Trump: combat dead and wounded in Afghanistan "FOOLISHLY SPENT"

Here's why Trump doesn't want the rubes to watch CNN:


It couldn't possibly have anything to do with the fact that CNN gave the debate questions to Hillary before the debate, proving


evenflow1969, post: 18885377
I do not agree with Trump on much of anything but he is right here. We have not accomplished much over there. This is where empires have gone since the beginning of time to destroy them selves. Nation building is stupid and does not work unless you are building it for your self.

Trump is more wrong on Afghanistan than anything. Plus how can he be right when his actions contradict his words? He says what's popular calling the Afghan War foolish but sends more troops and more money. Calling himself a fool and he gets approval.
Trump is correct, and this is from a Retired Marine. We wasted trillions and thousands of lives and have NOTHING to show for it. The middle east is a bigger mess than it was on 9/11 and we are way further in debt and have way fewer brave men and women as veterans thanks to fucking Bush and Obama

And then W said "he's not a priority" when asked about Bin Laden....

What was the priority?

Bush was foolish only to all but abandon Afghanistan to fight his lie based war in Iraq.
GWB did not abandon the war against AQ in Afghanistan. The proof is that US forces in Afghanistan kept increasing even after GWB dramatically increased US forces fighting in the ROI in 2003. You were not fooled by W. Like many weak-minded people suffering from BDS you were easily FOOLED by the Democrat's, crude, defamatory anti-USA propaganda.

Actually he all but abandoned Afghanistan, it was nothing but an after thought that got the leftovers from Iraq. Iraq got priority in troops and equipment and even the units shipping to Iraq got priority in training ranges over those going to Afghanistan.

Spoken like a weak-minded and easily brainwashed fool.

Look up the number of troops deployed in Afghanistan before 2003 and after 2003, jackass. The facts say you are full of shit.
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Yes, they did. The wings folded up alongside the aircraft upon impact and continued into the hole created by the impact. Those main landing gear struts attach to the bottom of the wing and were found inside the building. The vast majority of the aircraft burned/melted from the intense heat.
So the aircraft melted into nothing?

Seriously?? ..... :lol:

What happens when aluminum when you expose it to extreme heat in a fire? It melts.

Those parts I included in the pictures are the only parts with enough physical structure/density to withstand the heat of the fire.

The picture below is of what is left of the aluminum superstructure after the USS Belknap collided with the USS John F. Kennedy. Jet fuel was dumped from the carrier down on the cruiser and obliterated the entire superstructure. Where did it go? It melted.

evenflow1969, post: 18885377
I do not agree with Trump on much of anything but he is right here. We have not accomplished much over there. This is where empires have gone since the beginning of time to destroy them selves. Nation building is stupid and does not work unless you are building it for your self.

Trump is more wrong on Afghanistan than anything. Plus how can he be right when his actions contradict his words? He says what's popular calling the Afghan War foolish but sends more troops and more money. Calling himself a fool and he gets approval.
His words are right on this one his actions are wrong.Also please remember we do not live in a dictatorship Trump is not the only one making decisions up there. Don't ya just love politics. His base wants money for the military so he gives it to them wether it is right in the long run or not. This is Standard Opperating Proceedure for politicians today. These fucks are more interested in winning elections than governing. This is all politicians not just the rep[ublicans or the Democrats.
Bush was foolish only to all but abandon Afghanistan to fight his lie based war in Iraq.
GWB did not abandon the war against AQ in Afghanistan. The proof is that US forces in Afghanistan kept increasing even after GWB dramatically increased US forces fighting in the ROI in 2003. You were not fooled by W. Like many weak-minded people suffering from BDS you were easily FOOLED by the Democrat's, crude, defamatory anti-USA propaganda.

Actually he all but abandoned Afghanistan, it was nothing but an after thought that got the leftovers from Iraq. Iraq got priority in troops and equipment and even the units shipping to Iraq got priority in training ranges over those going to Afghanistan.

Spoken like a weak-minded and easily brainwashed fool.

No you moron, it is spoken like one that was part of the Marine Corps and lived it and knows it is 100% fact. Iraq got priority when it came to troops and equipment and the units deploying to Iraq got priority over those going to Afghanistan in the live fire ranges.

So please, go back to mommy's basement and quit trying to talk about something you have no actual experience dealing with.
evenflow1969, post: 18885454
One of the big problems with nation building in Afganastan is that a good percentage of the population is illiterate.

Perhaps you don't remember. When Obama took office the rightwing were deeply politically invested in him losing Afghanistan and the huge national security threat was the potential takeover of nuclear weaponized Pakistan by Taliban led insurgents.

They could not wait to pin that on him.

Check the status on the lawless regions in the Pakistan Afghanistan border. Most of the threat has been removed.
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.
the level of mental gymnastics you achieved there qualifies you to pre-win the next fall Olympics and go straight to the Pro level.
evenflow1969, post: 18885377
I do not agree with Trump on much of anything but he is right here. We have not accomplished much over there. This is where empires have gone since the beginning of time to destroy them selves. Nation building is stupid and does not work unless you are building it for your self.

Trump is more wrong on Afghanistan than anything. Plus how can he be right when his actions contradict his words? He says what's popular calling the Afghan War foolish but sends more troops and more money. Calling himself a fool and he gets approval.
His words are right on this one his actions are wrong.Also please remember we do not live in a dictatorship Trump is not the only one making decisions up there. Don't ya just love politics. His base wants money for the military so he gives it to them wether it is right in the long run or not. This is Standard Opperating Proceedure for politicians today. These fucks are more interested in winning elections than governing. This is all politicians not just the rep[ublicans or the Democrats.

Yes, sending more troops to Afghanistan is a huge mistake. He has fallen for the sunk cost fallacy. But then again he did that a lot in his business life so it is no surprise.
Yes, they did. The wings folded up alongside the aircraft upon impact and continued into the hole created by the impact. Those main landing gear struts attach to the bottom of the wing and were found inside the building. The vast majority of the aircraft burned/melted from the intense heat.
So the aircraft melted into nothing?

Seriously?? ..... :lol:

What happens when aluminum when you expose it to extreme heat in a fire? It melts.

Those parts I included in the pictures are the only parts with enough physical structure/density to withstand the heat of the fire.

The picture below is of what is left of the aluminum superstructure after the USS Belknap collided with the USS John F. Kennedy. Jet fuel was dumped from the carrier down on the cruiser and obliterated the entire superstructure. Where did it go? It melted.

Aluminum also burns very vigorously. Aluminum is the fuel in the flash powder for firecrackers, M-80s etc.
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evenflow1969, post: 18885508
His words are right on this one his actions are wrong.

His words cannot be right when his actions are wrong. That is the point. His word is meaningless garbage. You may think it right to quit now in Afghanistan but you have not given it proper thought.

No one knowledgeable on that mission would agree with Trump's empty headed words. That's why he is not really pulling out.

It's not foolish to be there.

It's foolish to commit to be there and call it foolish at the same time.
Spoken like a weak-minded and easily brainwashed fool.

Look up the number of troops deployed in Afghanistan before 2003 and after 2003, jackass. The facts say you are full of shit.

The initial deployment by W to Afghan was just to take and hold Kabul and Khandahar.

In San Diego, we got word from the deployment, that they were "just sitting there" and "had no target," the "not a priority" Col Ossman....

Then 15 Zionist Traitors disguised as US Army Rangers took Pat Tillman outside and shot him at point blank range, and then lied about it...
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.
So know you are for the years we spent in Afghanistan? He said it was a foolish war. What he should of said, fools ran the war. Talking about Bush and Obama.

The above post was sponsored by Simple r. Us; a collection of simple Simon's working to dumb down Americans.
Lol, this represents your party.
Obama vowed to end the wars. He ended up only starting more of em. He failed.
Libya was a very stable country with a well off and educated population.

Obama / Clinton assassinated its leader, bombed the country, destroyed the infrastructure, and now Libya is a failed state in complete chaos.

All for no reason. ..... :cool:

That war was only about taking Gaddafi out and handing the country/oil over to Great Britain, France, and the US. Gaddafi was well-respected and liked by his neighbors in the region. He was absolutely no threat to anyone. The West wanted the oil. It's as simple as that.

Nope, Kdaffy made the mistake of trying to move away from the Petro-Dollar.
evenflow1969, post: 18885508
His words are right on this one his actions are wrong.

His words cannot be right when his actions are wrong. That is the point. His word is meaningless garbage. You may think it right to quit now in Afghanistan but you have not given it proper thought.

No one knowledgeable on that mission would agree with Trump's empty headed words. That's why he is not really pulling out.

It's not foolish to be there.

It's foolish to commit to be there and call it foolish at the same time.

You never spent 1 day in country, what the fuck would you know about it?
jknowgood, post: 18883270
What he should of said, fools ran the war. Talking about Bush and Obama.

"Should have said" ??????? Trump said what he said. Is he the idiot/hate/based opportunist I am certain that he is?

Bush was foolish only to all but abandon Afghanistan to fight his lie based war in Iraq.

Obama carried on the mission in Afghanistan honorably and intelligently. Pisses me off to hear Trump undermine so callously and foolishly the entire mission.

Trump's a fool himself since he authorized more spending and troops to fight there and has Pence pledging support indefinitely.

Trump's tweet mostly aids the enemy.

Why do you put up with it.

O started more wars than W could ever dream and left the ME in turmoil. You wouldn't know the truth if it stared you down.
Obama vowed to end the wars. He ended up only starting more of em. He failed.
Libya was a very stable country with a well off and educated population.

Obama / Clinton assassinated its leader, bombed the country, destroyed the infrastructure, and now Libya is a failed state in complete chaos.

All for no reason. ..... :cool:

That war was only about taking Gaddafi out and handing the country/oil over to Great Britain, France, and the US. Gaddafi was well-respected and liked by his neighbors in the region. He was absolutely no threat to anyone. The West wanted the oil. It's as simple as that.

Nope, Kdaffy made the mistake of trying to move away from the Petro-Dollar.

Excellent point. That played a big role too. Maybe the biggest role.
evenflow1969, post: 18885508
His words are right on this one his actions are wrong.

His words cannot be right when his actions are wrong. That is the point. His word is meaningless garbage. You may think it right to quit now in Afghanistan but you have not given it proper thought.

No one knowledgeable on that mission would agree with Trump's empty headed words. That's why he is not really pulling out.

It's not foolish to be there.

It's foolish to commit to be there and call it foolish at the same time.

You never spent 1 day in country, what the fuck would you know about it?
You have never spent a day with a brain what the fuck would you know about it. I am sorry tell me all about the flourishing demcracy over there. What the fuck do you know about me. You are right I have not been to afganastan since 9/11. To asume I have no experience with war would be wrong.

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