Trump: China's Xi Is A 'Brilliant Man' and 'Top of The Line Smart'

It was the Traitor on Fucker Carlson, praising a Communist Dictator and you fuck headed followers of the Orange Shit stain think it's either funny and fake news. You are as usual wrong. But that is not any real surprise, you live to be wrong.
Thanks for the 7 million illegal aliens from 178 countries btw !

70,000 fentynyl deaths in the US in 2022.

China's Xi Is A 'Brilliant Man' and 'Top of The Line Smart'​

Everyone looks brilliant compared to Joe Biden. But then, Jinping has been outsmarting the collective people of Washington for years so he is either brilliant or they are all incredible dumb-asses!

ITMT, the brain-truss of America Joe Biden just visited Ireland and someone found top secret documents detailing every step of Biden's visit and itiniary there right down to where he was staying, laying in the street.

Police there say the US contingent lucked out as apparently no one there was at all interested in Biden's visit. :smoke:
Is Trump wrong ?
Trump of course, is absolutely correct. Both Putin and Xi are playing Biden, and by extension, this country, like a fish. The fish is considering his own flopping a form of brilliance. To pretend that fuckwad Biden is more intelligent or able than either of these world leaders is to have pudding for brains.

Trump is absolutely correct in every opinion the Carlson interview discussed.
just because someone is smart doesnt mean they arent evil,,

But what's the point is sucking off Xi? Trump was blowing every dictator when he was president. How is that even remotely appropriate? Ever thought these assholes actually take your videos and soundbytes and use them for propaganda? There's no bigger useful idiot than the president of the United States.
better to give someone praise publicly then tariff them.
The moron thought CHINA was paying tariffs.

Trump's claims of '$100 billion' in Chinese tariff payments ...​

CNBC › 2019/05/10 › trumps-claims-of-...

May 10, 2019 — That comes to about $490 per U.S. household. The higher tariffs would push U.S. GDP below 2% and dampen employment growth by about 200,000 jobs, ..
I dont think Trump had any qualms about calling out China over their actions. Funny how certain words trigger you guys and then everything else goes right over your heads.
But what's the point is sucking off Xi? Trump was blowing every dictator when he was president. How is that even remotely appropriate? Ever thought these assholes actually take your videos and soundbytes and use them for propaganda? There's no bigger useful idiot than the president of the United States.
can you repeat the question??
Anyone miss Trump? I do. Sealed border, low energy prices, strong stock market, strong 401K, decent fuel and food prices. And ZERO chance of Nuclear war.
REAL Americans see our country circling the drain thanks to the Democrats. But a fraction of the country thinks the threat to our future is the one man who stood up for America. Splain that one to me. :confused-84:
you deny it?
Sealed border:
I live on that border. Have for most of my life. It has never been "sealed."
Not sure who first told you that but you obviously swallowed the bullshit hook, line, and sinker.
in truth border policy hasn't changed much in the past 40 years. Not even under Trump's failed one term.

low energy prices
The U.S. President actually has very little do do with the price of fuel. Not sure who first told you that but you obviously swallowed the bullshit hook, line, and sinker.

strong stock market
The market has basically done the same thing under the Biden Admin. as it did under Trump's. It is growing with inflated value just like a cancer cell. Not sure who first told you that but you obviously swallowed the bullshit hook, line, and sinker.

strong 401K, decent fuel and food prices.
While it is true that inflation has been high under Biden's tenure this problem can be traced directly back to the problems Biden inherited directly from Trump's bungled, incompetent term.
Not sure who first told you that but you obviously swallowed the bullshit hook, line, and sinker.
Some people (like you) mistake short memories for clean consciences.

And ZERO chance of Nuclear war.
There has NEVER been zero chance of nuclear war.
Not since 1950.
Not sure who first told you that but you obviously swallowed the bullshit hook, line, and sinker.
Oh all you Better Dead Than Red, Commie Hating, Apple Eating, Girl You Left Pregnant Back Home your Dear Leader while appearing on Carlson's Propaganda Show Praised Communist Chinese Leader Xi Jinping.

Ever notice how MAGA King brags about his friendships with authoritarian thugs, regardless of whether they are adversaries of the US or not? I wonder if Vladimir Putin let Trump feel his biceps. I bet Trump asked him if he could in private.
REAL Americans see our country circling the drain thanks to the Democrats. But a fraction of the country thinks the threat to our future is the one man who stood up for America. Splain that one to me. :confused-84:

Trump did not stand up for America at all; he tried to do whatever he could to enrich himself.
Sealed border:
I live on that border. Have for most of my life. It has never been "sealed."
Not sure who first told you that but you obviously swallowed the bullshit hook, line, and sinker.
in truth border policy hasn't changed much in the past 40 years. Not even under Trump's failed one term.

low energy prices
The U.S. President actually has very little do do with the price of fuel. Not sure who first told you that but you obviously swallowed the bullshit hook, line, and sinker.

strong stock market
The market has basically done the same thing under the Biden Admin. as it did under Trump's. It is growing with inflated value just like a cancer cell. Not sure who first told you that but you obviously swallowed the bullshit hook, line, and sinker.

strong 401K, decent fuel and food prices.
While it is true that inflation has been high under Biden's tenure this problem can be traced directly back to the problems Biden inherited directly from Trump's bungled, incompetent term.
Not sure who first told you that but you obviously swallowed the bullshit hook, line, and sinker.
Some people (like you) mistake short memories for clean consciences.

And ZERO chance of Nuclear war.
There has NEVER been zero chance of nuclear war.
Not since 1950.
Not sure who first told you that but you obviously swallowed the bullshit hook, line, and sinker.
That's some thick bullshit....
I'm impressed.
Oh all you Better Dead Than Red, Commie Hating, Apple Eating, Girl You Left Pregnant Back Home your Dear Leader while appearing on Carlson's Propaganda Show Praised Communist Chinese Leader Xi Jinping.

Good, great when ww2 Allies get along

Lots of anti Chinese and anti Russian racism from lefties these days
Our economy was way better under trump

House prices were much lower
Until Fauci and the dims colluded with China
and big pharma to derail it.
obama-wuhan-lab (1).jpg

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