trump claims he told NATO country he would not protect them if Russia attacked them

It goes without saying that you think that everything you want is good for America, but I've got news for you: NOT EVERYONE AGREES and you often need to compromise on controvertial issues to get SOME of what you want.
You guys on the left keep flipping between lecturing us about the need to compromise when you want something and sneering at us when you dont need to compromise
You guys on the left keep flipping between lecturing us about the need to compromise when you want something and sneering at us when you dont need to compromise

Who are you talking to?

What did I flip about?
That Trump would surrender our democratic allies to Putin is further proof that he’s unfit to be president.

It would be madness to vote for the likes of Trump.
That’s ridiculous…While I didn’t like what he said there, I understand the sentiment…These nations SHOULD pay their share they agreed to. But, as to his ”fitness”, 1. He’s certainly more fit than Biden, who doesn’t have the mental competency stand trial for his crimes, but you want in charge of the nuclear arsenal, as he pushes toward WWIII….Thats just sad…
Muhammed, how can you live with yourself defending absolutely unAmerican comments of Trump
MAGA is a treasonous organization worshipping a traitor who is giving the dictator Poootin a green light to attack a European country

Poootin will pull out all stops to elect his moronic asset now.
I understand the sentiment…These nations SHOULD pay their share they agreed to.

Sure, can't we all support a sentiment of "pay your way", "carry your weight"?
However, with that agreement between us can we build on it and support the sentiment of encouraging President Trump's words....'" I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want."

That seems a bridge too far for my sensibilities. Sure, stare hard and talk tough to deadbeats. I get it. I've done it. But to now 'encourage' our own country's adversary, and critically, NATO's bête noire, Bad Vlad Putin to do beyond the pale. It is reckless, irresponsible.

It is not American leadership.

MAGA is a treasonous organization worshipping a traitor who is giving the dictator Poootin a green light to attack a European country

Poootin will pull out all stops to elect his moronic asset now.
Of course he will. Putin considered the election of Trump to be his finest foreign espionage work.

-Patriots to Ukraine, have to be replaced
-F16's to Ukraine, being replaced
-Stingers to Ukraine, have to be replaced.

This is not an academic exercise. As we speak. European Countries are sending weapon systems and money to Ukraine. While the US is playing politics. They're doing so because NATO considers Ukraine a strategic ally. These weapon systems will transfer wealth from these nation to the US.

All the while, the presumptive nominee for the Republican ticket is saying in no uncertain terms he doesn't care about the obligations of the US as signed into LAW by congress in regard to the NATO charter.

I used the Netherlands as an example.
Last I heard Ukraine was not in NATO. This is their back yard. They should be doing the Lions share of it.

Our border needs to be secured. The power of the purse is being used as intended. Pass HR2 and then get the funding
Maybe not you personally but libs promoting the senate bill

I should not have singled you out

How about Republicans from Oklahoma promoting the bill, what personal flaws do you attribute there to explain you skipping on a good deal?
And the country that has the greatest debt in human history can?
If the USA want's to, "needs" to, maintain it's global political hegemonic status via it's known policy since 1898 - what other choice do they have??

E.g. Germany does not have any global political hegemonic aspirations - we simply use our existing economic strength to "push" respective agendas. (Which then mostly our respective governments totally fuck up).
We haven't attacked/invaded any other country since 1949 - to "push" political agendas (okay excluding a mediocre illegal participation against Serbia).

However that "enterprise" Afghanistan, cost Germany billions - for absolutely NOTHING in return. Germany paid billions for the US led "Desert-Storm" - for absolutely NOTHING in return. If you believe it or not - these two escapades" are the major reasons for Germany's desolate Bundeswehr situation. Not even to mention the "horrendous" costings of the Ukraine war since 2022.

And to be fair - Germany's factual problem isn't just to raise the present 1.5% of GDP to 2% - but essentially as to how these 1.5% have been spend aka "wasted" in the e.g. past ten years.
If the USA want's to, "needs" to, maintain it's global political hegemonic status via it's known policy since 1898 - what other choice do they have??

E.g. Germany does not have any global political hegemonic aspirations - we simply use our existing economic strength to "push" respective agendas. (Which then mostly our respective governments totally fuck up).
We haven't attacked/invaded any other country since 1949 - to "push" political agendas (okay excluding a mediocre illegal participation against Serbia).

However that "enterprise" Afghanistan, cost Germany billions - for absolutely NOTHING in return. Germany paid billions for the US led "Desert-Storm" - for absolutely NOTHING in return. If you believe it or not - these two escapades" are the major reasons for Germany's desolate Bundeswehr situation. Not even to mention the "horrendous" costings of the Ukraine war since 2022.

And to be fair - Germany's factual problem isn't just to raise the present 1.5% of GDP to 2% - but essentially as to how these 1.5% have been spend aka "wasted" in the e.g. past ten years.
I understand your point, but nothing you posted changes the fact that we are in debt, and every penny we spend helping other counties defend themselves adds to the $30,000,000,000,000+ debt we’re burying ourselves with.
That’s ridiculous…While I didn’t like what he said there, I understand the sentiment…These nations SHOULD pay their share they agreed to. But, as to his ”fitness”, 1. He’s certainly more fit than Biden, who doesn’t have the mental competency stand trial for his crimes, but you want in charge of the nuclear arsenal, as he pushes toward WWIII….Thats just sad…
Nobody appreciates Tump's words, about NATO, more than Putin.
Trump and MAGA are Russia's biggest fans from the USA since the 1950 US communists.
Nothing you posted changes the fact that we are in debt, and every penny we spend helping other counties defend themselves adds to the $30,000,000,000,000+ debt we’re burying ourselves with.
Why don't you check when and how the US State debt evolved, before making non-relevant statements ???

When the cold war was over in 1991 the US State debt was around US$ 4 trillion - and the USSR was none existent and Russia didn't pose any threat towards NATO at all - until today - aside from waving around it's nuke potential. Highlighted endlessly by the WESTERN press. There was absolutely no threat from Russia for 30 years at all !!! - paying to protect NATO - absolute BULLSHIT.

However the USA spend trillions to pursue US global hegemonic interests Globally from 1990 onward. (Since the USSR was finally out of the equation).

1989$2,857S&L Crisis
1990$3,233First Iraq War
1993$4,411Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
1994$4,693Clinton budgets
1996$5,225Welfare reform
1998$5,526Long-Term Capital Management crisis; recession
1999$5,656Glass-Steagall Act repealed
2000$5,674Budget surplus
2001$5,8079/11 attacks; Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act
2002$6,228War on Terror
2003$6,783Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act; second Iraq War
2004$7,379Second Iraq War
2005$7,933Bankruptcy Act; Hurricane Katrina
2006$8,507Bernanke chaired Fed
2007$9,008Banks crisis
2008$10,025Bank bailouts; quantitative easing (QE)
2009$11,910Bailout cost $250 billion; American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) added $242 billion
2010$13,562ARRA added $400B; payroll tax holiday ended; Obama tax cuts; Affordable Care Act; Simpson-Bowles debt reduction plan
2011$14,790Debt crisis, recession, and tax cuts reduced revenue
2012$16,066Fiscal cliff
2013$16,738Sequester; government shutdown
2014$17,824QE ended; debt ceiling crisis
2015$18,151Oil prices fell
2017$20,245Congress raised the debt ceiling
2018$21,516Trump tax cuts
2019$22,719Trade wars
2020$26,945COVID-19 and recession
2021$28,428COVID-19 and American Rescue Plan Act
2022$30,928Inflation Reduction Act

Name me a single war - where the USA got involved due to a NATO member being attacked. - ZERO. NADA, NEVER.
The USA didn't get militarily involved neither when Turkey attacked Greece, nor when Argentina attacked the Falklands. The same goes for the e.g. Suez-crisis.

And every "wealthy" NATO member has contributed to support those "poor" NATO members, e.g. Portugal, Turkey, Greece, Poland, Romania etc. etc. - and not just the USA. Germany has contributed billions to Greece, Turkey and e.g. Poland - whilst the latter babbles about WW2 compensation.

Even the initial US 2nd hand crap that the Bundeswehr received upon becoming a NATO member in 1955 was ALL paid for by Germany.
And from the 60'ies onward Germany became the largest piggy bank in the European NATO for the US military industry. !!!

All wars since 1945 to which the USA where a part - where initiated and kicked of solely by the USA, to solely pursue US global Hegemonic interests.
And that is exactly as to what the American taxpayer is and has been paying for - since 1898. - US global supremacy.

E.g. Israel nor e.g. Egypt nor Jordan are NATO members, however both receive US$ billions. So why don't you ask these three, to pay by themselves, since the USA is indeed paying for them.

According to the 2021 estimates, U.S. defense spending will be close to $811 billion this year. On the other hand, the defense spending of all other NATO countries combined is projected to be $363 billion, Russia's defense budget will be close to $65 billion.
We (European NATO) need $ from the USA to outspend and or match Russia???? - simply ludicrous.

Just because your Trump talks bull all day long - shouldn't exempt you from trying to think for yourself from time to time.

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