Trump: combat dead and wounded in Afghanistan "FOOLISHLY SPENT"

The war in Afghanistan has been a misguided fool's errand from the start.

We invaded and destroyed an entire country looking for 1 man. .... :cuckoo:
jknowgood, post: 18883270
So know you are for the years we spent in Afghanistan?

Always have supported the mission in Afghanistan. Never became a surrender monkey like Trump and you sunshine patriot conservatives.
Nope we didn't fight the war to win, and many troops paid with their lives and limbs. That's the foolish part about it. Trump is right.

Have we ever, since WWII fought a war to win?
Not really.
jknowgood, post: 18883313
Nope we didn't fight the war to win, and many troops paid with their lives and limbs. That's the foolish part about it. Trump is right.

So nothing has been gained or won in Afghanistan according to you and your buffoon Trump. Sicko.
Tell me, what have we gained? In my opinion, what we gained we lost, and our troops paid the price.
what have we gained?

In January of 2001, the US had $5 trillion in debt.

We are now over $20 trillion.

The Period of American WO was the most disasterous period in US history, with the two worst Presidents in US history...
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.

So NOW you support the War. Good lord.
jknowgood, post: 18883700
Tell me, what have we gained? In my opinion, what we gained we lost, and our troops paid the price.

The Taliban don't rule the country, Afghanistan has an elected government, large Army and Police Force. And nuclear weaponized Pakistan has been protected from the Taliban insrgency that used to flourish in the lawless regions on the Afghan border.
Sadly, Trump is correct for the most part. The Iraq invasion was a horrific bloody blunder of epic proportions. It shouldn't have happened. Good folks got killed & maimed just to make some rich fatcats fatter. Iraq was absolutely no threat to the United States. The war was based on nothing but lies. So yes, too many good folks did die for nothing.

And Afghanistan has become the longest war in US history. But why? We killed Bin Laden and exterminated Al Qaeda. So why are we still there? It's time to end that war. It's actually time for us to end all the meddling and 'Regime Change.' It's time for us to disengage a bit from the Middle East especially. This 'Empire-Building' is gonna come back to haunt us at some point. It's time to dramatically scale things back. Time to come home.
Doc1, post: 18883760
So NOW you support the War. Good lord.

Always have. Still do. Unlike traitor Trump who gives aid and comfort to our enemy there. You for that?

Three years ago:

Bush had no plan when he dumped the Afghanistan mess on Obama. Upon taking office in 2009 Obama authorized the largest, since Vietnam, US Marines Air to Ground invasion into the Taliban stronghold of Helmand and Kandahar Provinces.

Then Obama ordered newly appointed General McChrystal to come up with a new plan and that plan was modified and executed on the battlefield. Our troops have carried out the mission with heroism patriotism and professionalism, and I am proud of them.

Trump is a traitor.
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If you believe this to be true, you are a bigger idiot that we gave you credit for being.
That was the reason the American public was told.

Ya know, the man hiding in a cave. ..... :cuckoo:

No, that is just another reason you are a bigger idiot than we gave you credit for being.

Want to go for a trifecta? Say something else stupid! You are on a roll!
If you believe this to be true, you are a bigger idiot that we gave you credit for being.
That was the reason the American public was told.

Ya know, the man hiding in a cave. ..... :cuckoo:

No, that is just another reason you are a bigger idiot than we gave you credit for being.

Want to go for a trifecta? Say something else stupid! You are on a roll!

Yeah, the OP is clearly a Democrat Fake News minion. Obviously, he or she distorted Trump's take.
It's time for us to disengage a bit from the Middle East especially.

You don't quite "get it."

The reason for invading Iraq was not oil or nation building or regime change. Or building an empire.

It was 100% about this... the "Promised Land" defined in the Book of Joshua


"1 Now after the death of Moses the servant of the LORD it came to pass, that the LORD spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister, saying, 2 Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel. 3 Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses. 4 From the wilderness and this Lebanon even unto the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and unto the great sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your coast. 5 There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life:


A: Where Dianne Feinstein wanted US troops to assist Israel in re-conquering the Promised Land
Doc1, post: 18883760
So NOW you support the War. Good lord.

Always have. Still do. Unlike traitor Trump who gives aid and comfort to our enemy there. You for that?

Bush had no plan when he dumped the Afghanistan mess on Obama. Upon taking office in 2009 Obama authorized the largest, since Vietnam, US Marines Air to Ground invasion into the Taliban stronghold of Helmand and Kandahar Provinces.

Then Obama ordered newly appointed General McChrystal to come up with a new plan and that plan was modified and executed on the battlefield. Our troops have carried out the mission with heroism patriotism and professionalism, and I am proud of them.

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