Trump Caught in 30 Lies Under Oath in Just One Day!!! Very Dishonest Scumbag!!!

  • Trump used mostly illegals to build his Trump Tower!
  • Nearly everything in All Trump Hotels is made in China!
  • Trumps Agency's hire many Illegals!
  • Trump Married an Illegal Alien & want's her to be our "First Lady"!

That's all lies, of course. Give up on trying to drag Trump down into the mud with Clinton. No politician is as sleazy as her.
POLITICO subjected a week’s worth of his words to it's magazine’s fact-checking process. It chronicled 4.6 hours of stump speeches and press conferences, from a rally in Concord, N.C., on Monday to a rally on Friday in St. Louis.

The result: Trump Lies every five minutes on average!!!
That's almost as often as Politifact lies!

no, dum dum.... but i suppose when one is as ignorant as you, it's probably impossible to ascertain what is a legitimate source and what isn't.

now go back to your hole, you major life fail.

I can easily ascertain when a source is "legitimate." There is no such thing, doofus. Leftwing douche bags tried to fool the public into believing that some leftwing funded propaganda operation could be trusted to determine "facts," but no one was fooled.
An '07 deposition? Hillary's negligence caused the deaths of 4 Americans in Benghazi in 2012 and the left claims it's old news.
Trump Lied about Putin's 82% Popularity. Pro-Putin party only won 44% in parliament vote exit poll

Alluding to the spluttering economy, which is forecast to shrink this year by at least 0.3 percent, Putin said: "We know that life is hard for people, there are lots of problems, lots of unresolved problems. Nevertheless, we have this result."
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47 Liar Pants on Fire! statements by Donald Trump
Politifact has no credibility, moron.

But for no-minds like yourself, they had all the credibility when,,,
Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'
How many times did you cum in your pants when you posted reference to Politifact's lie of the year for 2014?

But for no-minds like yourself, they had all the credibility when,,,
Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'
How many times did you cum in your pants when you posted reference to Politifact's lie of the year for 2014?

How were they going to deny that without losing whatever meager credibility they had?
30 lies?

Only 30?

Shit, he has a hell of a lot further to go match Hillary than anybody thunk!
Anyone who does not recognize that Trump is a pathological liar is living in open denial.

Sick of these puppet tools infesting the country.
30 lies?

Only 30?

Shit, he has a hell of a lot further to go match Hillary than anybody thunk!

Remember this Safire essay in the NYTimes?

"Americans of all political persuasions are coming to the sad realization that our First Lady -- a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation -- is a congenital liar.

Drip by drip, like Whitewater torture, the case is being made that she is compelled to mislead, and to ensnare her subordinates and friends in a web of deceit.

1. Remember the story she told about studying The Wall Street Journal to explain her 10,000 percent profit in 1979 commodity trading? We now know that was a lie told to turn aside accusations that as the Governor's wife she profited corruptly, her account being run by a lawyer for state poultry interests through a disreputable broker.

She lied for good reason: To admit otherwise would be to confess taking, and paying taxes on, what some think amounted to a $100,000 bribe."

The Democrat candidate: a money-grubbing, deceitful, career criminal.

"...a congenital liar."
Michael Cohen doesn’t sleep much. As Donald Trump’s right-hand man, there’s no time to do so at the moment. In his own words, as Trump’s Special Counsel.

It cannot be an easy environment to work in, so has he ever considered quitting? “Never,” he says.

“Over the years I have been offered very lucrative employment opportunities, which I summarily dismissed. To those of us who are close to Mr Trump, he is more than our boss. He is our patriarch.

Er.. what?

For those who don’t know, a “patriarch” comes from the Latin “pater” meaning “father, and “arch” meaning “ruler,” It also goes with the strange adulation and near-worship that we’ve seen Trump’s supporters lavish over the GOP front-runner.

Donald Trump’s regular praise for tyrannical authoritarian governments and dictators has come under scrutiny following his laudatory comments about dictator Saddam Hussein, Vladimir Putin, Muammar Gaddafi, etc.

“This follows a disturbing trend of Trump relating to the way brutal tyrants executed policy in their countries. I do think that there’s something dark about Trump’s view of the world,” said Republican strategist Tim Miller, a former Jeb Bush aid.“When a person running for president continually compliments brutal, undemocratic dictators and their methods, I think it’s fair to have some concerns that those are methods that they might be interested in deploying if necessary.”

Ivana Trump Trump reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed ... Hitler's speeches, from his earliest days up through the Phony War of 1939, reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist,"
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Feb. 27, 2015: At CPAC Donald Trump questioned whether Mr. Obama’s long-form birth certificate that’s posted on the White House’s website is real.
Feb. 27, 2015: At CPAC Donald Trump questioned whether Mr. Obama’s long-form birth certificate that’s posted on the White House’s website is real.
Bullshit, show me a link to Obama LONG FORM birth certificate.
Feb. 27, 2015: At CPAC Donald Trump questioned whether Mr. Obama’s long-form birth certificate that’s posted on the White House’s website is real.
Bullshit, show me a link to Obama LONG FORM birth certificate.

LOL - You're a Birther just like Trump!

Obama's birth certificate on the White House’s website.

The state of Hawaii has a stupid looking long form birth certificate, lol.

What the Hell's a Long-FormBirth Certificate, Anyway?

And no, I am not a birther, Obama was born in the USA.
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Bill Clinton created more jobs than Reagan + Bush 1 + Bush 2 combined!!!


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