Trump caught on tape

stop with the stupid sonero's that has ever happened ... the people who boxed up his stuff has already talked too
the DOJ and the FBI ... were the ones who boxed it up ... if the FBI and the DOJ are good with their testimonies 100% so am I ... all you are doing is making up something that fits your narrative to make you feel .... Biden is not going to get charged with anything but trump is with it ... any one can figure out what you are doing ... you're note that smart ... DAMN !!! told you I guess ...

How do you know? How do you know what, if anything has been asked of them? Link? The FBI and DOJ are now in charge of helping presidents and ex presidents pack and move? Link? Notice how I haven't made up a single thing here but you like to act like you either work for the FBI or DOJ, lool. I simply present possibilities with regards to the Biden case, whereas you declare absolutes no matter what you're talking about as if you were directly involved in the case at the DOJ, :laugh: 🤡

You are weirdly obsessed with the idea that people can't have an opinion on the biden case UNLESS they're some sort of Trumper. I've never met a biden cultist, but it's looking more and more like I just found my first. God help you.
No that authority does not and has not ever rested with the Oval Office. There are polices and procedures in place that govern declassification of classified material.

I have posted my facts, including the quotes of Putin's Ass Licker. It you who live in ignorance.
It resides with the president, commander and chief highest security look up cbs morning news John Fitzpatrick in here
then what was the video I posted?
I’m not going to play your game …
then what was the video I posted?
it’s a distortion of the Jan 6 attack on the Congress it’s a distortion by Tucker Carlson it’s a total wast of time… I’ve seen it before … according to all fact checkers they have said it’s one big lie … now on the other side of things .. the DOJ has given trump a target letter a 4 day notice to show up in court over his attack on the capitol .. in the next two days they are going to indict him with that crime and all the actions he didn’t do … he’s going down in 2 weeks in Georgia they are going to indictment trump there too .. they are also looking at him in vote in Arizona too … he’s got so many charges he’s wetting his big boy pants …
he said he did. Prove him wrong.
It’s real easy all he has to do to prove hus declassifying of his documents … there had to be a letter to the DOJ and the FBI And all the people involved with logging documents as being declassified … the problem he has is there aren’t any letters … the president just can’t say these gocumentd are declassified he had to log them as being declassified so everybody knows they are declassified … like I Said he can declassified anything he wants … he still had to do the paper work that they are declassified … there aren’t any letters of declassifying them so you can say what you want until one letter shows up he’s fucked.,.
But you sit and pound your pud
Post it up again … I will tell you the same thing the last time you posted it … it’s a edited video distorted by by Tucker Carlson .. and trump is going to be charge with the Jsn6 attack on the capitol … can’t say that enough and your fake lying hero is going to jail .. anyway you want to spin it he’s going to jail
Post it up again … I will tell you the same thing the last time you posted it … it’s a edited video distorted by by Tucker Carlson .. and trump is going to be charge with the Jsn6 attack on the capitol … can’t say that enough and your fake lying hero is going to jail .. anyway you want to spin it he’s going to jail
your busting at the seams.
if he said they are declassified, they are. Presidential Records Act. read up.
If any body needs to read up it’s you there is a procedure for all presidents that has to be filed … just saying they are declassified doesn’t make it so until all the paper work had been filed … that’s the law … now after saying that in the audio of trump out of office said this to the people around him to impress them how important he is he stated he could have declassified these documents but he didn’t declassified them … so your attempt here to play that game has failed here to he never Declassified them he said that ….

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