Trump: combat dead and wounded in Afghanistan "FOOLISHLY SPENT"

mudwhistle, post: 1892901
Well, obviously you have a problem with English reading comprehension.....because you read into what Trump was saying something that he didn't mean.
In effect, you spun what he said in the most negative manner you could think of, and it wasn't even original either.

What has been spun: I quoted Trump's tweet exactly:

NotfooledbyW, post: 18883229
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"

Is it your interpretation that Trump meant the money was foolishly spent but the time, training, professionalism, casualties and lives of US troops were wisely spent? Don't be such a Trump dupe.
mudwhistle, post: 1892901
Well, obviously you have a problem with English reading comprehension.....because you read into what Trump was saying something that he didn't mean.
In effect, you spun what he said in the most negative manner you could think of, and it wasn't even original either.

What has been spun: I quoted Trump's tweet exactly:

NotfooledbyW, post: 18883229
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"

Is it your interpretation that Trump meant the money was foolishly spent but the time, training, professionalism, casualties and lives of US troops were wisely spent? Don't be such a Trump dupe.
Wasn't it you who said Trump was bashing the troops while giving aide the the Taliban?

My guess is what Trump's saying is exactly what your dumbass has said about Bush's wars. But because Donald J. Trump said it, you have a problem with it.

"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.
So know you are for the years we spent in Afghanistan? He said it was a foolish war. What he should of said, fools ran the war. Talking about Bush and Obama.
This dickhead is against anything Trump says.....even if he said the same shit a few years ago about Bush.
westwall, post: 18929013
Not a lie silly girl, the pure, unadulterated truth, truth which you can't handle....

It certainly is a lie. You said Obama gave billions of dollars to terrorists.

Your link tells us this:

"The $1.7 billion was the settlement of a decades-old arbitration claim between the U.S. and Iran. "

Obama actually saved about $2.3 billion of an decades long arbitration settlement from going to Iran.

Read this and weep, liar:

"The major issue between the two governments was a $400 million payment for military equipment made by the government of the Shah of Iran, prior to the 1979 uprising that topped him. The U.S. banned delivery of the jets and other weapons amid the hostage crisis, but froze the $400 million advance payment. “The Pentagon handled arms purchases from foreign countries,” says Gary Sick, a former National Security Council official who served as the principal White House aide for Iran during the Iranian Revolution and the hostage crisis. “Defense took care of the details. So the $400 million scheduled purchase was a government-to-government transaction. The U.S. government was holding the money. That’s why it was so difficult to resolve.”

By 2015, the issue stood before a panel of nine judges, including three independent jurists, who were reportedly near a decision on binding arbitration. According to Obama administration officials, the U.S. was concerned that the tribunal would mandate an award in the multiple billions of dollars. “The Iranians wanted $10 billion,” says Sick.”I estimate that the tribunal would have awarded them $4 billion. That’s what the lawyers were saying. It’s not as much as they wanted, but a lot more than we paid.”

So instead, the U.S. negotiators convinced Iran to move the dispute from arbitration to a private settlement. The two sides reached an agreement in mid-2015, at the same time as the U.S. and Iran reached a comprehensive pact on curtailing Iran’s development of nuclear weapons. The financial deal called for the U.S. to refund $1.7 billion to Tehran, consisting of the original $400 million contract for military equipment, plus $1.3 billion in interest.

5 Things You Need to Know About the $400 Million America Sent to Iran

You are a liar because you said Obama "gave" billions to terrorists. The reality which escapes you was it was not just 'given to terrorists' it was a legal settlement negotiated down from $10 billion to $1.7 billion between two governments. It was not between Obama and terrorists. That is why no scandal or treason charges could ever be applied against Obama.

When you lie like this don't you ever wonder why a Republican controlled House and Senate did nothing about it?
jknowgood, post: 18883401
Obama waited six months to listen to his general's, before he sent more troops.

You are a liar. I called you on this already.

This announcement came within a month of Obama's inauguration approving a troop increase that Bush sat on for months:

updated 7:26 a.m. EST, Wed February 18, 2009
Obama approves Afghanistan troop increase

"WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Barack Obama has approved a significant troop increase for Afghanistan, Pentagon officials said Tuesday.

President Obama says al Qaeda threatens American from the Afghan-Pakistani border.


The new troop deployment is expected to include 8,000 Marines from Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, as well as 4,000 additional Army troops from Fort Lewis, Washington.

"This increase is necessary to stabilize a deteriorating situation in Afghanistan, which has not received the strategic attention, direction and resources it urgently requires," Obama said in a written statement.

"The Taliban is resurgent in Afghanistan, and al Qaeda supports the insurgency and threatens America from its safe haven along the Pakistani border." See what CNN's Barbara Starr says about the increase on the AC360 blog

Another 5,000 troops will be deployed at a later date to support combat troops, bringing the total to 17,000 the Defense Department said. A senior administration official confirmed the total."

Obama approves Afghanistan troop increase -

Now you have been exposed to reality. Can you leave your fake Trump reality behind?
mudwhistle, post: 18929333
This dickhead is against anything Trump says.....even if he said the same shit a few years ago about Bush.

I never said or thought the money and lives spent in Afghanistan were foolish. I criticized Bush for neglecting Afghanistan by invading Iraq.

I realize Trump supporters must invent their own reality to make points and sense, but you can't change the real world where I and sixty percent of the country lives.

So do you have a point based upon the reality of what I am saying and what Trump said?

It's about time most conservatives run from reality and depart threads like this. Will you?
easyt65, post: 1892273
Obama helped oust an allied nation's leader, put pressure on the nation to alter its election schedule, and helped put the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood in power in Egypt.

Explain how Obama did any of that? But mostly how he 'helped' put the Muslim Brotherhood in power in Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood was destroyed in Egypt long before Obama left office.

You live in a fake reality.
easyt65, post: 18922823
I have just scratched the surface of outlining the PROVEN, FACTUAL CRIMINAL ENABLING, TERRORIST SUPPORTING, TREASON AND CONSTITUTION / LAW-BREAKING ACTIONS of Barak Obama, crimes and treason the Obama-worshipping leftists snowflakes willingly ignored .

Not one single sniff of treason occurred in the Obama White House. You are overwhelmed by fake reality.
easyt65, post: 18922734
Up until that time Obama had created Rules of Engagement that prohibited anyone from striking ISIS black market oil facilities,

Is the fake reality you hold against Obama solidified by racism? Just wondering how anyone can believe so many lies that have no basis in reality to begin with.
jknowgood, post: 18883270,
. So [now] you are for the years we spent in Afghanistan?

Prime example of a "fake reality" conservative. I have always supported the US military/NATO operation in Afghanistan. I have not received an apology for that erroneous reply.

jknowgood, post: 18883270,
. He [Trump] said it was a foolish war. What he should of said, fools ran the war. Talking about Bush and Obama.

Would it had been better had Trump stated it your way? What is the value in stating it publically so the enemy can hear it?

jknowgood, post: 18883313
Nope we didn't fight the war to win, and many troops paid with their lives and limbs. That's the foolish part about it. Trump is right.

When absorbed by fake reality, a conservative will negate a previous position without concern for the integrity of one's word. What Trump said is now right.

jknowgood, post: 1888340
Obama waited six months to listen to his general's, before he sent more troops.

Prime example of a "fake reality" conservative. i have posted a real news report that proves that Obama authorized 17,000 troops deployed to Afghanistan within 30 days of being inaugurated. There has been no apology or admission of error from this fake reality conservative.

jknowgood, post: 1888340
We liberated Iraq then Obama cut and ran. Don't worry Trump is fixing that mess.

Prime example of a "fake reality" conservative times three in two sentences.

If Iraq was 'liberated' prior to January 2009 then Obama had nothing to do with the reality that ISIS took control of Sunni areas of Iraq. Bush's 'liberation' left Iraq vulnerable to former Iraqi Military officers that regrouped in Syria and joined forces with Baghdadi and waited until the Bush negotiated US troop withdrawal deadlines came around.

Obama did not cut and run. It was the liberated Iraqi sovereign right to force the Bush timeline for withdrawal to be honored by Bush's successor.

Trump has fixed nothing and will fix nothing. Obama's policy to require Iraqi boots on the ground to hold territory taken back from ISIS with US air support was the only military option available. That's what took time. It was wise. Very few US casualties. You can count them on one hand.
jknowgood, post: 18893575
I personally think it was a great idea to take Saddam out, that war wasn't handled right. I do blame Bush for that.

Regarding Iraq specifically Trump says Bush lied to you and all of us about the reason that Saddam needed to be taken out, Obama said prior to invading Iraq that it would be a dumb war.

jknowgood, post: 18883270,
. What he [Trump] should of said, fools ran the war. Talking about Bush and Obama.

Regarding Iraq I'm trying to understand the fake reality in which you wander aimlessly around. So where did you get the idea that in your words "it was a great idea to take Saddam out"? Did Bush convince you with his lies? Now you respect the orange faced military genius clown who claims he woulda (with no way to verify of course) ran the war to your liking, but the war was based on lies in the first place.

jknowgood, post: 18895873
Oh my, that's what liberals were saying when Bush was President about Iraq.

Regarding Iraq Wait a minute. You agree with liberals when they were criticizing Bush's handling of the war that as Trump said he lied to justify the invasion. You are with the libs on this, right?
jknowgood, post: 18888384
So you supported Saddam?

With regard to Iraq: This was the typical fake reality response from conservatives at the time that were fooled Into believing that Iraq was hiding the most lethal weapons ever devised from UN inspectors on March 17, 2003.

The current conservative highest ranking occupant at the White House has expressed a firm conviction that Bush was lying about WMD being hidden there. That means Saddam Hussein was not lying when he said at the time that he did not have them.

So I wonder if jknowgood has applied his fake reality to Trump suggesting that Trump must be a Saddam supporter.
mudwhistle, post: 18929333
This dickhead is against anything Trump says.....even if he said the same shit a few years ago about Bush.

I never said or thought the money and lives spent in Afghanistan were foolish. I criticized Bush for neglecting Afghanistan by invading Iraq.

I realize Trump supporters must invent their own reality to make points and sense, but you can't change the real world where I and sixty percent of the country lives.

So do you have a point based upon the reality of what I am saying and what Trump said?

It's about time most conservatives run from reality and depart threads like this. Will you?
Sorry bubba.....but unlike you, I have a life.
WTF was so important in Afghanistan that made it so that Bush couldn't attack Iraq, who had attacked Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, was giving medical treatment to insurgents that escaped from Afghanistan, and was paying suicide-bombers families $25,000 for every attack in Israel?
The primary reason we went into Iraq was because al Qaeda simply moved most of their operations from Afghanistan into Iraq. The liberal media refused to admit to this, but the fact that they fought the idea so vehemently indicates that it was actually happening. Apparently our press is not only in the business of propping up dishonest politicians but giving aid and comfort to the enemy......something I found out while I was deployed to Somalia in 93'.

I think it's been proven that dictators like the one in N. Korea are a threat to everyone. Iran is a similar threat, and Iraq planned on becoming another N. Korea. Funny how experience over the passage of time pulls the rug from under you leftists time and time again.
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jknowgood, post: 18892393
Bush [g]ave Saddam more than enough time to comply with the resolutions.

With regard to Iraq: More fake reality from jknowgood. Not according to the UN Inspectors and Hillary Clinton. When conservatives write fake reality such as this there does not need to be a basis for reality. It's just what they (conservatives) make up and leave out.

Bush authored UNSC RESOLUTION 1441. In it it is laid out specifically what Saddam was to do to avoid a US invadion and there was no deadline. Stating there was a deadline is a perfect example of fake reality.

jknowgood, post: 18892393
Bush told him what would happen, and he did it.

With regard to Iraq: More fake reality from jknowgood. Bush and the UNSC in agreement wrote down exactly what was to happen. Sadden Hussein complied. Bush went around the documented agreement and basically ignored it.

jknowgood, post: 18892393
Bush told him what would happen, ....... But for whatever reason, Hillary voted for it.

With regard to Iraq: More fake reality from jknowgood. That is because what Clinton voted for did not state that war was inevitable. It laid out a path for diplomacy to take precedence over war if UN inspections were resumed. Inspections were ckearly resumed and working. Bush stat d that the AUMF was a way to keep the peace. Avoid war.

jknowgood, post: 18893539
Bush went to the United nations talked to them.

With regard to Iraq: More fake reality from jknowgood. What is left out is there was more than talk. There was UNSC 1441 that laid out specifically what the US expectations were to avoid war. Bush agreed with the legal and binding language. Bush later walked out on that agreement and invaded Iraq.

jknowgood, post: 18893539
Gave Saddam plenty of warning, and went on national t.v., and gave him a date. If he didn't comply with the UNITED NATIONS SANCTIONS, he would be attacked.

With regard to Iraq: More fake reality from jknowgood. This is more like an outright lie. Everyone must know that Bush did not ever give Saddam Hussein a date to comply with 1441. Bush tried to muster support for a specific date, but UNSC votes were not there. The UNSC was satisfied with the progress of the inspections.

jknowgood, post: 18893539
He didn't do anything, and paid the price. I bet you're not old enough to remember.

With regard to Iraq: More fake reality from jknowgood. I am plenty old enough to recognize a lie when I see one.

Saddam Hussein was pro-actively cooperating according to inspectors weeks before Bush decided to invade.
jknowgood, post: 18883401
Obama waited six months to listen to his general's, before he sent more troops.

You are a liar. I called you on this already.

This announcement came within a month of Obama's inauguration approving a troop increase that Bush sat on for months:

updated 7:26 a.m. EST, Wed February 18, 2009
Obama approves Afghanistan troop increase

"WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Barack Obama has approved a significant troop increase for Afghanistan, Pentagon officials said Tuesday.

President Obama says al Qaeda threatens American from the Afghan-Pakistani border.


The new troop deployment is expected to include 8,000 Marines from Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, as well as 4,000 additional Army troops from Fort Lewis, Washington.

"This increase is necessary to stabilize a deteriorating situation in Afghanistan, which has not received the strategic attention, direction and resources it urgently requires," Obama said in a written statement.

"The Taliban is resurgent in Afghanistan, and al Qaeda supports the insurgency and threatens America from its safe haven along the Pakistani border." See what CNN's Barbara Starr says about the increase on the AC360 blog

Another 5,000 troops will be deployed at a later date to support combat troops, bringing the total to 17,000 the Defense Department said. A senior administration official confirmed the total."

Obama approves Afghanistan troop increase -

Now you have been exposed to reality. Can you leave your fake Trump reality behind?
Yes six months after his general told him to.
mudwhistle, post: 18930427
The primary reason we went into Iraq was because al Qaeda simply moved most of their operations from Afghanistan into Iraq.

Why should the liberal media report on 'mudwhistles' rarely embraced absolutely outrageous fake reality. There is absolutely no credible source or agency that supports such a rediculous claim. It was not even claimed by Bush and Cheney after the UN resumed inspections in Iraq in December 2002.

'Mudwhistle' claims to have a life, but belief in this fake reality suggest there is no time in 'mudwhistles' life to get oriented with reality.
jknowgood, post: 18930795
Yes six months after his general told him to.

Not even the absolute certainty of time itself has influence in jknowgoid's absolute and complete absobrtion into the fake reality of so many conservatives.

Obama was inaugurated on January 20, 2009.
Obama approved Afghan troop increase on February 18, 2009.

In 'jknowgood's' fake reality Obama was President in August and responsible for the decision that Bush did not make.

Bush did not listen to his Genersls for five months. I wonder if there is mental pain involved in 'jknowgood's' learning something about reality?
mudwhistle, post: 18930427
The primary reason we went into Iraq was because al Qaeda simply moved most of their operations from Afghanistan into Iraq.

Why should the liberal media report on 'mudwhistles' rarely embraced absolutely outrageous fake reality. There is absolutely no credible source or agency that supports such a rediculous claim. It was not even claimed by Bush and Cheney after the UN resumed inspections in Iraq in December 2002.

'Mudwhistle' claims to have a life, but belief in this fake reality suggest there is no time in 'mudwhistles' life to get oriented with reality.
Mudwhistle has actually fought in the War On my reality much more real than anything you've seen on a friggen television screen.
And just because the media refused to report the facts doesn't mean it's any less a reality.
Censorship is a very important tool for liars and liberals.
Just witness the crap that's been going on our college campuses this year.
Conservative voices are not allowed to tell their side of the story.
mudwhistle, post: 18931074
Mudwhistle has actually fought in the War On my reality much more real than anything you've seen on a friggen television screen.

Your service to our country I'm sure was quite honorable, but making up a fake reality and expecting the worldwide media to confirm your reality is not something for which you are entitled.

There just are no credible sources to back your fake reality up.

mudwhistle, post: 18931074
And just because the media refused to report the facts doesn't mean it's any less a reality. Censorship is a very important tool for liars and liberals.

Fox News has not confirmed your fake Al Qaeda in Iraq prior to March 2003, reality either. There are many holes in your story and complaints about the so called liberal media.
jknowgood, post: 18930795
Yes six months after his general told him to.

Not even the absolute certainty of time itself has influence in jknowgoid's absolute and complete absobrtion into the fake reality of so many conservatives.

Obama was inaugurated on January 20, 2009.
Obama approved Afghan troop increase on February 18, 2009.

In 'jknowgood's' fake reality Obama was President in August and responsible for the decision that Bush did not make.

Bush did not listen to his Genersls for five months. I wonder if there is mental pain involved in 'jknowgood's' learning something about reality?
A general in September 2009, told obama another 80,000 troops were needed in Afghanistan. After months of deciding Obama sent 30,000 troops.

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