Trump concedes Mich to Biden

If the voters vote for Biden over Trump they deserve the country they get.
So I guess over 4,000,000 sick, over 150,000 dead, record unemployment, racial tension, protests, riots, murders, police brutality is the country that we deserve?
That is what YOU elected.
There is an average 8% positive testing rate for corona so guess what happens when you test 56 million people? Yes, you get lots of cases since some of them are positive antibody results. So what? We all know of the 150,000 fatalities it was Killer Cuomo and 5 other Dem governors responsible for 95,000 of that total in their 6 illegal sanctuary is that the President's fault, that is just pathetic Democrat lack of leadership. As for your other wacko claims, more whites are killed by cops than blacks, all the crime is in Democrat cities, and the unemployment comes from the virus hoax and all the money the Dems pay people to sit at home drinking out of paper bags.
Explain to me how China can have over a billion people and 30,000 deaths compared to our 150,000
Do you want me to tell you that Santa Claus is real while I'm at it?
If the voters vote for Biden over Trump they deserve the country they get.
So I guess over 4,000,000 sick, over 150,000 dead, record unemployment, racial tension, protests, riots, murders, police brutality is the country that we deserve?
That is what YOU elected.
Wrong Again retard...

Biden and Obama helped create the virus that China unleashed on the world... Everything your touting is the construct of DEMOCRAT's AND THEIR COMMUNIST PALS... And American's see it for what it is...

Wow more denial, name calling and out-right lies with no proof at all!
You guys have taken after Donnie lock, stock and barrel! LMAO!

When we elect Biden we will get a President who will tell us the truth 99% of the time, instead of lies 100% of the time.

We will also have a return to normalcy in the WH instead of chaos and spur of the moment decisions of emotion and impulse, we will have calm and thoughtful, insightful decisions of logic and science.
Hahahahahahaha wow....what you will get is a fat black woman with a gap in her teeth pushing the progressive agenda when Sleepy Joe is sent off to the nursing home just after the election hahahahahaha wow you libbers are comical
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If the voters vote for Biden over Trump they deserve the country they get.
So I guess over 4,000,000 sick, over 150,000 dead, record unemployment, racial tension, protests, riots, murders, police brutality is the country that we deserve?
That is what YOU elected.
There is an average 8% positive testing rate for corona so guess what happens when you test 56 million people? Yes, you get lots of cases since some of them are positive antibody results. So what? We all know of the 150,000 fatalities it was Killer Cuomo and 5 other Dem governors responsible for 95,000 of that total in their 6 illegal sanctuary is that the President's fault, that is just pathetic Democrat lack of leadership. As for your other wacko claims, more whites are killed by cops than blacks, all the crime is in Democrat cities, and the unemployment comes from the virus hoax and all the money the Dems pay people to sit at home drinking out of paper bags.
Explain to me how China can have over a billion people and 30,000 deaths compared to our 150,000

Oh so you believe what China says??

They have been lying since this whole thing started and if you think they will tell you the REAL numbers than you are dumber than a box of rocks.

China started this whole mess and their lack of control in their country let it out all over the world.
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If the voters vote for Biden over Trump they deserve the country they get.
So I guess over 4,000,000 sick, over 150,000 dead, record unemployment, racial tension, protests, riots, murders, police brutality is the country that we deserve?
That is what YOU elected.
There is an average 8% positive testing rate for corona so guess what happens when you test 56 million people? Yes, you get lots of cases since some of them are positive antibody results. So what? We all know of the 150,000 fatalities it was Killer Cuomo and 5 other Dem governors responsible for 95,000 of that total in their 6 illegal sanctuary is that the President's fault, that is just pathetic Democrat lack of leadership. As for your other wacko claims, more whites are killed by cops than blacks, all the crime is in Democrat cities, and the unemployment comes from the virus hoax and all the money the Dems pay people to sit at home drinking out of paper bags.
Explain to me how China can have over a billion people and 30,000 deaths compared to our 150,000
So now you are saying in addition to believing anything the lefty propaganda media tells you, you also believe corona statistics from China?
It's looking like he will have to defend Arizona and Texas too.

I am seeing a SEETHING level of Suburban Mother pissed-offed-ness that I have NEVER seen before, and it is directed squarely at the Democrats.

If Biden gets within 6 points, I will be surprised.
So now you are saying in addition to believing anything the lefty propaganda media tells you, you also believe corona statistics from China?
Two people saying the same thing.
An amazing indication of lies.
Stop with your talking points OR show me the numbers you go by with sources.
I go by what Worldometers says for every country and city but dont believe anything China lets out....
Donald John TrumpBiden hits Trump's 'law and order' message: He's trying to 'scare the devil' out of peoplePelosi bashes Barr after testimony: 'He was like a blob' and 'henchman' for TrumpSchumer: Trump should want COVID-19 deal to help GOP election chancesMORE’s reelection campaign has halted new ad buys in Michigan in recent days as polling shows former Vice President Joe Biden
Joe BidenBiden hits Trump's 'law and order' message: He's trying to 'scare the devil' out of peopleBiden notes show talking points about Kamala HarrisThe opportunity cost of Congress's 'Big Tech' antitrust obsessionMORE, the presumptive Democratic nominee, with a widening lead in the state.
Trump’s recent withdrawal from the airwaves in Michigan came as his campaign shifted advertising dollars to other battlegrounds like Iowa. The move was first reported on Wednesday by The New York Times. According to the Times’s report, Biden has more than tripled Trump’s TV ad spending in Michigan over the last month.

I'm a little shocked. I realize Team Biden thinks GA is really in play, and it would seem Fla is too. But if Trump is having to use money to shore up …. IOWA. Damn.

Surely, this can only mean that President Hillary will glide to an inevitable reelection as, once again, Trump has no path to the White House
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So now you are saying in addition to believing anything the lefty propaganda media tells you, you also believe corona statistics from China?
Two people saying the same thing.
An amazing indication of lies.
Stop with your talking points OR show me the numbers you go by with sources.
I go by what Worldometers says for every country and city but dont believe anything China lets out....
I go by worldometers as well, whiner.
If the voters vote for Biden over Trump they deserve the country they get.
So I guess over 4,000,000 sick, over 150,000 dead, record unemployment, racial tension, protests, riots, murders, police brutality is the country that we deserve?
That is what YOU elected.

Why do you morons keep trying to blame a virus on Trump?

It's a VIRUS, stupid. An act of nature. You might as well blame him for tornadoes for all the sense it makes.
Its rather telling that the left will exscuse Obama and Biden for pouring 580 million into the Wuhan Lab for creation of this virus and then blame Trump for what it is they unleashed on the US... Sad that so many have their heads up their asses...

$ 580MM???? what???
Donald John TrumpBiden hits Trump's 'law and order' message: He's trying to 'scare the devil' out of peoplePelosi bashes Barr after testimony: 'He was like a blob' and 'henchman' for TrumpSchumer: Trump should want COVID-19 deal to help GOP election chancesMORE’s reelection campaign has halted new ad buys in Michigan in recent days as polling shows former Vice President Joe Biden
Joe BidenBiden hits Trump's 'law and order' message: He's trying to 'scare the devil' out of peopleBiden notes show talking points about Kamala HarrisThe opportunity cost of Congress's 'Big Tech' antitrust obsessionMORE, the presumptive Democratic nominee, with a widening lead in the state.
Trump’s recent withdrawal from the airwaves in Michigan came as his campaign shifted advertising dollars to other battlegrounds like Iowa. The move was first reported on Wednesday by The New York Times. According to the Times’s report, Biden has more than tripled Trump’s TV ad spending in Michigan over the last month.

I'm a little shocked. I realize Team Biden thinks GA is really in play, and it would seem Fla is too. But if Trump is having to use money to shore up …. IOWA. Damn.

It's looking like he will have to defend Arizona and Texas too.

And Ohio.

And even (gasp) Arkansas.

So now you are saying in addition to believing anything the lefty propaganda media tells you, you also believe corona statistics from China?
Two people saying the same thing.
An amazing indication of lies.
Stop with your talking points OR show me the numbers you go by with sources.
I go by what Worldometers says for every country and city but dont believe anything China lets out....
I go by worldometers as well, whiner.
Then why are you asking?
Donald John TrumpBiden hits Trump's 'law and order' message: He's trying to 'scare the devil' out of peoplePelosi bashes Barr after testimony: 'He was like a blob' and 'henchman' for TrumpSchumer: Trump should want COVID-19 deal to help GOP election chancesMORE’s reelection campaign has halted new ad buys in Michigan in recent days as polling shows former Vice President Joe Biden
Joe BidenBiden hits Trump's 'law and order' message: He's trying to 'scare the devil' out of peopleBiden notes show talking points about Kamala HarrisThe opportunity cost of Congress's 'Big Tech' antitrust obsessionMORE, the presumptive Democratic nominee, with a widening lead in the state.
Trump’s recent withdrawal from the airwaves in Michigan came as his campaign shifted advertising dollars to other battlegrounds like Iowa. The move was first reported on Wednesday by The New York Times. According to the Times’s report, Biden has more than tripled Trump’s TV ad spending in Michigan over the last month.

I'm a little shocked. I realize Team Biden thinks GA is really in play, and it would seem Fla is too. But if Trump is having to use money to shore up …. IOWA. Damn.

It's looking like he will have to defend Arizona and Texas too.
Trump can't afford to play defence anywhere.

You're right. He can't.
If the voters vote for Biden over Trump they deserve the country they get.
I think the voters are smarter than that, they were in 2016.
Yes, the illegal voters and those writing in "mail votes" and the dead rising from the grave to vote will deserve the government then end up voting for.


Biden may win but who will accept the results if he does?
If the democrats think biden wins by hundreds of thousands of votes MAGICALLY APPEARING in TRUNKS OF CARS, FOUND IN CLOSETS, CURIOUSLY DROPPED OFF BY NO ONE KNOWS WHO, DAYS AND WEEKS LATER, then we ALL KNOW what's going on. Time to declare martial law and start arresting democrats.
Trump is Thurston Howell III without the charm...he will lose in a landslide, my friends
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Holy hell... that is one of the stupidest opening post in quite awhile. WTF was that.
Made about as much sense as Biden himself.

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