trump congratulates Kim Jong Un because

I get the impression that when he speaks that he's speaking .... not reading from a crib sheet or repeating what's being pumped into his ear by someone else.
But he says such stupid and hateful stuff.
Congratulating someone is neither stupid nor hateful but I see a whole lot of stupid and hateful stuff on this page by people who are stupid and hateful in response to a simple congratulation.
I was responding to your post about your general belief about his speaking. Did you already forget what you said?
You said he speaks without notes or a teleprompter.
That's a lie. I never said that.
... whether his remarks are prepared or not, they are still hateful and childish.
Since you offer no evidence I can assume you are speaking out of your ass and again I am telling you that his congratulation is neither hateful nor childish. Your response, on the other hand, is nothing but hateful.... and certainly childish.
I guess that's all it takes to make you MAGAs happy.
Another lie but I have to say that Making America Great is a damned good idea and you very obviously don't think so.
“Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their dislike of Donald Trump, to the point at which they will abandon all logic and reason.”
What, exactly, is not to loathe?

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