Trump commutes Rod Blagojevich prison sentence. He gets to go home

If Trump was really a dictator dealing with corruption, we would have a nice list of executions from the failed coup ATTEMPTS.
According to the article his release date was going to be March 2024 so he served over half his sentence I highly doubt very many would care about this if Trump had not been the one to commute the sentence.
Which is a moot point, as nobody else but the child president would have commuted his sentence.
Seems Trump is pardoning all forms of political corruption.

As we have seen, he sees nothing wrong with it
You really believe Obama would let that dummy sell his seat and not have any input and reap no dollars from the sale?.
An idiotic comment on every level. He didn't require anyone's permission to commit the crime. And he didn't sell the seat, because he got caught. Man, you're really going full crazy today.
. 8 is enough.
Oh really?

Then, why not 6? Why not 4? Why not 2? Why not just probation?

Go ahead, explain.

Because Obama wouldn't have ever pardoned him. Trump on the other hand, just needed to see his wife asking for commutation on FOX News. Not the first time that someone has asked Trump to help out with prison sentences on that channel.
Blago did 8+ years. Enough time for trying to sell a Senate seat.
You know what is really 'golden' about this clemency?
Trump re-asserts himself that he could give a flying fuck what unhinged Dimms think!
And, so do I!! :fu:

It is not just Democrats. Republicans are criticizing the decision.

Illinois GOP House delegation blasts Blagojevich commutation: 'The face of public corruption'

Illinois GOP House delegation blasts Blagojevich commutation:
"We are disappointed by the president's commutation of Rod Blagojevich's federal sentence. We believe he received an appropriate and fair sentence, which was the low end of the federal sentencing guidelines for the gravity of his public corruption convictions," wrote Reps. Darin LaHood, John Shimkus, Adam Kinzinger, Rodney Davis and Mike Bost.

"Blagojevich is the face of public corruption in Illinois, and not once has he shown any remorse for his clear and documented record of egregious crimes that undermined the trust placed in him by voters," the GOP lawmakers said. "As our state continues to grapple with political corruption, we shouldn't let those who breached the public trust off the hook."

Illinois House Republican leader Jim Durkin also denounced the commutation, saying on Twitter, "We have a massive federal investigation into corruption in the state of Illinois and this action distracts and dilutes what I think is the proper role of the Department of Justice - to root out corruption ... I don't agree."

Also he was a guest on Celebrity Aprentice. One corrupt pal helping another.

In the arena of politics where damning an already convicted politician to hellfires; this means absolutely NOTHING! (except for the politicos doing the damning looking to score cheap political points!).

8+ years has been plenty incarcerated.

Pay for play is a very serious crime. People in Fed prisons are expected to do 85% of their time. Bad move to give a free pass to the dirty politician.

Rod Blagojevich: Ex-Illinois governor to get prison break from Trump
There’s no more illusions that Trump cares at all about Law and Order... right?
The guy served eight years, ferchrissakes....Considering all the unpunished overt corruption in the Democrat Party in general, and Chicago in particular, that's practically a life sentence.
Trump is all about projection. Trump's own personal corruption is second to none. Blago is a comrade in arms with Trump. I am sure Trump sees it that way. Two corrupt politicians. Brothers from a different mother as they say.
I've already reached my irony quota for the day....I'll have to sandbag this doozy for later.
Anyone else notice that after a person shows up on FOX News on behalf of some criminal in jail who needs a pardon or commutation, Trump does it? Guess FOX News is now in charge of presidential pardons and commutations.
This is Trump's idea of "draining the swamp":

WASHINGTON — President Trump has commuted the 14-year prison sentence of former Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich of Illinois, the Democrat who was convicted of trying to essentially sell President Barack Obama’s vacated Senate seat for personal gain, according to a person briefed on the decision.

Trump commutes former Illinois Gov. Blagojevich's sentence
When was Blagojevich ever part of the D.C. swamp?

A neat trick since he has been in prison.

Trump, drainer of the swamp, is draining the wrong swamp. The Illinois Federal prison. But, that is OK. In spite of the fact the Illinois government officials are complaining that he got the short end of possible sentencing, Trump says that he 'looks like a nice guy". Now, the convicted governor can join in with the club of other convicted Trump lackeys.
Trump pardoning a fucking Democrat?

Fuck that, he should have gone the other way and executed the POS corrupt Dimm.

Fuck all Dimms.
This is Trump's idea of "draining the swamp":

WASHINGTON — President Trump has commuted the 14-year prison sentence of former Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich of Illinois, the Democrat who was convicted of trying to essentially sell President Barack Obama’s vacated Senate seat for personal gain, according to a person briefed on the decision.

Trump commutes former Illinois Gov. Blagojevich's sentence
When was Blagojevich ever part of the D.C. swamp?

A neat trick since he has been in prison.

Trump, drainer of the swamp, is draining the wrong swamp. The Illinois Federal prison. But, that is OK. In spite of the fact the Illinois government officials are complaining that he got the short end of possible sentencing, Trump says that he 'looks like a nice guy". Now, the convicted governor can join in with the club of other convicted Trump lackeys.
Blogojevich is not a Trump lackey. He's a Dim. He got an extremely harsh sentence for doing what Dim politicians do all the time. He should have got probation.
Trump is making it clear that to him, political corruption is not prosecutable
Because the judge decided 14 and Trump said 8.
So 8 years is enough, to you,because Dear Leader said so.

I applaud your brief moment of honesty and clarity.

8 years is enough because the POTUS said so. Where were you when Obama was pardoning drug lords and shit?


List of people granted executive clemency by Barack Obama - Wikipedia

Can you link me to a single reply you made on this forum about ONE of these people Obama pardoned? Thanks in advance.

If you can't, then you can go suck Obama's dick.
There’s are no creatures on earth I want serving harsher sentences than corrupt politicians

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