Trump’s letter to Turkish president is “utterly pathetic”

What if Turkey does go ahead and decides to mess with that? A pile of dead American soldiers. Both sides of the conflict points at the other side as the culprit. What then?
Then Turkey is in a world of hurt and we are in a war. That’s the risk. Warfare is a game of chess. We just gave up a huge strategic advantage to save our queen by retreating. I don’t think the Turks would have taken our queen but if they did we would have decimated them and held our advantage.

Thats exactly the reason those 50 troops were stationed where they were. To provide a justification for war if one of them happened to get caught in the crossfire. A war with a nato member. A war which would inevitably result in a lot of dead civilians and more migrants into europe and more chaos in the region. It's a really ugly and cynical way to treat human beings who are supposed to be fighting in America's interest.

It wasn't 50 special Ops troops Egodan was afraid of, but our Air Force and Navy fighters. Mighty nice of the "Bloody" Don to order our Air Force and the Navy fighters to "Stand Down", mighty nice.

Perhaps you should stop lying, Egodan was told if he threatened US forces they would defend themselves. No one was told to stand down.


Cut-n-Run Donnie they call him.

When the going gets tough, Cut-n-Run Donnie abandons our allies in the fight against ISIS, and hangs them out to dry at the mercy of the Turks. Either Dirty Don got something or Egodon has something on The Don. That's his world.
They are terrorists themselves,,,,try to keep up.....
it's not arguing in favor of your views. that's fine. that's what we all do. it's the total and complete inability to establish a baseline of right and wrong from when to go from.

hillary is asked for her e-mail.
she looks for how to change headers.
she gives them paper copies so they won't have headers.
she deletes 33k mails
she bleachbits the drive

and you're cool.

trump says "can you look into that" and suddenly trump is a criminal.

you tell me where that common ground of right and wrong is and just where "benefit of doubt" is equally applied and i'll listen. anything else is you protecting your side at all costs; to me.
i was cool with Hillary because she was investigated by the FBI and I trust their determination. They saw all the facts, I didn’t. I was totally fine with the FBI investigating the situation. It was shady as hell and should have been looked into. You gotta let this Hillary thing go. Youve been holding onto it for way to long.

I don't.

It's the baseline of right ad wrong behavior as far as I'm concerned.

To not care about but fl9ip your shit on a phone call is quite frankly, bullshit.
well if you were being honest you would acknowledge what I said about the Hillary investigation when I said it was worthy of an investigation but I respect the FBIs decision. That’s not a wingnut or partisan position. You may not want to trust the FBI and claim conspiracy but I don’t go that far. They saw all the evidence and made the call, not you or I. End of story. Furthermore if you were being honest you wouldn’t frame the trump situation like you just did. There’s a reason why this is going down the rabbit hole like it is and thats because of much more than a simple phone call.
And if you were being honest you'd say it's bullshit to delete, try to alter, then destroy request information and leave it at that.

Seems like I said, we have a vast difference of right and wrong.

I'd not give a shit who did that. Heads roll.

Don't lecture me on honesty, son.
I have no problem saying deleting emails was bullshit. Yes it was bullshit. But the FBI investigated and found no crimes so what’s done is done. I can’t believe we are still talking about Hillarys emails. Unbelievable. And don’t call me son
Then don't question my honesty.
i was cool with Hillary because she was investigated by the FBI and I trust their determination. They saw all the facts, I didn’t. I was totally fine with the FBI investigating the situation. It was shady as hell and should have been looked into. You gotta let this Hillary thing go. Youve been holding onto it for way to long.

I don't.

It's the baseline of right ad wrong behavior as far as I'm concerned.

To not care about but fl9ip your shit on a phone call is quite frankly, bullshit.
well if you were being honest you would acknowledge what I said about the Hillary investigation when I said it was worthy of an investigation but I respect the FBIs decision. That’s not a wingnut or partisan position. You may not want to trust the FBI and claim conspiracy but I don’t go that far. They saw all the evidence and made the call, not you or I. End of story. Furthermore if you were being honest you wouldn’t frame the trump situation like you just did. There’s a reason why this is going down the rabbit hole like it is and thats because of much more than a simple phone call.
And if you were being honest you'd say it's bullshit to delete, try to alter, then destroy request information and leave it at that.

Seems like I said, we have a vast difference of right and wrong.

I'd not give a shit who did that. Heads roll.

Don't lecture me on honesty, son.
I have no problem saying deleting emails was bullshit. Yes it was bullshit. But the FBI investigated and found no crimes so what’s done is done. I can’t believe we are still talking about Hillarys emails. Unbelievable. And don’t call me son
Then don't question my honesty.
Oh is that how it works. Are we talking like children now?

No offense ICE but when you say we are flipping our shit over a phone call that isn’t an honest assessment of the situation. If you don’t want your honesty questioned then don’t make statements like that.

I don't.

It's the baseline of right ad wrong behavior as far as I'm concerned.

To not care about but fl9ip your shit on a phone call is quite frankly, bullshit.
well if you were being honest you would acknowledge what I said about the Hillary investigation when I said it was worthy of an investigation but I respect the FBIs decision. That’s not a wingnut or partisan position. You may not want to trust the FBI and claim conspiracy but I don’t go that far. They saw all the evidence and made the call, not you or I. End of story. Furthermore if you were being honest you wouldn’t frame the trump situation like you just did. There’s a reason why this is going down the rabbit hole like it is and thats because of much more than a simple phone call.
And if you were being honest you'd say it's bullshit to delete, try to alter, then destroy request information and leave it at that.

Seems like I said, we have a vast difference of right and wrong.

I'd not give a shit who did that. Heads roll.

Don't lecture me on honesty, son.
I have no problem saying deleting emails was bullshit. Yes it was bullshit. But the FBI investigated and found no crimes so what’s done is done. I can’t believe we are still talking about Hillarys emails. Unbelievable. And don’t call me son
Then don't question my honesty.
Oh is that how it works. Are we talking like children now?

No offense ICE but when you say we are flipping our shit over a phone call that isn’t an honest assessment of the situation. If you don’t want your honesty questioned then don’t make statements like that.
Dunno about "we" but you are headed in that direction.


I don't.

It's the baseline of right ad wrong behavior as far as I'm concerned.

To not care about but fl9ip your shit on a phone call is quite frankly, bullshit.
well if you were being honest you would acknowledge what I said about the Hillary investigation when I said it was worthy of an investigation but I respect the FBIs decision. That’s not a wingnut or partisan position. You may not want to trust the FBI and claim conspiracy but I don’t go that far. They saw all the evidence and made the call, not you or I. End of story. Furthermore if you were being honest you wouldn’t frame the trump situation like you just did. There’s a reason why this is going down the rabbit hole like it is and thats because of much more than a simple phone call.
And if you were being honest you'd say it's bullshit to delete, try to alter, then destroy request information and leave it at that.

Seems like I said, we have a vast difference of right and wrong.

I'd not give a shit who did that. Heads roll.

Don't lecture me on honesty, son.
I have no problem saying deleting emails was bullshit. Yes it was bullshit. But the FBI investigated and found no crimes so what’s done is done. I can’t believe we are still talking about Hillarys emails. Unbelievable. And don’t call me son
Then don't question my honesty.
Oh is that how it works. Are we talking like children now?

No offense ICE but when you say we are flipping our shit over a phone call that isn’t an honest assessment of the situation. If you don’t want your honesty questioned then don’t make statements like that.
State Department Concludes Clinton Email Review, Cites 38 People for Violations
Just wanna make sure you saw this.

Still wanna say nothing found wrong, all cool?
I am reluctant to quote democrats criticizing republicans because I don’t always consider them to be objective. Obviously one party will criticize the other regardless of the validity and genuine nature of the criticism.

This deserves to be shared though. I barely know who this democrat is and don’t really care if he is a good public official or not but I can’t help but take note of his brashness here. Normally I would take issue with such strong words from a public official, but the man is right either way. Trump is pathetic. You would have to be a complete moron to think the Turkish President wouldn’t laugh his ass off at this. Trump’s usual attempt at trying to be tough by acting like a mindless Neanderthal backfires because of how goddamn stupid he comes across.

“Let's work out a good deal! you don't want to be responsible for slaughtering thousands of people, and i don't want to be responsible for destroying the Turkish economy — and I will. I've already given you a little sample with respect to Pastor Brunson.

“I have worked hard to solve some of your problems. Don't let the world down. You can make a great deal. General Mazloum is willing to negotiate with you, and he is willing to make concessions that they would never have made in the past. I am confidentially enclosing a copy of his letter to me, just received.

History will look upon you favorably if you get this done the right and humane way. It will look upon you forever as the devil if good things don't happen. Don't be a tough guy! Don't be a fool!

I will call you later.

Donald J. Trump”

‘It’s utterly pathetic’: Democratic lawmakers are flabbergasted by Trump’s ‘tough guy’ letter to Turkey
Trump's letter to Erdogan, was very "un-presidential," however, Erdogan is an Islamist who threatened the EU with a war if they stopped Muslims from flowing into Europe, so I don't care how crude he was to Erdogan, Islam is and always has been, the enemy of "non-believers."
well if you were being honest you would acknowledge what I said about the Hillary investigation when I said it was worthy of an investigation but I respect the FBIs decision. That’s not a wingnut or partisan position. You may not want to trust the FBI and claim conspiracy but I don’t go that far. They saw all the evidence and made the call, not you or I. End of story. Furthermore if you were being honest you wouldn’t frame the trump situation like you just did. There’s a reason why this is going down the rabbit hole like it is and thats because of much more than a simple phone call.
And if you were being honest you'd say it's bullshit to delete, try to alter, then destroy request information and leave it at that.

Seems like I said, we have a vast difference of right and wrong.

I'd not give a shit who did that. Heads roll.

Don't lecture me on honesty, son.
I have no problem saying deleting emails was bullshit. Yes it was bullshit. But the FBI investigated and found no crimes so what’s done is done. I can’t believe we are still talking about Hillarys emails. Unbelievable. And don’t call me son
Then don't question my honesty.
Oh is that how it works. Are we talking like children now?

No offense ICE but when you say we are flipping our shit over a phone call that isn’t an honest assessment of the situation. If you don’t want your honesty questioned then don’t make statements like that.
State Department Concludes Clinton Email Review, Cites 38 People for Violations
Just wanna make sure you saw this.

Still wanna say nothing found wrong, all cool?
there you go, 38 people got cited... good justice is done and all is right. So let’s move on now
Perhaps you should stop lying, Egodan was told if he threatened US forces they would defend themselves. No one was told to stand down.

Our troops retreated and blew up their own base to keep the Turks from taking it...

Um, yeah, we stood down.
And if you were being honest you'd say it's bullshit to delete, try to alter, then destroy request information and leave it at that.

Seems like I said, we have a vast difference of right and wrong.

I'd not give a shit who did that. Heads roll.

Don't lecture me on honesty, son.
I have no problem saying deleting emails was bullshit. Yes it was bullshit. But the FBI investigated and found no crimes so what’s done is done. I can’t believe we are still talking about Hillarys emails. Unbelievable. And don’t call me son
Then don't question my honesty.
Oh is that how it works. Are we talking like children now?

No offense ICE but when you say we are flipping our shit over a phone call that isn’t an honest assessment of the situation. If you don’t want your honesty questioned then don’t make statements like that.
State Department Concludes Clinton Email Review, Cites 38 People for Violations
Just wanna make sure you saw this.

Still wanna say nothing found wrong, all cool?
there you go, 38 people got cited... good justice is done and all is right. So let’s move on now
But you said fbi cleared her...


they chose not to prosecute her. She didn't mean to do it. Even though she meant to

Alter header info
Delete requested info
Destroy the actual hard drive

But she didn't mean to do anything wrong.

So no. I won't let this go when you lecture me on honesty when you refuse to be honest about this.

Trump has been "cleared" of a lot of things the left won't shut up about. RUSSIA comes to mind. You hear putin and comrade jabs ll the time and he did NOTHING Ike delete communications, destroy phones, and the like.

I don't care who's on which "side" in as much as eqal accountability.

Be honest about that for awhile.
Last edited:
Perhaps you should stop lying, Egodan was told if he threatened US forces they would defend themselves. No one was told to stand down.

Our troops retreated and blew up their own base to keep the Turks from taking it...

Um, yeah, we stood down.

Really, then why is it being reported that the Syrians were occupying the base we withdrew from? Come on Cletus, give us the scoop.

Syrian servicemen occupy two former US bases in Manbij — media

In all honesty man, if you can’t see how poorly this Turkey thing was handled then there really is no helping you.
More than anything else in this latest embarrassing story, here's what I wonder.

I wonder what Trumpsters would have thought of that letter if they had not seen any criticisms of it. I wonder if they would have thought it was intelligent and presidential and powerful, and not elementary, childish and beneath the office.

My guess is that they wouldn't have noticed a thing.
I have no problem saying deleting emails was bullshit. Yes it was bullshit. But the FBI investigated and found no crimes so what’s done is done. I can’t believe we are still talking about Hillarys emails. Unbelievable. And don’t call me son
Then don't question my honesty.
Oh is that how it works. Are we talking like children now?

No offense ICE but when you say we are flipping our shit over a phone call that isn’t an honest assessment of the situation. If you don’t want your honesty questioned then don’t make statements like that.
State Department Concludes Clinton Email Review, Cites 38 People for Violations
Just wanna make sure you saw this.

Still wanna say nothing found wrong, all cool?
there you go, 38 people got cited... good justice is done and all is right. So let’s move on now
But you said fbi cleared her...


they chose not to prosecute her. She didn't mean to do it. Even though she meant to

Alter header info
Delete requested info
Destroy the actual hard drive

But she didn't mean to do anything wrong.

So no. I won't let this go when you lecture me on honesty when you refuse to be honest about this.

Trump has been "cleared" of a lot of things the left won't shut up about. RUSSIA comes to mind. You hear putin and comrade jabs ll the time and he did NOTHING Ike delete communications, destroy phones, and the like.

I don't care who's on which "side" in as much as eqal accountability.

Be honest about that for awhile.
I don’t know what your looking for with this Clinton thing. What she did was careless and wrong but it wasn’t illegal as deemed by the FBI. So what do you want to happen?
In all honesty man, if you can’t see how poorly this Turkey thing was handled then there really is no helping you.
More than anything else in this latest embarrassing story, here's what I wonder.

I wonder what Trumpsters would have thought of that letter if they had not seen any criticisms of it. I wonder if they would have thought it was intelligent and presidential and powerful, and not elementary, childish and beneath the office.

My guess is that they wouldn't have noticed a thing.
i think most would like the letter. Think it was tough, direct, and to the point with a sprinkle of funny in true trump fashion. That is obviously how Trump felt about it which is why he released it.

it’s crazy that so many people can read it that way and then so many others just laugh at the juvenile absurdity of it.
Then don't question my honesty.
Oh is that how it works. Are we talking like children now?

No offense ICE but when you say we are flipping our shit over a phone call that isn’t an honest assessment of the situation. If you don’t want your honesty questioned then don’t make statements like that.
State Department Concludes Clinton Email Review, Cites 38 People for Violations
Just wanna make sure you saw this.

Still wanna say nothing found wrong, all cool?
there you go, 38 people got cited... good justice is done and all is right. So let’s move on now
But you said fbi cleared her...


they chose not to prosecute her. She didn't mean to do it. Even though she meant to

Alter header info
Delete requested info
Destroy the actual hard drive

But she didn't mean to do anything wrong.

So no. I won't let this go when you lecture me on honesty when you refuse to be honest about this.

Trump has been "cleared" of a lot of things the left won't shut up about. RUSSIA comes to mind. You hear putin and comrade jabs ll the time and he did NOTHING Ike delete communications, destroy phones, and the like.

I don't care who's on which "side" in as much as eqal accountability.

Be honest about that for awhile.
I don’t know what your looking for with this Clinton thing. What she did was careless and wrong but it wasn’t illegal as deemed by the FBI. So what do you want to happen?
It was deemed illegal. They just said not intentional and chose not to prosecute. NOT the same now is it?

But hey, if *I'M* being honest I'd know that.
Oh is that how it works. Are we talking like children now?

No offense ICE but when you say we are flipping our shit over a phone call that isn’t an honest assessment of the situation. If you don’t want your honesty questioned then don’t make statements like that.
State Department Concludes Clinton Email Review, Cites 38 People for Violations
Just wanna make sure you saw this.

Still wanna say nothing found wrong, all cool?
there you go, 38 people got cited... good justice is done and all is right. So let’s move on now
But you said fbi cleared her...


they chose not to prosecute her. She didn't mean to do it. Even though she meant to

Alter header info
Delete requested info
Destroy the actual hard drive

But she didn't mean to do anything wrong.

So no. I won't let this go when you lecture me on honesty when you refuse to be honest about this.

Trump has been "cleared" of a lot of things the left won't shut up about. RUSSIA comes to mind. You hear putin and comrade jabs ll the time and he did NOTHING Ike delete communications, destroy phones, and the like.

I don't care who's on which "side" in as much as eqal accountability.

Be honest about that for awhile.
I don’t know what your looking for with this Clinton thing. What she did was careless and wrong but it wasn’t illegal as deemed by the FBI. So what do you want to happen?
It was deemed illegal. They just said not intentional and chose not to prosecute. NOT the same now is it?

But hey, if *I'M* being honest I'd know that.
ok it was illegal, jaywalking is illegal, driving 56 in a 55 is illegal... her illegal actions were not considered serious enough to prosecute her because they weren’t deemed deliberate. What are you looking for ICE? You want me to believe there is a FBI conspiracy covering for Clinton? Does that conspiracy extended to Trumps state department and Chuck Grassley who just came to the same conclusions about Hillary as the FBI did 3 years ago?
Really, then why is it being reported that the Syrians were occupying the base we withdrew from? Come on Cletus, give us the scoop.

US bombs its own military base in Syria to 'reduce usefulness'

The US military bombed its own base as part of its hasty withdrawal from Syria as militias backed by Turkey closed in, an Operation Inherent Resolve official has confirmed.

Jets wiped the facility at the Lafarge Cement Factory, between Ain Issa and Kobani near the Turkish border, from the map just hours after troops withdrew, a spokesman said.
State Department Concludes Clinton Email Review, Cites 38 People for Violations
Just wanna make sure you saw this.

Still wanna say nothing found wrong, all cool?
there you go, 38 people got cited... good justice is done and all is right. So let’s move on now
But you said fbi cleared her...


they chose not to prosecute her. She didn't mean to do it. Even though she meant to

Alter header info
Delete requested info
Destroy the actual hard drive

But she didn't mean to do anything wrong.

So no. I won't let this go when you lecture me on honesty when you refuse to be honest about this.

Trump has been "cleared" of a lot of things the left won't shut up about. RUSSIA comes to mind. You hear putin and comrade jabs ll the time and he did NOTHING Ike delete communications, destroy phones, and the like.

I don't care who's on which "side" in as much as eqal accountability.

Be honest about that for awhile.
I don’t know what your looking for with this Clinton thing. What she did was careless and wrong but it wasn’t illegal as deemed by the FBI. So what do you want to happen?
It was deemed illegal. They just said not intentional and chose not to prosecute. NOT the same now is it?

But hey, if *I'M* being honest I'd know that.
ok it was illegal, jaywalking is illegal, driving 56 in a 55 is illegal... her illegal actions were not considered serious enough to prosecute her because they weren’t deemed deliberate. What are you looking for ICE? You want me to believe there is a FBI conspiracy covering for Clinton? Does that conspiracy extended to Trumps state department and Chuck Grassley who just came to the same conclusions about Hillary as the FBI did 3 years ago?
You don't see the constant barrage of excuses and leeway you give her but refuse to do for others? You spent days saying she did othing wrong and now you compare destroying evidence to jaywalking.

Sorry, but FUCK your version of honesty.


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