Trump damage America as China creates World's largest Free Trade

As this disgusting disgrace Trump continues to undermine America's democracy and damaging the country more than any enemy could do, China creates the largest free trade agreement in the world, a third of the world population, that includes Japan, Australia, and South Korea, excluding the USA. Is it any wonder that America is a declining power. Get this orange TURD out of the White House NOW!
You are an idiot.
We had already become a declining power before Trump, as companies fled the US to nations without unions and labor laws and peoples that work in sweatshops for pennies on the dollar, all so you can get your material crap cheaply at the workers expense. Trump brought companies back to the US by insisting on reducing stifling regulations that deterred company creation and growth and wanting fair trade. Even your precious New York Times, who have hated Trump all along, had to admit that under Trump, the economy was massively improved because of his policies. The only thing that ruined our economy was the Biological warfare sent from China in an election year, to destroy the west's economies.

As this disgusting disgrace Trump continues to undermine America's democracy and damaging the country more than any enemy could do, China creates the largest free trade agreement in the world, a third of the world population, that includes Japan, Australia, and South Korea, excluding the USA. Is it any wonder that America is a declining power. Get this orange TURD out of the White House NOW!

Name one way that Trump has undermined America's..... REPUBLIC... we're not a democracy stupid. Name one way?

I thought you were against free trade? Did you say we were stealing other countries natural resources when we engaged in free trade? Did you say we were running sweat shops in other countries, when we engaged in free trade?

Which is it? Do you support them opening a shoe factory in Indonesia, or are you against free trade? You guys flip flop more than any group in the world.

As this disgusting disgrace Trump continues to undermine America's democracy and damaging the country more than any enemy could do, China creates the largest free trade agreement in the world, a third of the world population, that includes Japan, Australia, and South Korea, excluding the USA. Is it any wonder that America is a declining power. Get this orange TURD out of the White House NOW!

Wow, some people are truly deluded.

I bet a garden variety leftist who has never produced or traded anything. Out of the loop.

These folks want to destroy the US economy in hopes it creates more losers like themselves. Little do they understand that they will be even bigger losers in a bad economy.
I believe China was already doing business with most all these countries.
Sounds like they are just making an official trade announcement.

Negotiations over the RCEP began in 2012. The deal was signed on Sunday on the sidelines of a meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean), hosted by Vietnam.

We must decouple from China to some degree and regain our independence, especially with pharmaceutical ingredients, and PPE, so that will take time.
US just got played...

Biden will have to TPP back on track quickly... This is huge issue for the Administration.

Trump was totally asleep letting this happen...
You are the darkness. You are a shill for the Progressive agendas. The United States has to be weakened to join the globalism governments. And it is. The printing presses are running 24 hours a day to juggle the massive debts accrued for us to survive as we do now. To live within our means, means great pain. We left foundation under LBJ.

As this disgusting disgrace Trump continues to undermine America's democracy and damaging the country more than any enemy could do, China creates the largest free trade agreement in the world, a third of the world population, that includes Japan, Australia, and South Korea, excluding the USA. Is it any wonder that America is a declining power. Get this orange TURD out of the White House NOW!
Make China Great Again! Biden/Harris 2020
I believe China was already doing business with most all these countries.
Sounds like they are just making an official trade announcement.

Negotiations over the RCEP began in 2012. The deal was signed on Sunday on the sidelines of a meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean), hosted by Vietnam.

We must decouple from China to some degree and regain our independence, especially with pharmaceutical ingredients, and PPE, so that will take time.

Yes, and Obama was doing that until Trump thought undoing Obama's work made him a big man.
"President Donald Trump pulled his country out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) shortly after taking office. The deal was to involve 12 countries and was supported by Mr Trump's predecessor Barack Obama as a way to counter China's surging power in the region."
I will put it this way.
I trust Trumps America first, and economic decisions over Obama's any day of the week.
Then you're a fool. Trump's America's First policy is nothing but Trump First policy. It weakens America, weaken allies, but makes himself richer.
You're full of shit and obviously a CCP troll.
I believe China was already doing business with most all these countries.
Sounds like they are just making an official trade announcement.

Negotiations over the RCEP began in 2012. The deal was signed on Sunday on the sidelines of a meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean), hosted by Vietnam.

We must decouple from China to some degree and regain our independence, especially with pharmaceutical ingredients, and PPE, so that will take time.

Yes, and Obama was doing that until Trump thought undoing Obama's work made him a big man.
"President Donald Trump pulled his country out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) shortly after taking office. The deal was to involve 12 countries and was supported by Mr Trump's predecessor Barack Obama as a way to counter China's surging power in the region."
No, that was Trump doing what's best for America.. TPP would have allowed China to swindle us. Only a douchebag would have supported it.
Yeah Trump pulls out of the TPP claiming America first. Yet his daughter sets up sweatshops in China making trademark deals. I guess she doesn't buy into the rhetoric as she still going to vote for him and make money using cheap labor. America first or the Trump family first.

Trump promise to stop outsourcing yet since Trump took January 2017, nearly 200,000 jobs have been moved overseas, based on Trade Adjustment Assistance certified petitions.

The rate of “offshoring” among the top 100 federal contractors actually exceeds rates during the 8 years under Obama administration and the majority of the Bush administration,

As this disgusting disgrace Trump continues to undermine America's democracy and damaging the country more than any enemy could do, China creates the largest free trade agreement in the world, a third of the world population, that includes Japan, Australia, and South Korea, excluding the USA. Is it any wonder that America is a declining power. Get this orange TURD out of the White House NOW!
You are a Chinese plant.
Wanting the TPP to counter China makes me a Chinese plant. You Trumper are fucking pathetic.

Hey Chin, your translation software is missing s when needed.

As this disgusting disgrace Trump continues to undermine America's democracy and damaging the country more than any enemy could do, China creates the largest free trade agreement in the world, a third of the world population, that includes Japan, Australia, and South Korea, excluding the USA. Is it any wonder that America is a declining power. Get this orange TURD out of the White House NOW!

Sure they did and just who do you think will profit?? Why China of course. They never play fair in trade and that why Trump opted out of this group.
You lost to Japan 40-50 years ago. Now they've got Chinese competition. The US is nothing more than CONNEDsumers. You don't even have decent tools any more....although I think Dewilt tapes boxes here and Makita has a place in TN...near the Great Honda corp...and Toyota I believe. down the road from Yokohama tire( formerly Mohawk-Dayton)

As this disgusting disgrace Trump continues to undermine America's democracy and damaging the country more than any enemy could do, China creates the largest free trade agreement in the world, a third of the world population, that includes Japan, Australia, and South Korea, excluding the USA. Is it any wonder that America is a declining power. Get this orange TURD out of the White House NOW!
You are a Chinese plant.
Wanting the TPP to counter China makes me a Chinese plant. You Trumper are fucking pathetic.

I believe China was already doing business with most all these countries.
Sounds like they are just making an official trade announcement.

Negotiations over the RCEP began in 2012. The deal was signed on Sunday on the sidelines of a meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean), hosted by Vietnam.

We must decouple from China to some degree and regain our independence, especially with pharmaceutical ingredients, and PPE, so that will take time.
US just got played...

Biden will have to TPP back on track quickly... This is huge issue for the Administration.

Trump was totally asleep letting this happen...

Congrats on cheering our next president sucking Chinese dick.
I believe China was already doing business with most all these countries.
Sounds like they are just making an official trade announcement.

Negotiations over the RCEP began in 2012. The deal was signed on Sunday on the sidelines of a meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean), hosted by Vietnam.

We must decouple from China to some degree and regain our independence, especially with pharmaceutical ingredients, and PPE, so that will take time.

Yes, and Obama was doing that until Trump thought undoing Obama's work made him a big man.
"President Donald Trump pulled his country out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) shortly after taking office. The deal was to involve 12 countries and was supported by Mr Trump's predecessor Barack Obama as a way to counter China's surging power in the region."
I will put it this way.
I trust Trumps America first, and economic decisions over Obama's any day of the week.
Then you're a fool. Trump's America's First policy is nothing but Trump First policy. It weakens America, weaken allies, but makes himself richer.

You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. You're just regurgitating platitudes and talking points you heard from that dude's show. What's his name? Maddow?
Regardless of what happens, we Americans need to make sure Japan is the strongest country in the east by a factor of 10.

In fact, I support Japan returning to its imperial state. Wanna keep Chinese Commie motherfuckers in check? Awaken the bushido spirit. Japan will kick the ever loving shit out of China and make them beg for seconds.

We can do that easily regardless of who was president.
I believe China was already doing business with most all these countries.
Sounds like they are just making an official trade announcement.

Negotiations over the RCEP began in 2012. The deal was signed on Sunday on the sidelines of a meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean), hosted by Vietnam.

We must decouple from China to some degree and regain our independence, especially with pharmaceutical ingredients, and PPE, so that will take time.

Yes, and Obama was doing that until Trump thought undoing Obama's work made him a big man.
"President Donald Trump pulled his country out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) shortly after taking office. The deal was to involve 12 countries and was supported by Mr Trump's predecessor Barack Obama as a way to counter China's surging power in the region."
It sounds like you're positioning yourself for a position as Biden's advisor for communist retraining. Free trade = slavery.
It's pathetic seeing all these Trump Rump Bumpers squealing and wailing while America is losing in global competition. Trump has done more damage to America than any enemy could. Russians are laughing their heads off and patting themselves on the back. You Trump supporters are disgusting and you know you are. But you don't care because your lives are such miserable failures.
It's pathetic seeing all these Trump Rump Bumpers squealing and wailing while America is losing in global competition. Trump has done more damage to America than any enemy could. Russians are laughing their heads off and patting themselves on the back. You Trump supporters are disgusting and you know you are. But you don't care because your lives are such miserable failures.
The US has been losing because Dims like Biden have been giving away the store.
It's pathetic seeing all these Trump Rump Bumpers squealing and wailing while America is losing in global competition. Trump has done more damage to America than any enemy could. Russians are laughing their heads off and patting themselves on the back. You Trump supporters are disgusting and you know you are. But you don't care because your lives are such miserable failures.
The US has been losing because Dims like Biden have been giving away the store.
You are pathetic. You know that's not true but you are such a miserable failure in life that you have to scream and go into hysterics to make yourself feel better about your awful existence. Pathetic.

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