Trump: China's Xi Is A 'Brilliant Man' and 'Top of The Line Smart'

Ever notice how MAGA King brags about his friendships with authoritarian thugs, regardless of whether they are adversaries of the US or not? I wonder if Vladimir Putin let Trump feel his biceps. I bet Trump asked him if he could in private.

It is very interesting to note that those Commie Hating MAGA MAGGOTS have no problem with their own Dead Leader praising Communist Dictators.
Not really.

They were but that had nothing to do with Trump or Biden. It was due to near zero percent interest rates and a rush to buy up homes during the pandemic and early post-pandemic period. Predictably, housing prices skyrocketed.
Ask the farmers and the fossil fuel industry employees. Ask the people who were going to retire in the next 5 years who's 401K is just dumped 200K.
Trump did not stand up for America at all; he tried to do whatever he could to enrich himself.
You weren't paying attention to his messaging and his policies that were benefitting America and keeping the world stable. But that's how effective the smear campaign against Trump has been. There has never been anything like the Democrat anti-Trump propaganda campaign against Trump. Not even close.
You weren't paying attention to his messaging and his policies that were benefitting America and keeping the world stable. But that's how effective the smear campaign against Trump has been. There has never been anything like the Democrat anti-Trump propaganda campaign against Trump. Not even close.
That's because there has never been a criminal like Trump who has ascended to the office of POTUS.
You weren't paying attention to his messaging and his policies that were benefitting America and keeping the world stable.

He did the opposite of keeping the world stable. He backed us out of a nuclear deal with Iran that was actually working, and he did absolutely fuck all in terms of dealing with North Korea. He backed out of the Paris environmental accords and declared trade wars against allies.
Ask the farmers

You mean the farmers Trump screwed with his brain-fogged tariffs? Okay.

and the fossil fuel industry employees.

What about them? Most of the developed world is trying to move away from fossil fuels, including the world's biggest economies. That trend is going to continue. MAGA King won't reverse it.

Ask the people who were going to retire in the next 5 years who's 401K is just dumped 200K.

Maybe that's because the markets were over-valued because of monetary and regulatory policy, much of which predates Biden.
But what's the point is sucking off Xi? Trump was blowing every dictator when he was president. How is that even remotely appropriate? Ever thought these assholes actually take your videos and soundbytes and use them for propaganda? There's no bigger useful idiot than the president of the United States.
Rather than president, the more accurate term is fuckwad. Fuckwad Biden.
Not really.

They were but that had nothing to do with Trump or Biden. It was due to near zero percent interest rates and a rush to buy up homes during the pandemic and early post-pandemic period. Predictably, housing prices skyrocketed.
Disagreed great leaders give us solutions and don’t make excuses….. that’s certainly what Roosevelt did and what John F. Kennedy did.

We had horrendous leader ship by Democrats who were the ones who passed most of the bills to give away trillions of dollars in so-called stimulus money. The great majority of so-called stimulus money came from Democrats it was a disaster pumping trillions of dollars to people for nothing including giving away trillions of dollars to business owners many of them were fraudulent people. So that was the governments fault for doing that. It was the governments fault for locking people down, doing all that garbage which really ruined our economy. Now we need another FDR to give us great jobs some kind of a new deal program.

It really goes back to one thing my friend a leader doesn’t make excuses they get things done …..Joe Biden is not doing that right now. Joe Biden is making excuses.

To think that so many young men and women are the prime of their life and are living in a communist style tiny apartment in America. It might be years before the home prices come down what an absolute disaster. They think that so many American families have to live in small apartments and they can’t afford a house…. something has to be done about that soon.

The gas prices, the price of real estate was much lower under Trump, the price of a home mortgage loan was lower under Trump. No excuses can be made by Democrats there are a disaster ….all they care about is race politics they are so ugly they’re ugly animals is what they are. …. below animals. There a disgrace to the black and white men and women of American history who gave us a prosperous country.
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It is very interesting to note that those Commie Hating MAGA MAGGOTS have no problem with their own Dead Leader praising Communist Dictators.
Are you some kind of anti-Chinese racist. ? Barack Obama shook hands with the leaders of China so did practically every American president going back decades. enough man.
Disagreed great leaders give us solutions and don’t make excuses….. that’s certainly what Roosevelt did and what John F. Kennedy did.

It was a different era. FDR had a real mandate and solid support in congress for his ideas. Congress is split and probably more partisan than at any time since the late 1800s.

We had horrendous leader ship by Democrats who were the ones who passed most of the bills to give away trillions of dollars in so-called stimulus money. The great majority of so-called stimulus money came from Democrats it was a disaster pumping trillions of dollars to people for nothing including giving away trillions of dollars to business owners many of them were fraudulent people. So that was the governments fault for doing that. It was the governments fault for locking people down, doing all that garbage which really ruined our economy.

MAGA King signed off on those stimulus payments. Mnuchin sent out the bigger checks. MAGA King also kept harassing Jay Powell to get the Fed Funds Rate to go...negative. So don't give me that crap about how Dems spend. Repubs spend, too. They just prefer to spend it on defense contractors.

Now we need another FDR to give us great jobs some kind of a new deal program.

Interesting that you complain about Dem spending yet idolize the guy who basically made the Dems the tax-and-spend party they are today. They would tax more and they would spend more, but they don't have the majority to do it. And I don't consider Sens Sinema and Manchin to be real Democrats.

It really goes back to one thing my friend a leader doesn’t make excuses they get things done …..Joe Biden is not doing that right now. Joe Biden is making excuses.

He's not making excuses; he has signed the largest infrastructure package in a generation or so, and he also signed legislation to bring more technology manufacturing back to the US, which has its pros and cons, but the point is he's been a pro-jobs president and that's evident by the persistently low unemployment rate. He's not making excuses. He's just ignoring some of the usual lame uninformed criticisms.

To think that so many young men and women are the prime of their life and are living in a communist style tiny apartment in America.

Okay, this isn't necessarily true for everyone, but let's talk about housing. How is the federal government going to make housing more affordable? Do they control zoning or would that fall on the shoulders of local government?

It might be years before the home prices come down what an absolute disaster. They think that so many American families have to live in small apartments and they can’t afford a house…. something has to be done about that soon.

There's only so much that Biden can do. The Federal Reserve has basically done Big Finance's bidding for the last 10-12 years, and now the party is over. You should be glad that Biden's Treasury Secretary and the Fed - despite its decade-long fuck up - were able to coordinate and avert a banking disaster.

The gas prices, the price of real estate was much lower under Trump, the price of a home mortgage loan was lower under Trump.

Blah! Blah! Blah! Someone should teach you about correlations versus causation.

Come to think of it, I was younger under Trump - God damnit Joe Biden what the fuck are you gonna do to reverse my aging! Your fault, boomer! MAGA 2024!
Oh all you Better Dead Than Red, Commie Hating, Apple Eating, Girl You Left Pregnant Back Home your Dear Leader while appearing on Carlson's Propaganda Show Praised Communist Chinese Leader Xi Jinping.

No, he explained that xi isnt a mentally challenges doofus like biden...
Oh all you Better Dead Than Red, Commie Hating, Apple Eating, Girl You Left Pregnant Back Home your Dear Leader while appearing on Carlson's Propaganda Show Praised Communist Chinese Leader Xi Jinping.

It's called Schmoozing, as it might get Xi to not interfere in elections & help Biden this next time around. 🙄
34 felony charges so far and we're just warming up.
Not nonsense at all.
34 "trumped up" charges by the DemTool Bragg. Your Democrat leaders have been warming up for 7 years. But then you probably aren't an American so this is all just entertainment to you.
Trump is right.

Xi is a smart fellow, and America is at a real disadvantage with a Grade A Imbecile in office to negotiate with him.
Xi doesn't have any respect for Biden, because he's shown himself to be a weak feckless leader that panders for votes in anyway that he can, and he doesn't give a dam where those votes or the money he receives comes from. How can anyone respect Biden here(?), so I can only imagine how he's looked at by the leader's outside of this country.
It is very interesting to note that those Commie Hating MAGA MAGGOTS have no problem with their own Dead Leader praising Communist Dictators.
There's a huge difference in praising your enemies (keeping them close in order to keep better tab's on them), than to constantly scorn or ostracized them in a way that separates us where we have no clue as to what they are planning or doing anymore.

Use your brain besides succumbing to TDS so bad that you can't see the forest for the tree's..
Xi doesn't have any respect for Biden, because he's shown himself to be a weak feckless leader that panders for votes in anyway that he can, and he doesn't give a dam where those votes or the money he receives comes from. How can anyone respect Biden here(?), so I can only imagine how he's looked at by the leader's outside of this country.
Yes, that and Xi knows he's bought and paid for with the $31 million bucks Biden took from Chinese nationalists. Wuhan coverup? Not a peep about the Fentanyl attack on us? The huge push for EVs? That's all about bowing to his Chinese masters.

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