Trump can start detaining people without applying any charges.

Still don't get what this thread is trying to say. Near as I can tell, Trumpsters only oppose intrusive state power when Democrats are in power. Otherwise, they love it.
If you don't comprehend this thread you are 20 sheets into stupid and should leave it.
Well there's no point in asking you. You been deliberately evasive all along. What are you so ashamed of? Is it that hard to admit you agree with Obama?
Dumb ass lay off the crack
Because of obama Trump has the authority to detain anyone of the resistance you anti trumpers
WOW you write like a leftist. to be pro whatever does not mean you worship it. Leftists always confuse support for, with the worship of.

I did not say that being pro whatever means you worship it. But you are far beyond "pro-Trump", you cannot see anything bad about him, you cannot even imagine that he is not perfect in all ways. Have you ever posted a negative thing about him on this forum?
Another leftist trait
You most assuredly did accuse Trump supporters of worshiping Trump. NEXT

Dude you are the example of leftism

poor little Trump worshiper is too ignorant to know they are left of me.
There you go keep that leftist view showing
Still don't get what this thread is trying to say. Near as I can tell, Trumpsters only oppose intrusive state power when Democrats are in power. Otherwise, they love it.
If you don't comprehend this thread you are 20 sheets into stupid and should leave it.
Well there's no point in asking you. You been deliberately evasive all along. What are you so ashamed of? Is it that hard to admit you agree with Obama?

the little Trump worshiper has backed himself into a corner. If he puts all the blame on Obama for this law that means he has to put all the blame for the 2 trillion plus we have added to the deficit on Trump...and if he does that and still is "pro-Trump" he is now a lefty for supporting deficit spending in a booming economy.
Yep, folks, we have a leftist identity crisis this one doesn't realize he's a leftist. Wonder if he's has a hard time deciding if he needs to pee standing up or sitting down. lol
Still don't get what this thread is trying to say. Near as I can tell, Trumpsters only oppose intrusive state power when Democrats are in power. Otherwise, they love it.
If you don't comprehend this thread you are 20 sheets into stupid and should leave it.
Well there's no point in asking you. You been deliberately evasive all along. What are you so ashamed of? Is it that hard to admit you agree with Obama?
Dumb ass lay off the crack
Because of obama Trump has the authority to detain anyone of the resistance you anti trumpers
Yep. Obama was wrong. The law should be repealed. But it won't be because Republicans agree with Obama. They think it's a good law. Turns out they like unlimited power just as much as Democrats.
Still don't get what this thread is trying to say. Near as I can tell, Trumpsters only oppose intrusive state power when Democrats are in power. Otherwise, they love it.
If you don't comprehend this thread you are 20 sheets into stupid and should leave it.
Well there's no point in asking you. You been deliberately evasive all along. What are you so ashamed of? Is it that hard to admit you agree with Obama?
Dumb ass lay off the crack
Because of obama Trump has the authority to detain anyone of the resistance you anti trumpers
Yep. Obama was wrong. The law should be repealed. But it won't be because Republicans agree with Obama. They think it's a good law. Turns out they like unlimited power just as much as Democrats.
Nope keep it so the resistance/ antifa democrat militants can be arrested
Here's a little FYI a lot of Democrats supported it also.
Yep, folks, we have a leftist identity crisis this one doesn't realize he's a leftist. Wonder if he's has a hard time deciding if he needs to pee standing up or sitting down. lol

depends on if I am taking a dump at the same time.
Yep, folks, we have a leftist identity crisis this one doesn't realize he's a leftist. Wonder if he's has a hard time deciding if he needs to pee standing up or sitting down. lol

depends on if I am taking a dump at the same time.
No taking a piss I bet you can decide if you have to sit or stand

You never piss while you are taking a shit?
no I piss before
Yep, folks, we have a leftist identity crisis this one doesn't realize he's a leftist. Wonder if he's has a hard time deciding if he needs to pee standing up or sitting down. lol

depends on if I am taking a dump at the same time.
No taking a piss I bet you can decide if you have to sit or stand

You never piss while you are taking a shit?
no I piss before

that is weird.

I guess your limited IQ keeps you from multitasking.
Yep, folks, we have a leftist identity crisis this one doesn't realize he's a leftist. Wonder if he's has a hard time deciding if he needs to pee standing up or sitting down. lol

depends on if I am taking a dump at the same time.
No taking a piss I bet you can decide if you have to sit or stand

You never piss while you are taking a shit?
no I piss before

that is weird.

I guess your limited IQ keeps you from multitasking.
No, it's weird to say others are far left than you are when in fact you are a far-leftist. and those you accuse are right wing.
depends on if I am taking a dump at the same time.
No taking a piss I bet you can decide if you have to sit or stand

You never piss while you are taking a shit?
no I piss before

that is weird.

I guess your limited IQ keeps you from multitasking.
No, it's weird to say others are far left than you are when in fact you are a far-leftist. and those you accuse are right wing.

I did not say you were far left, I said you were far left of me. Which is a simple fact.

True right wing people do not support deficit spending

True right wing people do not support government interference in the free market.

As I said in my very first post, to blame either party is just stupid, it was a joint effort.

and it only took you 230 post to figure it out.

I guess you are not as stupid as I thought.
Thanks to president obama. So the next time you whiny leftist start your Antifa whine parties you might want to reconsider.
“President Obama's action today is a blight on his legacy because he will forever be known as the president who signed indefinite detention without charge or trial into law,” said Anthony D. Romero, ACLU executive director. “The statute is particularly dangerous because it has no temporal or geographic limitations, and can be used by this and future presidents to militarily detain people captured far from any battlefield. The ACLU will fight worldwide detention authority wherever we can, be it in court, in Congress, or internationally.”
President Obama Signs Indefinite Detention Bill Into Law

Some crazy bullshit to blame this one on Obama. This rule was added to the NDAA and without signing it the military did not get funded in the middle of a war.

It passed the House 283 to 136, with 190 Repubs voting for it and only 42 Repubs against. In the Senate it passed 86 to 13 with 6 of each party voting against it. When it was signed it was hailed as a victory by the Repubs.

There is no one part that is responsible for the abomination of a law, it was a joint effort. I would also say you are a naive fool if you think it is not already being used.


I love it!
I love this so much!

The hypocrisy never ends.

So when Obama signs a law that you don't like..... you instantly revert to.... oh well republicans voted for it in Congress! You can't blame Obama! It was the REPUBLICANS IN CONGRESS!

But today, when I see you talking about Trump and over spending....... and I point out that spending bills originate in the House, and Trump can either veto it and then you blame him for shutting down the government, or sign it and you blame him for over spending.... but what about all the Democrats that control the spending......

You go "Trump is president! He owns it!"

Oh the hypocrisy is endless and delicious! I LOVE IT when you toss yourself under the buss from one thread to the next.

I laugh st you fucking jackasses.

Ever hear of the Patriot Act?

Since the original passage of the Patriot Act, terrorists could be detained without all the rules as others.


That is what the law said that Obama signed Obama also issued an EO about it.

You God damn idiots are dumber than shit.
Still don't get what this thread is trying to say. Near as I can tell, Trumpsters only oppose intrusive state power when Democrats are in power. Otherwise, they love it.
If you don't comprehend this thread you are 20 sheets into stupid and should leave it.
Well there's no point in asking you. You been deliberately evasive all along. What are you so ashamed of? Is it that hard to admit you agree with Obama?
Dumb ass lay off the crack
Because of obama Trump has the authority to detain anyone of the resistance you anti trumpers
Yep. Obama was wrong. The law should be repealed. But it won't be because Republicans agree with Obama. They think it's a good law. Turns out they like unlimited power just as much as Democrats.
Nope keep it so the resistance/ antifa democrat militants can be arrested
Here's a little FYI a lot of Democrats supported it also.

Authoritarian government cuts across party lines, no doubt. But it does seem one issue where Trump Republicans agree with Obama Democrats.
Thanks to president obama. So the next time you whiny leftist start your Antifa whine parties you might want to reconsider.
“President Obama's action today is a blight on his legacy because he will forever be known as the president who signed indefinite detention without charge or trial into law,” said Anthony D. Romero, ACLU executive director. “The statute is particularly dangerous because it has no temporal or geographic limitations, and can be used by this and future presidents to militarily detain people captured far from any battlefield. The ACLU will fight worldwide detention authority wherever we can, be it in court, in Congress, or internationally.”
President Obama Signs Indefinite Detention Bill Into Law

Some crazy bullshit to blame this one on Obama. This rule was added to the NDAA and without signing it the military did not get funded in the middle of a war.

It passed the House 283 to 136, with 190 Repubs voting for it and only 42 Repubs against. In the Senate it passed 86 to 13 with 6 of each party voting against it. When it was signed it was hailed as a victory by the Repubs.

There is no one part that is responsible for the abomination of a law, it was a joint effort. I would also say you are a naive fool if you think it is not already being used.
Now here is the Russian troll input.
Thanks to president obama. So the next time you whiny leftist start your Antifa whine parties you might want to reconsider.
“President Obama's action today is a blight on his legacy because he will forever be known as the president who signed indefinite detention without charge or trial into law,” said Anthony D. Romero, ACLU executive director. “The statute is particularly dangerous because it has no temporal or geographic limitations, and can be used by this and future presidents to militarily detain people captured far from any battlefield. The ACLU will fight worldwide detention authority wherever we can, be it in court, in Congress, or internationally.”
President Obama Signs Indefinite Detention Bill Into Law

Some crazy bullshit to blame this one on Obama. This rule was added to the NDAA and without signing it the military did not get funded in the middle of a war.

It passed the House 283 to 136, with 190 Repubs voting for it and only 42 Repubs against. In the Senate it passed 86 to 13 with 6 of each party voting against it. When it was signed it was hailed as a victory by the Repubs.

There is no one part that is responsible for the abomination of a law, it was a joint effort. I would also say you are a naive fool if you think it is not already being used.

How many gays, atheists, muslims, liberals, feminists and democrats would you lock up?

all of them?

what would happen to all of their property?

We'll put the Muslims and Sharia Law in charge of that. Isn't that what you want? To watch Muslims throw gays and women off of tall buildings?

No worries, God will judge the wicked, the liars, and The Baby Killers on Judgment day. We just have to speak out against the EVIL you do like we do every day.

No one is going to "Lock You Up". But they should. That and take away your twitter account and your right to defend yourself.

If Hillary isn't in jail, no one else is ever going to go to jail again.

No worries, you won't be punished until you are sent straight to Hell.

You have time to repent.
As we can see....I've been right about islam and christianity being two sides of the SAME coin.
Thanks to president obama. So the next time you whiny leftist start your Antifa whine parties you might want to reconsider.
“President Obama's action today is a blight on his legacy because he will forever be known as the president who signed indefinite detention without charge or trial into law,” said Anthony D. Romero, ACLU executive director. “The statute is particularly dangerous because it has no temporal or geographic limitations, and can be used by this and future presidents to militarily detain people captured far from any battlefield. The ACLU will fight worldwide detention authority wherever we can, be it in court, in Congress, or internationally.”
President Obama Signs Indefinite Detention Bill Into Law

Some crazy bullshit to blame this one on Obama. This rule was added to the NDAA and without signing it the military did not get funded in the middle of a war.

It passed the House 283 to 136, with 190 Repubs voting for it and only 42 Repubs against. In the Senate it passed 86 to 13 with 6 of each party voting against it. When it was signed it was hailed as a victory by the Repubs.

There is no one part that is responsible for the abomination of a law, it was a joint effort. I would also say you are a naive fool if you think it is not already being used.

How many gays, atheists, muslims, liberals, feminists and democrats would you lock up?

all of them?

what would happen to all of their property?

None of that matters to old Trumpybear. As long as they're willing to swear fealty to the King, kiss the ring, and promise not to mention his wardrobe, which as we all know, is the finest in the land.
Face it. Y'all just mad because Trump took Barbecue Baby off of your menu. You people are sadistic butchers, murderers and liars.

Planned Parenthood: 50 Million Served!

Pretty funny....I guess you Russians didn't get the word that that woman was a Larouche supporter......The Larouche group are trump supporters and have been.

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