Trump can start detaining people without applying any charges.

The true corruption is unknown because the media is not doing it's job.

only if you are stupid enough to rely on the media, be it the left or the right leaning media.

clearly, you are that stupid.
yet you have no problem getting behind any mainstream media source attacking Trump
You can't attack the president and claim to be anything but a leftist.

I’ve gone round and round with Golfing Gator on’s actually quite bizarre. He swears he’s not a Leftist...I honestly believe the dude could pass a polygraph test, he vehemently believes himself when he says that...BUT, his typing fingers are some of the most Leftist on this entire forum...Literally everything his fingers type is Leftist as all hell...His not-so Leftist mind really needs to communicate better with his extremely Leftist fingers. Weird shit.
I've seen the type before. some call themselves pro-trump but have no problem attacking Trump supporters.

Why would anyone be "pro-Trump"...why do you choose to worship another human being?

I give Trump credit when earned and criticism when earned.
There you go showing your leftism
To be pro-trump does not mean you worship him.
You are truly ignorant.
not surprised that big government statist like you thinks that criticizing the president should be illegal.
Irony is you defend those big government statist

Name one that I have defended
Anyone opposed to Trump

liar. I have defended nobody. that is why you cannot give a single example
So you're pro trump ok

Fuck no I am not pro-Trump. Why would I be pro big government, pro deficit spending and pro interference in the free market?
only if you are stupid enough to rely on the media, be it the left or the right leaning media.

clearly, you are that stupid.
yet you have no problem getting behind any mainstream media source attacking Trump
You can't attack the president and claim to be anything but a leftist.

I’ve gone round and round with Golfing Gator on’s actually quite bizarre. He swears he’s not a Leftist...I honestly believe the dude could pass a polygraph test, he vehemently believes himself when he says that...BUT, his typing fingers are some of the most Leftist on this entire forum...Literally everything his fingers type is Leftist as all hell...His not-so Leftist mind really needs to communicate better with his extremely Leftist fingers. Weird shit.
I've seen the type before. some call themselves pro-trump but have no problem attacking Trump supporters.

Why would anyone be "pro-Trump"...why do you choose to worship another human being?

I give Trump credit when earned and criticism when earned.
There you go showing your leftism
To be pro-trump does not mean you worship him.
You are truly ignorant.

But you do worship him, why is that?
Irony is you defend those big government statist

Name one that I have defended
Anyone opposed to Trump

liar. I have defended nobody. that is why you cannot give a single example
So you're pro trump ok

Fuck no I am not pro-Trump. Why would I be pro big government, pro deficit spending and pro interference in the free market?
Leftist look in the mirror and know thyself. Using all the pro anti trump leftist talking points.
Thanks to president obama. So the next time you whiny leftist start your Antifa whine parties you might want to reconsider.
“President Obama's action today is a blight on his legacy because he will forever be known as the president who signed indefinite detention without charge or trial into law,” said Anthony D. Romero, ACLU executive director. “The statute is particularly dangerous because it has no temporal or geographic limitations, and can be used by this and future presidents to militarily detain people captured far from any battlefield. The ACLU will fight worldwide detention authority wherever we can, be it in court, in Congress, or internationally.”
President Obama Signs Indefinite Detention Bill Into Law

Some crazy bullshit to blame this one on Obama. This rule was added to the NDAA and without signing it the military did not get funded in the middle of a war.

It passed the House 283 to 136, with 190 Repubs voting for it and only 42 Repubs against. In the Senate it passed 86 to 13 with 6 of each party voting against it. When it was signed it was hailed as a victory by the Repubs.

There is no one part that is responsible for the abomination of a law, it was a joint effort. I would also say you are a naive fool if you think it is not already being used.

And look who the supposed libertarian is defending.......

I am defending nobody, I am defending the truth and honesty.

you know, those two things that you hate so very much
What you're doing is blaming Trump and republicans for the power obama gave Trump.
A law that was passed veto proof?

Again, for the mentally challenged, he would have to say those people were terrorists.

Are you saying Trump is so pathetic that he would lie.

You are so fucking stupid, you forget that Bush & Obama had this power since after 9-11, right?
Name one that I have defended
Anyone opposed to Trump

liar. I have defended nobody. that is why you cannot give a single example
So you're pro trump ok

Fuck no I am not pro-Trump. Why would I be pro big government, pro deficit spending and pro interference in the free market?
Leftist look in the mirror and know thyself. Using all the pro anti trump leftist talking points.

I stated the reason I am not pro-Trump, I am against all those things that he does.

The fact that you support them all makes you miles to the left of me.
yet you have no problem getting behind any mainstream media source attacking Trump
You can't attack the president and claim to be anything but a leftist.

I’ve gone round and round with Golfing Gator on’s actually quite bizarre. He swears he’s not a Leftist...I honestly believe the dude could pass a polygraph test, he vehemently believes himself when he says that...BUT, his typing fingers are some of the most Leftist on this entire forum...Literally everything his fingers type is Leftist as all hell...His not-so Leftist mind really needs to communicate better with his extremely Leftist fingers. Weird shit.
I've seen the type before. some call themselves pro-trump but have no problem attacking Trump supporters.

Why would anyone be "pro-Trump"...why do you choose to worship another human being?

I give Trump credit when earned and criticism when earned.
There you go showing your leftism
To be pro-trump does not mean you worship him.
You are truly ignorant.

But you do worship him, why is that?
Another leftist response attempting to melt because you don't like the response.
I've told you leftist retard once you don't have to worship the president to be pro-trump.
Don't even claim you are not a leftist
Thanks to president obama. So the next time you whiny leftist start your Antifa whine parties you might want to reconsider.
“President Obama's action today is a blight on his legacy because he will forever be known as the president who signed indefinite detention without charge or trial into law,” said Anthony D. Romero, ACLU executive director. “The statute is particularly dangerous because it has no temporal or geographic limitations, and can be used by this and future presidents to militarily detain people captured far from any battlefield. The ACLU will fight worldwide detention authority wherever we can, be it in court, in Congress, or internationally.”
President Obama Signs Indefinite Detention Bill Into Law

Some crazy bullshit to blame this one on Obama. This rule was added to the NDAA and without signing it the military did not get funded in the middle of a war.

It passed the House 283 to 136, with 190 Repubs voting for it and only 42 Repubs against. In the Senate it passed 86 to 13 with 6 of each party voting against it. When it was signed it was hailed as a victory by the Repubs.

There is no one part that is responsible for the abomination of a law, it was a joint effort. I would also say you are a naive fool if you think it is not already being used.

And look who the supposed libertarian is defending.......

I am defending nobody, I am defending the truth and honesty.

you know, those two things that you hate so very much
What you're doing is blaming Trump and republicans for the power obama gave Trump.
A law that was passed veto proof?

Again, for the mentally challenged, he would have to say those people were terrorists.

Are you saying Trump is so pathetic that he would lie.

You are so fucking stupid, you forget that Bush & Obama had this power since after 9-11, right?

Bush never had it, this did not come into law till 2012
I’ve gone round and round with Golfing Gator on’s actually quite bizarre. He swears he’s not a Leftist...I honestly believe the dude could pass a polygraph test, he vehemently believes himself when he says that...BUT, his typing fingers are some of the most Leftist on this entire forum...Literally everything his fingers type is Leftist as all hell...His not-so Leftist mind really needs to communicate better with his extremely Leftist fingers. Weird shit.
I've seen the type before. some call themselves pro-trump but have no problem attacking Trump supporters.

Why would anyone be "pro-Trump"...why do you choose to worship another human being?

I give Trump credit when earned and criticism when earned.
There you go showing your leftism
To be pro-trump does not mean you worship him.
You are truly ignorant.

But you do worship him, why is that?
Another leftist response attempting to melt because you don't like the response.
I've told you leftist retard once you don't have to worship the president to be pro-trump.
Don't even claim you are not a leftist

you are miles to the left of me for supporting leftist Trump
Thanks to president obama. So the next time you whiny leftist start your Antifa whine parties you might want to reconsider.
“President Obama's action today is a blight on his legacy because he will forever be known as the president who signed indefinite detention without charge or trial into law,” said Anthony D. Romero, ACLU executive director. “The statute is particularly dangerous because it has no temporal or geographic limitations, and can be used by this and future presidents to militarily detain people captured far from any battlefield. The ACLU will fight worldwide detention authority wherever we can, be it in court, in Congress, or internationally.”
President Obama Signs Indefinite Detention Bill Into Law

Some crazy bullshit to blame this one on Obama. This rule was added to the NDAA and without signing it the military did not get funded in the middle of a war.

It passed the House 283 to 136, with 190 Repubs voting for it and only 42 Repubs against. In the Senate it passed 86 to 13 with 6 of each party voting against it. When it was signed it was hailed as a victory by the Repubs.

There is no one part that is responsible for the abomination of a law, it was a joint effort. I would also say you are a naive fool if you think it is not already being used.

And look who the supposed libertarian is defending.......

I am defending nobody, I am defending the truth and honesty.

you know, those two things that you hate so very much
What you're doing is blaming Trump and republicans for the power obama gave Trump.
A law that was passed veto proof?

Again, for the mentally challenged, he would have to say those people were terrorists.

Are you saying Trump is so pathetic that he would lie.

You are so fucking stupid, you forget that Bush & Obama had this power since after 9-11, right?
The resistance has acted like terrorist how about coming up to speed.
I've seen the type before. some call themselves pro-trump but have no problem attacking Trump supporters.

Why would anyone be "pro-Trump"...why do you choose to worship another human being?

I give Trump credit when earned and criticism when earned.
There you go showing your leftism
To be pro-trump does not mean you worship him.
You are truly ignorant.

But you do worship him, why is that?
Another leftist response attempting to melt because you don't like the response.
I've told you leftist retard once you don't have to worship the president to be pro-trump.
Don't even claim you are not a leftist

you are miles to the left of me for supporting leftist Trump
Never son you have shown yourself to be a leftard
Why would anyone be "pro-Trump"...why do you choose to worship another human being?

I give Trump credit when earned and criticism when earned.
There you go showing your leftism
To be pro-trump does not mean you worship him.
You are truly ignorant.

But you do worship him, why is that?
Another leftist response attempting to melt because you don't like the response.
I've told you leftist retard once you don't have to worship the president to be pro-trump.
Don't even claim you are not a leftist

you are miles to the left of me for supporting leftist Trump
Never son you have shown yourself to be a leftard

you are the one that is pro-deficit spending and pro-interference in the free market...not me little man.
Anyone opposed to Trump

liar. I have defended nobody. that is why you cannot give a single example
So you're pro trump ok

Fuck no I am not pro-Trump. Why would I be pro big government, pro deficit spending and pro interference in the free market?
Leftist look in the mirror and know thyself. Using all the pro anti trump leftist talking points.

I stated the reason I am not pro-Trump, I am against all those things that he does.

The fact that you support them all makes you miles to the left of me.
You're against border security?
Against keeping people out that will do harm to America?
Anti working America?
Anti bringing jobs back to America?
There you go showing your leftism
To be pro-trump does not mean you worship him.
You are truly ignorant.

But you do worship him, why is that?
Another leftist response attempting to melt because you don't like the response.
I've told you leftist retard once you don't have to worship the president to be pro-trump.
Don't even claim you are not a leftist

you are miles to the left of me for supporting leftist Trump
Never son you have shown yourself to be a leftard

you are the one that is pro-deficit spending and pro-interference in the free market...not me little man.
little man, you need to take a look into a mirror and question why do people call you a leftist.
I’ve gone round and round with Golfing Gator on’s actually quite bizarre. He swears he’s not a Leftist...I honestly believe the dude could pass a polygraph test, he vehemently believes himself when he says that...BUT, his typing fingers are some of the most Leftist on this entire forum...Literally everything his fingers type is Leftist as all hell...His not-so Leftist mind really needs to communicate better with his extremely Leftist fingers. Weird shit.

and yet almost 2 years in you cannot provide a single example of me doing so...that is the really weird part

Haha..,every single one of your posts are an example.
You’re quite clever in how you say what you say...but you don’t fool anyone sane. Literally everything you post has a firm anti-Right tone to it...EVERYTHING!

Thank you for proving my point!

you are too easy!

I know this will be too much for your brain to compute..but being anti-right does not make me a leftist.

You missed the other part...”you are clever in how you say what you say”.
I’ve told you many times, there are a number of you Lefties on this forum whom are intelligent enough to know that you should be ashamed of your Leftist do a phenomenal job toeing the line and concealing your LefTard-ism. Fuck, I commend you for having the sense to do so.

Yes, you do indeed like to say that about me. The problem is that you are a fucking moron and not near as smart as you think. You look at me and see someone that is not a racist and does not worship Trump and those two things makes me your enemy.

Enemy? Nah...we’ve done this many times before...we’re just believe that one must be a racist if he/she develops stereotypes based on statistics and probabilities...I don’t, I call he/she fucking smart.
You believe one should always vote for Mickey Mouse...I believe one should vote for one of two parties with a chance to win, I say vote for the one you hate the least.
You’re just not very courageous and you’re quite weird but you’re still not my enemy.
Thanks to president obama. So the next time you whiny leftist start your Antifa whine parties you might want to reconsider.
“President Obama's action today is a blight on his legacy because he will forever be known as the president who signed indefinite detention without charge or trial into law,” said Anthony D. Romero, ACLU executive director. “The statute is particularly dangerous because it has no temporal or geographic limitations, and can be used by this and future presidents to militarily detain people captured far from any battlefield. The ACLU will fight worldwide detention authority wherever we can, be it in court, in Congress, or internationally.”
President Obama Signs Indefinite Detention Bill Into Law

Some crazy bullshit to blame this one on Obama. This rule was added to the NDAA and without signing it the military did not get funded in the middle of a war.

It passed the House 283 to 136, with 190 Repubs voting for it and only 42 Repubs against. In the Senate it passed 86 to 13 with 6 of each party voting against it. When it was signed it was hailed as a victory by the Repubs.

There is no one part that is responsible for the abomination of a law, it was a joint effort. I would also say you are a naive fool if you think it is not already being used.


I love it!
I love this so much!

The hypocrisy never ends.

So when Obama signs a law that you don't like..... you instantly revert to.... oh well republicans voted for it in Congress! You can't blame Obama! It was the REPUBLICANS IN CONGRESS!

But today, when I see you talking about Trump and over spending....... and I point out that spending bills originate in the House, and Trump can either veto it and then you blame him for shutting down the government, or sign it and you blame him for over spending.... but what about all the Democrats that control the spending......

You go "Trump is president! He owns it!"

Oh the hypocrisy is endless and delicious! I LOVE IT when you toss yourself under the buss from one thread to the next.
But you do worship him, why is that?
Another leftist response attempting to melt because you don't like the response.
I've told you leftist retard once you don't have to worship the president to be pro-trump.
Don't even claim you are not a leftist

you are miles to the left of me for supporting leftist Trump
Never son you have shown yourself to be a leftard

you are the one that is pro-deficit spending and pro-interference in the free market...not me little man.
little man, you need to take a look into a mirror and question why do people call you a leftist.

Yeah, for real.
He's told me he's not a left-winger too, and honestly, Nancy Pelosi herself couldn't write a more DNC talking point memo and call it a forum post, than this guy.
liar. I have defended nobody. that is why you cannot give a single example
So you're pro trump ok

Fuck no I am not pro-Trump. Why would I be pro big government, pro deficit spending and pro interference in the free market?
Leftist look in the mirror and know thyself. Using all the pro anti trump leftist talking points.

I stated the reason I am not pro-Trump, I am against all those things that he does.

The fact that you support them all makes you miles to the left of me.
You're against border security?
Against keeping people out that will do harm to America?
Anti working America?
Anti bringing jobs back to America?

That’s another issue he takes a bizarre position on... Golfing Gator hates illegal immigration but he loves illegal immigrants....He wants to secure the border but he doesn’t dare want to seek illegals out within our borders. He wants to wait until they rape and kill first...then he wants to tie them up in our judicial system for years on the taxpayer dime... He’s super weird and super nutless on this matter.

I love it!
I love this so much!

The hypocrisy never ends.

So when Obama signs a law that you don't like..... you instantly revert to.... oh well republicans voted for it in Congress! You can't blame Obama! It was the REPUBLICANS IN CONGRESS!

But today, when I see you talking about Trump and over spending....... and I point out that spending bills originate in the House, and Trump can either veto it and then you blame him for shutting down the government, or sign it and you blame him for over spending.... but what about all the Democrats that control the spending......

You go "Trump is president! He owns it!"

Oh the hypocrisy is endless and delicious! I LOVE IT when you toss yourself under the buss from one thread to the next.

It is like there is a contest in this thread to see which of your Trump worshipers can have the stupidest post, and so far you are still losing

I did not say you could not blame Obama, I said you cannot blame him alone, that it was both parties.
So you're pro trump ok

Fuck no I am not pro-Trump. Why would I be pro big government, pro deficit spending and pro interference in the free market?
Leftist look in the mirror and know thyself. Using all the pro anti trump leftist talking points.

I stated the reason I am not pro-Trump, I am against all those things that he does.

The fact that you support them all makes you miles to the left of me.
You're against border security?
Against keeping people out that will do harm to America?
Anti working America?
Anti bringing jobs back to America?

That’s another issue he takes a bizarre position on... Golfing Gator hates illegal immigration but he loves illegal immigrants....He wants to secure the border but he doesn’t dare want to seek illegals out within our borders. He wants to wait until they rape and kill first...then he wants to tie them up in our judicial system for years on the taxpayer dime... He’s super weird and super nutless on this matter.

This is when I can walk away knowing that I won, when you start to make up shit that i have never even come close to posting.

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