Trump Got Rolled By President Of Turkey Says NSA Official

I wonder if you Leftards will ever stop believing everything the Lame Stream Media spews.
I wonder if you dittoheads will ever stop believing everything Talk Radio spews.
In a thread from Leftard Newsweek about an anonymous person who says orange man bad. Hilarious.
Maybe as bad as the goofy right wing websites always quoted by Trumpsters as "sources", huh?

Wingers, peas in a pod. You're just as bad as those you loathe.
I wonder if you Leftards will ever stop believing everything the Lame Stream Media spews.
I wonder if you dittoheads will ever stop believing everything Talk Radio spews.
In a thread from Leftard Newsweek about an anonymous person who says orange man bad. Hilarious.
Maybe as bad as the goofy right wing websites always quoted by Trumpsters as "sources", huh?

Wingers, peas in a pod. You're just as bad as those you loathe.
Ah, the they are just as stupid as me excuse.
Most people figure out by 16 that doesn’t work.
I wonder if you Leftards will ever stop believing everything the Lame Stream Media spews.
I wonder if you dittoheads will ever stop believing everything Talk Radio spews.
In a thread from Leftard Newsweek about an anonymous person who says orange man bad. Hilarious.
Maybe as bad as the goofy right wing websites always quoted by Trumpsters as "sources", huh?

Wingers, peas in a pod. You're just as bad as those you loathe.
Ah, the they are just as stupid as me excuse.
Most people figure out by 16 that doesn’t work.
My point remains.

The behaviors of the wings are comically similar. Often, much like 16 year olds.
I wonder if you Leftards will ever stop believing everything the Lame Stream Media spews.
I wonder if you dittoheads will ever stop believing everything Talk Radio spews.
In a thread from Leftard Newsweek about an anonymous person who says orange man bad. Hilarious.
Maybe as bad as the goofy right wing websites always quoted by Trumpsters as "sources", huh?

Wingers, peas in a pod. You're just as bad as those you loathe.
Ah, the they are just as stupid as me excuse.
Most people figure out by 16 that doesn’t work.
My point remains.

The behaviors of the wings are comically similar. Often, much like 16 year olds.
Sorry, I’ll file your complaint under RUSSIA.
For spy agencies to be so good they sure have ph uked up many ties since they became popular with government. We now know they have political allegiance people who make sure no one interferes with them and their fiefdoms. But what would any of us choose in employment? Picking fruits and vegetables or this. I know it is a comparison of difference, but there is a point.
Turkey is an Islamofascist regime, shocking the Left side with Turkey and attack America.
Who's supporting Turkey? It's Trump that gave them a free hand. The Turks happen to be enemies of our best allies in the region, the Kurds, who happen to be holding thousands of ISIS captives. What happens if they're attacked and those ISIS detainees manage to escape in the confusion? That'd be on CiC Bonespurs. Nice attempt at trying to muddy the waters, but even the most loyal Republicans are beginning to realize Trump doesn't have a clue.
Turkey is an Islamofascist regime, shocking the Left side with Turkey and attack America.
Who's supporting Turkey? It's Trump that gave them a free hand. The Turks happen to be enemies of our best allies in the region, the Kurds, who happen to be holding thousands of ISIS captives. What happens if they're attacked and those ISIS detainees manage to escape in the confusion? That'd be on CiC Bonespurs. Nice attempt at trying to muddy the waters, but even the most loyal Republicans are beginning to realize Trump doesn't have a clue.

Trump said ISIS detainees will be transfered to Turkey's responsibility.
American media is whining day and night about Turks slaughtering Kurds, so you think Turks can't handle ISIS detainees, but Kurds the portayed vicitims of Turks can ?

Syrian Kurds are consumers of American security.
They don't have an interest to finish "War on ISIS" as this would reduce or cease America's export of security to them.
Endless war: Trump said in 2018 already ISIS is finished and the Kurds and Centcom are still fighting ISIS on Twitter.
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Exclusive: Official who heard call says Trump got "rolled" by Turkey and "has no spine"

So as we all know, in a scheduled phone call between Trump and President Erdogan of Turkey, Trump agreed to let Turkey do what they want to do in Northern Syria - (which is the right move, period)

"Donald Trump got rolled...President Trump was definitely out-negotiated and only endorsed the troop withdraw to make it look like we are getting something—but we are not getting something," the National Security Council source told Newsweek. "The U.S. national security has entered a state of increased danger for decades to come because the president has no spine and that's the bottom line."

Now warmongering Deep State plants are trying to attack Trump's manhood by saying that Trump showed no spine on the call with Erdogan and that the Turkish president rolled Trump -- they are just trying to make Trump react impulsively because they know Trump hates to be thought of as weak.

Even Trump's staunchest supporters all the way from Lindsey Graham, to Fox & Friends to the 700 Club has all shown great disdain for Trump's decision -- because all of these people are warmongers.....I always thought that the best thing that can come out of a Trump presidency were 2 things, universal healthcare and the US keeping our nose out of the Middle East --- because the minute Trump decides to do both, his sycophantic base will support it just because he does -- that is how sycophants operate.

Besides, Trump has already assured us that his wisdom is unmatched by anyone on Earth (including his generals) -- so I don't understand what the fuss is about -- plus he already said he would destroy Turkey's economy if they get out of line with the Kurds -- he already destroyed Turkey before and he will do it again (although I have no idea how he destroyed Turkey's economy before) -- #MAGA
Newsweek?! They publish stuff that even WaPo is too embarrassed to.

Just another fake news anonymous source!

Trump has an exit plan, it's called LEAVING.



With anti-Trumpers, it's always all lies and deceptions and untruths screamed shrilly
Exclusive: Official who heard call says Trump got "rolled" by Turkey and "has no spine"

So as we all know, in a scheduled phone call between Trump and President Erdogan of Turkey, Trump agreed to let Turkey do what they want to do in Northern Syria - (which is the right move, period)

"Donald Trump got rolled...President Trump was definitely out-negotiated and only endorsed the troop withdraw to make it look like we are getting something—but we are not getting something," the National Security Council source told Newsweek. "The U.S. national security has entered a state of increased danger for decades to come because the president has no spine and that's the bottom line."

Now warmongering Deep State plants are trying to attack Trump's manhood by saying that Trump showed no spine on the call with Erdogan and that the Turkish president rolled Trump -- they are just trying to make Trump react impulsively because they know Trump hates to be thought of as weak.

Even Trump's staunchest supporters all the way from Lindsey Graham, to Fox & Friends to the 700 Club has all shown great disdain for Trump's decision -- because all of these people are warmongers.....I always thought that the best thing that can come out of a Trump presidency were 2 things, universal healthcare and the US keeping our nose out of the Middle East --- because the minute Trump decides to do both, his sycophantic base will support it just because he does -- that is how sycophants operate.

Besides, Trump has already assured us that his wisdom is unmatched by anyone on Earth (including his generals) -- so I don't understand what the fuss is about -- plus he already said he would destroy Turkey's economy if they get out of line with the Kurds -- he already destroyed Turkey before and he will do it again (although I have no idea how he destroyed Turkey's economy before) -- #MAGA
Anybody and everybody can roll this power hungry ignorant retarded racist bitch. Tell him, he's got a big dick, big hand, big mouth and put it in a love letter and he's yours for the taking, just ask anybody that smells of Trump shit.
Trump has an exit plan, it's called LEAVING.



With anti-Trumpers, it's always all lies and deceptions and untruths screamed shrilly
I can't wait for all these ignorant fools to see the damage this man has done to the United States and the rest of the world, no feel good about being a white man is gonna help ease the devastation the support they themselves gave, that aided in this massive fuck up. The Muslims are gonna eat us alive and you heard it here first.
Trump has an exit plan, it's called LEAVING.



With anti-Trumpers, it's always all lies and deceptions and untruths screamed shrilly
I can't wait for all these ignorant fools to see the damage this man has done to the United States and the rest of the world, no feel good about being a white man is gonna help ease the devastation the support they themselves gave, that aided in this massive fuck up. The Muslims are gonna eat us alive and you heard it here first.
An anonymous “official” doesn’t like President Trump’s foreign policy of staying out of ME wars.

And this passes as “journalism”?
Exclusive: Official who heard call says Trump got "rolled" by Turkey and "has no spine"

So as we all know, in a scheduled phone call between Trump and President Erdogan of Turkey, Trump agreed to let Turkey do what they want to do in Northern Syria - (which is the right move, period)

"Donald Trump got rolled...President Trump was definitely out-negotiated and only endorsed the troop withdraw to make it look like we are getting something—but we are not getting something," the National Security Council source told Newsweek. "The U.S. national security has entered a state of increased danger for decades to come because the president has no spine and that's the bottom line."
John Bolton is no longer on Trump's NSC. He "retired" so he could spend more time with his family, urging them to invade Iran and NK.

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