Trump could flip California by ordering aggressive statewide iCE raids at businesses

...We need immigrants to fuel our economy. That’s a simple fact...
Declaring that we need immigrants to fuel our economy is a far cry from proving your case in that context.

...You have failed to make your case.
So far, within a framework of population figures and self-sufficiency and opportunity, the numbers make the case for me.

Comes a time when we hit Saturation Point for new warm bodies... we hit (and passed) that point a couple of decades ago.
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We live in a fantastic era where human beings can switch genders back and forth at the drop of a hat so the sky is the limit!
I'd only suggest that the GOP put its focus on keeping Texas, because when that state turns purple and then blue, this thing is over.
It's already over. Texas will flip sooner or later and that's because it's ground zero for demographic replacement. GOP can only gain traction with the looming socialist Hispanic majority by selling out on what remains of its core principals. Soon elections will only be a formality. Good times.
Lefties have suggested that Trump go after employers for hiring illegal aliens...Wouldn’t that be counterproductive for their agenda...wouldn’t good real Americans get behind Trump for such an effort as wages climb and taxes fall?
That's an interesting proposal there BL, something that I haven't mulled over. My instant mull (about a minute's worth) is that it would be counter-productive....

For every action there is a reaction works in business as well as physics. When I read that, "Low to middle class wages would immediately spike" on a massive scale, it hits me as highly inflationary. While the idea of massive ICE raids on businesses isn't something I'm against, I don't see raising the cost of living as means to win an election.
The raids should run around the clock, nonstop 24/7...Low to middle class wages would immediately spike as would better opportunity for the same classes.
This could ignite a Trump supporter frenzy that’s only been seen in hardcore real American states.
WTF are you waiting for Donny?
So funny! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Need a spatula the size of Australia to flip California.

Anything short of that is pissing in the wind...
That's an interesting proposal there BL, something that I haven't mulled over. My instant mull (about a minute's worth) is that it would be counter-productive....

For every action there is a reaction works in business as well as physics. When I read that, "Low to middle class wages would immediately spike" on a massive scale, it hits me as highly inflationary. While the idea of massive ICE raids on businesses isn't something I'm against, I don't see raising the cost of living as means to win an election.

What makes you think the cost of living would increase?
Home values and rents are driven through the roof by wetbacks living 14 to two bedroom homes and apartments.
Are you thinking your cost for a head of lettuce increasing by 25% would negate the positives?
You’ve never been to Los Angeles have you?
Turns Out, Trump’s ‘Evil’ ICE Raids Benefited American Workers
That's an interesting proposal there BL, something that I haven't mulled over. My instant mull (about a minute's worth) is that it would be counter-productive....

For every action there is a reaction works in business as well as physics. When I read that, "Low to middle class wages would immediately spike" on a massive scale, it hits me as highly inflationary. While the idea of massive ICE raids on businesses isn't something I'm against, I don't see raising the cost of living as means to win an election.

What makes you think the cost of living would increase?
Home values and rents are driven through the roof by wetbacks living 14 to two bedroom homes and apartments.
Are you thinking your cost for a head of lettuce increasing by 25% would negate the positives?
You’ve never been to Los Angeles have you?
Turns Out, Trump’s ‘Evil’ ICE Raids Benefited American Workers

The basis of your reply is very true in regards to my unawareness of the situation in California. Thus I took your statement regarding "low to middle class" wage earners on such a massive scale, "nonstop 24/7", to go way beyond migrant farm workers.
Mike Garcia smashing the white guilt whacko Christy Smith in the 25th proves that good real Americans are fed up with wetbacks and the Leftarded filth who support the brown invasion. It’s time GOP...GRAB YOUR NUTS FOR ONCE.

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