Trump caught on tape

If any body needs to read up it’s you there is a procedure for all presidents that has to be filed … just saying they are declassified doesn’t make it so until all the paper work had been filed … that’s the law … now after saying that in the audio of trump out of office said this to the people around him to impress them how important he is he stated he could have declassified these documents but he didn’t declassified them … so your attempt here to play that game has failed here to he never Declassified them he said that ….
not for declassification. sorry friend. you can scream and pop all the buttons you like. BTW, it still doesn't answer why you give creepy joe a pass.
your busting at the seams.
You’re grabbing at straws we can here those feet if yours stamping up and down … what do I say,what do I say next ??? you can’t defend your accusations we get it .. when ya got nothin’ to defend you post shit…
not for declassification. sorry friend. you can scream and pop all the buttons you like. BTW, it still doesn't answer why you give creepy joe a pass.
I’ve already did in previous post … stop changing the subject with your shiny object … on yes show me the law on declassifying documents by the president

The system of classifying national security documents is largely a bureaucratic process used by the federal government to control how executive branch officials handle information, whose release could cause the country harm. The government has, however, prosecuted cases for both mistaken and deliberate mishandling of information. Under the U.S. Constitution, the president as commander in chief is given broad powers to classify and declassify such information, often through use of executive orders. He has to file a executive order to declassify any document … so there you go strait for the legal system … you just can’t say they are declassified … and again I have told you several times that he stated he never declassified them … straight from the horses mouth .. why are you ignoring that .. then you say here he can… I’ve shown you the regulations and you ignore that too … are you that stupid to see the facts or are you incapable of understanding what your read … show us the law he can just say they are declassified with out filing a executive order .. please enlighten us all
not for declassification. sorry friend. you can scream and pop all the buttons you like. BTW, it still doesn't answer why you give creepy joe a pass.
Whose creep Joe ??? Don’t know who you are talking about can you be a little more precise on who you are referring to ???
Georgia's Top Court Rejects Trump Attempt To Thwart Prosecutor In 2020 Election Investigation.

Georgia’s highest court Monday rejected a request by former President Donald Trump to block a district attorney from prosecuting him for his actions in wake of the 2020 election.

The Georgia Supreme Court unanimously shot down a petition that Trump’s attorneys filed last week asking the court to intervene. Trump’s legal team argued that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and her office should be barred from seeking charges and that a special grand jury report that is part of the inquiry should be thrown out.

Willis has been investigating since early 2021 whether Trump and his allies broke any laws as they tried to overturn his narrow election loss in Georgia to Democrat Joe Biden. She has suggested she is likely to seek charges in the case from a grand jury next month.

Hmm... last time Trump tried to block indictments, he was indicted just several days later.
No that authority does not and has not ever rested with the Oval Office. There are polices and procedures in place that govern declassification of classified material.

I have posted my facts, including the quotes of Putin's Ass Licker. It you who live in ignorance.

if he said they are declassified, they are. Presidential Records Act. read up.

If any body needs to read up it’s you there is a procedure for all presidents that has to be filed … just saying they are declassified doesn’t make it so until all the paper work had been filed … that’s the law … now after saying that in the audio of trump out of office said this to the people around him to impress them how important he is he stated he could have declassified these documents but he didn’t declassified them … so your attempt here to play that game has failed here to he never Declassified them he said that ….

0311 and jc456, both of you are half right, but from opposite sides of the issue. Billeyerock has it mostly right.

The president, while serving in the office, has the authority and the power to classify or declassify anything they wish to. It's part of their authority as president.

But, once they leave office, that power no longer exists for them. They only have that power while they are currently serving.

As far as declassification of something? Yes, the president can declassify anything they want, for any reason they want. HOWEVER, there are procedures that must be followed for the document or information to be declassified, because that information doesn't exist in only one place, it exists in several others.

The president decides to declassify something. They then tell their aides and people involved with that information they are declassifying the information. The president can do that with just their say so, but their staff has to follow certain procedures after being told of the declassification. A document of some type is prepared, stating the information to be declassified, the date and time it was decided by the president that it was declassified as well as the reason, and that document is then sent to all the other places where that information is also held, telling them the change in status of the information from classified to declassified.

Can the president declassify anything they want to? To a certain degree yes, but in the declassification process, if it is determined that the information to be declassified would present a real and present danger to this country, the people who have intimate knowledge of the information would notify the president why it shouldn't be declassified. The ultimate authority to declassify something does rest with the president, but they will be notified and told why it's not in the countries interest to declassify something. The president usually goes along with the findings of the people declassifying something if they find a problem.

Can the president declassify something after they've left office? No. That power is only allowed while they are serving as a sitting president.

If something is declassified, will there be a record of the declassification? Definitely yes. That information is held in places other than with just the president, and those places need to know the status of the information.
HOWEVER, there are procedures that must be followed for the document or information to be declassified, because that information doesn't exist in only one place, it exists in several others.
nope!! none. feel free to post your procedure you think exists.
nope!! none. feel free to post your procedure you think exists.

It's in the several manuals dealing with classified information. Yes, there has to be a record of something being declassified so all the other places holding that information know the change of status.
It's in the several manuals dealing with classified information. Yes, there has to be a record of something being declassified so all the other places holding that information know the change of status.
which ones are those? John Fitzpatrick doesn't say that's true at all. Listen to him on CBS Sunday Morning show I posted.

Someone working with the information in question. Hate to burst your bubble, but the president doesn't know every piece of classified information out there, nor do they know the impact and implications of that information if it is declassified. That is why they have advisors and people to tell them about it in briefings.

Based on your posts, it's pretty obvious that you never dealt with classified information. Me? Spent 20 years in the Navy and did a job that dealt with classified information on a daily basis. My job required a Confidential clearance at a minimum, and I held a Secret or Top Secret for much of my career.
0311 and jc456, both of you are half right, but from opposite sides of the issue. Billeyerock has it mostly right.

The president, while serving in the office, has the authority and the power to classify or declassify anything they wish to. It's part of their authority as president.

But, once they leave office, that power no longer exists for them. They only have that power while they are currently serving.

As far as declassification of something? Yes, the president can declassify anything they want, for any reason they want. HOWEVER, there are procedures that must be followed for the document or information to be declassified, because that information doesn't exist in only one place, it exists in several others.

The president decides to declassify something. They then tell their aides and people involved with that information they are declassifying the information. The president can do that with just their say so, but their staff has to follow certain procedures after being told of the declassification. A document of some type is prepared, stating the information to be declassified, the date and time it was decided by the president that it was declassified as well as the reason, and that document is then sent to all the other places where that information is also held, telling them the change in status of the information from classified to declassified.

Can the president declassify anything they want to? To a certain degree yes, but in the declassification process, if it is determined that the information to be declassified would present a real and present danger to this country, the people who have intimate knowledge of the information would notify the president why it shouldn't be declassified. The ultimate authority to declassify something does rest with the president, but they will be notified and told why it's not in the countries interest to declassify something. The president usually goes along with the findings of the people declassifying something if they find a problem.

Can the president declassify something after they've left office? No. That power is only allowed while they are serving as a sitting president.

If something is declassified, will there be a record of the declassification? Definitely yes. That information is held in places other than with just the president, and those places need to know the status of the information.

To expand on this for those that don't understand classification.

What people that don't understand what "classified" shows. Documents are not "declassified" it is the information in the document that is declassified. The document is a piece of paper, it is the information that is important.

For example let’s say that there are 6 copies of a specific document containing specific classified information. One located in the White House, 5 located amongst various agencies which also need the document. In addition there are subordinate documents that contain (either in part of in whole some of the same classified information).

Under a normal process when the information contained in a highly classified documents is declassified (or downgraded) that impacts all copies of the document (its information, and subordinate documents containing the same information in whole or portions of a subordinate document).

So If the FPOTUS "declassified" a document, he is really declassifying the information in that document. If the FPOTUS, while acting as POTUS, "declassified" the information without telling anyone (either directly or in writing) for that specific document, you end up with:

For example let’s say that there are 6 copies of a specific document containing specific classified information. One located in the White House, 5 located amongst various agencies which also need the document. In addition there are subordinate documents that contain (either in part of in whole some of the same classified information).

Under a normal process when the information contained in a highly classified documents is declassified (or downgraded) that impacts all copies of the document (its information, and subordinate documents containing the same information in whole or portions of a subordinate document).

So If the FPOTUS "declassified" a document, he is really declassifying the information in that document. If the FPOTUS, while acting as POTUS, "declassified" the information without telling anyone (either directly or in writing) for that specific document, you end up with:
  • One copy of the information located at the White House (or one of his Country Clubs) being "declassified", and
  • Five copies of the information located at the responsible agencies still being classified as the responsible agencies will not know the information was declassified because the FPOTUS (while POTUS) just mentally declassified the information in his head.
The result is someone could be prosecuted for improper handling of classified material for actions related to the 5 responsible agency documents, but not for improper handling of the exact same document if the source of the document was the White House. But they contain the same information! By this we are talking about the information in the document and subordinate information which sourced the document which can have even wider reaching impacts.

The national security infrastructure cannot function in a reasonable way if the same information is both classified and declassified at the same time simply because the POTUS chooses not to tell anyone.

Kind of a Schrodinger's Classified document where the same information is both classified and declassified at the same time until someone asks the FPOTUS to find out if he mentally and secretly declassified it without telling anyone while still POTUS. Normal people wouldn't know just by looking at the document.

Someone working with the information in question. Hate to burst your bubble, but the president doesn't know every piece of classified information out there, nor do they know the impact and implications of that information if it is declassified. That is why they have advisors and people to tell them about it in briefings.
who above him has higher power than him? Come on, name someone? Even Joe!!!
secretary of the navy does not have authority over the president. What a dummass.

It's obvious that you've never dealt with a SECNAV instruction or how they are written. The SECNAV instruction yes, carries the weight of the secretary of the Navy behind it (that's why it's called a SECNAV instruction), but it also cites all the other authorities involved that are part of the instruction and how it's followed.

But, keep showing your ignorance, it's kinda entertaining for me to watch.
The office of the President has access to all classified material. The Situation Room in the basement of the West Wing is the focal point for receiving reports from across the government and distributing them to appropriate people in the White House complex—usually electronically. Created by John F. Kennedy in 1961, the Situation Room is manned by CIA officers 24 hours every day. It is in constant communication with its counterparts like the National Military Command Center in the Pentagon and the Operations Center at the CIA.
It's obvious that you've never dealt with a SECNAV instruction or how they are written. The SECNAV instruction yes, carries the weight of the secretary of the Navy behind it (that's why it's called a SECNAV instruction), but it also cites all the other authorities involved that are part of the instruction and how it's followed.

But, keep showing your ignorance, it's kinda entertaining for me to watch.
and yet you can't post a link to support your stupid.

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