Trump: combat dead and wounded in Afghanistan "FOOLISHLY SPENT"

"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.

Still waiting to hear how we can win in Afghanistan. What would victory be? What path to that victory exists? The Pentagon doesn’t have either a defined victory, or a path to it. The State Department hasn’t ever had one. No politician except John McCain has ever defined what it is, or what it would take to achieve it.

So what is victory in Afghanistan?
There has never been a plan on how to win in Afghanistan
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.

Still waiting to hear how we can win in Afghanistan. What would victory be? What path to that victory exists? The Pentagon doesn’t have either a defined victory, or a path to it. The State Department hasn’t ever had one. No politician except John McCain has ever defined what it is, or what it would take to achieve it.

So what is victory in Afghanistan?
There has never been a plan on how to win in Afghanistan

I know, and you know, and anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together knows. However, NotfooledbyW seems to think that Victory is just around the corner, or he is another in the long line of morons who thinks that continuing the fight because, um. Well. Um. Because. Just Because!

We went in looking for some sort of revenge, and they’re having it every day. Only the OP being a rabidly partisan fool refuses to see it.
SavannahMann, post: 18905084
I know, and you know, and anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together knows. However, NotfooledbyW seems to think that Victory is just around the corner, or he is another in the long line of morons who thinks that continuing the fight because, um. Well. Um. Because. Just Because

Not looking for your or Trump's sense of victory. Looking to preserve the gains made by the US and our NATO and other allies.

This thread is about Trump and the utter careless disrespect he has for the men and women who have served and sacrificed in that long running mission.

Just last Thanksgiving, Dr Hyde Trump was brandishing his ego, declaring victory is now in sight and the fight now worthwhile all because he got himself elected a year earlier.

Didn't you know that according to Trump, Afghanistan was turned around in August 2017

"He called troops in Afghanistan "brave, incredible fighters" who had "turned it around" in the past three to four months."

Obama oversaw thousands of times the turnaround that Trump could ever see, yet according to Trump, under Obama, all the gains and sacrifices made were foolish.

"We opened it up; we said go ahead, we're going to fight to win," he said. "We're not fighting any more to just walk around, we are fighting to win."

Just like the economy, all gains Obama made were started and stifled by the Great Bush Recession.

Trump inherited a decent, steadily improving economy and a situation in Afghanistan so greatly improved over what we and NATO faced the first part of 2009.

SavannahMann, post: 18905084
However, NotfooledbyW seems to think that Victory is just around the corner, or he is another in the long line of morons who thinks that continuing the fight because, um. Well. Um. Because. Just Because

I wish you could use your supposed three brain cells to understand what this thread is actually about.

Trump is lying or ignorant here because the objectives in Afghanistan have never been about "winning" in a sense that a non-thinking fool and his suckers would understand. We've gone far beyond "breaking even" since 9-11 howerever in such a long engagement.

""They weren't letting you win before; they were letting you break even. ... They weren't letting you win," he said."

In Thanksgiving message, Trump hails military gains and 'big, beautifu

So if you are able, think for yourself and get back to me on the absolute hypocracy and depravity that Trump believers condone.

Trump brags about turning around the war in Afghanistan in one breath while aiding and abetting the enemy declaring everything spent preceding him was foolish.

Trump and supporters sicken me. How about you?
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SavannahMann, post: 18905084
I know, and you know, and anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together knows. However, NotfooledbyW seems to think that Victory is just around the corner, or he is another in the long line of morons who thinks that continuing the fight because, um. Well. Um. Because. Just Because

Not looking for your or Trump's sense of victory. Looking to preserve the gains made by the US and our NATO and other allies.

This thread is about Trump and the utter careless disrespect he has for the men and women who have served and sacrificed in that long running mission.

Just last Thanksgiving, Dr Hyde Trump was brandishing his ego, declaring victory is now in sight and the fight now worthwhile all because he got himself elected a year earlier.

Didn't you know that according to Trump, Afghanistan was turned around in August 2017

"He called troops in Afghanistan "brave, incredible fighters" who had "turned it around" in the past three to four months."

Obama oversaw thousands of times the turnaround that Trump could ever see, yet according to Trump, under Obama, all the gains and sacrifices made were foolish.

"We opened it up; we said go ahead, we're going to fight to win," he said. "We're not fighting any more to just walk around, we are fighting to win."

Just like the economy, all gains Obama made were started and stifled by the Great Bush Recession.

Trump inherited a decent, steadily improving economy and a situation in Afghanistan so greatly improved over what we and NATO faced the first part of 2009.

SavannahMann, post: 18905084
However, NotfooledbyW seems to think that Victory is just around the corner, or he is another in the long line of morons who thinks that continuing the fight because, um. Well. Um. Because. Just Because

I wish you could use your supposed three brain cells to understand what this thread is actually about.

Trump is lying or ignorant here because the objectives in Afghanistan have never been about "winning" in a sense that a non-thinking fool and his suckers would understand. We've gone far beyond "breaking even" since 9-11 howerever in such a long engagement.

""They weren't letting you win before; they were letting you break even. ... They weren't letting you win," he said."

In Thanksgiving message, Trump hails military gains and 'big, beautifu

So if you are able, think for yourself and get back to me on the absolute hypocracy and depravity that Trump believers condone.

Trump brags about turning around the war in Afghanistan in one breath while aiding and abetting the enemy declaring everything spent preceding him was foolish.

Trump and supporters sicken me. How about you?

Lol. What a bunch of bunk. O hated the country and the people to the core and spat upon the military. You loved what he did in his contempt and hatred for this country. Its that rationale that you and the other fringe loonbat radicals espouse that america despises.
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.

Still waiting to hear how we can win in Afghanistan. What would victory be? What path to that victory exists? The Pentagon doesn’t have either a defined victory, or a path to it. The State Department hasn’t ever had one. No politician except John McCain has ever defined what it is, or what it would take to achieve it.

So what is victory in Afghanistan?
There has never been a plan on how to win in Afghanistan

I know, and you know, and anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together knows. However, NotfooledbyW seems to think that Victory is just around the corner, or he is another in the long line of morons who thinks that continuing the fight because, um. Well. Um. Because. Just Because!

We went in looking for some sort of revenge, and they’re having it every day. Only the OP being a rabidly partisan fool refuses to see it.

Afghanistan was our payback for 9-11
Lets go kill some Muslims and see how they like it. There never was any real plan. Just overthrow them, give them democracy and watch it flourish

Never had a prayer
SavannahMann, post: 18905084
I know, and you know, and anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together knows. However, NotfooledbyW seems to think that Victory is just around the corner, or he is another in the long line of morons who thinks that continuing the fight because, um. Well. Um. Because. Just Because

Not looking for your or Trump's sense of victory. Looking to preserve the gains made by the US and our NATO and other allies.

This thread is about Trump and the utter careless disrespect he has for the men and women who have served and sacrificed in that long running mission.

Just last Thanksgiving, Dr Hyde Trump was brandishing his ego, declaring victory is now in sight and the fight now worthwhile all because he got himself elected a year earlier.

Didn't you know that according to Trump, Afghanistan was turned around in August 2017

"He called troops in Afghanistan "brave, incredible fighters" who had "turned it around" in the past three to four months."

Obama oversaw thousands of times the turnaround that Trump could ever see, yet according to Trump, under Obama, all the gains and sacrifices made were foolish.

"We opened it up; we said go ahead, we're going to fight to win," he said. "We're not fighting any more to just walk around, we are fighting to win."

Just like the economy, all gains Obama made were started and stifled by the Great Bush Recession.

Trump inherited a decent, steadily improving economy and a situation in Afghanistan so greatly improved over what we and NATO faced the first part of 2009.

SavannahMann, post: 18905084
However, NotfooledbyW seems to think that Victory is just around the corner, or he is another in the long line of morons who thinks that continuing the fight because, um. Well. Um. Because. Just Because

I wish you could use your supposed three brain cells to understand what this thread is actually about.

Trump is lying or ignorant here because the objectives in Afghanistan have never been about "winning" in a sense that a non-thinking fool and his suckers would understand. We've gone far beyond "breaking even" since 9-11 howerever in such a long engagement.

""They weren't letting you win before; they were letting you break even. ... They weren't letting you win," he said."

In Thanksgiving message, Trump hails military gains and 'big, beautifu

So if you are able, think for yourself and get back to me on the absolute hypocracy and depravity that Trump believers condone.

Trump brags about turning around the war in Afghanistan in one breath while aiding and abetting the enemy declaring everything spent preceding him was foolish.

Trump and supporters sicken me. How about you?

You are an idiot. I say that with all due consideration. Continuing the fight, not for victory, but not to lose. That is what you are saying. We are fighting because failing to fight means we lost. We did that for a decade in Vietnam. The Russians did it in Afghanistan. The Belgians did it in the Congo. There are hundreds if not thousands of examples of pride driving a nation when intelligence ran out of steam.

We supposedly don’t need to win, we just have to keep fighting, because we’re too proud to lose. OK. How long does that go on? Where is the floor we won’t go below? Is it ten thousand dead and $15 Trillion spent? Is it higher? How much higher?

Where is this magical number where we decide that we’ve spent enough in lives, and treasure? Do we include the costs of caring for the victims for the rest of their lives? Or is that just something we’ll worry about later?

Going into Afghanistan was an effort at revenge. The enemy are having their revenge every day. Each and troop who dies is part of that revenge. Every one who comes home maimed, or wounded, is part of that revenge.

You sound like the Generals in Japan as they declare that all is not lost while the American Army is preparing for an invasion of the home islands. Worse, you sound like Hitler and his top advisors as they demand continued sacrifice from children to keep from losing to the Soviets.

You do not sound like Churchill. His defiance was not based upon dreams. In his series of books, The Second World War, Churchill explains the reason for defiance. They had considered what was needed for a successful invasion of England. They did not send the last of their strength to France. They kept the last few squadrons of Spitfires and Hurricanes for defense. They knew that to invade, the Germans would have to control the air over the Channel, and with twenty squadrons of fighters, they could deny the Nazi’s that control.

Unlike you, the Japanese, the Nazi’s, and even the American’s during Vietnam. They had a plan. They knew what victory would be, and they knew it was achievable. They were planning the invasion of the European Mainland in 1941. Years before they could possibly hope to have enough men, material, and power to accomplish the task. They were already planning on how to win.

Despite what may be in the movies, this defiance was not based upon just stubborn resistance. It was intelligent subbern resistance.

Without a plan, you are flailing about. The lack of a plan by the Pentagon, or State Department, means we have no plan militarily or politically for victory. Unlike Great Britain, or the Spartans at Thermopylae, we don’t have a plan. We are just fighting because not doing so, means we have to admit defeat. Even Thermopylae was part of a larger plan. A realistic plan for victory against the Persians.
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.

Oh, my: a liberal pretending to care about our troops. Assuming you can read, you of course know that Trump was not in any way criticizing our troops; rather, he was criticizing how Bush and Obama used them. There is a world of difference.
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.
So Trump suddenly says something Democrats / snowflakes have been saying for YEARS, that the war should never have happened, that 'Bush is responsible for the foolish deaths of American soldiers, etc..... and it's ok when THEY say it, but when Trump says it he's a POS?!


The FACT is, Trump is RIGHT.

Punishing the Taliban for their part in 9/11/01 - got it. Bomb the crap out of them, Punish them. Troops on the ground? 'Regime Change'? 'Occupation'? IMO, a mistake.

Afghanistan has never been successfully 'conquered' by an outside force.

The federal govt injected itself too deeply, much like they did in Viet Nam, would not let the US win
-- Obama committed Treason by releasing the top 5 Taliban Commanders after they were captured FOR NO REASON
-- The US was unwilling to pressure Pakistan into stopping the Taliban annual 'migration' - into Pakistan for safe haven during the winter and flow back in during the spring.

Afghans grow poppies - a mega-cash crop. most of the profits going to the Taliban to buy weapons, etc.... The US has no alternative plan for Afghans to make that kind of money.

Are we planning to stay there forever in order to make sure terrorism does not take over again and we have a returned threat?

These are a lot of the same arguments snowflakes have been attacking Bush and now Trump (But not Barry) over.

'Selectable Outrage'...nice.
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.

Oh, my: a liberal pretending to care about our troops. Assuming you can read, you of course know that Trump was not in any way criticizing our troops; rather, he was criticizing how Bush and Obama used them. There is a world of difference.

Liberals care about our troops

We care enough not to send them into senseless wars to be killed
We care enough not to send in additional troops to cover up the fact that you made a mistake

Should have listened to Liberals in Vietnam (Iraq too)
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.

It was a foolish mission. It is still a foolish mission. The problem is not the people serving. The problem is where their leaders send them.
westwall, post: 18904654
Trump has told the military guys to go deal with the enemy and they have. Trump has allowed the military to operate like a military should.

You are an absolute full blown Trump dupe if you believe anything has changed in the way our military and NATO operate in Afghanistan.

When Trump brags about himself the only thing you can count on is - he's lying.

You state your opinion that the Afghan War was a tremendous waste of life and treasure yet you slobber all over Trump's continuation of the waste. Insanity!

Do you have no orientation with reality?

If you actually think the war in Afghanistan until Trump was a waste of life and treasure then you are simply a nutjob. Trump can't now simply tell his guys to go deal with the enemy "under the current progress of the war" if all operations prior to now had not happened.

The Taliban controlled Kaubul and the entire country in 2002. The Afghan Governnent did not exist. Now the Afghan government exists and commands a 200,000 man army. But to Trumpidiots all that progress is a waste.

You are a sick demented hate filled people. There is something wrong with all of you.

Can't think anymore or respect reality.
Good point Notfooled......................Trump sent 70 Tomahawk missiles that cost about 1.5 million a pop, and didn't destroy the air base in Syria, nor did he take out the chemical weapons that were also there.

Basically, a whole bunch of money for an attack on an airbase that was back up and functioning the next day. In other words, a waste of money.
Good point Notfooled......................Trump sent 70 Tomahawk missiles that cost about 1.5 million a pop, and didn't destroy the air base in Syria, nor did he take out the chemical weapons that were also there.

Basically, a whole bunch of money for an attack on an airbase that was back up and functioning the next day. In other words, a waste of money.

Same goes for Afghanistan. Trump drops a bunker buster on a cave and the Trumpidiots go bonkers. It achieved very little in the course of the past sixteen years engaged there.

Trump's a con artist and uses our military as a prop.
Good point Notfooled......................Trump sent 70 Tomahawk missiles that cost about 1.5 million a pop, and didn't destroy the air base in Syria, nor did he take out the chemical weapons that were also there.

Basically, a whole bunch of money for an attack on an airbase that was back up and functioning the next day. In other words, a waste of money.

Same goes for Afghanistan. Trump drops a bunker buster on a cave and the Trumpidiots go bonkers. It achieved very little in the course of the past sixteen years engaged there.

Trump's a con artist and uses our military as a prop.

Actually dude, it was a MOAB, the biggest bomb we have in our arsenal that is non nuclear. And, believe it or not, that was one attack that I agreed with. Why? Because those bombs are specifically designed for shock wave and heat, and they are very effective against cave systems. Only problem is, they are so big that we can only use them on remote areas.

That one MOAB probably took out quite a few terrorists, as well as rendered that cave system useless.

The attack on Syria I am against, but dropping the MOAB I agree with. Probably one of the only times I agree with Trump.
I can't stress how awful it is for President to tell the families of soldiers who died defending this country their lives ended foolishly.

Only a fool would tell them something like that. A reckless, heartless, mean spirited, awful and moronic fool.
westwall, post: 18904654
Trump has told the military guys to go deal with the enemy and they have. Trump has allowed the military to operate like a military should.

You are an absolute full blown Trump dupe if you believe anything has changed in the way our military and NATO operate in Afghanistan.

When Trump brags about himself the only thing you can count on is - he's lying.

You state your opinion that the Afghan War was a tremendous waste of life and treasure yet you slobber all over Trump's continuation of the waste. Insanity!

Do you have no orientation with reality?

If you actually think the war in Afghanistan until Trump was a waste of life and treasure then you are simply a nutjob. Trump can't now simply tell his guys to go deal with the enemy "under the current progress of the war" if all operations prior to now had not happened.

The Taliban controlled Kaubul and the entire country in 2002. The Afghan Governnent did not exist. Now the Afghan government exists and commands a 200,000 man army. But to Trumpidiots all that progress is a waste.

You are a sick demented hate filled people. There is something wrong with all of you.

Can't think anymore or respect reality.

Wow. You really are that stupid. I suggest you actually take a gander at the real news that is coming out instead of the propagandist BS that fills your head with much.
Actually dude, it was a MOAB, the biggest bomb we have in our arsenal that is non nuclear.

Who cares what it's called. Blowing up a cave has little effect on the war. Con Game nothing more. That's why one's not been dropped since.
Actually dude, it was a MOAB, the biggest bomb we have in our arsenal that is non nuclear.

Who cares what it's called. Blowing up a cave has little effect on the war. Con Game nothing more. That's why one's not been dropped since.

Who cares? I care. I spent 20 years of my life in the military, and had to learn the difference between some things. A bunker buster is a bomb that burrows down into the ground and then explodes, much different from what a MOAB does.

And yeah, dropping a MOAB did have an effect, it killed 94 terrorists and took out their cave base. Taking away a place for them to shelter is pretty big in my book, and so is killing almost 100 of them.

Tell you the truth? I kinda wish we would have had this bomb available when OBL first started hiding in the caves. If we had dropped one back then, maybe we could have stopped the war a long time ago.

And.................fwiw........................the MOAB wasn't dropped sixteen years ago, it was dropped in April of this year.

'Mother of all bombs' killed 94 ISIS fighters, Afghan official says - CNN
ABikerSailor, post: 18920175
Tell you the truth? I kinda wish we would have had this bomb available when OBL first started hiding in the caves. If we had dropped one back then, maybe we could have stopped the war a long time ago.

Killing OBL would not have stopped/resolved this war. You know very little. Too much emphasis on memorizing bomb names.
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.
So Trump suddenly says something Democrats / snowflakes have been saying for YEARS, that the war should never have happened, that 'Bush is responsible for the foolish deaths of American soldiers, etc..... and it's ok when THEY say it, but when Trump says it he's a POS?!


The FACT is, Trump is RIGHT.

Punishing the Taliban for their part in 9/11/01 - got it. Bomb the crap out of them, Punish them. Troops on the ground? 'Regime Change'? 'Occupation'? IMO, a mistake.

Afghanistan has never been successfully 'conquered' by an outside force.

The federal govt injected itself too deeply, much like they did in Viet Nam, would not let the US win
-- Obama committed Treason by releasing the top 5 Taliban Commanders after they were captured FOR NO REASON
-- The US was unwilling to pressure Pakistan into stopping the Taliban annual 'migration' - into Pakistan for safe haven during the winter and flow back in during the spring.

Afghans grow poppies - a mega-cash crop. most of the profits going to the Taliban to buy weapons, etc.... The US has no alternative plan for Afghans to make that kind of money.

Are we planning to stay there forever in order to make sure terrorism does not take over again and we have a returned threat?

These are a lot of the same arguments snowflakes have been attacking Bush and now Trump (But not Barry) over.

'Selectable Outrage'...nice.

Stop whining Sergei. You sound insane little snowflake boi

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