Trump/Carson need to organize their own debate. NEXT debate sponsored by establishment pig

Senior Ben Carson Adviser on Red State Snub This Smear and Outright Lie Will Not Stand

GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson’s long-time business manager and friend told Breitbart News that Erick Erickson lied about his reasoning for not inviting Carson to the RedState event in Atlanta over the weekend.

RedState is a wholly owned subsidiary of Salem Communications, although overseen by Erickson—who is a Fox News Contributor. Salem Communications radio host Hugh Hewitt will be co-hosting the next GOP primary debate in California at the Reagan Library.
Trump needs to bypass the normal nomination process and do it his way.

He already is.

Ya gotta feel a little sorry for Carson. He really showed he's not ready for prime time.

Just enjoy the spectacle for what it is: Duh Donuld Reality Show and watch the rest of them, running to catch up. Embarrassing for the United States but there is nothing that will make them behave like presidential candidates.

The good news is that it let's us all know that none of them are qualified to lead.
Trump is a leader and he needs to tell the debates owned by the establishment to go to hell.
Trump is a leader and he needs to tell the debates owned by the establishment to go to hell.


From now on, only pre-approved questions should be allowed so that the bumbling Rs can carefully prepare.

BTW, remember when you RWs whined about Candy Crowley?

How about you demand the candidates on both sides stand on their own?
Trump is a leader and he needs to tell the debates owned by the establishment to go to hell.


From now on, only pre-approved questions should be allowed so that the bumbling Rs can carefully prepare.

BTW, remember when you RWs whined about Candy Crowley?

How about you demand the candidates on both sides stand on their own?

Isn't that Hilderbeast's campaign plan

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