Trump commutes Rod Blagojevich prison sentence. He gets to go home

Trump pardoned Blago, huh?


'On August 11, 1999, Clinton commuted the sentences of 16 members of FALN, which is a Puerto Rican paramilitary organization that set off 120 bombs in the United States, mostly in New York City and Chicago. There were convictions for conspiracy to commit robbery, bomb-making, and sedition, as well as firearms and explosives violations.[5] The 16 were convicted of conspiracy and sedition and sentenced with terms ranging from 35 to 105 years in prison. Congress, however, recognizes that the FALN is responsible for "6 deaths and the permanent maiming of dozens of others, including law enforcement officials."

CLINTON-WEATHERMEN UNDERGROUND: (Same group Obama was connected to)
'Linda Evans and Susan Rosenberg, members of the radical Weather Underground organization, both had sentences for weapons and explosives charges commuted: Evans served 16 years of her 40-year sentence, and Rosenberg served 16 of her 58 years'.

'Marc Rich, a fugitive who had fled the U.S. during his prosecution, was residing in Switzerland. Rich owed $48 million in taxes and was charged with 51 counts of tax fraud, was pardoned of tax evasion. He was required to pay a $1 million fine and waive any use of the pardon as a defense against any future civil charges that were filed against him in the same case. Critics complained that Denise Eisenberg Rich, his former wife, had made substantial donations to both the Clinton library and to Mrs. Clinton's senate campaign. According to Paul Volcker's independent investigation of Iraqi Oil-for-Food kickback schemes, Marc Rich was a middleman for several suspect Iraqi oil deals involving over 4 million barrels (640,000 m3) of oil.[26] Longtime Clinton supporters and Democratic leaders such as former President Jimmy Carter, James Carville and Terry McAuliffe, were all critical of the Clinton pardon. Carter said the pardons were "disgraceful."

'Susan McDougal, who had already completed her sentence, was pardoned for her role in the Whitewater scandal. McDougal had served the maximum possible 18 months, including eight in solitary confinement, on contempt charges for refusing to testify about Clinton's role'
- Everyone in the Whitewater scandal was indicted / convicted....except the Clintons.

Bill Clinton pardon controversy - Wikipedia

The Clinton-Narc Rich pardon was questionable at best.
"Obama's most controversial decision was to let Army Pvt. Chelsea Manning go after seven years of what was supposed to be a 35-year sentence for passing secret documents to WikiLeaks. Military and intelligence professionals were angered at the indulgent signal this might send."
-- Lead to / encourage more leaking? Whatever do you mean? Comey admitted leaking classified, McCabe admitted leaking classified, Schiff admitted leaking classified....

During the 1970s, Lopez Rivera headed a Chicago-based cell of the Armed Forces of National Liberation (FALN), which waged a futile but violent struggle to win Puerto Rican independence.

The FALN claimed responsibility for more than 120 bombings between 1974 and 1983 in a wave of senseless destruction that killed six and injured dozens. In 1981, a federal court in Chicago sentenced Lopez Rivera, then 37, to 55 years for seditious conspiracy, armed robbery, interstate transportation of firearms and conspiracy to transport explosives with intent to destroy government property.

Notably, the seditious-conspiracy charge was not some "thought crime," as Lopez Rivera's lawyer has said: The indictment listed 28 Chicago-area bombings, some of which caused injuries, as "overt acts" in support of the conspiracy.

He defiantly challenged the legitimacy of the court during his trial, went to prison, plotted an escape, and his FALN partner was caught and jailed.

Rivera was offered a Pardon by Bill Clinton...and refused it. He refused to denounce violence as a condition of his release. Obama's pardon came with no such condition.

At 74yo, Rivera posed no threat to the US anymore, however, unconditional release, for someone who remained unrepentant for his terrorist activities, who claimed a right to wage war on the United States, and repeatedly put innocent civilian lives at risk?

MANY people - both Democrats and Republicans disagreed with this pardon.

The Obama pardon you should be mad about: Oscar Lopez Rivera

Who cares. Your answer is always what someone else did. I did not vote for Obama however there is nothing here.
Obama had nothing to do with it.

Gonna cry?
Obama made sure he wasn't tied in with it.
Blago was locked up to protect Osama Obama.

No, the governor was locked up by the Federal Justice Administration under President Obama to PROTECT the American people, like the children's hospital, and other people in Illinois he was trying to shake down. Selling Obama's Senate seat wasn't the only "pay for play" extortion attempt by this politician.
You really believe Obama would let that dummy sell his seat and not have any input and reap no dollars from the sale? are a blind one aren't you?...

Obama didn't "let" him do anything. He was arrested because he tried to sell the seat. He didn't succeed. Obama didn't try to intercede on his behalf.

The Illinois governor was on The Apprentice with Donald Trump. More importantly, he was prosecuted by Robert Mueller, so Trumpy Bear is sticking it to Mueller in this pardon too.

Last but not least, when Trumpy Bear pardons Roger Stone, he can say it's not political, he pardon Democrats too.
Blago wasn't prosecuted by Robert Mueller. It was Patrick Fitzgerald, a friend of James Comey. You're a foreigner. Stop trying to pretend you know anything about American politics.

My apologies, I was misinformed.

I know a lot more about American politics than a lying Russian troll farm workers who tried to sell the lie that he's a retired lawyer so rich that he just retired without selling his practice.
Lets not forget all of the record of calls between Blagovevich and Obama while he was trying to sell the seat....don't tell me Obama had nothing to do with it....
Obama had nothing to do with it.

Gonna cry?
Obama made sure he wasn't tied in with it.
Blago was locked up to protect Osama Obama.

Are you really that stupid? He was locked up because a jury agreed that he committed a crime.
Trump setting his fellow criminals free.

Is that like when that asshole Obama set his fellow criminal Crooked Hillary free by declaring that she had "no intent" to commit the crimes of security violations and selling government influence?

When you are the Presidential nominee of the Party of Moon Bats and there is a Moon Bat President in the White House then the laws don't apply to you, do they?
Pretty much the same. except for not having been convicted of anything, much less 20 or so charges of corruption, bribery, wire fraud, extortion, getting impeached and kicked out of office in a Democratic ruled state, known for corruption.
Maybe he is setting up a mindset of it being OK to release criminal politicians, for after he looses next election. You would want him released from prison wouldn't you?

If it was me I would haven't issued the pardon.

Just like if it was me I wouldn't have let Crooked Hillary off the hook by declaring she didn't have "intent" for her crimes and corruption.
Blago did 8+ years. Enough time for trying to sell a Senate seat.
You know what is really 'golden' about this clemency?
Trump re-asserts himself that he could give a flying fuck what unhinged Dimms think!
And, so do I!! :fu:
Blago was a democrat so what's the problem? Trump didn't pardon the guy, he just let him out of freaking jail. Isn't that how democrats want to deal with drug offenders?
Blago did 8+ years. Enough time for trying to sell a Senate seat.
You know what is really 'golden' about this clemency?
Trump re-asserts himself that he could give a flying fuck what unhinged Dimms think!
And, so do I!! :fu:

Good point.

It was only an ATTEMPTED crime, Something that he didn't actually commit, only tried to do.

8 years seems long enough. How much did Jesse Jackson Jr. get for corruption?
This is Trump's idea of "draining the swamp":

WASHINGTON — President Trump has commuted the 14-year prison sentence of former Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich of Illinois, the Democrat who was convicted of trying to essentially sell President Barack Obama’s vacated Senate seat for personal gain, according to a person briefed on the decision.

Trump commutes former Illinois Gov. Blagojevich's sentence
When was Blagojevich ever part of the D.C. swamp?

This is Trump's idea of "draining the swamp":

WASHINGTON — President Trump has commuted the 14-year prison sentence of former Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich of Illinois, the Democrat who was convicted of trying to essentially sell President Barack Obama’s vacated Senate seat for personal gain, according to a person briefed on the decision.

Trump commutes former Illinois Gov. Blagojevich's sentence
When was Blagojevich ever part of the D.C. swamp?

A neat trick since he has been in prison.
A commutation is not the same as a pardon.

Clemency is the overall term for official forgiveness of a violation

Commutation means being released from prison

Pardons come in two forms: full or conditional. A full pardon is a formal forgiveness by the government that restores certain liberties, such as the right to vote or own firearms. It does not imply innocence, nor does it expunge a criminal record. Nor can any fines that were imposed in sentencing be recouped. But it does make those pardoned feel better about themselves.
Blago did 8+ years. Enough time for trying to sell a Senate seat.
You know what is really 'golden' about this clemency?
Trump re-asserts himself that he could give a flying fuck what unhinged Dimms think!
And, so do I!! :fu:

It is not just Democrats. Republicans are criticizing the decision.

Illinois GOP House delegation blasts Blagojevich commutation: 'The face of public corruption'

Illinois GOP House delegation blasts Blagojevich commutation:
"We are disappointed by the president's commutation of Rod Blagojevich's federal sentence. We believe he received an appropriate and fair sentence, which was the low end of the federal sentencing guidelines for the gravity of his public corruption convictions," wrote Reps. Darin LaHood, John Shimkus, Adam Kinzinger, Rodney Davis and Mike Bost.

"Blagojevich is the face of public corruption in Illinois, and not once has he shown any remorse for his clear and documented record of egregious crimes that undermined the trust placed in him by voters," the GOP lawmakers said. "As our state continues to grapple with political corruption, we shouldn't let those who breached the public trust off the hook."

Illinois House Republican leader Jim Durkin also denounced the commutation, saying on Twitter, "We have a massive federal investigation into corruption in the state of Illinois and this action distracts and dilutes what I think is the proper role of the Department of Justice - to root out corruption ... I don't agree."

Also he was a guest on Celebrity Aprentice. One corrupt pal helping another.
If Trump was really a dictator dealing with corruption, we would have a nice list of executions from the failed coup ATTEMPTS.

You lefties may want to ease up on your hyperbole of Trump being a Nazi and a dictator.
Blago was on the Apprentice. You have to laugh about Trumpists and their idiocy about the Swamp. This was a pure shithole move. Blago was as corrupt as they come. Trump oozes corruption. Doing favors for his crooked friends and cronies is nothing new for Trump.
says the Trump hater
Blago did 8+ years. Enough time for trying to sell a Senate seat.
You know what is really 'golden' about this clemency?
Trump re-asserts himself that he could give a flying fuck what unhinged Dimms think!
And, so do I!! :fu:

It is not just Democrats. Republicans are criticizing the decision.

Illinois GOP House delegation blasts Blagojevich commutation: 'The face of public corruption'

Illinois GOP House delegation blasts Blagojevich commutation:
"We are disappointed by the president's commutation of Rod Blagojevich's federal sentence. We believe he received an appropriate and fair sentence, which was the low end of the federal sentencing guidelines for the gravity of his public corruption convictions," wrote Reps. Darin LaHood, John Shimkus, Adam Kinzinger, Rodney Davis and Mike Bost.

"Blagojevich is the face of public corruption in Illinois, and not once has he shown any remorse for his clear and documented record of egregious crimes that undermined the trust placed in him by voters," the GOP lawmakers said. "As our state continues to grapple with political corruption, we shouldn't let those who breached the public trust off the hook."

Illinois House Republican leader Jim Durkin also denounced the commutation, saying on Twitter, "We have a massive federal investigation into corruption in the state of Illinois and this action distracts and dilutes what I think is the proper role of the Department of Justice - to root out corruption ... I don't agree."

Also he was a guest on Celebrity Aprentice. One corrupt pal helping another.

IMHO, there were some mighty corrupt cops and persecutors involved in the Blago case. I understand that Comey might have been involved in this
The dude sold a senate seat, he didn't rape a child.

He doesn't need to do 14 years in the feds. 8 is enough. I'm sure he learned his lesson.
Lets not forget all of the record of calls between Blagovevich and Obama while he was trying to sell the seat....don't tell me Obama had nothing to do with it....
Obama had nothing to do with it.

Gonna cry?
Obama made sure he wasn't tied in with it.
Blago was locked up to protect Osama Obama.

Are you really that stupid? He was locked up because a jury agreed that he committed a crime.
Ya Think???
Back when they locked him up they didn't have their judges and their lawyers infiltrated into the justice system like they have now.
He had to be silenced.

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