Trump Claims He’s a Victim of Tactics He Once Deployed

I know what he said. Do you think it’s impossible for him to be untruthful?
No. But it’s also quite possible that he spoke the absolute truth.

I know for a fact that the Ukrainian government then and maybe now isn’t necessarily a bastion of the righteous. I also know I wasn’t there and don’t have first hand knowledge of the shit that went down there.

Where does this lead is? Well, we know for a fact that Brandon openly bragged about getting the prosecutor fired upon a threat to withhold a billion dollars worth of U.S. loan guarantees. And that was at a time when the prosecutor was engaged in an investigation of Burisma. Hunter worked there from 2014 to 2019.
"Trump, attempting to rally his rabble of disaffected supporters, has played the victim card at every opportunity. He screams "Deep State" and "Witch Hunt" so often, you just know they'll soon be featured on red MAGA hats that Trump will eagerly sell for just $25. Supplies are limited! Get them now! They're going fast!"

"The former president held the world captive while in office with his constant whining and ranting. Like a toddler in a high chair spilling his food while soiling his diaper, Trump has perfected the art of the whine. The far right is screaming "Civil war," and Trump eats it up"

"Let them whine. They're as full of shit as he is. After five years of threats from Donald Trump, I can tell you one thing — the stray mentally challenged Trumper may be dangerous, but with so many of them facing prison time because of the insurrection, those who are still vaguely aware of reality are no longer so interested in taking up arms for a president who once wished his army generals were more like Hitler's"

The above is from an opinion piece I just read.
Yeah. Very impressive. 🙄
No. But it’s also quite possible that he spoke the absolute truth.

I know for a fact that the Ukrainian government then and maybe now isn’t necessarily a bastion of the righteous. I also know I wasn’t there and don’t have first hand knowledge of the shit that went down there.

Where does this lead is? Well, we know for a fact that Brandon openly bragged about getting the prosecutor fired upon a threat to withhold a billion dollars worth of U.S. loan guarantees. And that was at a time when the prosecutor was engaged in an investigation of Burisma. Hunter worked there from 2014 to 2019.
Actually it’s not a fact at all that the prosecutor general was investigating Burisma.

Shokin claims there was but one would think that there’d be some way of showing that it actually existed. None has come to light.

I don’t expect you to know anything about the inner workings of the Ukrainian government. Why would you? But a lot of people do. Those people indicate that Shokin was not doing his job. There was no effort to root out corruption and in fact his office was itself corrupt.

Biden was part of a larger effort to have him dismissed for these reasons.
Actually it’s not a fact at all that the prosecutor general was investigating Burisma.
Yea. It is.
Shokin claims there was but one would think that there’d be some way of showing that it actually existed. None has come to light.

Yea. It has.
I don’t expect you to know anything about the inner workings of the Ukrainian government. Why would you? But a lot of people do. Those people indicate that Shokin was not doing his job.

And you lap up what “they” say because hearsay is so reliable? And none of them might have a motive to throw shade? 🙄
There was no effort to root out corruption

So you claim.
and in fact his office was itself corrupt.

So you claim without any basis in fact.
Biden was part of a larger effort to have him dismissed for these reasons.
So you claim.
It really bothers an AH like you.
No. You don’t bother me, fume. I frankly enjoy exposing your imbecility and lies.

You provide sufficient ammo with everyone of your sub-cretin posts. And, don’t be confused. You are the asshole. 👍
“Everyone” knows Hunter is guilty but no one knows what he is guilty of.
He is guilty of corruption in Ukraine and China, using his dads position to curry favor. They laundered money, commited wire fraud and Hunter is guilty of tax evasion.
No. You don’t bother me, fume. I frankly enjoy exposing your imbecility and lies.

You provide sufficient ammo with everyone of your sub-cretin posts. And, don’t be confused. You are the asshole. 👍
Here's the link. It's all about you. That's what you crave.

Here's the link. It's all about you. That's what you crave.

Fume. Just admit that you’ve got nothing. It’s not exactly a secret.

Your opinion pieces mean nothing, obviously. Well, obvious to anyone who isn’t a retard like you.
I quoted the portion of it I asked you to support. The piece doesn’t appear to do so.

And again: it’s up to you to support it. I’ve already rejected your illogical and cowardly attempt to engage in burden shifting.

Your imbecility doesn’t surprise anyone. You offer constant proof of it.
You mean this question: President Trump to supposedly “turn the nation’s law enforcement apparatus into an instrument of political power to carry out his wishes ??

Here you go, from the article:
  • Mr. Trump saw law enforcement agencies as another institution to bend to his will, firing the F.B.I. director James B. Comey when he declined to pledge personal loyalty to the president or publicly declare that Mr. Trump was not a target of the Russia inquiry.
  • The president later fired Attorney General Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from that investigation and therefore not protecting Mr. Trump from it.
  • During his time in office, Mr. Trump repeatedly called on the Justice Department and the F.B.I. to investigate his foes and let off his friends.
  • He publicly criticized the prosecutions of campaign advisers like Paul J. Manafort and Roger J. Stone Jr. and his former national security adviser Michael T. Flynn, eventually pardoning them.
  • Frustrated with Mr. Wray, Mr. Trump sought to install a more supportive director at the F.B.I. in 2020, backing down after protests by Attorney General William P. Barr.
  • he pushed for the prosecution of Mr. Biden’s son Hunter and lashed out at Mr. Barr and Mr. Wray for not prosecuting Democrats like the elder Mr. Biden and Barack Obama because of the Russia inquiry.
  • Mr. Trump repeatedly pressed Mr. Barr’s successor, Jeffrey A. Rosen, to go along with his scheme to discredit the election results and came close to firing him when he would not and installing an ally who would, Jeffrey Clark. The president was blocked only when told that every senior Justice Department official would resign in protest.
Now, your turn. Disprove these points. Put up or shut up. I know you won't. Why? Because you are a trumptard. But, hey, prove me wrong.
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Yea. It is.

Yea. It has.

And you lap up what “they” say because hearsay is so reliable? And none of them might have a motive to throw shade? 🙄

So you claim.

So you claim without any basis in fact.

So you claim.
No, it’s not a fact. Shokin can’t name any other prosecutor working on the case with him. He can’t name any witnesses interviewed. The investigation is mythical, claimed to have existed by Shokin alone, but we don’t get any actual evidence of it. You just want us to accept it as fact.

“The premise was that Trump accused Joe Biden of wanting Shokin’s ouster because he was probing Hunter Biden in connection to Burisma Holdings, the energy firm that hired him.

However, Volker testified that Shokin was doing the opposite.

He was letting the Burisma investigation collect dust and failed to prosecute high-profile cases of graft overall.

The transcript testimony showed that Volker told House panelists that Joe Biden sought the ouster of Shokin as part of “executing U.S. policy at the time and what was widely understood internationally to be the right policy.”

Joe Biden’s efforts were in line with a consensus among the European Union, France, Britain, German, and U.S. diplomats "that Shokin was not doing his job as prosecutor-general," adding that Shokin "was not pursuing corruption cases" when Joe Biden called for him to be fired.”
You mean this question: President Trump to supposedly “turn the nation’s law enforcement apparatus into an instrument of political power to carry out his wishes ??

Since that’s the part I specifically referenced, it’s astounding you we’re able to identify it. Good boy! :itsok:
Here you go, from the article:
Mr. Trump saw law enforcement agencies as another institution to bend to his will, firing the F.B.I. director James B. Comey when he declined to pledge personal loyalty to the president or publicly declare that Mr. Trump was not a target of the Russia inquiry.

Uh huh. And you imagine that is “factual support. “🙄 it’s funny. The Dims had also been demanding Comey’s firing at the time. But as soon as it was done, the Dims claimed it was “because” of that Russia investigation crap. Ask yourself, you dishonest hack, why the AG and the deputy AG had recommended that the President fire Comey.
The president later fired Attorney General Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from that investigation and therefore not protecting Mr. Trump from it.

Wrong. He fired Sessions partly for doing crap like an unnecessary recusal and mostly for not doing the job an AG is supposed to do. Session was a lightweight in that office.
During his time in office, Mr. Trump repeatedly called on the Justice Department and the F.B.I. to investigate his foes and let off his friends.
I don’t see the word “allegedly” in that one. I also see no support for the claim.

Poor Minimus. Another post, another fail.
He is guilty of corruption in Ukraine and China, using his dads position to curry favor. They laundered money, commited wire fraud and Hunter is guilty of tax evasion.
Yeah, none of that is known.
And why are we going to take the word of a prosecutor widely regarded as corrupt inside and outside of Ukraine?

Other than the fact that it’s politically convenient.
He's widely regarded as corrupt only by NAZI douchebags like you. In fact, you don't even regard him as corrupt. That's just the talking point your filthy party is pushing.
"Trump, attempting to rally his rabble of disaffected supporters, has played the victim card at every opportunity. He screams "Deep State" and "Witch Hunt" so often, you just know they'll soon be featured on red MAGA hats that Trump will eagerly sell for just $25. Supplies are limited! Get them now! They're going fast!"

"The former president held the world captive while in office with his constant whining and ranting. Like a toddler in a high chair spilling his food while soiling his diaper, Trump has perfected the art of the whine. The far right is screaming "Civil war," and Trump eats it up"

"Let them whine. They're as full of shit as he is. After five years of threats from Donald Trump, I can tell you one thing — the stray mentally challenged Trumper may be dangerous, but with so many of them facing prison time because of the insurrection, those who are still vaguely aware of reality are no longer so interested in taking up arms for a president who once wished his army generals were more like Hitler's"

The above is from an opinion piece I just read.

Opinions are like assholes......

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