Trump caught on tape

What stories have I made up?

How do you know he didn't it? Because.......he said so....? Why are you so 100% certain when no one else is? Other ppl boxed up his documents, but how easy would it be for him to leave classified material mixed with other documents and just tell his aides to box up everything and send it to his home. How difficult would that be? That is just simple deductive reasoning. I guess someone with a thick skull figured that out but you couldn't. Yikes.
stop with the stupid sonero's that has ever happened ... the people who boxed up his stuff has already talked too
the DOJ and the FBI ... were the ones who boxed it up ... if the FBI and the DOJ are good with their testimonies 100% so am I ... all you are doing is making up something that fits your narrative to make you feel .... Biden is not going to get charged with anything but trump is with it ... any one can figure out what you are doing ... you're note that smart ... DAMN !!! told you I guess ...
Tell that to servicemen and officers who have been jailed for taking something unintentionally. When something is taken, how does one determine that it hasn't been looked at, or recorded by unauthorized people? Hmmm? Answer me that Sherlock. Show me a link to the so called law that says this so I can call bullshit. Thank you.
easy moron said boxes were still sealed up by tape moron... tape, when broken, makes it a problem no boxes were unsealed ... did you see any of trumps pictures of his boxes ???? some were still sealed some had the seals broken ... that's why he has a problem ... stop making up shit that never happens... all you are doing is making a bigger fool out of yourself ...
When you fks stop pretending you work for the government
Nobody is pretending they work for the government ... the guys statement was clear he in no way implied he worked for the government... the statement is a known fact... where you couldn't defend your position so you do the typical Republican shiny object ...
krichton: Poor deflection. The DOJ hasn't finished it's investigation of Biden, but Pence has been "cleared." But this isn't really a rebuttal to what I said is it? You can't seriously explain to me why you think turning yourself in means you're have to be innocent, because we know for certain, that's not how the eyes of the court will see it, neither does explanations of "I don't remember, or I didn't know," have an ounce of weight either.

John Edgar Slow Horses: Yes, that's how it works. You are not in charge. I understand that you don't like it, but DOJ does not care that you don't like it,
biden has to give his statement to the DOJ... they are no longer investigating it ... they have said so ...they are just waiting for his statement on what he feels happened ... case is closed can't stand the thought that nothing is being done any further on his case ... so you make shit up to make yoursel feel good ...
I'd be shocked if Trump doesn't end up serving some time in prison with the evidence that is mounting against him. What a scum bag but of course his base will support him as they're of the same nature. Scum of the earth.
evidence of what?
Trump is going to claim he has no idea who this Trump guy is.

"I've never seen this guy in my life!"

EXCLUSIVE: Trump captured on tape talking about classified document he kept after leaving the White House

Federal prosecutors have obtained an audio recording of a summer 2021 meeting in which former President Donald Trump acknowledges he held onto a classified Pentagon document about a potential attack on Iran, multiple sources told CNN, undercutting his argument that he declassified everything.

The recording indicates Trump understood he retained classified material after leaving the White House, according to multiple sources familiar with the investigation. On the recording, Trump’s comments suggest he would like to share the information but he’s aware of limitations on his ability post-presidency to declassify records, two of the sources said.
Mr. Synth. Why do you play "gotcha" using unconstitutional political tricks of invading another person's privacy? You think Americans are gonna vote for nose-pickin' basement Joe again? You're making the case for Biden won based on illegal voting pranks, and hopefully, what goes around will come back around to the omerta realm of dismal politicians. :rolleyes-41:
Who cares? It's nonsense, as is 90% of your postings, JC456.

Trump is an indicted criminal twice. He may be indicted again this week and again next month. Your hero is a zero who will die in prison.

The searches in FL were legal and caught the bastard with the goods.
Who cares? It's nonsense, as is 90% of your postings, JC456.

Trump is an indicted criminal twice. He may be indicted again this week and again next month. Your hero is a zero who will die in prison.

The searches in FL were legal and caught the bastard with the goods.
Yep, proof the DNC owns the DOJ. it's truly obvious if one had a brain.

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