obama signs a law that you don't like..... you instantly revert to.... oh well republicans voted for it in Congress! You can't blame Obama! It was the REPUBLICANS IN CONGRESS!

But today, when I see you talking about Trump and over spending....... and I point out that spending bills originate in the House, and Trump can either veto it and then you blame him for shutting down the government, or sign it and you blame him for over spending.... but what about all the Democrats that control the spending......

You go "Trump is president! He owns it!"

Oh the hypocrisy is endless and delicious! I LOVE IT when you toss yourself under the buss from one thread to the next.

I laugh st you fucking jackasses.

Ever hear of the Patriot Act?

Since the original passage of the Patriot Act, terrorists could be detained without all the rules as others.


That is what the law said that Obama signed Obama also issued an EO about it.

You God damn idiots are dumber than shit.
Dude obama owns the power he gave Trump to detain you.
I suggest you take a chill pill.

As I said in my very first post, to blame either party is just stupid, it was a joint effort.

and it only took you 230 post to figure it out.

I guess you are not as stupid as I thought.
You want to try that one more time Go_______ you were all about defending obama and all you did was point out Republicans
Some crazy bullshit to blame this one on Obama. This rule was added to the NDAA and without signing it the military did not get funded in the middle of a war.

It passed the House 283 to 136, with 190 Repubs voting for it and only 42 Repubs against. In the Senate it passed 86 to 13 with 6 of each party voting against it. When it was signed it was hailed as a victory by the Repubs.

There is no one party that is responsible for the abomination of a law, it was a joint effort. I would also say you are a naive fool if you think it is not already being used.

I guess the term "it was a joint effort" is too complicated for you. No surprise, you seem to have the IQ of a head of cabbage.
If that is true I'm still smarter than you

Whatever helps you sleep at night little man.
as long as President Trump is President I'm not going to be the one on a watch list you tardes on the left will be
As I said in my very first post, to blame either party is just stupid, it was a joint effort.

and it only took you 230 post to figure it out.

I guess you are not as stupid as I thought.
You want to try that one more time Go_______ you were all about defending obama and all you did was point out Republicans
Some crazy bullshit to blame this one on Obama. This rule was added to the NDAA and without signing it the military did not get funded in the middle of a war.

It passed the House 283 to 136, with 190 Repubs voting for it and only 42 Repubs against. In the Senate it passed 86 to 13 with 6 of each party voting against it. When it was signed it was hailed as a victory by the Repubs.

There is no one party that is responsible for the abomination of a law, it was a joint effort. I would also say you are a naive fool if you think it is not already being used.

I guess the term "it was a joint effort" is too complicated for you. No surprise, you seem to have the IQ of a head of cabbage.
If that is true I'm still smarter than you

Whatever helps you sleep at night little man.
as long as President Trump is President I'm not going to be the one on a watch list you tardes on the left will be

Does that seem like a good way for government to work?
As I said in my very first post, to blame either party is just stupid, it was a joint effort.

and it only took you 230 post to figure it out.

I guess you are not as stupid as I thought.
You want to try that one more time Go_______ you were all about defending obama and all you did was point out Republicans
Some crazy bullshit to blame this one on Obama. This rule was added to the NDAA and without signing it the military did not get funded in the middle of a war.

It passed the House 283 to 136, with 190 Repubs voting for it and only 42 Repubs against. In the Senate it passed 86 to 13 with 6 of each party voting against it. When it was signed it was hailed as a victory by the Repubs.

There is no one party that is responsible for the abomination of a law, it was a joint effort. I would also say you are a naive fool if you think it is not already being used.

I guess the term "it was a joint effort" is too complicated for you. No surprise, you seem to have the IQ of a head of cabbage.
If that is true I'm still smarter than you

Whatever helps you sleep at night little man.
as long as President Trump is President I'm not going to be the one on a watch list you tardes on the left will be

As much as you want disagreeing with the president to be illegal, it is not.
Perhaps you would be happier in Russia, their system of governing seems more your style

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