Trump Contends Faith In God Key To Reuniting Country, Restoring Greatness

Does that include Muslims? He seems to have a different rule for those who worship a god different than his....
. Yes it includes Muslims who are peaceful, and are excepting to a good many aspects of our American culture here. Is that a problem or do you want this nation split up to accommodate foreigners carving up this nation into little countries that they wish to live seperate from us in ? The India Indians don't allow their daughters or son's to marry American's, but that's not racist, separatist actions conducted by them on their part ? How is it we are supposed to allow this stuff, but if any who are American try it, then we are called everything in the book before the book of so called cherry picked law is then thrown at us ?????? The Americans have been played as fools in all of this, and it's time for it to end.

So he respects their religion but just won't allow any of them to immigrate here...based solely on their religion.
. Nope, it is based strictly on their not being able to be vetted properly, and therefore not knowing whether they are radicals or not. The religion is in play, but only if it is literally being used to push and support terrorist activity.

Funny, he didn’t say “properly vetted muslims” would be allowed in. He said muslims would not be allowed….
. You know what he meant, QUOTE]

I do know what he meant.

He meant exactly what he said.

And then he backtracked when nailed on it.
. Yes it includes Muslims who are peaceful, and are excepting to a good many aspects of our American culture here. Is that a problem or do you want this nation split up to accommodate foreigners carving up this nation into little countries that they wish to live seperate from us in ? The India Indians don't allow their daughters or son's to marry American's, but that's not racist, separatist actions conducted by them on their part ? How is it we are supposed to allow this stuff, but if any who are American try it, then we are called everything in the book before the book of so called cherry picked law is then thrown at us ?????? The Americans have been played as fools in all of this, and it's time for it to end.

So he respects their religion but just won't allow any of them to immigrate here...based solely on their religion.
. Nope, it is based strictly on their not being able to be vetted properly, and therefore not knowing whether they are radicals or not. The religion is in play, but only if it is literally being used to push and support terrorist activity.

Funny, he didn’t say “properly vetted muslims” would be allowed in. He said muslims would not be allowed….
. You know what he meant, QUOTE]

I do know what he meant.

He meant exactly what he said.

And then he backtracked when nailed on it.
. If the left wasn't so messed up, they wouldn't have to be so afraid in life, but their fears are so revealing in an election where someone wants to make a stand for this nation again that it's hilarious. What's the matter, all the lefts anti-Americanism and immorality is about to be rolled back is what you all are having a fit about ? It explains why Hillary is the choice for the left, where as she is so weak that the left figures it can continue it's bull crap under her umbrella of weakness for another 4 to 8 years. If the left didn't have so much idiocy among it's ranks, then it wouldn't be so afraid of this election, but their fears and twisting of everything into pretzels tell it all. It's amazing how far this nation has gone down the tubes, and what it takes now to control the fall out from it all.
So he respects their religion but just won't allow any of them to immigrate here...based solely on their religion.
. Nope, it is based strictly on their not being able to be vetted properly, and therefore not knowing whether they are radicals or not. The religion is in play, but only if it is literally being used to push and support terrorist activity.

Funny, he didn’t say “properly vetted muslims” would be allowed in. He said muslims would not be allowed….
. You know what he meant, but it don't fit with your narrative, so it must be tweaked right ? The Dems are the most careless people that there is I believe, and that's just that.

He said he would ban all muslims. He didn’t mean it?
. Keep it in the context of why he said this, and guess what ? You will be able to apply his comment to exactly what it was meant for... It was not a comment meant for any Muslims that are here already, assimilated and are peaceful, but it was directed at the potential for radicalized Muslims to come in here to kill Americans. You seem willing to allow it just for political reasons, and that is a shame. You should have to try and justify your position to the families of Fort Hood Texas along with every other state that we have had these radicals kill Americans in.

Well, we can't read Trump's mind and if we did, it changes practically every minute....

We do know what he said. And that is contradictory to the yarn you're spinning.
So he respects their religion but just won't allow any of them to immigrate here...based solely on their religion.
. Nope, it is based strictly on their not being able to be vetted properly, and therefore not knowing whether they are radicals or not. The religion is in play, but only if it is literally being used to push and support terrorist activity.

Funny, he didn’t say “properly vetted muslims” would be allowed in. He said muslims would not be allowed….
. You know what he meant, QUOTE]

I do know what he meant.

He meant exactly what he said.

And then he backtracked when nailed on it.
. If the left wasn't so messed up, they wouldn't have to be so afraid in life, but their fears are so revealing in an election where someone wants to make a stand for this nation again that it's hilarious. What's the matter, all the lefts anti-Americanism and immorality is about to be rolled back is what you all are having a fit about ? It explains why Hillary is the choice for the left, where as she is so weak that the left figures it can continue it's bull crap under her umbrella of weakness for another 4 to 8 years. If the left didn't have so much idiocy among it's ranks, then it wouldn't be so afraid of this election, but their fears and twisting of everything into pretzels tell it all. It's amazing how far this nation has gone down the tubes, and what it takes now to control the fall out from it all.

Put gays back in the closet, kick out the illegals and no free lunch.
It's political stands like this that drive the Left up the wall. How dare he call for religious freedom? And he supports the repeal of The Johnson Amendment which refers to a change in the U.S. tax code made in 1954 which prohibited tax-exempt organizations from endorsing or opposing political candidates.

Here's his speech @

Full story w/links @ Watch: Hollywood Legend Steps On Stage Before Trump And Brings Crowd To Its Feet

And here's how the Clintons and their followers look at things:

Bill Clinton Labels Trump Slogan Racist – Then The Truth Is Revealed – when he used the exact slogan himself! @ Watch: Bill Clinton Attacks Trump As Racist, Then It Instantly Blows Up In His Face

Bill Clinton Denigrates ‘Coal People’ For Not Supporting Wife’s Campaign @ Watch: Bill Clinton Just Caught Calling Americans 2 Words That Spark Immediate Firestorm

Hillary: Half of Trump supporters ‘racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it’ @ Hillary: Half of Trump supporters ‘racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it’

Has anyone beside me noticed how negative Democrat political ads are as opposed to the GOP ones?

Video: 18 times Obama trashed America in Asia @ Video: 18 times Obama trashed America in Asia

which christian god do you mean ? the statue bowers god or the cross grovelers god

Or Allah for that matter.
. Nope, it is based strictly on their not being able to be vetted properly, and therefore not knowing whether they are radicals or not. The religion is in play, but only if it is literally being used to push and support terrorist activity.

Funny, he didn’t say “properly vetted muslims” would be allowed in. He said muslims would not be allowed….
. You know what he meant, QUOTE]

I do know what he meant.

He meant exactly what he said.

And then he backtracked when nailed on it.
. If the left wasn't so messed up, they wouldn't have to be so afraid in life, but their fears are so revealing in an election where someone wants to make a stand for this nation again that it's hilarious. What's the matter, all the lefts anti-Americanism and immorality is about to be rolled back is what you all are having a fit about ? It explains why Hillary is the choice for the left, where as she is so weak that the left figures it can continue it's bull crap under her umbrella of weakness for another 4 to 8 years. If the left didn't have so much idiocy among it's ranks, then it wouldn't be so afraid of this election, but their fears and twisting of everything into pretzels tell it all. It's amazing how far this nation has gone down the tubes, and what it takes now to control the fall out from it all.

Put gays back in the closet, kick out the illegals and no free lunch.
. Put sex back in the bedrooms yes indeed......

It's time to get the illegals somehow certified to legally work jobs in which they themselves feel that Americans don't want to do, and that they themselves are ok doing them without being coerced by a lying company manager or owner to tell them this or to tell them that about how an American doesn't want the job,(otherwise the illegals should not be teaming with the company owners to undermine the American worker here any longer if that was the case).

Now if a job is available, and the foreign worker would like to do the job, then the company must prove first that the American worker is absent from wanting to participate in it, and also the job must pay exactly what it would pay an American to work that job. .

The immigrant must be hired through a government office, and that is where the company must prove (that they need the immigrant) to that office, and prove that multiple American applicants have been screened, but they had refused the job once given the details of the job, and preferably the proof will be submitted by video along with testimonials to the office handling the foreign workers if they are to be released to work in place of the Americans...

No temps who are working here, can own or operate a business unless become an American citizen here, and the owner once qualifies must hire his or her workforce soley based on the federal laws that do not allow a business owner to discriminate when hiring the workers.

Every company in this nation if hiring correctly, will consist of a healthy balance of people in that business. The business should represent fairly the diversity found in the nation in most cases, and should represent the surrounding areas of the business where it is located unless it is a contractor that travels from one place to another....

If a company requires specific American skilled individuals (that only come mostly in a specific type of character or person that has such skills in which are un-associated with race, gender, foreign status etc.), and it can be proven by the company that such a skilled character is sought after, and is specifically needed for them, then ok fine. In such a case then it should be allowed to work in this way based on the skills needed for the job, then only certain people having those skills required are hired by that specific company in which would be sanctioned by government. No business or company should have contact with any illegals or foreign workers unless it goes through the proper government sanctioned human resources office that is run by the federal government. An American company can have contact with any American worker without government involvement, and can hire any American worker without government involvement. This mainly pertains to the out of control immigration we have had here.
Last edited:
. Nope, it is based strictly on their not being able to be vetted properly, and therefore not knowing whether they are radicals or not. The religion is in play, but only if it is literally being used to push and support terrorist activity.

Funny, he didn’t say “properly vetted muslims” would be allowed in. He said muslims would not be allowed….
. You know what he meant, QUOTE]

I do know what he meant.

He meant exactly what he said.

And then he backtracked when nailed on it.
. If the left wasn't so messed up, they wouldn't have to be so afraid in life, but their fears are so revealing in an election where someone wants to make a stand for this nation again that it's hilarious. What's the matter, all the lefts anti-Americanism and immorality is about to be rolled back is what you all are having a fit about ? It explains why Hillary is the choice for the left, where as she is so weak that the left figures it can continue it's bull crap under her umbrella of weakness for another 4 to 8 years. If the left didn't have so much idiocy among it's ranks, then it wouldn't be so afraid of this election, but their fears and twisting of everything into pretzels tell it all. It's amazing how far this nation has gone down the tubes, and what it takes now to control the fall out from it all.

Put gays back in the closet, kick out the illegals and no free lunch.
Wait- gays have been getting a free lunch?

So he respects their religion but just won't allow any of them to immigrate here...based solely on their religion.
. Nope, it is based strictly on their not being able to be vetted properly, and therefore not knowing whether they are radicals or not. The religion is in play, but only if it is literally being used to push and support terrorist activity.

Funny, he didn’t say “properly vetted muslims” would be allowed in. He said muslims would not be allowed….
. You know what he meant, QUOTE]

I do know what he meant.

He meant exactly what he said.

And then he backtracked when nailed on it.
. If the left wasn't so messed up, they wouldn't have to be so afraid in lifel.

LOL- the left is not the party of the terrified white males- scared of children crossing the border, scared of every Muslim American, scared that all Mexicans are rapists and that a man born in the Midwest is just a Mexican judge who can't judge an American fairly.

You live and thrive in fear.

Which is really sad.
. Nope, it is based strictly on their not being able to be vetted properly, and therefore not knowing whether they are radicals or not. The religion is in play, but only if it is literally being used to push and support terrorist activity.

Funny, he didn’t say “properly vetted muslims” would be allowed in. He said muslims would not be allowed….
. You know what he meant, QUOTE]

I do know what he meant.

He meant exactly what he said.

And then he backtracked when nailed on it.
. If the left wasn't so messed up, they wouldn't have to be so afraid in lifel.

LOL- the left is not the party of the terrified white males- scared of children crossing the border, scared of every Muslim American, scared that all Mexicans are rapists and that a man born in the Midwest is just a Mexican judge who can't judge an American fairly.

You live and thrive in fear.

Which is really sad.
. You have no idea what your talking about, but if you want to go on entertaining yourself, then have at it.
Funny, he didn’t say “properly vetted muslims” would be allowed in. He said muslims would not be allowed….
. You know what he meant, QUOTE]

I do know what he meant.

He meant exactly what he said.

And then he backtracked when nailed on it.
. If the left wasn't so messed up, they wouldn't have to be so afraid in lifel.

LOL- the left is not the party of the terrified white males- scared of children crossing the border, scared of every Muslim American, scared that all Mexicans are rapists and that a man born in the Midwest is just a Mexican judge who can't judge an American fairly.

You live and thrive in fear.

Which is really sad.
. You have no idea what your talking about, but if you want to go on entertaining yourself, then have at it.

Certainly that has never stopped you from posting.
we were a religious, church going nation back in 1954 when this law was created...

Have you even put any research and thought in to why our citizens and govt at the time, felt the restriction was necessary longknife?
we were a religious, church going nation back in 1954 when this law was created...

Have you even put any research and thought in to why our citizens and govt at the time, felt the restriction was necessary longknife?

Hell what can go wrong with having religious leaders use their houses of worship to influence the elections?
we were a religious, church going nation back in 1954 when this law was created...

Have you even put any research and thought in to why our citizens and govt at the time, felt the restriction was necessary longknife?
. Nothing wrong with a law, but it is the interpretation of the law in which is changing on the fly anymore, and that is what people are pushing back against. Trump is campaigning on the premise that he will fix this bull crap that has been going on, and their are millions awaiting just that.
we were a religious, church going nation back in 1954 when this law was created...

Have you even put any research and thought in to why our citizens and govt at the time, felt the restriction was necessary longknife?
. Nothing wrong with a law, but it is the interpretation of the law in which is changing on the fly anymore, and that is what people are pushing back against. Trump is campaigning on the premise that he will fix this bull crap that has been going on, and their are millions awaiting just that.
He's not god, nor the messiah, and every one of his supporters, all with a different "beef" believe this man is going to be their savior for their own "beefs''.... when none of them will be accomplished by him and only him, as he proclaims.
we were a religious, church going nation back in 1954 when this law was created...

Have you even put any research and thought in to why our citizens and govt at the time, felt the restriction was necessary longknife?

Hell what can go wrong with having religious leaders use their houses of worship to influence the elections?
. Do you think Christians don't vote ? Where do you think Christians get their characters, standards, morals, and ideologies from ? Well unless you have been living under a rock, these Christians carry all that to the voting booth with them, so what are you thinking is new here ? You leftist love to talk about something as if it is new, because you want a new generation to think someone is trying something new that is wrong, but what they need to find out is that it is you that is wrong and not the Christians.
we were a religious, church going nation back in 1954 when this law was created...

Have you even put any research and thought in to why our citizens and govt at the time, felt the restriction was necessary longknife?
. Nothing wrong with a law, but it is the interpretation of the law in which is changing on the fly anymore, and that is what people are pushing back against. Trump is campaigning on the premise that he will fix this bull crap that has been going on, and their are millions awaiting just that.
He's not god, nor the messiah, and every one of his supporters, all with a different "beef" believe this man is going to be their savior for their own "beefs''.... when none of them will be accomplished by him and only him, as he proclaims.
. Your right he's not God, but he is a man about to be elected, and to the man and woman on this earth who have been dealing with others who think their god's (i.e. Obama), then it's high time the conservative Christian voter gets someone for whom they like for a change, instead of someone they had to pray heavily for because they knew he would be working against them. Trump is working in the physical realm in which he can control, and then he is hoping in the spiritual realm in which he knows a higher power controls, and for whom will smile down upon him if he does what is right, and yep hopefully it will be right in God's eyes in which we all can only hope for in the end .
we were a religious, church going nation back in 1954 when this law was created...

Have you even put any research and thought in to why our citizens and govt at the time, felt the restriction was necessary longknife?
. Nothing wrong with a law, but it is the interpretation of the law in which is changing on the fly anymore, and that is what people are pushing back against. Trump is campaigning on the premise that he will fix this bull crap that has been going on, and their are millions awaiting just that.
He's not god, nor the messiah, and every one of his supporters, all with a different "beef" believe this man is going to be their savior for their own "beefs''.... when none of them will be accomplished by him and only him, as he proclaims.
. Your right he's not God, but he is a man about to be elected, and to the man and woman on this earth who have been dealing with others who think their god's (i.e. Obama), then it's high time the conservative Christian voter gets someone for whom they like for a change, instead of someone they had to pray heavily for because they knew he would be working against them. Trump is working in the physical realm in which he can control, and then he is hoping in the spiritual realm in which he knows a higher power controls, and for whom will smile down upon him if he does what is right, and yep hopefully it will be right in God's eyes in which we all can only hope for in the end .

wow beagle!

Trump is not religious in ANY manner, he's never ever in his life, asked God for forgiveness for any of his own transgressions...he's never said he was sorry for anything, to God...

if you want to view the video of Trump saying this, I can find it for you.

You, imo....are so so so mistaken in your beliefs about Trump and this topic! WHICH none of this matters because ''There is no religious test'' to be President....

BUT PLEASE for the love of God, don't make a mockery out of God, by implying Trump is the right person for the ''religious to look up to and trust'' as their President...
Does that include Muslims? He seems to have a different rule for those who worship a god different than his....
. Yes it includes Muslims who are peaceful, and are excepting to a good many aspects of our American culture here. Is that a problem or do you want this nation split up to accommodate foreigners carving up this nation into little countries that they wish to live seperate from us in ? The India Indians don't allow their daughters or son's to marry American's, but that's not racist, separatist actions conducted by them on their part ? How is it we are supposed to allow this stuff, but if any who are American try it, then we are called everything in the book before the book of so called cherry picked law is then thrown at us ?????? The Americans have been played as fools in all of this, and it's time for it to end.

So he respects their religion but just won't allow any of them to immigrate here...based solely on their religion.
. Nope, it is based strictly on their not being able to be vetted properly, and therefore not knowing whether they are radicals or not. The religion is in play, but only if it is literally being used to push and support terrorist activity.

Funny, he didn’t say “properly vetted muslims” would be allowed in. He said muslims would not be allowed….
. You know what he meant, but it don't fit with your narrative, so it must be tweaked right ? The Dems are the most careless people that there is I believe, and that's just that.
On the contrary, she is stating exactly what Trump said, you are the one tweaking what he said. He did not say properly vetted Muslims, he said, Muslims, period. So why do you have to lie about what other people are saying?
we were a religious, church going nation back in 1954 when this law was created...

Have you even put any research and thought in to why our citizens and govt at the time, felt the restriction was necessary longknife?
. Nothing wrong with a law, but it is the interpretation of the law in which is changing on the fly anymore, and that is what people are pushing back against. Trump is campaigning on the premise that he will fix this bull crap that has been going on, and their are millions awaiting just that.
And there are many more millions that are going to tell Trump he can go to hell with his anti-Constitutional religious views.
Which God is it that will heal our nation? Trump sure is playing the huckster on this issue, before the election he never played the pious dick.....or went to church...His wife is a Jew so he must mean the Jewish God...Yet he's a Christian, so enamored with the shield of Christ isn't he? I bet he has holy underwear..
. Why don't you follow the news before spouting off ? Trump said he will protect this nations religious freedom's, and that is part of his job description not nessesarily a part of his daily personal life. Good deal...

And you bought into what Trump said?
:banana: I just love the easily manipulated, it's too bad they are allowed to vote though.:2up:

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