Trump: combat dead and wounded in Afghanistan "FOOLISHLY SPENT"

Actually dude, it was a MOAB, the biggest bomb we have in our arsenal that is non nuclear.

Who cares what it's called. Blowing up a cave has little effect on the war. Con Game nothing more. That's why one's not been dropped since.

Who cares? I care. I spent 20 years of my life in the military, and had to learn the difference between some things. A bunker buster is a bomb that burrows down into the ground and then explodes, much different from what a MOAB does.

And yeah, dropping a MOAB did have an effect, it killed 94 terrorists and took out their cave base. Taking away a place for them to shelter is pretty big in my book, and so is killing almost 100 of them.

Tell you the truth? I kinda wish we would have had this bomb available when OBL first started hiding in the caves. If we had dropped one back then, maybe we could have stopped the war a long time ago.

And.................fwiw........................the MOAB wasn't dropped sixteen years ago, it was dropped in April of this year.

'Mother of all bombs' killed 94 ISIS fighters, Afghan official says - CNN

Um. We had MOAB for a long time. The very first ones were called Daisy Cutters.

BLU-82 - Wikipedia

We dropped them constantly during both Desert Storm and ten seconds after we decided to go into Afghanistan.

Big Bombs Are Best

In Vietnam they were used to create a landing zone in dense jungle. In Iraq we used them to clear minefields. We aren’t sure how that worked, so we went back to dropping the daisy cutters on troops.
ABikerSailor, post: 18920175
Tell you the truth? I kinda wish we would have had this bomb available when OBL first started hiding in the caves. If we had dropped one back then, maybe we could have stopped the war a long time ago.

Killing OBL would not have stopped/resolved this war. You know very little. Too much emphasis on memorizing bomb names.

OK. Great. Now we agree on what would not win the war. How do we win?
westwall, post: 18920131
Wow. You really are that stupid. I suggest you actually take a gander at the real news that is coming out instead of the propagandist BS that fills your head with much.

No response to my points I see.
easyt65, post: 18914442,
So Trump suddenly says something Democrats / snowflakes have been saying for YEARS, that the war should never have happened, that 'Bush is responsible for the foolish deaths of American soldiers, etc..... and it's ok when THEY say it, but when Trump says it he's a POS?!

Great 'fake' response. You can't discuss the issue with me. I have not said the military and diplomatic operations in Afghanistan should never have happened.

Can you try to deal with reality? I am here. I am not arguing what you think you must argue against?

Trump is aiding and abetting the enemy. Are you incapable of denying that with facts and reason?
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.
There isn’t a day that goes by that this buffoon doesn’t say something insensitive or idiotic.
Bush's plan for Afghanistan

1. Invade
2. Capture bin Laden and Taliban
3. Give Afghanistan Democracy
4. Have them thank us
5. Walk away
Bush's plan for Afghanistan

1. Invade
2. Capture bin Laden and Taliban
3. Give Afghanistan Democracy
4. Have them thank us
5. Walk away
Theocracy - Wikipedia

Theocracy is a form of government in which a deity is the source from which all authority derives. The Oxford English Dictionary has this definition:

1. a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god.

1.1. the commonwealth of Israel from the time of Moses until the election of Saul as King.[2][3]

Not understanding that definition is the major malfunction of the United States and the world for many decades.

Naivety - Wikipedia

Naivety (or naïvety or naïveté) is the state of being naïve, that is to say, having or showing a lack of experience, understanding or sophistication, often in a context where one neglects pragmatism in favor of moral idealism. One who is "naïve" may be called a naïf.
Bush's plan for Afghanistan

1. Invade
2. Capture bin Laden and Taliban
3. Give Afghanistan Democracy
4. Have them thank us
5. Walk away
Theocracy - Wikipedia

Theocracy is a form of government in which a deity is the source from which all authority derives. The Oxford English Dictionary has this definition:

1. a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god.

1.1. the commonwealth of Israel from the time of Moses until the election of Saul as King.[2][3]

Not understanding that definition is the major malfunction of the United States and the world for many decades.

Naivety - Wikipedia

Naivety (or naïvety or naïveté) is the state of being naïve, that is to say, having or showing a lack of experience, understanding or sophistication, often in a context where one neglects pragmatism in favor of moral idealism. One who is "naïve" may be called a naïf.

Bush had a simplistic view of foreign policy (Trump is even worse)
Every nation wants to be like America. Give them Yankee Democracy and surrounding nations will fall like dominos as democracy spreads throughout the region

The Bush Doctrine
Bush's plan for Afghanistan

1. Invade
2. Capture bin Laden and Taliban
3. Give Afghanistan Democracy
4. Have them thank us
5. Walk away
Theocracy - Wikipedia

Theocracy is a form of government in which a deity is the source from which all authority derives. The Oxford English Dictionary has this definition:

1. a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god.

1.1. the commonwealth of Israel from the time of Moses until the election of Saul as King.[2][3]

Not understanding that definition is the major malfunction of the United States and the world for many decades.

Naivety - Wikipedia

Naivety (or naïvety or naïveté) is the state of being naïve, that is to say, having or showing a lack of experience, understanding or sophistication, often in a context where one neglects pragmatism in favor of moral idealism. One who is "naïve" may be called a naïf.

Bush had a simplistic view of foreign policy (Trump is even worse)
Every nation wants to be like America. Give them Yankee Democracy and surrounding nations will fall like dominos as democracy spreads throughout the region

The Bush Doctrine
Just Bush made this

Leaders have been making this mistake in this region since 700.

Religion rules over there..............PERIOD.............It's the way they work............No matter how we try to change it.

Why so many have failed there............and not just republicans..........
Trump is aiding and abetting the enemy. Are you incapable of denying that with facts and reason?

Oh for God's sake STOP THE BULLSHIT, you butt-hurt, reality-denying, TRAITOR-WORSHIPPER!



Obama helped oust an allied nation's leader, put pressure on the nation to alter its election schedule, and helped put the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood in power in Egypt. Once in power he began sending arms to them. After Egypt's military ousted the terrorists Obama had helped put in power from the government Obama did not want weapons to go to Egypt - he only wanted to arm TERRORISTS.

The M*erF*er ran weapons to the very f*ing terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on US soil in 2001 then ordered our military to help them murder the leader of a nation who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa and hand the country over to them - AL QAIDA!
-- Once in power, Obama and Hillary hired an AL QAIDA-ASSOCIATED MILITIA to protect a US Ambassador and Americans in Benghazi. When every other nation pulled their people out these 2 TRAITORS abandoned Americans to die in Benghazi...

Entrusted with simply keeping safe watch over Iraq, Barry lost most of the country the military had fought to liberate, making their sacrifice all but moot, as the military was FORCED to watch mile-long convoys of ISIS pass into Iraq, travel long stretches of barren desert on their way to invading Iraq. Obama refused to allow the military to take them out, which could have easily been done at that point.

The Nobel Peace Prize 'winner' also helped ISIS in Syria, running guns to them and even going as far as INVADING Syria ... without Congressional approval TO DO SO.

He MOCKED Americans and their concern for their safety and our national security JUST BEFORE the terrorist he and his administration allowed into the country murdered 7 Americans in California. After the terrorist attack Obama sent out his US AG to THREATEN AMERICANS with judicial punishment if they exercised their Constitutional Right of Free Speech by talking ill of ISLAMIC EXTREMISTS like the POS terrorist Obama let into the country!

Despite being warned about the Tsarnaev terrorist brothers and their intent to conduct a terrorist bombing in the US, Obama f*ed that up and allowed it to happen anyway. AFTERWARDS the SOB had their picture put on TV and asked Americans to help ID them...even though they already knew who they were. Obama just didn't want Americans to know how bad he had f*ed up and how he had allowed terrorists he had been warned about murder Americans anyway.

From France, he bragged how he had 'isolated' ISIS ... only to have them perpetrate the largest attack (in Paris) on France since WWII a day or two later. And did Barry order the US military to join France and Russia in the retaliatory strike on ISIS days later? Hell No! Instead he TREASONOUSLY ordered the US military to drop leaflets down to ISIS warning them that the attack was coming. WTF?! Up until that time Obama had created Rules of Engagement that prohibited anyone from striking ISIS black market oil facilities, an operation that was paying for 1/2 of its terrorist activities, like the Paris attack. OBAMA WAS ENABLING TERRORIST ATTACKS AROUND THE WORLD.

During the on-going war with the Taliban, Obama COMMITTED TREASON by freeing the top 5 leaders of the enemy Taliban an attempt to keep a campaign promise of closing GITMO! He had been freeing terrorists from Gitmo, but the Taliban 5 were too big to simply release. When the Hakani Network, a terrorist group loosely-associated with the Taliban, captured Bo Bergdahl and asked for a ransom for his release, Obama seized the opportunity to use it as an excuse to release the Taliban 5. The Hakani group NEVER ASKED FOR THE TALIBAN 5 TO BE RELEASED. They demanded to be PAID ... and they were PAID. The Taliban 5 were released because Obama wanted to close GITMO!

Of course everyone now knows how Barry protected and enabled Hezbollah's terrorist activities / drug operation...

And this is only PART of the entire story on Obama's terrorist enabling / facilitating, Constitution / Law-violating activities.

OBAMA SHOULD BE IN GITMO RIGHT NOW just for aiding and abetting terrorists. That doesn't even begin to cover his illegally spying on Americans / the US Senate / the USSC, using the IRS as a weapon against the American people, arming Mexican Drug Cartels, protecting human traffickers and engaging in human trafficking, etc....

So STFU with the false accusations because you are butt-hurt and refuse to accept the outcome of the last election because your lying, traitorous, cheating criminal of a candidate got her ass beat by Trump!
Trump is aiding and abetting the enemy. Are you incapable of denying that with facts and reason?

And you can STFU about 'denying facts and reason' as well. After over a year of multiple investigations and a stacked deck Counsel run by an ex-FBI agent who has been proven to have enabled / aided and abetted Russia in acquiring 20% 0f this nation's supply of uranium, the only evidence of criminal activity presented is evidence which proves criminal activity by Mueller, Holder, Comey, Lynch, Rice, Clapper, Brennan, Koskinen, Hillary, and Obama!

Mueller has so far indicted 2 'Scooter Libby's' for tax evasion dating back to 2006 and Flynn, whose charges will be thrown out due to the revelation that the FBI agent behind is indictment is a criminal anti-Trump Hillary-worshipping douche bag who protected Hillary, Huma, and Mills from indictment and criminal charges for their crimes.

easyt65, post: 18914442
The FACT is, Trump is RIGHT.

But what is he right about? His actions or his tweet treason?

'Tweet Treason'? Bwuhahaha....

I have just scratched the surface of outlining the PROVEN, FACTUAL CRIMINAL ENABLING, TERRORIST SUPPORTING, TREASON AND CONSTITUTION / LAW-BREAKING ACTIONS of Barak Obama, crimes and treason the Obama-worshipping leftists snowflakes willingly ignored .. and you are pissed about Trump tweeting?!

Bush's plan for Afghanistan

1. Invade
2. Capture bin Laden and Taliban
3. Give Afghanistan Democracy
4. Have them thank us
5. Walk away
Theocracy - Wikipedia

Theocracy is a form of government in which a deity is the source from which all authority derives. The Oxford English Dictionary has this definition:

1. a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god.

1.1. the commonwealth of Israel from the time of Moses until the election of Saul as King.[2][3]

Not understanding that definition is the major malfunction of the United States and the world for many decades.

Naivety - Wikipedia

Naivety (or naïvety or naïveté) is the state of being naïve, that is to say, having or showing a lack of experience, understanding or sophistication, often in a context where one neglects pragmatism in favor of moral idealism. One who is "naïve" may be called a naïf.

Bush had a simplistic view of foreign policy (Trump is even worse)
Every nation wants to be like America. Give them Yankee Democracy and surrounding nations will fall like dominos as democracy spreads throughout the region

The Bush Doctrine
Just Bush made this

Leaders have been making this mistake in this region since 700.

Religion rules over there..............PERIOD.............It's the way they work............No matter how we try to change it.

Why so many have failed there............and not just republicans..........

Just Bush invaded Afghanistan
It was his call....he blew it
When Bush sold his invasion of Afghanistan he never mentioned us being there for 16 years
When Bush sold his invasion of Afghanistan he never mentioned us being there for 16 years

You know, I never had a problem with Jr. going after OBL in Afghanistan. He was the one that engineered 9/11.

The problem came when Jr. decided to pursue Saddam in Iraq because he was trying to finish what his daddy wasn't able to finish. Going into Iraq was probably the largest mistake of Jr.'s admin, especially when he said only a year after 9/11 that he was no longer concerned with OBL.
When Bush sold his invasion of Afghanistan he never mentioned us being there for 16 years

You know, I never had a problem with Jr. going after OBL in Afghanistan. He was the one that engineered 9/11.

The problem came when Jr. decided to pursue Saddam in Iraq because he was trying to finish what his daddy wasn't able to finish. Going into Iraq was probably the largest mistake of Jr.'s admin, especially when he said only a year after 9/11 that he was no longer concerned with OBL.

You have to admit, though, that Jr was correct, in part, about OBL. OBL had become nothing more that an icon. His death did not stop the war / violence in Afghanistan, in Iraq, the escalation into Syria, etc...but I agree with your statement.
When Bush sold his invasion of Afghanistan he never mentioned us being there for 16 years

You know, I never had a problem with Jr. going after OBL in Afghanistan. He was the one that engineered 9/11.

The problem came when Jr. decided to pursue Saddam in Iraq because he was trying to finish what his daddy wasn't able to finish. Going into Iraq was probably the largest mistake of Jr.'s admin, especially when he said only a year after 9/11 that he was no longer concerned with OBL.

You have to admit, though, that Jr was correct, in part, about OBL. OBL had become nothing more that an icon. His death did not stop the war / violence in Afghanistan, in Iraq, the escalation into Syria, etc...but I agree with your statement.

OBL became an icon only after Jr. failed to get him in Afghanistan. When Jr. decided that it was too hard to get OBL, he turned his sights on Saddam because he felt his father left something unfinished there and he wanted the oil. Taking Saddam out of Iraq and removing him from power was one of the largest mistakes, because Saddam was a dictator and didn't like any challenges to his authority. Removing Saddam was one of the main reasons that ISIL came into power and tried to form their caliphate. If Saddam had remained in Iraq, he would have stopped the terrorists from taking over Iraq.
OBL became an icon only after Jr. failed to get him in Afghanistan.

I RESPECTFULLY disagree. OBL was the 'face' of Al Qaida, not the mastermind or the soldier. His videos to his worshippers were propaganda / cult videos designed to inspire. The dude was hiding out in caves, trying not to die from a hellfire missile being dropped in his lap. Even if Jr would have taken him out it would not have 'cut the head off of the snake'. The violence and wars would have continued...IMHO.
When Bush sold his invasion of Afghanistan he never mentioned us being there for 16 years

You know, I never had a problem with Jr. going after OBL in Afghanistan. He was the one that engineered 9/11.

The problem came when Jr. decided to pursue Saddam in Iraq because he was trying to finish what his daddy wasn't able to finish. Going into Iraq was probably the largest mistake of Jr.'s admin, especially when he said only a year after 9/11 that he was no longer concerned with OBL.

I supported going after bin Laden wherever he was....even if he was in Pakistan
I am not sure invasion and setting up a new government in Afghanistan was the only way to get him

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