Trump: combat dead and wounded in Afghanistan "FOOLISHLY SPENT"

"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.
So know you are for the years we spent in Afghanistan? He said it was a foolish war. What he should of said, fools ran the war. Talking about Bush and Obama.
He is insulting the troops, especially those who died or were wounded. There are ways to say things that don't insult people. He has no class whatsoever and is constantly insulting people he should be respecting, like soldiers, POWs, goldstar families, and even those who have died in the service of our country. He has such a low, reprehensible character.
The kinda class Obama had, when he said our troops should pay for their own health insurance. Since they knew they might get hurt? In war, since they volunteered?
Link? I doubt that's what he said, but if he did, it is not on the same level as saying their deaths were wasted, which is what Trump is saying.
Oh my, that's what liberals were saying when Bush was President about Iraq. You all a sudden holding a President at a high level. Remember when Obama said the cops acted stupidly? I will bring up stupid shit all day what Obama said. Lol, there was a lot of things he said.
As far as all these things you say Obama said: You don't provide any proof. Where are the links to your assertions? Too chicken to provide them?
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.

Well he is right. Almost 20 years of streight up war and what to show for it but dead bodies? Yeah, those lives that were and are spent on the conflict in the Middle East are foolish causes.
So know you are for the years we spent in Afghanistan? He said it was a foolish war. What he should of said, fools ran the war. Talking about Bush and Obama.
He is insulting the troops, especially those who died or were wounded. There are ways to say things that don't insult people. He has no class whatsoever and is constantly insulting people he should be respecting, like soldiers, POWs, goldstar families, and even those who have died in the service of our country. He has such a low, reprehensible character.
The kinda class Obama had, when he said our troops should pay for their own health insurance. Since they knew they might get hurt? In war, since they volunteered?
Link? I doubt that's what he said, but if he did, it is not on the same level as saying their deaths were wasted, which is what Trump is saying.
Oh my, that's what liberals were saying when Bush was President about Iraq. You all a sudden holding a President at a high level. Remember when Obama said the cops acted stupidly? I will bring up stupid shit all day what Obama said. Lol, there was a lot of things he said.
The cops did act stupidly in how they behaved in the mans house
How much investigation does it take to find out the owner?

This guy claims to live here......maybe I should check

Why are conservatives still outraged over Obama questioning the actions of some local cops yet excuse Trump for attacking the entire FBI?
The cops were called about a break I'm. The professor acted badly, the cops were doing their jobs. So Obama steps in like the jackass he is.
So know you are for the years we spent in Afghanistan? He said it was a foolish war. What he should of said, fools ran the war. Talking about Bush and Obama.
He is insulting the troops, especially those who died or were wounded. There are ways to say things that don't insult people. He has no class whatsoever and is constantly insulting people he should be respecting, like soldiers, POWs, goldstar families, and even those who have died in the service of our country. He has such a low, reprehensible character.
The kinda class Obama had, when he said our troops should pay for their own health insurance. Since they knew they might get hurt? In war, since they volunteered?
Link? I doubt that's what he said, but if he did, it is not on the same level as saying their deaths were wasted, which is what Trump is saying.
Oh my, that's what liberals were saying when Bush was President about Iraq. You all a sudden holding a President at a high level. Remember when Obama said the cops acted stupidly? I will bring up stupid shit all day what Obama said. Lol, there was a lot of things he said.
As far as all these things you say Obama said: You don't provide any proof. Where are the links to your assertions? Too chicken to provide them?
You don't remember the beer summit?
He is insulting the troops, especially those who died or were wounded. There are ways to say things that don't insult people. He has no class whatsoever and is constantly insulting people he should be respecting, like soldiers, POWs, goldstar families, and even those who have died in the service of our country. He has such a low, reprehensible character.
The kinda class Obama had, when he said our troops should pay for their own health insurance. Since they knew they might get hurt? In war, since they volunteered?
Link? I doubt that's what he said, but if he did, it is not on the same level as saying their deaths were wasted, which is what Trump is saying.
Oh my, that's what liberals were saying when Bush was President about Iraq. You all a sudden holding a President at a high level. Remember when Obama said the cops acted stupidly? I will bring up stupid shit all day what Obama said. Lol, there was a lot of things he said.
The cops did act stupidly in how they behaved in the mans house
How much investigation does it take to find out the owner?

This guy claims to live here......maybe I should check

Why are conservatives still outraged over Obama questioning the actions of some local cops yet excuse Trump for attacking the entire FBI?
The cops were called about a break I'm. The professor acted badly, the cops were doing their jobs. So Obama steps in like the jackass he is.

A break in at Gates house
Cops were out of line in dealing with a homeowner

Why is it OK for Trump to attack the FBI but unacceptable for Obama to question local cops
The kinda class Obama had, when he said our troops should pay for their own health insurance. Since they knew they might get hurt? In war, since they volunteered?
Link? I doubt that's what he said, but if he did, it is not on the same level as saying their deaths were wasted, which is what Trump is saying.
Oh my, that's what liberals were saying when Bush was President about Iraq. You all a sudden holding a President at a high level. Remember when Obama said the cops acted stupidly? I will bring up stupid shit all day what Obama said. Lol, there was a lot of things he said.
The cops did act stupidly in how they behaved in the mans house
How much investigation does it take to find out the owner?

This guy claims to live here......maybe I should check

Why are conservatives still outraged over Obama questioning the actions of some local cops yet excuse Trump for attacking the entire FBI?
The cops were called about a break I'm. The professor acted badly, the cops were doing their jobs. So Obama steps in like the jackass he is.

A break in at Gates house
Cops were out of line in dealing with a homeowner

Why is it OK for Trump to attack the FBI but unacceptable for Obama to question local cops
The police were doing their job. So your saying the fbi isn't corrupt? Got your head in the sand?
So know you are for the years we spent in Afghanistan? He said it was a foolish war. What he should of said, fools ran the war. Talking about Bush and Obama.
He is insulting the troops, especially those who died or were wounded. There are ways to say things that don't insult people. He has no class whatsoever and is constantly insulting people he should be respecting, like soldiers, POWs, goldstar families, and even those who have died in the service of our country. He has such a low, reprehensible character.
The kinda class Obama had, when he said our troops should pay for their own health insurance. Since they knew they might get hurt? In war, since they volunteered?
Link? I doubt that's what he said, but if he did, it is not on the same level as saying their deaths were wasted, which is what Trump is saying.
Oh my, that's what liberals were saying when Bush was President about Iraq. You all a sudden holding a President at a high level. Remember when Obama said the cops acted stupidly? I will bring up stupid shit all day what Obama said. Lol, there was a lot of things he said.
The cops did act stupidly in how they behaved in the mans house
How much investigation does it take to find out the owner?

This guy claims to live here......maybe I should check

Why are conservatives still outraged over Obama questioning the actions of some local cops yet excuse Trump for attacking the entire FBI?
Because Obama could do no right in their eyes, and Trump can do no wrong in the eyes of the zealot Trumpettes.
Link? I doubt that's what he said, but if he did, it is not on the same level as saying their deaths were wasted, which is what Trump is saying.
Oh my, that's what liberals were saying when Bush was President about Iraq. You all a sudden holding a President at a high level. Remember when Obama said the cops acted stupidly? I will bring up stupid shit all day what Obama said. Lol, there was a lot of things he said.
The cops did act stupidly in how they behaved in the mans house
How much investigation does it take to find out the owner?

This guy claims to live here......maybe I should check

Why are conservatives still outraged over Obama questioning the actions of some local cops yet excuse Trump for attacking the entire FBI?
The cops were called about a break I'm. The professor acted badly, the cops were doing their jobs. So Obama steps in like the jackass he is.

A break in at Gates house
Cops were out of line in dealing with a homeowner

Why is it OK for Trump to attack the FBI but unacceptable for Obama to question local cops
The police were doing their job. So your saying the fbi isn't corrupt? Got your head in the sand?
The FBI is not corrupt; the suggestion that it is is 'fake news' created by the Right to detract from the Russia collusion investigation. If he is so innocent, why not let the investigation take its course?
Link? I doubt that's what he said, but if he did, it is not on the same level as saying their deaths were wasted, which is what Trump is saying.
Oh my, that's what liberals were saying when Bush was President about Iraq. You all a sudden holding a President at a high level. Remember when Obama said the cops acted stupidly? I will bring up stupid shit all day what Obama said. Lol, there was a lot of things he said.
The cops did act stupidly in how they behaved in the mans house
How much investigation does it take to find out the owner?

This guy claims to live here......maybe I should check

Why are conservatives still outraged over Obama questioning the actions of some local cops yet excuse Trump for attacking the entire FBI?
The cops were called about a break I'm. The professor acted badly, the cops were doing their jobs. So Obama steps in like the jackass he is.

A break in at Gates house
Cops were out of line in dealing with a homeowner

Why is it OK for Trump to attack the FBI but unacceptable for Obama to question local cops
The police were doing their job. So your saying the fbi isn't corrupt? Got your head in the sand?
I am saying unequivocally that the FBI is not corrupt

Like those police officers who showed up at Gates home, some FBI agents may be bad apples. But the agency is above reproach
Oh my, that's what liberals were saying when Bush was President about Iraq. You all a sudden holding a President at a high level. Remember when Obama said the cops acted stupidly? I will bring up stupid shit all day what Obama said. Lol, there was a lot of things he said.
The cops did act stupidly in how they behaved in the mans house
How much investigation does it take to find out the owner?

This guy claims to live here......maybe I should check

Why are conservatives still outraged over Obama questioning the actions of some local cops yet excuse Trump for attacking the entire FBI?
The cops were called about a break I'm. The professor acted badly, the cops were doing their jobs. So Obama steps in like the jackass he is.

A break in at Gates house
Cops were out of line in dealing with a homeowner

Why is it OK for Trump to attack the FBI but unacceptable for Obama to question local cops
The police were doing their job. So your saying the fbi isn't corrupt? Got your head in the sand?
I am saying unequivocally that the FBI is not corrupt

Like those police officers who showed up at Gates home, some FBI agents may be bad apples. But the agency is above reproach
Trump has denigrated the FBI, the CIA, all intelligence agencies, and the military, as well as the free press and the prime minister of our strongest most long time ally. What a leader.
Oh my, that's what liberals were saying when Bush was President about Iraq. You all a sudden holding a President at a high level. Remember when Obama said the cops acted stupidly? I will bring up stupid shit all day what Obama said. Lol, there was a lot of things he said.
The cops did act stupidly in how they behaved in the mans house
How much investigation does it take to find out the owner?

This guy claims to live here......maybe I should check

Why are conservatives still outraged over Obama questioning the actions of some local cops yet excuse Trump for attacking the entire FBI?
The cops were called about a break I'm. The professor acted badly, the cops were doing their jobs. So Obama steps in like the jackass he is.

A break in at Gates house
Cops were out of line in dealing with a homeowner

Why is it OK for Trump to attack the FBI but unacceptable for Obama to question local cops
The police were doing their job. So your saying the fbi isn't corrupt? Got your head in the sand?
The FBI is not corrupt; the suggestion that it is is 'fake news' created by the Right to detract from the Russia collusion investigation. If he is so innocent, why not let the investigation take its course?
They are and they are uncovering how corrupt the Democrat party is.
The cops did act stupidly in how they behaved in the mans house
How much investigation does it take to find out the owner?

This guy claims to live here......maybe I should check

Why are conservatives still outraged over Obama questioning the actions of some local cops yet excuse Trump for attacking the entire FBI?
The cops were called about a break I'm. The professor acted badly, the cops were doing their jobs. So Obama steps in like the jackass he is.

A break in at Gates house
Cops were out of line in dealing with a homeowner

Why is it OK for Trump to attack the FBI but unacceptable for Obama to question local cops
The police were doing their job. So your saying the fbi isn't corrupt? Got your head in the sand?
The FBI is not corrupt; the suggestion that it is is 'fake news' created by the Right to detract from the Russia collusion investigation. If he is so innocent, why not let the investigation take its course?
They are and they are uncovering how corrupt the Democrat party is.
You are so fanatical about T-rump you are delusional. Get help.
The cops were called about a break I'm. The professor acted badly, the cops were doing their jobs. So Obama steps in like the jackass he is.

A break in at Gates house
Cops were out of line in dealing with a homeowner

Why is it OK for Trump to attack the FBI but unacceptable for Obama to question local cops
The police were doing their job. So your saying the fbi isn't corrupt? Got your head in the sand?
The FBI is not corrupt; the suggestion that it is is 'fake news' created by the Right to detract from the Russia collusion investigation. If he is so innocent, why not let the investigation take its course?
They are and they are uncovering how corrupt the Democrat party is.
You are so fanatical about T-rump you are delusional. Get help.
Nope, I just know Trump is doing a great job. He also kept Hillary out of the white house, and oh. He is making liberals lose their minds, a bonus!
A break in at Gates house
Cops were out of line in dealing with a homeowner

Why is it OK for Trump to attack the FBI but unacceptable for Obama to question local cops
The police were doing their job. So your saying the fbi isn't corrupt? Got your head in the sand?
The FBI is not corrupt; the suggestion that it is is 'fake news' created by the Right to detract from the Russia collusion investigation. If he is so innocent, why not let the investigation take its course?
They are and they are uncovering how corrupt the Democrat party is.
You are so fanatical about T-rump you are delusional. Get help.
Nope, I just know Trump is doing a great job. He also kept Hillary out of the white house, and oh. He is making liberals lose their minds, a bonus!
He isn't doing his job. He doesn't know how to do the job. He's like an apprentice, trying to learn the job. If this were the TV show 'The Apprentice,' and the American people were the boss (which they are), they'd be saying "You're fired." A 35% approval rating is failure. He deserves to be fired. And he will be come 2020.
The cops were called about a break I'm. The professor acted badly, the cops were doing their jobs. So Obama steps in like the jackass he is.

A break in at Gates house
Cops were out of line in dealing with a homeowner

Why is it OK for Trump to attack the FBI but unacceptable for Obama to question local cops
The police were doing their job. So your saying the fbi isn't corrupt? Got your head in the sand?
The FBI is not corrupt; the suggestion that it is is 'fake news' created by the Right to detract from the Russia collusion investigation. If he is so innocent, why not let the investigation take its course?
They are and they are uncovering how corrupt the Democrat party is.
You are so fanatical about T-rump you are delusional. Get help.

Local police are corrupt. The FBI is also corrupt. If you want more examples of their corruption, I can happily oblige. The FBI helped convict several hundred people with a technique known as Lead Matching. This idea operated like any good scam. The FBI had the only Labratory in the world capable of comparing and chemically matching the lead from bullets too damaged to match ballistically. No other labratory in the world could do this. So the experts got up there for more than fifty years and announced they had matched the lead in the bullet found at the crime scene to the box, not the lot, the actual box of ammunition found in the defendants home.

One of the experts retired, and then conducted his own tests. He found that sure enough, the lead was pretty much the same in every bullet, regardless of manufacturers or lot. He reported this to the FBI. They hemmed and hawed and then decided to admit it was at best Junk Science. But they didn’t tell anyone. They just removed lead matching from the menu of available tests from their awesome labratory. They didn’t tell the defense attorneys for TWO YEARS that the test was proven false. They didn’t tell the public for the same time period. It is bad enough that you might have convicted an innocent man or woman based on junk science, but to sit on that information for two years and not tell anyone? Then when they announced to the public, they again did not notify the attorneys of record for the poor convicted slobs that were doing time based upon this junk science.

Evidence Of Injustice

The FBI also matched hair samples. Only it turns out that all but one of those experts couldn’t tell the difference between a blond hair and a brown hair. Again, they didn’t bother telling anyone. Until it came out in the press. The FBI immediately tried to find out who told the press that their experts were nearly color blind.

FBI admits flaws in hair analysis over decades

The FBI used National Security Letters for more than a decade to force people to give up information the FBI had no business getting without a warrant. Those as you might remember were intended to help with Counter Terrorist investigations where time was of the essence. Only they never actually used it for that. They used it for everything else but that.

The FBI is corrupt. The only difference between the FBI and the Local Cops, is the scale of the corruption.
The police were doing their job. So your saying the fbi isn't corrupt? Got your head in the sand?
The FBI is not corrupt; the suggestion that it is is 'fake news' created by the Right to detract from the Russia collusion investigation. If he is so innocent, why not let the investigation take its course?
They are and they are uncovering how corrupt the Democrat party is.
You are so fanatical about T-rump you are delusional. Get help.
Nope, I just know Trump is doing a great job. He also kept Hillary out of the white house, and oh. He is making liberals lose their minds, a bonus!
He isn't doing his job. He doesn't know how to do the job. He's like an apprentice, trying to learn the job. If this were the TV show 'The Apprentice,' and the American people were the boss (which they are), they'd be saying "You're fired." A 35% approval rating is failure. He deserves to be fired. And he will be come 2020.

That is possible. The way that the Democrats can all but assure this outcome is to embrace some populist ideals and adapt them as party platform issues. The Democrats will never do that. Instead, they will continue to advocate unpopular ideals, secure in the knowledge that hatred of the opponents will see to the victory. It hasn’t worked so far, but hey, maybe this time, it will. Or something.
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.

Still waiting to hear how we can win in Afghanistan. What would victory be? What path to that victory exists? The Pentagon doesn’t have either a defined victory, or a path to it. The State Department hasn’t ever had one. No politician except John McCain has ever defined what it is, or what it would take to achieve it.

So what is victory in Afghanistan?
"After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"Trump pre-Christmas tweet from the assmanderinchief.

That money funded those US Military troops who fought, took wounds and died for what Trump calls a foolish mission.

Merry Christmas troops. You were fools to serve according to Trump.

Sicko conservatives support this orange buffoon. How sick can you get conservatives?

Quite the aid and support to the Taliban insurgents Trump is.

Only if you're a complete moron with no ability to think, kind of like you. The fact remains that the Afghan war was a tremendous waste of life and treasure. The prior JCS and POTUS had no idea what their goal was, and yes, that go's all the way back to bushy the junior. Trump has told the military guys to go deal with the enemy and they have. Trump has allowed the military to operate like a military should.

Color me unsurprised that a imbecile, like you, can't figure that fact out.

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