Trump claims presidents can declassify documents ‘even by thinking about it

The president has total and full power to declassify.... no one sits above him with this duty.... so yes... he doesn't have to tell a soul when he declassifies and he can do so retroactively as well...
The reaction from the abortion lobby and it's followers to the leaked ruling made me realize that I was siding with fanatics who don't give a shot about freedom other than the freedom to kill babies.

Weird how people can see the same thing and come away with totally opposite views.

Had Thomas not slipped in the part about marriage and birth control the response might have been a bit different. But now your party has made it clear that there is nothing that is safe in this country.
Had Thomas not slipped in the part about marriage and birth control the response might have been a bit different. But now your party has made it clear that there is nothing that is safe in this country.
Yes that really triggered the drama queens.

Unborn children are safer in some states. The idea that Clarence Thomas wants to ban inter-racial marriage is sillier than the whole coke can thing which I wouldn't have thought possible.

You want birth control in the constitution lobby for an amendment. Since no one wants to ban it I'm not sure the point but have fun with it.
Yes that really triggered the drama queens.

Unborn children are safer in some states

But no safer in general, and perhaps even less so.

The idea that Clarence Thomas wants to ban inter-racial marriage is sillier than the whole coke can thing which I wouldn't have thought possible.

Not talking about inter-racial marriage, but same sex marriage. That he will attack because it does not impact his life at all.

You want birth control in the constitution lobby for an amendment. Since no one wants to ban it I'm not sure the point but have fun with it.

It does not need to be in the constitution, and yes people from your beloved party have talked about getting the ruling on BC over turned.

You really should pay more attention to those you are so devoted to.
Nice to see Hillary didn't have any classified material on her email server.
KInda hard to see what isn't there.Like using Bleachbit or smashing
Blackberry cell phones.Butt .. You nude dat ... right.
Like the way Hillary treated the parents of slain Benghazi
Mission CIA Contractors Tyrone Woods.As the caskets arrived
home for burial.
Hillary was particularly dismissive with the Father of Tyrone Woods.
Charles Woods explained how Hillary lied again when there was
a casket ceremony." She stood in front of my son's casket and blamed
the rage directed at american embassies on a Video. "
I'm sorry, are you actually comparing taking home the docs that prove the DNC, HRC, Obama & his WH & fed law enforcement illegally targeted DT & committed felony sedition in the act is the same as declassifying every single document in the US?
Nice strawman you got going there but it's losing it's stuffing

View attachment 699760
Langley agent candyass excels in straw man arguments, :auiqs.jpg:
Declassification 101

1. President or Congress ordering all JFK records declassified. Memorandum sent to all Agencies with those records to start declassification process(blacking shit out). Records released on websites and foia requests.

2.President in National Security Scif briefing on North Korea they need somebody to get inside. President calls Dennis Rodman in to help. Rodman has no Security Clearance, President tells staff to let Rodman seeTop Secret documents about what issue is. President has declassified documents for Rodman to read while in this meeting.

Truman didn’t have Atomic Bomb papers at his house

Kennedy did not have Castro assassination papers at his house.

Clintons boy Burger stuffed classified documents in his pants while reviewing in National Archives Scif. He gets caught and convicted of Felony. Pardoned bu Bush🤦‍♂️

Trumps issue is he took them home. Its a closed and shut case.

But no safer in general, and perhaps even less so.

Not talking about inter-racial marriage, but same sex marriage. That he will attack because it does not impact his life at all.

It does not need to be in the constitution, and yes people from your beloved party have talked about getting the ruling on BC over turned.

You really should pay more attention to those you are so devoted to.
Our Country Thanks to One demented individual { Potus Joe }
has never been this precariously in harms way.Having no idea'r as to
just who Illegally filtered into the interior of our once stable heartlands.
We can see the way Liberal cities are now shockingly unsafe in the extreme.
Now even precious life { Fetus } are virtually taken for granted.
That sort of thing was never even remotely allowed in our history.
Pregnant women were honored and given the ultimate degree of respect.
KInda hard to see what isn't there.Like using Bleachbit or smashing
Blackberry cell phones.Butt .. You nude dat ... right.
Like the way Hillary treated the parents of slain Benghazi
Mission CIA Contractors Tyrone Woods.As the caskets arrived
home for burial.
Hillary was particularly dismissive with the Father of Tyrone Woods.
Charles Woods explained how Hillary lied again when there was
a casket ceremony." She stood in front of my son's casket and blamed
the rage directed at american embassies on a Video. "

Yes, I'm aware Hillary had all emails wiped from her server and devices so that they couldn't be hacked.

Still, thanks to Trump, there was no classified material on them.

“There doesn’t have to be a process, as I understand it,” Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity. “If you’re the president of the United States, you can declassify just by saying, ‘It’s declassified.’ Even by thinking about it.

So, do you all agree with this? Is just the mere thought of something being declassified enough to make it so?
Trump is an idiot
You want birth control in the constitution lobby for an amendment.

In fact, the right to privacy has long been in the Constitution.

That the courts refuse to defend that right doesn’t change that fact.

And the people retain the right to recognize and defend the right to privacy through the political process.
Unborn children are safer in some states.
Also wrong.

A zygote/embryo/fetus is not a ‘child.’

Indeed, no child who resides in a state that recognizes and defends the right to privacy is ‘in jeopardy.’

The truth is that women in ban states are now far less safe – both their health and lives imperiled by laws compelling women to give birth against their will.
Also wrong.

A zygote/embryo/fetus is not a ‘child.’

Indeed, no child who resides in a state that recognizes and defends the right to privacy is ‘in jeopardy.’

The truth is that women in ban states are now far less safe – both their health and lives imperiled by laws compelling women to give birth against their will.

Well, I for one always viewed my children as such even in the womb. From the moment we knew my wife was pregnant both times it was a child that was inside of her. There truly is no other option.
Does it impact your life?

I am one of those rare folks that can care about something that does not impact my life. You might give it a try just once and see how it feels. You will likely hate it, but who knows.

Now, as a libertarian it is my belief that the government should not be involved in marriage at all. But as long as it is, it cannot discriminate on the basis of something as benign as the sex of the two adults involved (they should also not limit it to two adults, but that is a different topic).

I hold this same view on the use of pot. I have no desire to use it myself, but if someone can sit in their living room and drink a 5th of Jack legally, they should be able to smoke a joint or eat a pot brownie legally if they want to do so.
But no safer in general, and perhaps even less so.
Safer from being pulled apart alive.
Not talking about inter-racial marriage, but same sex marriage. That he will attack because it does not impact his life at all.
You mean like Obama and Clinton attacked same sex martiage? That's a perfect example of your party not having energy for improving the lives of Americans but being totally driven to protect the abortion industry.

Same sex marriage isn't in the constitution but Dems decided not to pass laws protecting it.
It does not need to be in the constitution, and yes people from your beloved party have talked about getting the ruling on BC over turned.
A person from your beloved party signed the Defense of Marriage Act while president. A person from your beloved party said that desegregating public schools would make them a racial jungle. Y'all liked that so much that you made him president too.
You really should pay more attention to those you are so devoted to.
What senior politician said that?
There is "No Policy For Declassifying" classified information.

So, all those security briefings I had to attend when I was stationed the Pentagon TeleCommunications Center never really happened.

My experience they are in fact very real. You sit in room and you are lectured on the proper/improper storage and/or handling of Classified Information.

The following were Security Clearances I had.

SPECAC - Special Access - Up to and including Top Secret.

SECRET - Access Secret Informa;tion.

Top Secret - Access to Top Secret Classifed Information

N.A.T.O. - Access to N.A.T.O. level Classified Informaton

C.E.N.T.O. - Access to C.E.N.T.O. level Classified Information.

S.E.A.T.O. - Access to S.E.A.T.O. - Access to S.E.TO. Classified Information.

ATOMAL - Access to Atomic/Nuclear Classified Information.

WHITEROCKET - Access to White House level Classified Information.

I attended Security Briefing every 6-Months, reviewing proper procedures for the handlind, dissmenation and storage of classified information.

I worked on a daily basis with Classified Infomation. I know of at least 7-Men and Women who were either court-martialed/convicted of mishandling Classified Information. After each trial, I had to go into a secure room and be briefed once more on what would happen if I or another person mishandled or sold Classified Information.

Here are some examples of how to handle Classified Material.

Penalty For The Disclosure of Classified Information.

Penalty For Unauthorized Removal and Retention of Classified Documents or Material.

The member of this forum who posted there were NO policies or procedures for the handling and storage of Classified Information/Material was factually incorrect..i.e. A LIAR!!!
I notice you don't quote this supposed member who supposedly said that. Straw MAN it sounds like.

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