Trump: combat dead and wounded in Afghanistan "FOOLISHLY SPENT"

jknowgood, post: 18883270
What he should of said, fools ran the war. Talking about Bush and Obama.

"Should have said" ??????? Trump said what he said. Is he the idiot/hate/based opportunist I am certain that he is?

Bush was foolish only to all but abandon Afghanistan to fight his lie based war in Iraq.

Obama carried on the mission in Afghanistan honorably and intelligently. Pisses me off to hear Trump undermine so callously and foolishly the entire mission.

Trump's a fool himself since he authorized more spending and troops to fight there and has Pence pledging support indefinitely.

Trump's tweet mostly aids the enemy.

Why do you put up with it.

O started more wars than W could ever dream and left the ME in turmoil. You wouldn't know the truth if it stared you down.
With who exactly?

Syria, yemen, libya, and on and on.

Where was the liberal uproar over Obama's wars in the Middle East?
All civil wars that Obama did not start. Their own people started it do to the fall out over the arab spring which was put in motion by Bush.

That is not correct. O enabled and pushed the war within these countries.
Golfing Gator, post: 18885536
He has fallen for the sunk cost fallacy

Since cost should not be a factor in determining a resolution of national security threats there is no sunk cost fallacy for Trump to fall for.

Either there is a threat worth the cost or there is not.

If Kabul were to fall to the Taliban and NATO forces withdrawn a serious threat to Pakistan and the region would resume, pushing higher cost to a future generation.

Trump agrees with the Pentagon on that so he should quit aiding and abetting the enemy with tweets when sending our people to continue this fight.
Ya, cost should not be a determining factor for war. What the fuck are you smoking and where can I get it. Lets just throw out cost benifit analysis all together. According to some planet X is a national security threat. I do not feel much like throwing labor or treasure at it. You have got to be fucking kidding me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jknowgood, post: 18883270 "Should have said" ??????? Trump said what he said. Is he the idiot/hate/based opportunist I am certain that he is?

Bush was foolish only to all but abandon Afghanistan to fight his lie based war in Iraq.

Obama carried on the mission in Afghanistan honorably and intelligently. Pisses me off to hear Trump undermine so callously and foolishly the entire mission.

Trump's a fool himself since he authorized more spending and troops to fight there and has Pence pledging support indefinitely.

Trump's tweet mostly aids the enemy.

Why do you put up with it.

O started more wars than W could ever dream and left the ME in turmoil. You wouldn't know the truth if it stared you down.
With who exactly?

Syria, yemen, libya, and on and on.

Where was the liberal uproar over Obama's wars in the Middle East?
All civil wars that Obama did not start. Their own people started it do to the fall out over the arab spring which was put in motion by Bush.

That is not correct. O enabled and pushed the war within these countries.
You are right buddy, just because you say so!
O started more wars than W could ever dream and left the ME in turmoil. You wouldn't know the truth if it stared you down.
With who exactly?

Syria, yemen, libya, and on and on.

Where was the liberal uproar over Obama's wars in the Middle East?
All civil wars that Obama did not start. Their own people started it do to the fall out over the arab spring which was put in motion by Bush.

That is not correct. O enabled and pushed the war within these countries.
You are right buddy, just because you say so!

Its not because I say so.
If we used our Military power the way we did in WWII we wouldn't be having these conversations.

Wrong. The way that wars and conflicts are now fought are markedly different than what they were back in the 40's. Guerrilla warfare seems to be the norm nowadays instead of massing large groups to fight each other.
You misunderstand of course. We were not afraid to use the tools at hand during WWII. We have units and the equpitment that can fight asymmetric warfare we just don't use them effectively.

What, you mean like nerve gas or bio weapons? Nukes? Should we use every weapon in our arsenal even if it's against the Geneva Conventions, or will result in the land that it is used on being uninhabitable for a long time? Those kind of tools at hand and equipment?
Syria, yemen, libya, and on and on.

Obama started none of them. Why do you think he did?

Because the GOP leadership blamed everything on Obama, and now all the conservatives are doing so as well.

W is at fault for starting these wars and O is at fault for continuing these wars and starting more.
In this I agree to a point. Lets not forget they were not alone in government during these periods so we can throw in congress and the voting public for putting up with it!
jknowgood, post: 18883270
What he should of said, fools ran the war. Talking about Bush and Obama.

"Should have said" ??????? Trump said what he said. Is he the idiot/hate/based opportunist I am certain that he is?

Bush was foolish only to all but abandon Afghanistan to fight his lie based war in Iraq.

Obama carried on the mission in Afghanistan honorably and intelligently. Pisses me off to hear Trump undermine so callously and foolishly the entire mission.

Trump's a fool himself since he authorized more spending and troops to fight there and has Pence pledging support indefinitely.

Trump's tweet mostly aids the enemy.

Why do you put up with it.

O started more wars than W could ever dream and left the ME in turmoil. You wouldn't know the truth if it stared you down.
With who exactly?

Syria, yemen, libya, and on and on.

Where was the liberal uproar over Obama's wars in the Middle East?
All civil wars that Obama did not start. Their own people started it do to the fall out over the arab spring which was put in motion by Bush.

Nope. You are wrong.

NY Times: Obama Jump-Started Arab Spring | Clarion Project
If we used our Military power the way we did in WWII we wouldn't be having these conversations.

Wrong. The way that wars and conflicts are now fought are markedly different than what they were back in the 40's. Guerrilla warfare seems to be the norm nowadays instead of massing large groups to fight each other.
You misunderstand of course. We were not afraid to use the tools at hand during WWII. We have units and the equpitment that can fight asymmetric warfare we just don't use them effectively.
The truley sad thing of the whole middle east deal is that if we could stop our dependance on oil we would not have to give a shit about what happened there. We could leaqve them to wipe thier asses with their hand and no toilet paper and just not give a fuck.
We can stop our dependence by taking advantage of of our own reserves and building new nuclear power plants. But the loons don't want that.
Syria, yemen, libya, and on and on.

Obama started none of them. Why do you think he did?

Because the GOP leadership blamed everything on Obama, and now all the conservatives are doing so as well.

W is at fault for starting these wars and O is at fault for continuing these wars and starting more.
In this I agree to a point. Lets not forget they were not alone in government during these periods so we can throw in congress and the voting public for putting up with it!

I have always been against W's war. He should have used hussein as a hedge against iran.
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.
You sound like a woman. Are you then?
Syria, yemen, libya, and on and on.

Obama started none of them. Why do you think he did?

Because the GOP leadership blamed everything on Obama, and now all the conservatives are doing so as well.

W is at fault for starting these wars and O is at fault for continuing these wars and starting more.
In this I agree to a point. Lets not forget they were not alone in government during these periods so we can throw in congress and the voting public for putting up with it!

I have always been against W's war. He should have used hussein as a hedge against iran.
I absolutly fully agree with that statement. I am also tired of turning a blind eye to Saudi shit just because of their oil. Am I the only one here that would like to have the Saudi kings head on a platter? In many ways I would like his head better than the Iatolahs
If we used our Military power the way we did in WWII we wouldn't be having these conversations.

Wrong. The way that wars and conflicts are now fought are markedly different than what they were back in the 40's. Guerrilla warfare seems to be the norm nowadays instead of massing large groups to fight each other.
The Roman Empire had the same issues under their own Pax Romana.
LordBrownTrout, post: 18886936
Wrong. Again, you show your ignorance and stupidity.

Name a war Obama started, like Bush started Iraq. Saddam Hussein was cooperating with inspectors but Bush forced them out. Kadhafi defied a UNSC Resolution to disarm his tanks and Air Force and to cease the military assault on Benghazi. Kadhafi refused and thus started that war.

Ignorance is not specifically naming the wars you think Obama started.
Do you know how to spell S-Y-R-I-A ??
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.
Every single American combat casualty since the conclusion of the Battle of Tora Bora has been foolishly spent.

That encompasses a great many casualties attributable to Dubya, Obumble and the Imperial Cheeto, and, in fairness, the lion's share of those pre-dated Drumpf.

We should have nailed Osama bin Laden at Tora Bora and then just walked away, without attempting to Nation-Build in a Neanderthal setting.

Leaving the survivors stumbling-about in the smoking ruins, as we withdraw, then laugh our asses off.
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.
Every single American combat casualty since the conclusion of the Battle of Tora Bora has been foolishly spent.

That encompasses a great many casualties attributable to Dubya, Obumble and the Imperial Cheeto.

We should have nailed Osama bin Laden at Tora Bora and then just walked away, without attempting to Nation-Build in a Neanderthal setting.
Well the Imperial Cheeto is just getting started.

I don't even know if he knew about Sub Saharan Africa.

Still cant believe that a crew of Army special ops got themselves ambushed there.
Doc1, post: 18886388
You never spent 1 day in country, what the fuck would you know about it?

No one has to spend one second in a country to grasp the US military and diplomatic policy there. Yours is an idiot's argument.

9 of 10 Americans agreed with Bush's planned mission in Afghanistan. They spent no time there. 6 of 10 wanted Bush to give the inspectors more time. We spent no time in Iraq but still knew kicking inspectors out was a bad idea. Same with Obama. He knew invading Iraq would lead to a dumb war.
evenflow1969, post: 18885508
His words are right on this one his actions are wrong.

His words cannot be right when his actions are wrong. That is the point. His word is meaningless garbage. You may think it right to quit now in Afghanistan but you have not given it proper thought.

No one knowledgeable on that mission would agree with Trump's empty headed words. That's why he is not really pulling out.

It's not foolish to be there.

It's foolish to commit to be there and call it foolish at the same time.

You never spent 1 day in country, what the fuck would you know about it?
You have never spent a day with a brain what the fuck would you know about it. I am sorry tell me all about the flourishing demcracy over there. What the fuck do you know about me. You are right I have not been to afganastan since 9/11. To asume I have no experience with war would be wrong.

You stupid fuck, learn to read.
Doc1, post: 18886388
You never spent 1 day in country, what the fuck would you know about it?

No one has to spend one second in a country to grasp the US military and diplomatic policy there. Yours is an idiot's argument.

9 of 10 Americans agreed with Bush's planned mission in Afghanistan. They spent no time there. 6 of 10 wanted Bush to give the inspectors more time. We spent no time in Iraq but still knew kicking inspectors out was a bad idea. Same with Obama. He knew invading Iraq would lead to a dumb war.

Fuck you kid, you don't know shit about anything. The only experience you have is watching John Wayne movies. We don't fight wars by "consensus". ALL wars are "dumb" wars. They're fought to make bankers more money. God wht a stupid fuck you are.
Golfing Gator, post: 18885536
He has fallen for the sunk cost fallacy

Since cost should not be a factor in determining a resolution of national security threats there is no sunk cost fallacy for Trump to fall for.

Either there is a threat worth the cost or there is not.

If Kabul were to fall to the Taliban and NATO forces withdrawn a serious threat to Pakistan and the region would resume, pushing higher cost to a future generation.

Trump agrees with the Pentagon on that so he should quit aiding and abetting the enemy with tweets when sending our people to continue this fight.

Cost should always be a factor, especially when the cost is the lives of US service members.

We can stay in Afghanistan for the next 20 years throwing men into the meat grinder and when we leave the end result will be the same.

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