Trump can use the Secure Fence Act of 2006

A few republicans said months ago the funds were already there. Nobody talked about it though.
It still feels good just to type it....

Hitlery lost....


I'm optimistic Trump will get something done about the border.

It still feels good just to type it....

Hitlery lost....


I'm optimistic Trump will get something done about the border.

Wasn't I about a week or so ago you had USMB RW'ers swearing up and down that conservatives never compared Hillary Clinton to Hitler?
Since more Mexicans leave than arrive, the fence would be keeping them in.

Brilliant plan, I must say.
Secure Fence Act of 2006 - Wikipedia

This law was passed by BIPARTISAN support, it provides a budget and mandates the building of a wall along the Southern border.

Trump won't need an executive order. He can just apply this law.

Start building amigo!

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How about this, we spent the billions necessary to connect the Rio Grande and the Tijuana River, widen both and have them connected by a series of canals with locks. A joint effort by Mexico and the United States, providing employment for tens of thousands of skilled workers and creating an alternative to the canal in Panama; using solar generated electricity in the building and operation of such an undertaking.

Hell, we won't have to worry about Indian Attacks, yellow fever and malaria as workers faced in building the first transcontinental RR and the Panama canal, and the back breaking task necessary to build canals in the US in the 19th century replaced by giant earth movers.
Secure Fence Act of 2006 - Wikipedia

This law was passed by BIPARTISAN support, it provides a budget and mandates the building of a wall along the Southern border.

Trump won't need an executive order. He can just apply this law.

Start building amigo!

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Umm, while I would like to agree with you, your premise is off a little bit. (don't shoot me, I am just the messenger)

The law you cite is accurate, and in force. Problem is, congress allocated the money for at some of the project, then they switched and transferred it to something else. (congress is good at that as we all know) So now, the fence needs money appropriated to it again, which is going to be a political football that has to be solved quickly.

The Democrats are going to say-------> (and hey...again........I am just telling you what they will say, not taking their position) Trump said that the wall would be paid for by Mexico, and it is not. This wall is going to cost (put in how ever big an exaggeration you think the left can get away with) and we can't afford it right now. Wait till next year, which keeps the borders open to almost midterms.

Now let me say this to my conservative fellows on here--------> Politics suck, they really, really, do! Far leftists have to stop Trump from changing anything, because keeping everything status quo almost insures they get put back in power!


You a voter? (of course you are or you would not be so passionate, lol) Well, if it makes no difference if a Repub or Democrat is in office on how the economy goes, then why not have the party in that gives free stuff!

So now, let us see how close I can get to a Democrat, future, talking point.....and feel free to bring this post back!

We have seen with the election of Trump what the stockmarket has done.....yes......much to the chagrin of the leftists, I might add. So now, let us have the Democrats attempt delaying tactics, and the stock market realize that Trump may not get his way......and so.....the market falls back. What will the NEW Democratic, narrative be! How about------>the stock market rose because Obama was still in control for the next 2 months, and after he left office, the stock market collapsed.

You and I know, this is liberal fantasy, at its highest propaganda level, and yet people who do not follow politics, will buy this, hook, line, and sinker.......and your leftist adversaries on here will repeat the narrative on this site, over, and over, and over again!

How do we know this?

Because the leftists are as predictable as your dog having to go out and take a dump! They can tell the truth, but since virtually 2/3rds of the truth would play against them, they choose to forgo the 1/3rd they are solid with, and just lie about everything-)
nah, we were comparing nycarbineer to hitler

I wouldn't disparage Hitler by comparing him to someone as stupid as NYCrackhead.

I have no problem comparing hitler and hitlary. They are both criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths who promote a massive collectivist state. Hitlary isn't the vocal antisemitic asshole adolph was, but there is little doubt she is just as consumed with hatred.

Look at her mindless little minions like NYCrackhead, guano and asslips, who hold the entire white US outside of the NE and commiefornia in utter contempt. They make blanket accusations, and are retarded enough to insist everyone else is a bigot except libturds like them.

As reprehensible as hitler and Hitlery are, the mindless parasites that cling to cults of personaility around such sociopaths are a malignancy.


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