Trump claims Pence and DeSantis are too boring for CPAC as he warns he’s preparing a ‘monster’ speech


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Pence is a kitten, DeSantis is a cougar, Trump is a monster! i like this metaphor!

Pence is dry, no questioin. Which is good. Perfecf for a wingman, but tough to see as a leader who could influence leaders on the world stage.
Probably right. Too moderate and diplomatic to deal with the vermin the way Trump would with both Parties' hacks, hammer and tong. The GOP has signaled it isn't going to do squat about anything but whine about tax cuts for billionaires for the next two years and continue selling out the country.
Keep attacking each other.

Unfortunately, it will probably help POS trump.

He (trump) still Loses to ANY (D) in the 2024 POTUS Election.
He (trump) still Loses to ANY (D) in the 2024 POTUS Election.

Only if Trump can't break any association with the Covid thing and the whole rap laid on him as attempting to overthrow the government that overthrew him.

And he can do that simply by giving closure to both topics while highlighting the big points of how the democrats and Biden have sorely failed America since.
Only if Trump can't break any association with the Covid thing and the whole rap laid on him as attempting to overthrow the government that overthrew him.

And he can do that simply by giving closure to both topics while highlighting the big points of how the democrats and Biden have sorely failed America since.
I can only address this......
how the democrats and Biden have sorely failed America since.

You are still living well? Not?
Pence is a kitten, DeSantis is a cougar, Trump is a monster! i like this metaphor!

It's funny. Is Trump going to say anything new, or is he just going to carry on spouting the same crap as normal? I'd go for the second. So he's criticizing people for something he should be criticizing himself for.
CPAC is nothing but an infomercial.
Selling their crap to the people stupid enough to attend.
" I am preparing a monster lie where I call everyone names when I am not bragging on myself"

Keep attacking each other.

Unfortunately, it will probably help POS trump.

He (trump) still Loses to ANY (D) in the 2024 POTUS Election.

lol if your Masters thought that they wouldn't devote so much time and resources going after him and anybody associated with him. The fact is you gimps are terrified of him and wetting yourselves when ever your buzzes wear off.
The 2020 election was Pearl Harbor and Trump is the awakened monster.

They're very concerned about how their fake balloting and box rigging is going to go this time around. They have so many special interest groups with conflicting interests, and many are sniveling about how small their cut of the plunder is.

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