Trump: China's Xi Is A 'Brilliant Man' and 'Top of The Line Smart'

Yes, that and Xi knows he's bought and paid for with the $31 million bucks Biden took from Chinese nationalists. Wuhan coverup? Not a peep about the Fentanyl attack on us? The huge push for EVs? That's all about bowing to his Chinese masters.
The connecting of these dot's are as plain as the wrinkles on Biden's face.
We love pie. It’s perhaps our favorite dessert. We make semi-regular trips to the best pie place in Seattle, A la Mode. The original one on Phinney Ridge, not the Johnny Come Lately in West Seattle. Along with stuffing, it’s our favorite part of Thanksgiving. Agent Cooper’s love of cherry pie was our favorite quirk of the TV show, Twin Peaks. Pie is a good thing, it is important and we defend it against all dessert assailants.

But pie is the worst economic metaphor imaginable. People continually refer to pies in describing the world economy—as China’s economy grew, there was less for the rest of us, they claim. But China’s economic ascent does not mean there are fewer pieces for the rest of us. Just as the economic development of Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, and other markets did not harm the world or standards of living around the world, they enhanced it, China’s economic rise also benefits the world.

The economy is a bakery, not a pie. The more goods and services China produces, the more entrepreneurs created, scientists trained, and artists mused, the more treats for the whole world. China’s economic success is the greatest poverty alleviator the world has ever seen.

Hundreds of millions of people are no longer in daily misery, no longer dying, no longer stuck in short, brutish lives, thanks to the economic reforms China implemented in the 1980s and the subsequent vast increase in GDP it created, leading to a higher standard of living
You probably enjoy an occasional oral creampie to, eh bro :stir:
There's no bigger useful idiot than the president of the United States.
Useful idiot is exactly why the Democrats installed Biden as President. The Democrats are working for China's best interests and their own political power, so who better than a frail, brain damaged 80 year old BIden?
Regardless of calling this thread "Fake News" or funny. The truth of the matter is this.

The Traitor Praises Communist Dictators.

The Traitor On Chinese President Xi - "We Love Each Other"

The Traitor Praises 'Smart' Xi Jinping For Ruling China 'With An Iron Fist'

The Traitor Praises North Korean Dictator's 'Great and Beautiful' Vision of His Country.

Denying the truth, does not change the truth.
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Oh all you Better Dead Than Red, Commie Hating, Apple Eating, Girl You Left Pregnant Back Home your Dear Leader while appearing on Carlson's Propaganda Show Praised Communist Chinese Leader Xi Jinping.

Trump says he is smart, but Biden let's him fly a spy balloon over us for a week getting our secrets. Yeah, let's worry about Trump. Biden also closed both our mines to get what we need for electric vehicles, and turned complete control over to China. China owns Biden.
Regardless of calling this thread "Fake News" or funny. The truth of the matter is this.

The Traitor Praises Communist Dictators.

The Traitor On Chinese President Xi - "We Love Each Other"

The Traitor Praises 'Smart' Xi Jinping For Ruling China 'With An Iron Fist'

The Traitor Praises North Korean Dictator's 'Great and Beautiful' Vision of His Country.

Denying the truth, does not change the truth.
All things every administration has done on the global stage... Stop being a knucklehead.
Useful idiot is exactly why the Democrats installed Biden as President. The Democrats are working for China's best interests and their own political power, so who better than a frail, brain damaged 80 year old BIden?

If that's the case why is Biden forcing US companies to stop selling semi conductor chips and chip making machines to China? Something China desperately needs. Why is Biden threatening war with China if he take Taiwan. This is serving their best interests??? How? Explain. This is a clear example of how tribalism rots the brain. You don't even understand what you're saying.
This is how your two-party system screwed you: GOP and Dems agreed on what to do about the absurdity of the Chinese virus as the baton was being passed across the aisle. RFK Jr. documents this nod to the communists in The Real Anthony Fauci.
Oh all you Better Dead Than Red, Commie Hating, Apple Eating, Girl You Left Pregnant Back Home your Dear Leader while appearing on Carlson's Propaganda Show Praised Communist Chinese Leader Xi Jinping.

Biden: ‘I’ve spent more time with Xi Jinping of China than any other world leader has’​

Oh all you Better Dead Than Red, Commie Hating, Apple Eating, Girl You Left Pregnant Back Home your Dear Leader while appearing on Carlson's Propaganda Show Praised Communist Chinese Leader Xi Jinping.

Most political leaders are highly intelligent.

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