Trump caught on tape

he declassified them.
No, he did not. When T's lawyer tries that horse crap, the Judge will overrule him and tell the attorney to sit down.

Your orange freak broke the federal law and he acted the ass, did he not? He's going to pay heavy for it.

BTW, why did senator Biden have classified documents? A man with no authority and yet you haven't said one thing about his.
This has been explained to and accepted by the DOJ, and for Pence, as well. The DOJ says to your kind, "Fuck off, trolls."

he declassified them.

No he did not. The Orange Shit Stain did not have the authority to declassify a damn thing.

Not the mention the fucking fact that the Rapist and Traitor admitted he DID NOT FUCKING DECLASSIFY THE FUCKING DOCUMENTS IN THE FIRST FUCKING PLACE!!!

Former President Trump admitted in a July 2021 recording that he had not declassified “secret information” that remained in his possession, CNN reported Friday.

As president, I could have declassified, but now I can’t,” Trump said, according to a transcript of the recording obtained by CNN.

Secret. This is secret information. Look, look at this,” he reportedly added at another point. “This was done by the military and given to me.”

CNN had previously reported that federal prosecutors had obtained a recording of the July 2021 meeting, in which the former president appeared to acknowledge that a Pentagon document in his possession about a potential attack on Iran remained classified.

Putin's butt boy has admitted he did declassify anything, but you continue to ignore that.
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Piss Poor Deflection.

The Putin Loving 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Shit Stain did not declassify a damn thing. He admits it.

As president, I could have declassified, but now I can’t,” that is a direct quote from the Rapist and Traitor. You do realize that right?
facts, I know you don't support them.
No he did not. The Orange Shit Stain did not have the authority to declassify a damn thing.
you making such a statement highlights your limited capacity to be in a discussion. The President of the US has all of the authority, no other body or function has a higher position to declassify!!! wow. ignorance is your friend.
As president, I could have declassified, but now I can’t,” Trump said, according to a transcript of the recording obtained by CNN.

Secret. This is secret information. Look, look at this,” he reportedly added at another point. “This was done by the military and given to me.”
you all are easy fish to catch. He caught you!!!! He threw the bait out and you latched on. hook line and sinker. hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. What document was he referring to?
This has been explained to and accepted by the DOJ, and for Pence, as well. The DOJ says to your kind, "Fuck off, trolls."

It's all that was needed to expose you as a fraud and nothing more than a trump hater with TDS.

Trump power to declassify, senator viden, no. But no need to look into him he's good. hahhaahahahahaahahahahahaha you look so fking much like a fool you are.
No he did not. The Orange Shit Stain did not have the authority to declassify a damn thing.

Not the mention the fucking fact that the Rapist and Traitor admitted he DID NOT FUCKING DECLASSIFY THE FUCKING DOCUMENTS IN THE FIRST FUCKING PLACE!!!

Former President Trump admitted in a July 2021 recording that he had not declassified “secret information” that remained in his possession, CNN reported Friday.

As president, I could have declassified, but now I can’t,” Trump said, according to a transcript of the recording obtained by CNN.

Secret. This is secret information. Look, look at this,” he reportedly added at another point. “This was done by the military and given to me.”

CNN had previously reported that federal prosecutors had obtained a recording of the July 2021 meeting, in which the former president appeared to acknowledge that a Pentagon document in his possession about a potential attack on Iran remained classified.

Putin's butt boy has admitted he did declassify anything, but you continue to ignore that.
tell me again how trump didn't have the power to declassify!!!! please, look foolish again.
you making such a statement highlights your limited capacity to be in a discussion. The President of the US has all of the authority, no other body or function has a higher position to declassify!!! wow. ignorance is your friend.

No that authority does not and has not ever rested with the Oval Office. There are polices and procedures in place that govern declassification of classified material.

I have posted my facts, including the quotes of Putin's Ass Licker. It you who live in ignorance.
Georgia's Top Court Rejects Trump Attempt To Thwart Prosecutor In 2020 Election Investigation.

Georgia’s highest court Monday rejected a request by former President Donald Trump to block a district attorney from prosecuting him for his actions in wake of the 2020 election.

The Georgia Supreme Court unanimously shot down a petition that Trump’s attorneys filed last week asking the court to intervene. Trump’s legal team argued that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and her office should be barred from seeking charges and that a special grand jury report that is part of the inquiry should be thrown out.

Willis has been investigating since early 2021 whether Trump and his allies broke any laws as they tried to overturn his narrow election loss in Georgia to Democrat Joe Biden. She has suggested she is likely to seek charges in the case from a grand jury next month.
easy moron said boxes were still sealed up by tape moron... tape, when broken, makes it a problem no boxes were unsealed ... did you see any of trumps pictures of his boxes ???? some were still sealed some had the seals broken ... that's why he has a problem ... stop making up shit that never happens... all you are doing is making a bigger fool out of yourself ...

As far as I can tell, there's nothing special about these boxes. Normal packing tape is used to seal the boxes so things don't fall out when they're being moved. There's no significance to this. The boxes themselves can be purchased anywhere. They're completely non descript based on Trump's own boxes. I wouldn't even be surprised if clear storage containers were also used, which you can also see from Trump's moving boxes. It's just stuff to put in to move from point a to b, that's it. It's not meant to be scrutinized years later by a forensics team if you "break the tape," lmao.

You are so emotional when it comes to shielding Biden, you're like a fangirl protecting their favorite member of BTS, lmao. Did you personally inspect all of Biden's boxes and the tape in order to make this claim? Please answer this question. Don't deflect, don't ignore, answer. I'll wait. LOL.

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