Trump caught on tape

Based on what? What evidence do you personally have to make such a statement? Dumbfk

all you are fixated on is the rattling of the paper ...Trump clearly says the documents are classified and you can't seem to understand that ...hence, you can't comprehend what trump said...
again dumbfk trump says it ... straight from the horse's ass mouth ...
hahaahahahahaahahahahahahaha seriously? The DNC networks? hahahahahahahahaa Who gets to decide creditability? you? hahahahahahahahaha
the people have decided on credibility ... the court has already declared FOX news as not being credible nothing of the so-called by you losers not being credible has ever been sued for anything that they have aired ... can't say that about Fox Noises... or any right wing news source ... the only reason you hate left-wing news is they catch your right-wing leaders for lying and deceit all the time and ya just can't catch us lefties for lying about your leaders ... BWA HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !
well it's what hitlery called it. Was it real?
no, she called the written document about

Trump Russia dossier ... that's not a court document you idiot ... it was never used in court... it was used in her hearings that's not court document thats a hearing document ...​

Maybe it wasn't. Maybe it was declassified.

Then why did Trump say it was? And why did he point out he could have declassified while he was president but now (on the day he was showing the document) he can't?
Liberals here can't prove it was classified.
You can’t prove it isn’t classified… you can’t stand the fact where I have trump himself saying it’s classified so you do your little tap dance here .. … we get it you got nothing to prove it is declassified … try this …google is general milley war plans are they still classified… you come back here with the answer … why??? Because they say the document that you claim is declassified is classified … then come back here and try and tell us it declassified were we can’t prove it’s not… because I’ve already done the research … an I know the answer … then I will post the answer when you come back here and try to tell us we can’t prove it’s classified… if you want to be a liar that’s fine … don’t tell me what is or isn’t we all know the facts here and you keep trying to tell us it’s not classified prove it …
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They are gonna use AI on Trump just as they used Hollywood to fudge a video of Paul Pelosi's gay coke whore David dePape.

Audios are the easiest AI fudge job, which is why we are getting them now from Jackoff Smith regarding Trump.
They are gonna use AI on Trump just as they used Hollywood to fudge a video of Paul Pelosi's gay coke whore David dePape.

Audios are the easiest AI fudge job, which is why we are getting them now from Jackoff Smith regarding Trump.
These taps are mark meadows tapes they aren’t done by any AI… that’s you throwing shit agains the wall nice try no pickle for you … these were subpoenaed from meadows ones himself they did’t come from any Hollywood AI follow the evidence trail … your statement is nothing more the wishful thinking …
They are gonna use AI on Trump just as they used Hollywood to fudge a video of Paul Pelosi's gay coke whore David dePape.

Audios are the easiest AI fudge job, which is why we are getting them now from Jackoff Smith regarding Trump.
One other thing the can tell if a AI has done this tape … they leave a trail when they do it .. that’s another reason you atemp here is just you speaking bull shit …
These taps are mark meadows tapes they aren’t done by any AI… that’s you throwing shit agains the wall nice try no pickle for you … these were subpoenaed from meadows ones himself they did’t come from any Hollywood AI follow the evidence trail … your statement is nothing more the wishful thinking …

They are fudged fraud AI because Jackass Smith has nothing on Trump.

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