Trump Claims He’s a Victim of Tactics He Once Deployed

WASHINGTON — Two days after the 2020 election that Donald J. Trump refused to admit he lost, his oldest son, Donald Trump Jr., made an urgent recommendation: “Fire Wray.”

The younger Mr. Trump did not explain in the text he sent why it was necessary to oust Christopher A. Wray, the F.B.I. director his father himself had appointed more than three years earlier. He did not have to. Everyone understood. Mr. Wray, in the view of the Trump family and its followers, was not personally loyal enough to the departing president.

Throughout his four years in the White House, Mr. Trump tried to turn the nation’s law enforcement apparatus into an instrument of political power to carry out his wishes. Now as the F.B.I. under Mr. Wray has executed an unprecedented search warrant at the former president’s Florida home, Mr. Trump is accusing the nation’s justice system of being exactly what he tried to turn it into: a political weapon for a president, just not for him.

Look at pusillum citing a news “Analysis” from the New York Slimes.

Instead of relying on the claim made by the biased author of an opinion piece, maybe pusillum can demonstrate (with facts and supportive links) to any effort made by President Trump to supposedly “turn the nation’s law enforcement apparatus into an instrument of political power to carry out his wishes.” [sic]. Id.
Biden announced on National TV that if they didnt fire the prosecutor that was investigating hunter and his relation with Burisma they wouldnt receive the billions in aid.
We never did find out what hunter did to warrant an $80k a month salary when he didnt know jackshit about the oil and gas industry.

You’re lying about that video. Biden does not mention anything about an investigation into Hunter and Burisma.
Look at pusillum citing a news “Analysis” from the New York Slimes.

Instead of relying on the claim made by the biased author of an opinion piece, maybe pusillum can demonstrate (with facts and supportive links) to any effort made by President Trump to supposedly “turn the nation’s law enforcement apparatus into an instrument of political power to carry out his wishes.” [sic]. Id.
Look at retard citing the usual trumptard slogan "biased news" when confronted with the truth.

Instead of retard falling back on the usual knee-jerk reaction, it can demonstrate with facts how the article is false.
Look at retard citing the usual trumptard slogan "biased news" when confronted with the truth.

You didn’t cite truth stupid. You cited a so-called news “analysis.” Did the doctors remove your entire brain during the lobotomy they gave you? Poor you.
Instead of retard falling back on the usual knee-jerk reaction, it can demonstrate with facts how the article is false.
I challenged you (as the proponent of the news analysis). So as usual, your cowardly response is to try to shift the burden.

Sack up.
I know all about Biden’s words. You are claiming he said things he didn’t. Your own videos show you aren’t being accurate.

He said nothing about an investigation into Burisma or Hunter Biden.

Marcy ^ pretending again (or maybe truly ignorant) as to who had been investigating Hunter and Burisma.

Marcy ^ pretending again (or maybe truly ignorant) as to who had been investigating Hunter and Burisma.
There was no actual investigation. It’s a fabrication to justify Trump weaponizing the government against his political enemies.
I know all about Biden’s words. You are claiming he said things he didn’t. Your own videos show you aren’t being accurate.

He said nothing about an investigation into Burisma or Hunter Biden.

:laughing0301: That has to be the weakest dodge I've ever seen.
The endless hypocrisy of Trump.
There was no actual investigation. It’s a fabrication to justify Trump weaponizing the government against his political enemies.
Oh. And I suppose you can support that claim?

You didn’t cite truth stupid. You cited a so-called news “analysis.” Did the doctors remove your entire brain during the lobotomy they gave you? Poor you.

I challenged you (as the proponent of the news analysis). So as usual, your cowardly response is to try to shift the burden.

Sack up.
Sorry, retard. In your maga-infested world, that may work. In the real world, if you have a problem with the analysis, it is on you to prove it wrong.

So, I challenge you. Take each point and disprove it. Let's see if you have the guts to follow this through. I doubt it. You are a trumptard after all, but hey surprise me. Go.
Can you support the claim there was an investigation?
Yes. Did you ever in your life post anything before actually looking into it first?

Didn’t think so.

Ok. Ok. I’ll stooo down to your tragically shallow level and take a moment to educate you:

Helpful hint. Note the date.
Sorry, retard. In your maga-infested world, that may work. In the real world, if you have a problem with the analysis, it is on you to prove it wrong.

So, I challenge you. Take each point and disprove it. Let's see if you have the guts to follow this through. I doubt it. You are a trumptard after all, but hey surprise me. Go.
You adopted the faux analysis. That makes it your claim, you dishonest imbecile.

Support your position. Go.

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