Trump Caught in 30 Lies Under Oath in Just One Day!!! Very Dishonest Scumbag!!!

Trump's old Tax Returns 5 or more years old are NOT being audited so there is nothing in them to harm his current audit! We have 30 years worth of Hillary Clinton's taxes. Trump is a crooked chickenshit liar!!!
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Hillary's entire career is a lie top that, your old hag is gonna lose.
Most of Hillary's life has been lived under the public microscope. No one can be perfect all the time under interrogation.

But one thing I know for sure, I have never seen a more narcissistic greedy self promoting lying con-artist than Donald J. Trump!
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Putin said Trump was flashy entertainer so Trump is willing to give him whatever he wants.

Chris Christie, Trump's endorser, VP finalist & pick for cabinet position, closed down the worlds busiest bridge to punish someone for not endorsing him. Talk about government tyrants getting in the way. That's just one example of how Fascist Republicans kill the US economy.

Trump called Miss Universe "Miss Piggy" "Miss Housekeeping" "Eating Machine"
Debating Clinton trump lied again saying he did not say global warming was a concept created by China.
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Trump says he is worth over $10 billion. Court ruled Trump is not a Billionaire! LOL

Superior Court of New Jersey, Donald J. TRUMP, Plaintiff, v. Timothy L. O'BRIEN, Time Warner Book Group, Inc., and Warner Books, Inc., Defendants–Respondents. Decided: September 7, 2011
I wish we could water-board Trump every time he lies. He would surely drown.

When will bridge terrorists Chris Christi get water-boarded?
Remember, Republicans must always lie, steal & cheat, or repeat a lie unwittingly. If they know the truth they lie, if they claim they are not lying, they still are, they are just not smart enough to know. If Republicans are typing, writing or talking, they are Lying!!!
Trump is the biggest liar in American Presidential history and his followers don't care.
Trump is now only building border fence. The 50' high wall is all but gone already before he is sworn into office.

Trump will also be under oath again in Trump U trial before he is sworn in. Then he has a rape trial.

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