Trump: combat dead and wounded in Afghanistan "FOOLISHLY SPENT"

"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.

Get our troops out of the middle east and spend the money on infrastructure, science and education for Americans...

Fuck war! Time to think about America.
jknowgood, post: 18889697
That's not what Hillary said.

Hillary said she wanted Bush to give UN inspectors more time to avoid war. You said. Hillary didn't say that. The facts prove you wrong. Then you squirmed to the fact that Clinton about six months earlier voted in favor of the AUMF "if necessary" . It was not necessary, but you defend Bush saying he gave SH enough time. What an idiot.
Bush have Saddam more than enough time to comply with the resolutions.

Not true either. More time would have averted war. You are right about nothing.

Hillary was for giving inspectors more time. She was right. Trump was wrong:

"Stern asked Trump if he supported the looming invasion. Trump responded, "Yeah, I guess so."

That's your dumbass Trump.

Obama openly opposed invasion before going in but your buffoon "guessed so" yes
Bush went to the United nations talked to them. Gave Saddam plenty of warning, and went on national t.v., and gave him a date. If he didn't comply with the UNITED NATIONS SANCTIONS, he would be attacked. He didn't do anything, and paid the price. I bet you're not old enough to remember.
jknowgood, post: 18889697
That's not what Hillary said.

Hillary said she wanted Bush to give UN inspectors more time to avoid war. You said. Hillary didn't say that. The facts prove you wrong. Then you squirmed to the fact that Clinton about six months earlier voted in favor of the AUMF "if necessary" . It was not necessary, but you defend Bush saying he gave SH enough time. What an idiot.
If ole Bill Clinton didn't run his presidency through polls. He would've took Saddam out, but he didn't. He called him a threat the whole time he was President. Oh And remember, if Clinton did take bin Laden out, when he had the chance. 911 wouldn't of happened. Then, maybe Iraq wouldn't of happened. I personally think it was a great idea to take Saddam out, that war wasn't handled right. I do blame Bush for that.
jknowgood, post: 18889866
She voted for the Iraq war, dumbass.

Do you understand English?

"inspection is preferable to war"

There were no inspections when she voted.

So. There was no vote for war if Saddam allowed the inspectors in. He did. Clinton expected Bush to choose inspections over war. He didn't.

The vote was not for war. Read it.

How's come you lie all the time? Are you so stupid you don't know anything?
Bush have Saddam more than enough time to comply with the resolutions. Bush told him what would happen, and he did it. Not like Obama drawing a line, then backing down. But for whatever reason, Hillary voted for it.
Bush's impatience cost 6000 American lives and a hundred thousand Iraqis
Yes, those lives you stopped counting after Obama got elected. I remember under Bush, the liberal media counted them daily. If I remember right more troops died under obama, because of his incompetence.
If the Neanderthal Muslims want to live in squalor & filth let them.

Pack up, come home. Leave one carrier full of jets & bombs to deal with any terrorist fuck a sheep parties.

Stop trying to educate the uncivilized.
jknowgood, post: 18889697
That's not what Hillary said.

Hillary said she wanted Bush to give UN inspectors more time to avoid war. You said. Hillary didn't say that. The facts prove you wrong. Then you squirmed to the fact that Clinton about six months earlier voted in favor of the AUMF "if necessary" . It was not necessary, but you defend Bush saying he gave SH enough time. What an idiot.
Did Hillary vote for the Iraq war? Yes or No?
jknowgood, post: 18893617
Did Hillary vote for the Iraq war? Yes or No?

No she voted to give Bush the right to use military force if Saddam Hussein and the UNSC did not resume inspections.

Because the inspections were resumed Hillary publically went on record to oppose the war as long as the inspections were ongoing.

So no, she did not vote in favor of or for the Iraq war. War was not determined to be necessary at the time she voted. Ongoing inspections made war unnecessary. And that is what she said.

Trump did not oppose the war as much as Hillary did before Bush started it.

Facts must to be too complicated for you.

Bush even said the upcoming vote for the AUMF was a vote for peace.

Is it too complex for you to comprehend?
Grampa Murked U, post: 18893611
If the Neanderthal Muslims want to live in squalor & filth let them.

Pack up, come home. Leave one carrier full of jets & bombs to deal with any terrorist fuck a sheep parties.

Stop trying to educate the uncivilized.

Even Trump knows your solution is stupid. That's why he is sending in more money and more troops.
If I remember right more troops died under obama, because of his incompetence.

Caught in so many lies you now qualify your bs with "if I remember right".

Are you talking about Iraq or Afghanistan?

More troops died under Bush but that is not the point. The 4584 who died needlessly in Iraq are on Bush, the Decider. He alone decided to send them there and pull them out of Afghanistan.

Bush left Afghanistan in horrible shape forcing Obama to escalate our involvement there.

So there were more casualties under Obama if you count Afghanistan alone. But Bush's decision to invade Iraq is to blame for all deaths in both wars.
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.

One would have to notice none of the troops were of the family trump. Bone spurs and such you know. Oh sure Lying Trump's sons have no problem flying around the world to shoot defenseless animals with a high powered rifle from the safety of a car, but they wouldn't be caught dead signing up for the military.
jknowgood, post: 18893617
Did Hillary vote for the Iraq war? Yes or No?

No she voted to give Bush the right to use military force if Saddam Hussein and the UNSC did not resume inspections.

Because the inspections were resumed Hillary publically went on record to oppose the war as long as the inspections were ongoing.

So no, she did not vote in favor of or for the Iraq war. War was not determined to be necessary at the time she voted. Ongoing inspections made war unnecessary. And that is what she said.

Trump did not oppose the war as much as Hillary did before Bush started it.

Facts must to be too complicated for you.

Bush even said the upcoming vote for the AUMF was a vote for peace.

Is it too complex for you to comprehend?
She admitted to voting for it. Quit chasing your, or you're tail. Sorry you liberals hate miss using of those two words.
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

Whether the expenditures were spent "foolishly" is a conclusion one can assert accurately only amid, among other things, perfect information and hindsight. Prudent individuals refrain from conclusively qualifying others' deeds and ideas while bereft of both those things and, usually, a few other things, not least among them perspicacity.

I cannot today predict how hindsight will rate Trump, but were I hazarding guesses, among them would be that "foolish" be one of the kinder adjectives Epimetheus will use to qualify much he says and does.

One can at times, namely when judging and remarking upon others' actions and thoughts, suffice with a paucity of prudence if one be fully committed to and diligent about doing unto others as one'd have them do unto oneself. Individuals thus betrothed and practicing need not be abstractly sage in those instances because they likely will refrain from aspersing others or their ideas by calling either foolish, unless, of course, one likes being called foolish.​
jknowgood, post: 18889866
She voted for the Iraq war, dumbass.

Do you understand English?

"inspection is preferable to war"

There were no inspections when she voted.

So. There was no vote for war if Saddam allowed the inspectors in. He did. Clinton expected Bush to choose inspections over war. He didn't.

The vote was not for war. Read it.

How's come you lie all the time? Are you so stupid you don't know anything?
Bush have Saddam more than enough time to comply with the resolutions. Bush told him what would happen, and he did it. Not like Obama drawing a line, then backing down. But for whatever reason, Hillary voted for it.
Bush's impatience cost 6000 American lives and a hundred thousand Iraqis
Yes, those lives you stopped counting after Obama got elected. I remember under Bush, the liberal media counted them daily. If I remember right more troops died under obama, because of his incompetence.
We counted every one

Men who were senselessly sacrificed by Bush
jknowgood, post: 18893617
Did Hillary vote for the Iraq war? Yes or No?

No she voted to give Bush the right to use military force if Saddam Hussein and the UNSC did not resume inspections.

Because the inspections were resumed Hillary publically went on record to oppose the war as long as the inspections were ongoing.

So no, she did not vote in favor of or for the Iraq war. War was not determined to be necessary at the time she voted. Ongoing inspections made war unnecessary. And that is what she said.

Trump did not oppose the war as much as Hillary did before Bush started it.

Facts must to be too complicated for you.

Bush even said the upcoming vote for the AUMF was a vote for peace.

Is it too complex for you to comprehend?
She admitted to voting for it. Quit chasing your, or you're tail. Sorry you liberals hate miss using of those two words.
She voted to give Bush the authority to invade
What happened then?
jknowgood, post: 18894023
She admitted to voting for it.

She never denied voting for the AUMF "if necessary" Resolution. You are lying that it was a vote for war. She is quoted saying Bush should not start a war because the inspections were preferable.
jknowgood, post: 18889866
She voted for the Iraq war, dumbass.

Do you understand English?

"inspection is preferable to war"

There were no inspections when she voted.

So. There was no vote for war if Saddam allowed the inspectors in. He did. Clinton expected Bush to choose inspections over war. He didn't.

The vote was not for war. Read it.

How's come you lie all the time? Are you so stupid you don't know anything?
Bush have Saddam more than enough time to comply with the resolutions. Bush told him what would happen, and he did it. Not like Obama drawing a line, then backing down. But for whatever reason, Hillary voted for it.
Bush's impatience cost 6000 American lives and a hundred thousand Iraqis
Yes, those lives you stopped counting after Obama got elected. I remember under Bush, the liberal media counted them daily. If I remember right more troops died under obama, because of his incompetence.
We counted every one

Men who were senselessly sacrificed by Bush
Until Obama took over. Then nothing, he didn't get the Nobel peace prize for nothing, huh? Not one casualty counted, after Obama.
rightwinger, post: 18894406
She voted to give Bush the authority to invade
What happened then?

Saddam let the inspectors in. No war needed at all.

Oh please.

Saddam should just roll over for the west, do what you're told, act like a good little boy and we won't invade your ass..... that sounds to me like bully talk.

How about the US opens its military up to inspection from Iraq.... you'd support that? You'd vote for a president who allowed that?
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.
So know you are for the years we spent in Afghanistan? He said it was a foolish war. What he should of said, fools ran the war. Talking about Bush and Obama.

...and Trump. It's his now.

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