Trump CRUSHES Turkey For Defying Him

But Turkey is in deep kimchee.

Turkey isn't in "deep kimchee" because of anything Trump did, they're in trouble because Erdogan has consistently pressured the Turkish central bank to keep rates low to stimulate growth, even in the face of high levels of foreign currency denominated debt and current account deficits. Had he allowed the central bank to adjust rates and rebalance the economy it wouldn't be facing this crisis (or it wouldn't be nearly as severe).

Unfortunately for the Turks Erdogan isn't going anywhere and there is no indication that he's changed his "growth over long term financial stability" stance.

Trumps tariff threats certainly aren't helping but they also didn't cause these problems.

Partially correct, but Trumps' sanctions were the tipping point.
Er no...
First off there are no "Trump's sanctions", Trump is threatening to increase tariffs on Turkish metals imports. Secondly this problem has been developing for a year, Trump's threats have only acted to exacerbate the problem, however if the Turkish central bank had been allowed to act appropriately last year the Turkish Lira wouldn't have been destabilized and inflation wouldn't be spiraling out of control even with the threat of increased tariffs.

Like I said, Erdogan is the primary culprit here, Trump is just kicking the dog when it's down (for good reason).

You realize this link isn't addressing the causes of the current Turkish crisis and doesn't support your claims, right?
Pissing off Turkey is EXACTlY what Putin may have ordered.
He's not doing our own Markets any good either.

But Turkey is in deep kimchee. Mostly..... No, that's not true. Entirely because they're too stubborn and too stupid to release that Pastor they kidnapped and refuse to release.

For no apparent reason other than to tweak America's nose. And Trump is letting the world know.....

You don't step o Superman's cape, you don't spit into the wind and you don't mess with America. Not with Trump in charge.

Trump tariffs in retaliation for jailed American pastor send Turkey's economy plunging

And Erdogan just doubled down on stupid

Turkish lira crisis: Erdoğan says 'attacks will continue' against the economy - live updates

Turkey hasn't been our Ally for over twenty years and Trump is the first President with the balls to address that fact
When Turkey turns towards Russia and/or China it will really hurt America Trump is an AH

So your contention is that Turkey is going to abandon it's candidacy for the EU and drop out of NATO in favor of falling into the Sino-Russian orbit because the U.S. has threatened to increase metal tariffs pending the release of a U.S. Citizen it's holding captive?

You do realize the collapse of the Lira isn't being driven by these tariff threats, right?
Yes Turkey had big problems before tariffs
So your contention is that Turkey is going to abandon it's candidacy for the EU and drop out of NATO in favor of falling into the Sino-Russian orbit because the U.S. has threatened to increase metal tariffs pending the release of a U.S. Citizen it's holding captive?

You do realize the collapse of the Lira isn't being driven by these tariff threats, right?

Where did you get that from you inconsequential little bitch?

Fuck you and FUCK your bullshit straw man arguments.

fucking dirtbag

LOL, Do you always go off on foaming at the mouth, non sequitur rants regarding replies that aren't even responses to your posts?

Perhaps you should go back and read whom and what I was responding to, keep re-reading it until you figure out that I was responding to edward37's post and not to you.
Jeeze... that's harsh.

But true.

dimocrap scum try to define the parameters of the discussion with their own, out-of-context straw men then take it down a path it was never intended to go.

This thread is about Trump's handling of Turkey's kidnapping of an American Citizen in order to try and force him to extradite that Cleric that Erdogan wants so badly.

Nobody's even gotten a sniff of that fact yet.

dimocraps are scum
He's not doing our own Markets any good either.

But Turkey is in deep kimchee. Mostly..... No, that's not true. Entirely because they're too stubborn and too stupid to release that Pastor they kidnapped and refuse to release.

For no apparent reason other than to tweak America's nose. And Trump is letting the world know.....

You don't step o Superman's cape, you don't spit into the wind and you don't mess with America. Not with Trump in charge.

Trump tariffs in retaliation for jailed American pastor send Turkey's economy plunging

And Erdogan just doubled down on stupid

Turkish lira crisis: Erdoğan says 'attacks will continue' against the economy - live updates

Turkey hasn't been our Ally for over twenty years and Trump is the first President with the balls to address that fact
When Turkey turns towards Russia and/or China it will really hurt America Trump is an AH

So your contention is that Turkey is going to abandon it's candidacy for the EU and drop out of NATO in favor of falling into the Sino-Russian orbit because the U.S. has threatened to increase metal tariffs pending the release of a U.S. Citizen it's holding captive?

You do realize the collapse of the Lira isn't being driven by these tariff threats, right?
Yes Turkey had big problems before tariffs
I'm aware of that and have pointed out the root causes of its "big problems" in this thread but you avoided the primary question.

…. your contention regarding Turkey's abandonment of its EU candidacy and NATO in favor of moving into Sino-Russian orbit is?
LOL, Do you always go off on foaming at the mouth, non sequitur rants regarding replies that aren't even responses to your posts?

Perhaps you should go back and read whom and what I was responding to, keep re-reading it until you figure out that I was responding to edward37's post and not to you.

My bad. Sorry 'bout that. :11_2_1043:

But I'm sure you've done something in the past that deserved it. :dontfeedmod:
Turkey shoulders almost exclusive blame for the Iraq fiasco. In the invasion plans, they agreed to allow our 4th ID to stage and sweep down through the Sunni Triangle, depriving Saddam of his weapons and ordnance stashes there. At the last minute, they reneged, and Saddam's Republican Guard beat us to them. That ordnance comprised almost 100% of the IEDs later used to murder and maim thousands of US troopers. They are motherfuckers of the highest order and this new clown is a muslim extremist who is buying Russian anti-aircraft missile systems. He needs to go down HARD.
He's not doing our own Markets any good either.

But Turkey is in deep kimchee. Mostly..... No, that's not true. Entirely because they're too stubborn and too stupid to release that Pastor they kidnapped and refuse to release.

For no apparent reason other than to tweak America's nose. And Trump is letting the world know.....

You don't step o Superman's cape, you don't spit into the wind and you don't mess with America. Not with Trump in charge.

Trump tariffs in retaliation for jailed American pastor send Turkey's economy plunging

And Erdogan just doubled down on stupid

Turkish lira crisis: Erdoğan says 'attacks will continue' against the economy - live updates

Turkey hasn't been our Ally for over twenty years and Trump is the first President with the balls to address that fact
When Turkey turns towards Russia and/or China it will really hurt America Trump is an AH

So your contention is that Turkey is going to abandon it's candidacy for the EU and drop out of NATO in favor of falling into the Sino-Russian orbit because the U.S. has threatened to increase metal tariffs pending the release of a U.S. Citizen it's holding captive?

You do realize the collapse of the Lira isn't being driven by these tariff threats, right?
Yes Turkey had big problems before tariffs

Isn't Turkey one of those countries that Trump has a factory in; suits, ties, or furniture? That's the real joke when he says America First, but produces all his $#!t abroad! He fit right into the Republican party of hypocrites! :102: :321: :aargh: :blahblah:
According to the OP, Donald is hurting our own economy in vengeance for Turkey defying him. This is grossly irresponsible. That kind of lack of professionalism would get you promptly fired from just about any company.
so would setting up a system that would allow you to spy on employees with a cover of "no, we didn't" as your only saving grace.

we let people get away with all kinds of things these days due to mostly hate for the other side.

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