Trump: combat dead and wounded in Afghanistan "FOOLISHLY SPENT"

You must have missed that whole 'Taliban' thing, where little girls were being horribly murdered fro GOING TO SCHOOL, ETC.

You and ISRAEL want THE TALIBAN in power in Afghan.

That is why Zionist Traitor W put Iran on the Axis of Evil.

When our troops arrived, there was a "civil war" in Afghan between Taliban and The Northern Alliance (TNA),. armed and funded by Rafsanjani's Iran.

When Traitor W put Iran on Axis of Evil, he flipped off our allies in the fight against Taliban, and TNA started shooting at our troops.

That is one more example of how little Zionism cares about truth and the lives of US military personnel....

Meanwhile, the TALIBAN is still there....
you are saying that Israel is responsible for 9/11, and Netanyahu was the one that authorized it?

That has been obvious to everyone with a brain and the ability to get outside of church and media parroting....

Putin IDed Israel as the culprit 2 days after 911, but our Israeli owned "US" media censored that....

Have a look at what you never saw because of the PAPER BAG you've had over your head your whole life...

israel did 911 - Google Search
then why is Trump pushing to have our embassy in Jerusalem?

Why did Trump promise to "drain the Swamp" and then put the SWAMPIEST US SENATOR in the US AG position???

Meanwhile, Sessions has indicted.... precisely NOBODY from the political class...
The entire mid-east endeavor since "911" has been a disaster. Horribly wrong plans have been terribly mismanaged. If this means agreeing with Trump (for once), so what? Vietnam was similar. There is no inherent disrespect for the troops involved (though they might have refused to participate if they, too, saw the folly).
As a viet vet (67-68) I know about lives wasted in a a wrong war. Every viet vet I know are proud to have served but think every life lost in that war was wasted because our government never intended to win. Eisenhower warned us about the danger of the military industrial complex having too much power. Wars are now fought to keep industry happy. When industry is happy they give lot’s of $$$ to the politicians so they’re happy and only 55,000 had to die to make everyone happy. Trump is right.
you are saying that Israel is responsible for 9/11, and Netanyahu was the one that authorized it?

That has been obvious to everyone with a brain and the ability to get outside of church and media parroting....

Putin IDed Israel as the culprit 2 days after 911, but our Israeli owned "US" media censored that....

Have a look at what you never saw because of the PAPER BAG you've had over your head your whole life...

israel did 911 - Google Search

Your link is to a whole bunch of YouTube videos. Got any links to actual news?
As a viet vet (67-68) I know about lives wasted in a a wrong war. Every viet vet I know are proud to have served but think every life lost in that war was wasted because our government never intended to win. Eisenhower warned us about the danger of the military industrial complex having too much power. Wars are now fought to keep industry happy. When industry is happy they give lot’s of $$$ to the politicians so they’re happy and only 55,000 had to die to make everyone happy. Trump is right.

Sir, from one vet to another, thank you for your service.

You can laugh all you want.

When W flipped off IRan, you cheered, and at least 200 US military personnel are now dead because of that.



Afghanistan after the Western Drawdown

"Iran supported Northern Alliance"
then why is Trump pushing to have our embassy in Jerusalem?

Why did Trump promise to "drain the Swamp" and then put the SWAMPIEST US SENATOR in the US AG position???

Meanwhile, Sessions has indicted.... precisely NOBODY from the political class...

I see you selectively edited my quote. I asked you why we are being supportive of Israel and moving our embassy to Jerusalem if Israel is the one that did 9/11 as you claim? And no, I don't consider self published YouTube videos as "proof" that Israel did 9/11.
Easy 65 doesn't care what the truth is, as long as Americans are prevented from getting it.

Easy65 claims Israel did not murder the USS Liberty.

One more person speaks who was there....

New revelations in attack on American spy ship

ryce Lockwood, Marine staff sergeant, Russian-language expert, recipient of the Silver Star for heroism, ordained Baptist minister, is shouting into the phone.

"I'm angry! I'm seething with anger! Forty years, and I'm seething with anger!"

Lockwood was aboard the USS Liberty, a super-secret spy ship on station in the eastern Mediterranean, when four Israeli fighter jets flew out of the afternoon sun to strafe and bomb the virtually defenseless vessel on June 8, 1967, the fourth day of what would become known as the Six-Day War.

For Lockwood and many other survivors, the anger is mixed with incredulity: that Israelwould attack an important ally, then attribute the attack to a case of mistaken identity by Israeli pilots who had confused the U.S. Navy's most distinctive ship with an Egyptian horse-cavalry transport that was half its size and had a dissimilar profile. And they're also incredulous that, for years, their own government would reject their calls for a thorough investigation.

"They tried to lie their way out of it!" Lockwood shouts. "I don't believe that for a minute! You just don't shoot at a ship at sea without identifying it, making sure of your target!"

Four decades later, many of the more than two dozen Liberty survivors located and interviewed by the Tribune cannot talk about the attack without shouting or weeping.

Their anger has been stoked by the declassification of government documents and the recollections of former military personnel, including some quoted in this article for the first time, which strengthen doubts about the U.S. National Security Agency's position that it never intercepted the communications of the attacking Israeli pilots -- communications, according to those who remember seeing them, that showed the Israelis knew they were attacking an American naval vessel.

and explains why Zionist Traitor Easy65 is here to shout down THAT TRUTH.
Your link is to a whole bunch of YouTube videos. Got any links to actual news?

As long as you keep your beaked birdbrain under the paper bag of whatever you parrot from the "US" media and your "preacher" who has pockets filled with Iscariot silver, you will never get any truth at all.

Tell us, "military vet," was this a "757" or a cruise missile....

"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.

So now you Maoist suddenly SUPPORT the Iraq war?

Looks like Snoflake took you to the barn and reprogrammed you to bleat "Four legs good, Two legs BETTER."
I have fought in combat, lost friends, and
know more about sacrifice and care more
for my comrades-in-arms than tin foil-
wearing liberal psychos like you will ever
claim to know.

Easy65 was part of the US Army Ranger unit that took Pat Tillman out, shot him, and then LIED about it....
911 was done by Israel and the W Administration

Afghan was an act of treason by the W Administration, a total sellout to cover up the truth.

When our troops arrived in Afghan, the Taliban was at war with TNA The Northern Alliance, armed and funded by IRAN.

Then W put Iran on Axis of Evil because Israel wanted him to, and that was the end of our alliance with TNA. TNA then became our enemy because of W's sellout, and is responsible for at least 200 of our deaths in Afghan.

ZIONISM is the problem.
You can always tell when a frustrated, hate-driven snowflake psycho is lying - being unable to sway anyone with the bullshit THEY spew, they suddenly try to speak for others...and completely lie / fail in their attempt.

Always a dodge, a drive by, never any substantive posts or answers...

Do you hate Bryce Lockwood for surviving the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty???

Of course you do., Bryce is telling truth about ISRAEL you want CENSORED.

If Bryce were here posting truth, you'd be shouting him down and demanding his topics be moved to "Conspiracy."
Easy65 claims Israel did not murder the USS Liberty.

I claimed no such think, snowflake. Post my exact words where I said that ... or admit you are a mentally disturbed tin foil hat-wearing snowflake!

I said no such thing. I just laughed at your ass for your delusional conspiracy theories. :p

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