Trump claims he 'met with the president of the Virgin Islands.' That's him.

Which is it?

  • Trump hasn't got a clue

    Votes: 8 72.7%
  • Trumps losing his marbles

    Votes: 3 27.3%

  • Total voters
He didn't have a state meeting with himself, did he?
If he did who else would know?
The entire Twittersphere.
what a hell of a world to be a part of.

glad i never use it.
"I will tell you I left Texas and I left Florida and I left Louisiana and I went to Puerto Rico and I met with the President of the Virgin Islands," he told the audience of the Values Voter Summit in Washington.

"The Virgin Islands and the President of the Virgin Islands, these are people that are incredible people,"

Trump refers to US Virgin Islands governor as President - CNNPolitics

Is Trump telling us that he doesn't know that HE is the president of the US Virgin Islands?

Or is the telling us the voices in his head are getting louder?
Which one of the 57 states would the Virgin Islands be?
Did you see the speech where he forgot Melania was standing next to him, and assured the crowd how much she wanted to be there......

Check it out on youtube, he's really losing it.
He flubs almost every speech he reads and then he tries to pretend he didn't screw up. My fave, so far, is the home of the world's best cofeve - country of Niger. My least fave is that he still doesn't know Puerto Rico is the US. OTOH, he only recently learned Hawaii is a state.

Anyone doing trump's out take reel will have no shortage of material.

What an ass. An ignorant, lying ass.
Yes it does, Obama said he visited several states that don't even exist.
He said in the middle of a campaign he visited 57 states. If you made 57 state visits, then it's true. He never said 57 separate states. You guys want so hard to get him on something.

And now, we have a president who didn't know what the Nuclear Triad is. And wonders why we don't have 40,000 nuclear bombs.
It’s amazing how you people cling to this one brief moment of Obama misspeaking even though Trump has already said so much stupid shit.

They have nothing better to claim that shows the Great Orange Douche as better. Really, the douche has done nothing of note.
They got a SCOTUS pick placed. But broke the 60 vote rule.
IT low-key signed the new law imposing new sanctions on Russia, that was veto proof.
And won't enforce them on IT's part that is required.

THAT"S IT! The Great Orange Douche the deal maker in action in 10 months.

And this Moron, is EO'ing anything it can of Obama's. To please the DOPer DOUCHE BASE and that only last so long. Again nothing lasting.
And the DOPers are not crying like the DOUCHE did about Obama signing EO's.

So my question is. Who here voted for the new cabinet labeled...


And did you get or order the new 45 buck Red Douche Moron Hat above, to show your Douche Love in public?
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Which one of the 57 states would the Virgin Islands be?
Did you see the speech where he forgot Melania was standing next to him, and assured the crowd how much she wanted to be there......

Check it out on youtube, he's really losing it.
That's funny, but let's not get carried away. He's not "losing it".
It’s amazing how you people cling to this one brief moment of Obama misspeaking even though Trump has already said so much stupid shit.
ohhhh so it's mis-speaking for obummer and now it's different for trump? too funny you hypocrite.

The difference is that Obama knew he misspoke. Trump is so stupid he has no idea how dumb he sounds.
Yes it does, Obama said he visited several states that don't even exist.
He said in the middle of a campaign he visited 57 states. If you made 57 state visits, then it's true. He never said 57 separate states. You guys want so hard to get him on something.

And now, we have a president who didn't know what the Nuclear Triad is. And wonders why we don't have 40,000 nuclear bombs.
Nice try, but everybody knows he's an idiot. He reminds me of you, actually. :lol:
No, not like 57 States. That was a verbal gaffe (meant to say 47), while Trump's gaffe was the result of pure ignorance.

You don't know that. Trump could have simply made a verbal gaffe, just like your claim of Obama doing so.

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