Trump: combat dead and wounded in Afghanistan "FOOLISHLY SPENT"

"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.
So know you are for the years we spent in Afghanistan? He said it was a foolish war. What he should of said, fools ran the war. Talking about Bush and Obama.
He is insulting the troops, especially those who died or were wounded. There are ways to say things that don't insult people. He has no class whatsoever and is constantly insulting people he should be respecting, like soldiers, POWs, goldstar families, and even those who have died in the service of our country. He has such a low, reprehensible character.
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.
So know you are for the years we spent in Afghanistan? He said it was a foolish war. What he should of said, fools ran the war. Talking about Bush and Obama.

...and Trump. It's his now.
Yes, and by my understanding. Trump got rid of, rules of engagement. Big part of us losing wars.
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.
So know you are for the years we spent in Afghanistan? He said it was a foolish war. What he should of said, fools ran the war. Talking about Bush and Obama.
He is insulting the troops, especially those who died or were wounded. There are ways to say things that don't insult people. He has no class whatsoever and is constantly insulting people he should be respecting, like soldiers, POWs, goldstar families, and even those who have died in the service of our country. He has such a low, reprehensible character.
The kinda class Obama had, when he said our troops should pay for their own health insurance. Since they knew they might get hurt? In war, since they volunteered?
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.
So know you are for the years we spent in Afghanistan? He said it was a foolish war. What he should of said, fools ran the war. Talking about Bush and Obama.

...and Trump. It's his now.
Yes, and he has done a great job. Don't hear about issis on a daily basis anymore.
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.
So know you are for the years we spent in Afghanistan? He said it was a foolish war. What he should of said, fools ran the war. Talking about Bush and Obama.
He is insulting the troops, especially those who died or were wounded. There are ways to say things that don't insult people. He has no class whatsoever and is constantly insulting people he should be respecting, like soldiers, POWs, goldstar families, and even those who have died in the service of our country. He has such a low, reprehensible character.

At least he didn't say the troops were terrorizing kids and children like John Kerry claims.
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.
So know you are for the years we spent in Afghanistan? He said it was a foolish war. What he should of said, fools ran the war. Talking about Bush and Obama.
He is insulting the troops, especially those who died or were wounded. There are ways to say things that don't insult people. He has no class whatsoever and is constantly insulting people he should be respecting, like soldiers, POWs, goldstar families, and even those who have died in the service of our country. He has such a low, reprehensible character.
Go back a few years and quote what Harry Reid said about our troops. Or maybe Kerry, stating that our great troops are raping women, in Vietnam.
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.
So know you are for the years we spent in Afghanistan? He said it was a foolish war. What he should of said, fools ran the war. Talking about Bush and Obama.
He is insulting the troops, especially those who died or were wounded. There are ways to say things that don't insult people. He has no class whatsoever and is constantly insulting people he should be respecting, like soldiers, POWs, goldstar families, and even those who have died in the service of our country. He has such a low, reprehensible character.
Go back a few years and quote what Harry Reid said about our troops. Or maybe Kerry, stating that our great troops are raping women, in Vietnam.
Link? BTW, neither of them were president. The president has special responsibility.
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.
So know you are for the years we spent in Afghanistan? He said it was a foolish war. What he should of said, fools ran the war. Talking about Bush and Obama.
He is insulting the troops, especially those who died or were wounded. There are ways to say things that don't insult people. He has no class whatsoever and is constantly insulting people he should be respecting, like soldiers, POWs, goldstar families, and even those who have died in the service of our country. He has such a low, reprehensible character.

At least he didn't say the troops were terrorizing kids and children like John Kerry claims.
Link? Did John Kerry say that when he was President?
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.
So know you are for the years we spent in Afghanistan? He said it was a foolish war. What he should of said, fools ran the war. Talking about Bush and Obama.
He is insulting the troops, especially those who died or were wounded. There are ways to say things that don't insult people. He has no class whatsoever and is constantly insulting people he should be respecting, like soldiers, POWs, goldstar families, and even those who have died in the service of our country. He has such a low, reprehensible character.
The kinda class Obama had, when he said our troops should pay for their own health insurance. Since they knew they might get hurt? In war, since they volunteered?
Link? I doubt that's what he said, but if he did, it is not on the same level as saying their deaths were wasted, which is what Trump is saying.
Esmeralda, post: 18895036
Link? I doubt that's what he said, but if he did, it is not on the same level as saying their deaths were wasted, which is what Trump is saying.

It's a Trump tweet. The Buffoon said it. Of course their lives are wasted if spent foolishly.
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Mike473, post: 18894877
At least he didn't say the troops were terrorizing kids and children like John Kerry claims.

He said what he said. Quit false equivocating to excuse your acceptance of Trump rot.

Kerry was speaking about US troops raiding Iraqi homes. It does terrify kids, women and elderly. The military stopped doing it because it was harmful to a couhterinsurgency operation.
Esmeralda, post: 18895036
Link? I doubt that's what he said, but if he did, it is not on the same level as saying their deaths were wasted, which is what Trump is saying.

It's a Trump tweet. The Buffoon said it. Of course their lives are wasted if spent foolishly.
I was askng for the link as to what was claimed as far as what Obama supposedly said. Not what Trump said.

This is the post I quoted and asked for a link to: "The kinda class Obama had, when he said our troops should pay for their own health insurance. Since they knew they might get hurt? In war, since they volunteered?"
How do we win? What is victory in Afghanistan? This question has never been answered. The reason is obvious to anyone with half a brain. There is no way to achieve anything we could list as a victory.

We can start a version of a Democracy in the cities. Sort of. But that democracy will not extend into the country. A lesson Mao realized on his deathbed. A lesson the Soviets learned, and the British before them in Afghanistan.

John McCain was criticized by both the left and right when he said that we would fight for a hundred years if that is what it took to win in Afghanistan. It was insane to think that any victory would take that long. But he was right, which is why I didn’t vote for him. I voted for Obama who said he was going to pull out of these endless wars.

It would take a century, at least. The reason? The villages outside the cities are still in the social equivalent of the Seventh Century. The village elders rule as they have for more than a thousand years. They have no desire to change. So it would take generations to educate the children to a more modern secular view. It can’t happen in a single generation. It would take fifty years to get them into the 19th Century, if we were lucky.

Dying for something doesn’t make that thing noble or right. People die fighting over neighborhoods to sell drugs in. That does not make the sale of drugs a noble endeavor. People died fighting for control of those same neighborhoods during prohibition. It did not make bootlegging a noble venture.

What is victory? The end of Islamic terror? Never going to happen. Not without a barbaric reincarnation of the crusades to a level never before seen in history. We can achieve that by launching a ton of nukes at the Islamic countries, and incinerating the potential terrorists in big flashes of light followed by mushroom clouds. Of course, that would make us the worst villains in history, but we could eliminate Islamic terror couldn’t we? As a plus, we would end Global Warming for a century or so because of the nuclear winters, and the subsequent deaths of people from starvation after crops fail for a decade or more.

How do we win? We aren’t winning now. We are not even fighting for a victory. We are fighting not to lose. We did that for a decade in Vietnam. Spending lives, and dollars like pocket change. We were told that if we lost in Vietnam that the domino effect would see the entire world taken over by Communists. It didn’t happen. The Communists are now a sad little minority, and their nations are failing with a regularity that is predictable.

We have become the Japanese of the late World War II. Convinced if we maintain our belief in our own superiority, we will be victorious despite it being patently impossible to win.

The more we fight, the worse off we are. Trillions of dollars later, and we are in no better shape in Afghanistan than we were a year after we entered the nation.

It is said that those who refuse to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it. That is true. It is also true that those who learn the wrong lessons from History, are just doomed. We learned the wrong lesson from Vietnam, and from the failed occupations of Afghanistan by the British, and Russians. We told ourselves we would do it smarter, or the technology would give us an advantage. We would just win, somehow. We were Americans, and we were just awesome with Stealth Porta John’s. Stealth MAN. STEALTH.

Only, we haven’t won. Like Vietnam, we are learning the same lessons, and finding that we are just screwed. We build a base on top of a hill. This allows us to see all around, and see any approaching enemy. Only the enemy shoots at us from the valleys and hides among the rocks and caves. So we put the next base in the valley, denying this terrain to the enemy. Then they shoot at us from the hilltops.

The terrain is littered with mines left over from the Soviet Era, so we have to stay on the paths. The only safe places. On the paths, we are limited in how we respond.

The real problem, is the same one we had before World War II. We refuse to believe some damned brown, or yellow, or black people are smart enough to beat us. The most telling explanation about Pearl Harbor was this. We just didn’t think the little yellow bastards could do it. There are even arrogant racists today that claim that Nazi’s were the ones who designed the attack, and developed the weapons, for the Japanese.

We can enter an area, and kill some hostiles. Then we leave, and the folks left alive become hostile, or at least sympathetic to the enemy. It’s Vietnam all over again.

So I finish with the same question I started with. How do we win? What is victory? Because if you know, you’re one up on the Pentagon, who has wall to wall experts on military strategy. You’re ahead of the State Department who has wall to wall experts on political strategy. You’re up on every single think tank in the nation with experts galore. Because right now, nobody knows what victory is, or how the hell we achieve it. The only people who are still invested in this war are the pseudo patriots like yourself. The ones who beat their chest and scream that they love the troops.

The troops have dreams, hopes, and plans. None of those dreams, hopes, or plans, involve being maimed, or killed, because the nation is too stubborn to admit we can’t win in Afghanistan. They want life mates, partners, children, and a future that does not include bleeding out ten thousand miles from home.
That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.
I'm no Trump fan, but that's a pretty nasty twisting of his point.

Yet another ugly example of how ugly things have gotten.

Yuck. How do these thoughts even enter your minds?
jknowgood, post: 18889866 Do you understand English?

"inspection is preferable to war"

There were no inspections when she voted.

So. There was no vote for war if Saddam allowed the inspectors in. He did. Clinton expected Bush to choose inspections over war. He didn't.

The vote was not for war. Read it.

How's come you lie all the time? Are you so stupid you don't know anything?
Bush have Saddam more than enough time to comply with the resolutions. Bush told him what would happen, and he did it. Not like Obama drawing a line, then backing down. But for whatever reason, Hillary voted for it.
Bush's impatience cost 6000 American lives and a hundred thousand Iraqis
Yes, those lives you stopped counting after Obama got elected. I remember under Bush, the liberal media counted them daily. If I remember right more troops died under obama, because of his incompetence.
We counted every one

Men who were senselessly sacrificed by Bush
Until Obama took over. Then nothing, he didn't get the Nobel peace prize for nothing, huh? Not one casualty counted, after Obama.
They were Bush's wars

The Great Obama had to clean up his mess
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.
So know you are for the years we spent in Afghanistan? He said it was a foolish war. What he should of said, fools ran the war. Talking about Bush and Obama.
He is insulting the troops, especially those who died or were wounded. There are ways to say things that don't insult people. He has no class whatsoever and is constantly insulting people he should be respecting, like soldiers, POWs, goldstar families, and even those who have died in the service of our country. He has such a low, reprehensible character.
Go back a few years and quote what Harry Reid said about our troops. Or maybe Kerry, stating that our great troops are raping women, in Vietnam.
Link? BTW, neither of them were president. The president has special responsibility.
You tried to make Kerry your president, and if you don't remember Kerry coming home and degrading our troops, then you are blind.
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.
So know you are for the years we spent in Afghanistan? He said it was a foolish war. What he should of said, fools ran the war. Talking about Bush and Obama.
He is insulting the troops, especially those who died or were wounded. There are ways to say things that don't insult people. He has no class whatsoever and is constantly insulting people he should be respecting, like soldiers, POWs, goldstar families, and even those who have died in the service of our country. He has such a low, reprehensible character.
The kinda class Obama had, when he said our troops should pay for their own health insurance. Since they knew they might get hurt? In war, since they volunteered?
Link? I doubt that's what he said, but if he did, it is not on the same level as saying their deaths were wasted, which is what Trump is saying.
Oh my, that's what liberals were saying when Bush was President about Iraq. You all a sudden holding a President at a high level. Remember when Obama said the cops acted stupidly? I will bring up stupid shit all day what Obama said. Lol, there was a lot of things he said.
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.
So know you are for the years we spent in Afghanistan? He said it was a foolish war. What he should of said, fools ran the war. Talking about Bush and Obama.
He is insulting the troops, especially those who died or were wounded. There are ways to say things that don't insult people. He has no class whatsoever and is constantly insulting people he should be respecting, like soldiers, POWs, goldstar families, and even those who have died in the service of our country. He has such a low, reprehensible character.
The kinda class Obama had, when he said our troops should pay for their own health insurance. Since they knew they might get hurt? In war, since they volunteered?
Link? I doubt that's what he said, but if he did, it is not on the same level as saying their deaths were wasted, which is what Trump is saying.
Oh my, that's what liberals were saying when Bush was President about Iraq. You all a sudden holding a President at a high level. Remember when Obama said the cops acted stupidly? I will bring up stupid shit all day what Obama said. Lol, there was a lot of things he said.
The cops did act stupidly in how they behaved in the mans house
How much investigation does it take to find out the owner?

This guy claims to live here......maybe I should check

Why are conservatives still outraged over Obama questioning the actions of some local cops yet excuse Trump for attacking the entire FBI?
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"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.
So know you are for the years we spent in Afghanistan? He said it was a foolish war. What he should of said, fools ran the war. Talking about Bush and Obama.
He is insulting the troops, especially those who died or were wounded. There are ways to say things that don't insult people. He has no class whatsoever and is constantly insulting people he should be respecting, like soldiers, POWs, goldstar families, and even those who have died in the service of our country. He has such a low, reprehensible character.
Go back a few years and quote what Harry Reid said about our troops. Or maybe Kerry, stating that our great troops are raping women, in Vietnam.
Link? BTW, neither of them were president. The president has special responsibility.
You tried to make Kerry your president, and if you don't remember Kerry coming home and degrading our troops, then you are blind.

I didn't try to make Kerry president. Where's the link to him degrading our troops?

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