Trump: combat dead and wounded in Afghanistan "FOOLISHLY SPENT"

jknowgood, post: 18930795
Yes six months after his general told him to.

Not even the absolute certainty of time itself has influence in jknowgoid's absolute and complete absobrtion into the fake reality of so many conservatives.

Obama was inaugurated on January 20, 2009.
Obama approved Afghan troop increase on February 18, 2009.

In 'jknowgood's' fake reality Obama was President in August and responsible for the decision that Bush did not make.

Bush did not listen to his Genersls for five months. I wonder if there is mental pain involved in 'jknowgood's' learning something about reality?
A general in September 2009, told obama another 80,000 troops were needed in Afghanistan. After months of deciding Obama sent 30,000 troops.

That is why he is Commander in Chief
jknowgood, post: 18930795
Yes six months after his general told him to.

Not even the absolute certainty of time itself has influence in jknowgoid's absolute and complete absobrtion into the fake reality of so many conservatives.

Obama was inaugurated on January 20, 2009.
Obama approved Afghan troop increase on February 18, 2009.

In 'jknowgood's' fake reality Obama was President in August and responsible for the decision that Bush did not make.

Bush did not listen to his Genersls for five months. I wonder if there is mental pain involved in 'jknowgood's' learning something about reality?
A general in September 2009, told obama another 80,000 troops were needed in Afghanistan. After months of deciding Obama sent 30,000 troops.

That is why he is Commander in Chief
And that's why issis flourished under him. But Trump took care of that problem in less than a year.
mudwhistle, post: 18931074
Mudwhistle has actually fought in the War On my reality much more real than anything you've seen on a friggen television screen.

Your service to our country I'm sure was quite honorable, but making up a fake reality and expecting the worldwide media to confirm your reality is not something for which you are entitled.

There just are no credible sources to back your fake reality up.

mudwhistle, post: 18931074
And just because the media refused to report the facts doesn't mean it's any less a reality. Censorship is a very important tool for liars and liberals.

Fox News has not confirmed your fake Al Qaeda in Iraq prior to March 2003, reality either. There are many holes in your story and complaints about the so called liberal media.
I really don't give a flying-fuck about journalists and their establishment approved sources.
I know from what I've seen in intelligence reports and from talking to people on the ground what's really going on.
mudwhistle, post: 18931684
I really don't give a flying-fuck about journalists and their establishment approved sources.
I know from what I've seen in intelligence reports and from talking to people on the ground what's really going on.

I realize you don't give a fuck about reality.

It's very simple to claim that you have seen intelligence reports that even Bush and Cheney must not have ever seen and to claim you talk to mysterious secret people who who tell you what you want to hear. And then you have this entire liberal fake news conspiracy theory to explain why no one believes you.

What's hard is providing a credible source for the fake reality you believe in. That is because there are none. What you are saying is not true.
jknowgood, post: 18931608
A general in September 2009, told obama another 80,000 troops were needed in Afghanistan. After months of deciding Obama sent 30,000 troop

You just can't quit with your fake reality can you? I'm very much aware of McChrystal's troop request which was based on implementing his counter-insurgency strategy.

The same strategy you and Trump now ridicule as foolish,

According to this report it was for 30.000 troops to be deployed over 18 months.

"Officials have not said exactly how many extra troops McChrystal believes he needs, although defense and congressional officials have suggested the request could be for about 30,000."

McChrystal troops request shelved pending review

In January Obama appoved 30,000 more troops as part of the couterinsurgency strategy proposed by "foolish" general McChrystal,

By Karen DeYoung and Scott Wilson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
"The new troops are to be sent in stages beginning in January, with options to delay or cancel deployments, depending on the performance of the Afghan government and other factors. Defense officials said that, beyond Marine units deploying next month, no final decisions have been made about specific units or the order in which they would be sent."

Obama to send 34,000 troops to Afghanistan

McChrystal troop request was for troops to be sent in stages. There was no urgency to them being sent right away as you claim.

Can you ever stop lying about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

In fact Obama demanded troops be sent in faster than the Pentagon requested them.

Obama gave the Pentagon what it asked for.

Quit the lie.
Last edited:
jknowgood, post: 18930795
Yes six months after his general told him to.

Not even the absolute certainty of time itself has influence in jknowgoid's absolute and complete absobrtion into the fake reality of so many conservatives.

Obama was inaugurated on January 20, 2009.
Obama approved Afghan troop increase on February 18, 2009.

In 'jknowgood's' fake reality Obama was President in August and responsible for the decision that Bush did not make.

Bush did not listen to his Genersls for five months. I wonder if there is mental pain involved in 'jknowgood's' learning something about reality?
A general in September 2009, told obama another 80,000 troops were needed in Afghanistan. After months of deciding Obama sent 30,000 troops.

That is why he is Commander in Chief
And that's why issis flourished under him. But Trump took care of that problem in less than a year.

Actually, The Great Obama built an international coalition to defeat ISIS

Trump claimed he had a "secret plan" to defeat ISIS and that he knew more than the generals. As it turned out, his plan was to continue the policies of The Great Obama
jknowgood, post: 18931608
A general in September 2009, told obama another 80,000 troops were needed in Afghanistan. After months of deciding Obama sent 30,000 troop

'Jknowgood' cannot support his claim that Obama delayed for six months a decision to approve General McChrystal's troop request.

'Jknowgood' says a general told Obama to send more trooos in September 2009. That is not exactly true. The late September request was based upon acceptance of a proposed CI strategy that called for tougher ROE and the need for US troops to be exposed more into harms way by of exposure to Afghan local people, needing to win their hearts and minds. Nation Building which is now mocked and ridiculed by Trump and Jknowgood.

The review of that strategy, listening to his General was completed by December 1st.

And the Pentagon was in no hurry to begin sending more troops. They had no place to base them.

"By Karen DeYoung and Scott Wilson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
"The new troops are to be sent in stages beginning in January, with options to delay or cancel deployments, depending on the performance of the Afghan government and other factors. Defense officials said that, beyond Marine units deploying next month, no final decisions have been made about specific units or the order in which they would be sent."

Obama to send 34,000 troops to Afghanistan

Jknowgood will never apologize for lying about Obama and his handling of Bush's two wars.
mudwhistle, post: 18931684
I really don't give a flying-fuck about journalists and their establishment approved sources.
I know from what I've seen in intelligence reports and from talking to people on the ground what's really going on.

I realize you don't give a fuck about reality.

It's very simple to claim that you have seen intelligence reports that even Bush and Cheney must not have ever seen and to claim you talk to mysterious secret people who who tell you what you want to hear. And then you have this entire liberal fake news conspiracy theory to explain why no one believes you.

What's hard is providing a credible source for the fake reality you believe in. That is because there are none. What you are saying is not true.
OH, so, you saw everything Bush saw now????

Fuck you....
mudwhistle, post: 1893254
OH, so, you saw everything Bush saw now????

No. If there were intelligence reports proving what you claim is true, Bush and Cheney would not be working with the liberal media and Fox News to suppress and censor it.

Once you conservatives begin constructing your own fake reality there is no stopping it.

I have no need to have seen what Bush and Cheney saw to understand the great personal benefit and political benefit to be derived from publically revealing your fake reality as truth.

They cannot do it. What you are claiming is false, fake, not true.
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.
Democrat Trump called for us to cut and run from Iraq back when the Right was screaming for a surge.

And then, magically, newly minted Republican Trump claimed Obama's cutting from Iraq led to the rise of ISIS! And the same pseudocon tards cheered him on!
The reason the Naked Emperor doesn't want his Chumps to watch CNN is because Trump does not want them to see all those times he went on CNN to spew the Far Left party line.

Here is Cut-And-Run Democrat Donald Trump on CNN:

BLITZER: How does the United States get out of this situation?

TRUMP: You know how they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave.

jknowgood, post: 18931608
A general in September 2009, told obama another 80,000 troops were needed in Afghanistan. After months of deciding Obama sent 30,000 troop

You just can't quit with your fake reality can you? I'm very much aware of McChrystal's troop request which was based on implementing his counter-insurgency strategy.

The same strategy you and Trump now ridicule as foolish,

According to this report it was for 30.000 troops to be deployed over 18 months.

"Officials have not said exactly how many extra troops McChrystal believes he needs, although defense and congressional officials have suggested the request could be for about 30,000."

McChrystal troops request shelved pending review

In January Obama appoved 30,000 more troops as part of the couterinsurgency strategy proposed by "foolish" general McChrystal,

By Karen DeYoung and Scott Wilson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
"The new troops are to be sent in stages beginning in January, with options to delay or cancel deployments, depending on the performance of the Afghan government and other factors. Defense officials said that, beyond Marine units deploying next month, no final decisions have been made about specific units or the order in which they would be sent."

Obama to send 34,000 troops to Afghanistan

McChrystal troop request was for troops to be sent in stages. There was no urgency to them being sent right away as you claim.

Can you ever stop lying about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

In fact Obama demanded troops be sent in faster than the Pentagon requested them.

Obama gave the Pentagon what it asked for.

Quit the lie.
He requested 80,000. I haven't ridiculed Obama for sending Troops. But he did wait a while to deploy them and 50,000 less than was needed by the general. Quit kissing ass.
jknowgood, post: 18930795
Yes six months after his general told him to.

Not even the absolute certainty of time itself has influence in jknowgoid's absolute and complete absobrtion into the fake reality of so many conservatives.

Obama was inaugurated on January 20, 2009.
Obama approved Afghan troop increase on February 18, 2009.

In 'jknowgood's' fake reality Obama was President in August and responsible for the decision that Bush did not make.

Bush did not listen to his Genersls for five months. I wonder if there is mental pain involved in 'jknowgood's' learning something about reality?
A general in September 2009, told obama another 80,000 troops were needed in Afghanistan. After months of deciding Obama sent 30,000 troops.

That is why he is Commander in Chief
And that's why issis flourished under him. But Trump took care of that problem in less than a year.

Actually, The Great Obama built an international coalition to defeat ISIS

Trump claimed he had a "secret plan" to defeat ISIS and that he knew more than the generals. As it turned out, his plan was to continue the policies of The Great Obama
Actually Obama's plan was to move and contain issis. Trump told the general's to kill them, and it has worked.
jknowgood, post: 18931608
A general in September 2009, told obama another 80,000 troops were needed in Afghanistan. After months of deciding Obama sent 30,000 troop

'Jknowgood' cannot support his claim that Obama delayed for six months a decision to approve General McChrystal's troop request.

'Jknowgood' says a general told Obama to send more trooos in September 2009. That is not exactly true. The late September request was based upon acceptance of a proposed CI strategy that called for tougher ROE and the need for US troops to be exposed more into harms way by of exposure to Afghan local people, needing to win their hearts and minds. Nation Building which is now mocked and ridiculed by Trump and Jknowgood.

The review of that strategy, listening to his General was completed by December 1st.

And the Pentagon was in no hurry to begin sending more troops. They had no place to base them.

"By Karen DeYoung and Scott Wilson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
"The new troops are to be sent in stages beginning in January, with options to delay or cancel deployments, depending on the performance of the Afghan government and other factors. Defense officials said that, beyond Marine units deploying next month, no final decisions have been made about specific units or the order in which they would be sent."

Obama to send 34,000 troops to Afghanistan

Jknowgood will never apologize for lying about Obama and his handling of Bush's two wars.
Get your head out of Obamas ass.
Bush and Cheney would not be working with the liberal media and Fox News to suppress and censor it.

Cheney = JDAAC = Zionist
W = completely sold out to Zionism
"US" media = 100% Zionist

and yeah, they were in it together, the W Administration and the "US" media, keeping things off the US "radar...."

like this...


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