Trump: combat dead and wounded in Afghanistan "FOOLISHLY SPENT"

OBL became an icon only after Jr. failed to get him in Afghanistan.

I RESPECTFULLY disagree. OBL was the 'face' of Al Qaida, not the mastermind or the soldier. His videos to his worshippers were propaganda / cult videos designed to inspire. The dude was hiding out in caves, trying not to die from a hellfire missile being dropped in his lap. Even if Jr would have taken him out it would not have 'cut the head off of the snake'. The violence and wars would have continued...IMHO.

I agree

The 9-11 attacks would have been approved by Al Qaida even if bin Laden was not there
Trump: combat dead and wounded in Afghanistan "FOOLISHLY SPENT"
Yet he continues the war there and continues to send more troops.
Bush, Obama and now Trump: "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
OBL became an icon only after Jr. failed to get him in Afghanistan.

I RESPECTFULLY disagree. OBL was the 'face' of Al Qaida, not the mastermind or the soldier. His videos to his worshippers were propaganda / cult videos designed to inspire. The dude was hiding out in caves, trying not to die from a hellfire missile being dropped in his lap. Even if Jr would have taken him out it would not have 'cut the head off of the snake'. The violence and wars would have continued...IMHO.

I agree

The 9-11 attacks would have been approved by Al Qaida even if bin Laden was not there

Actually, I wouldn't be so sure about that. OBL was a rich man at one time, and he was the one that financed the lions share of the attack, as well as had a major part in the planning. What other rich Islamic terrorist do you think would have had the money to finance the attack?
Trump: combat dead and wounded in Afghanistan "FOOLISHLY SPENT" Yet he continues the war there and continues to send more troops.

Unlike Obama, Trump has taken the gloves off, has taken off the ridiculous Pro-Terrorist Rules of Engagement that prevented the military from devastating the enemy like Trump has been able to do since getting rid of Obama's bullshit and 'releasing the dogs'!
OBL became an icon only after Jr. failed to get him in Afghanistan.

I RESPECTFULLY disagree. OBL was the 'face' of Al Qaida, not the mastermind or the soldier. His videos to his worshippers were propaganda / cult videos designed to inspire. The dude was hiding out in caves, trying not to die from a hellfire missile being dropped in his lap. Even if Jr would have taken him out it would not have 'cut the head off of the snake'. The violence and wars would have continued...IMHO.

I agree

The 9-11 attacks would have been approved by Al Qaida even if bin Laden was not there

Actually, I wouldn't be so sure about that. OBL was a rich man at one time, and he was the one that financed the lions share of the attack, as well as had a major part in the planning. What other rich Islamic terrorist do you think would have had the money to finance the attack?
Iran. ISIS - with Obama protecting their black market oil production business that paid for 1/2 of its terrorist activities. Hezbollah, especially with Obama protecting their drug industry and terrorist financing.
OBL became an icon only after Jr. failed to get him in Afghanistan.

I RESPECTFULLY disagree. OBL was the 'face' of Al Qaida, not the mastermind or the soldier. His videos to his worshippers were propaganda / cult videos designed to inspire. The dude was hiding out in caves, trying not to die from a hellfire missile being dropped in his lap. Even if Jr would have taken him out it would not have 'cut the head off of the snake'. The violence and wars would have continued...IMHO.

I agree

The 9-11 attacks would have been approved by Al Qaida even if bin Laden was not there

Actually, I wouldn't be so sure about that. OBL was a rich man at one time, and he was the one that financed the lions share of the attack, as well as had a major part in the planning. What other rich Islamic terrorist do you think would have had the money to finance the attack?
Iran. ISIS - with Obama protecting their black market oil production business that paid for 1/2 of its terrorist activities. Hezbollah, especially with Obama protecting their drug industry and terrorist financing. don't think that Jr. had anything to do with the terrorists gaining power in Iraq? You blame all of it on Obama? Obama didn't take out Saddam and leave a power vacuum, Jr. did.
[QUOTE="ABikerSailor, post: 18923548, member: 11763"] don't think that Jr. had anything to do with the terrorists gaining power in Iraq? You blame all of it on Obama? Obama didn't take out Saddam and leave a power vacuum, Jr. did.[/QUOTE]
That's not what I believe at all. The US invasion into Iraq left a destabilized Iraq unprepared to rule / provide for its own nation's defense and care-taking. Hussein was an evil, torturing, dictator who kept Iran in check. Toppling him might have been the morally correct thing for the USA to do, but it caused a chain reaction of other unintended consequences that has led to years of fighting, etc.

When Obama helped pressure Egypt into ousting Mubarak the same thing happened, only in a lesser scale thanks to Egypt's military that refused to put up with all that shite. Mubarak was NoT a nice man - he was a brutal dictator...WHO KEPT THE PEACE AND PREVENTED THE TERRORISTS FROM GOING WILD. Unintended consequences happened as a result of our 'meddling in someone else's election'. (Sound familiar?)
OBL became an icon only after Jr. failed to get him in Afghanistan.

I RESPECTFULLY disagree. OBL was the 'face' of Al Qaida, not the mastermind or the soldier. His videos to his worshippers were propaganda / cult videos designed to inspire. The dude was hiding out in caves, trying not to die from a hellfire missile being dropped in his lap. Even if Jr would have taken him out it would not have 'cut the head off of the snake'. The violence and wars would have continued...IMHO.

I agree

The 9-11 attacks would have been approved by Al Qaida even if bin Laden was not there

Actually, I wouldn't be so sure about that. OBL was a rich man at one time, and he was the one that financed the lions share of the attack, as well as had a major part in the planning. What other rich Islamic terrorist do you think would have had the money to finance the attack?

The 9-11 attacks did not take a lot of money
Just airline tickets and some box cutters
OBL became an icon only after Jr. failed to get him in Afghanistan.

I RESPECTFULLY disagree. OBL was the 'face' of Al Qaida, not the mastermind or the soldier. His videos to his worshippers were propaganda / cult videos designed to inspire. The dude was hiding out in caves, trying not to die from a hellfire missile being dropped in his lap. Even if Jr would have taken him out it would not have 'cut the head off of the snake'. The violence and wars would have continued...IMHO.

I agree

The 9-11 attacks would have been approved by Al Qaida even if bin Laden was not there

Actually, I wouldn't be so sure about that. OBL was a rich man at one time, and he was the one that financed the lions share of the attack, as well as had a major part in the planning. What other rich Islamic terrorist do you think would have had the money to finance the attack?

The 9-11 attacks did not take a lot of money
Just airline tickets and some box cutters

You're forgetting the flight school that they attended to learn how to fly the jets. And, I'm still wondering why the instructors at that school never thought anything about them learning to fly, but not learning to land.
The 9-11 attacks would have been approved by Al Qaida even if bin Laden was not there

Al Qaeda, Col Ossman's orphanage in Afghan, had nothing to do with 911. Col Ossman initially denied doing it until the Mossad arrived to tell him to take credit.

The CIA/Mossad under George Tenet did 911, and they didn't need permission from anyone except Netanyahu...
You're forgetting the flight school that they attended to learn how to fly the jets.

Yeah, a kid who says "I don't need to learn how to land or take off, I just need to know how to steer"

did this with a "757"

Just how STUPID are those who still believe the 911 fraud BULLSHIT???

Brace yourself....

Zionist lies and treason have been happening for decades, and Easy65 LOVES IT when Israel murders Americans....
The soldiers who fought and died liberating Afghanistan - their lives were 'foolishly spent' based on the fact that Barry allowed ISIS to drive mile-long convoys into Iraq un-challenged, allowing them to conquer much of the territory our soldiers sacrificed to Liberate.
The soldiers who fought and died liberating Afghanistan


What/who was "liberated" from what?

Afghan is a divided country ruled by "warlords" who are largely still there. The "govt" set up by W was completely corrupt. Nobody respected it...

As for the rest of your bull, "ISIS" has a leader, and those who get outside of the "US media" paper bag over the head have seen the truth....

Veterans Today “Report” on Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi as a Jewish “Mossad Agent” Named Simon Elliot

Shock claim top ISIS leader is 'Israeli spy'
Easy65 cheered when Israel took planes given to Israel by the US and deliberately murdered the crew of the USS Liberty.

Listen to a survivor, one whom Easy65 wishes the Israelis has murdered too....

Fifty Years Later, NSA Keeps Details of Israel’s USS Liberty Attack Secret


Miriam Pensack

June 6 2017, 10:58 a.m.

ON JUNE 8, 1967, an Israeli torpedo tore through the side of the unarmed American naval vessel USS Liberty, approximately a dozen miles off the Sinai coast. The ship, whose crew was under command of the National Security Agency, was intercepting communications at the height of the Six-Day War when it came under direct Israeli aerial and naval assault.

Reverberations from the torpedo blast sent crewman Ernie Gallo flying across the radio research room where he was stationed. Gallo, a communications technician aboard the Liberty, found himself and his fellow shipmates in the midst of an attack that would leave 34 Americans dead and 171 wounded.

This week marks the 50th anniversary of the assault on the USS Liberty, and though it was among the worst attacks in history against a noncombatant U.S. naval vessel, the tragedy remains shrouded in secrecy. The question of if and when Israeli forces became aware they were killing Americans has proved a point of particular contention in the on-again, off-again public debate that has simmered over the last half a century. The Navy Court of Inquiry’s investigation proceedings following the incident were held in closed sessions, and the survivors who had been on board received gag orders forbidding them to ever talk about what they endured that day.

Though the United States refused to intervene on behalf of its ally, it was nevertheless eavesdropping on Israeli military communications during war. There, according to Bamford, lies the rub: Over the course of Israel’s remarkable territorial acquisition and military victory, it allegedly committed a war crime by slaughtering Egyptian prisoners of war in the city of El Arish in the northern Sinai. Bamford argued in his 2001 book, “Body of Secrets,” that the USS Liberty’s proximity to the Sinai, and its ability to intercept Israel’s motives and activities during the Six-Day War, might have prompted Israel’s attack on the vessel.
Easy65 cheered when Israel took planes given to Israel by the US and deliberately murdered the crew of the USS Liberty.

Listen to a survivor, one whom Easy65 wishes the Israelis has murdered too....

Fifty Years Later, NSA Keeps Details of Israel’s USS Liberty Attack Secret


Miriam Pensack

June 6 2017, 10:58 a.m.

ON JUNE 8, 1967, an Israeli torpedo tore through the side of the unarmed American naval vessel USS Liberty, approximately a dozen miles off the Sinai coast. The ship, whose crew was under command of the National Security Agency, was intercepting communications at the height of the Six-Day War when it came under direct Israeli aerial and naval assault.

Reverberations from the torpedo blast sent crewman Ernie Gallo flying across the radio research room where he was stationed. Gallo, a communications technician aboard the Liberty, found himself and his fellow shipmates in the midst of an attack that would leave 34 Americans dead and 171 wounded.

This week marks the 50th anniversary of the assault on the USS Liberty, and though it was among the worst attacks in history against a noncombatant U.S. naval vessel, the tragedy remains shrouded in secrecy. The question of if and when Israeli forces became aware they were killing Americans has proved a point of particular contention in the on-again, off-again public debate that has simmered over the last half a century. The Navy Court of Inquiry’s investigation proceedings following the incident were held in closed sessions, and the survivors who had been on board received gag orders forbidding them to ever talk about what they endured that day.

Though the United States refused to intervene on behalf of its ally, it was nevertheless eavesdropping on Israeli military communications during war. There, according to Bamford, lies the rub: Over the course of Israel’s remarkable territorial acquisition and military victory, it allegedly committed a war crime by slaughtering Egyptian prisoners of war in the city of El Arish in the northern Sinai. Bamford argued in his 2001 book, “Body of Secrets,” that the USS Liberty’s proximity to the Sinai, and its ability to intercept Israel’s motives and activities during the Six-Day War, might have prompted Israel’s attack on the vessel.

Whoa! Dude...... :p
The 9-11 attacks would have been approved by Al Qaida even if bin Laden was not there

Al Qaeda, Col Ossman's orphanage in Afghan, had nothing to do with 911. Col Ossman initially denied doing it until the Mossad arrived to tell him to take credit.

The CIA/Mossad under George Tenet did 911, and they didn't need permission from anyone except Netanyahu...

Wait a are saying that Israel is responsible for 9/11, and Netanyahu was the one that authorized it?

If that is true, then why is Trump pushing to have our embassy in Jerusalem?

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