Trump decertifies Iran deal

The actual merits to walking out or benefits we got from the deal or will or won't get now are IRRELEVANT TO THE DISCUSSION. We should never negotiate with Iranians. That's the damn point. All praise to Trump!

And besides he really just kicked it down to congress .... along with daca healthcare and the budget ... for 6 mos.
The point is we did negotiate with Iran and the United States signed the agreement. The Iranians have met the requirements of the agreement according to our Secretary of State and the UN who conducted the inspections. Just because the Senate did not vote on the agreement, that does not make the treaty invalid in international courts. If the US is going to renege on an agreement it certainly should have a lot better reason than we should have never negotiated.

Personally, I didn't like the deal and think we could have done better but we agreed to it and the United States lives up to it's agreements.

If not ratified by the Senate, there is no treaty. It was an agreement between the other parties and Barack Obama only. We are not signatories to any international court.
Ratified by the Senate. Link is top of the page

I'm sorry, but my bullshit limit has been reached until 9:00 pm.

It was not ratified.
You "think" only republicans can play procedure games in Congress?

Silly you

you gotta get there first. ain't happening. you all keep doubling down on losing.

I think if we have the right to own nukes others should too. What gives us the right to go around telling others what to have and what not to have? And leave them vulnerable for us to invade them at anytime?
son, too funny
The one thing the Idiot-in Chief has done is send a message to all governments on this Earth that the word the United States commits to in any agreement is subject to the whim of any future President after a number of years have passed. That fucking NARCISSISTIC FOOL has done grave damage to the reputation of this Nation and is unconscionable!

Obama got blisters on his lips from kissing the Iranian's asses so much.
The Iranians have sworn to kill Americans and to remove Israel from of the face of the earth.
Obama is a traitor.

Uh hate to break your heart but Israel is always starting wars with other countries all the time,That is propaganda bullshit you are listening to from the CIA controlled media that Iran has sworn to kill americans.Israel is the one that always other countries around the world.

Trump is a fucking traiter same as Obama and Bush for supporting fucking Isreal.
I think if we have the right to own nukes others should too. What gives us the right to go around telling others what to have and what not to have? And leave them vulnerable for us to invade them at anytime?

If they don't want to be invaded, they should stop sponsoring terrorism around the world.

that my friend is good old Israel and our wonderful CIA.:thup:
The one thing the Idiot-in Chief has done is send a message to all governments on this Earth that the word the United States commits to in any agreement is subject to the whim of any future President after a number of years have passed. That fucking NARCISSISTIC FOOL has done grave damage to the reputation of this Nation and is unconscionable!

same as Obama and Bush,Trump is a fucking traiter to america kissing fucking Israels ass.He is no different than those two assholes.
PressTV-Israel, Saudi hail Trump’s anti-Iran rhetoric
I think if we have the right to own nukes others should too. What gives us the right to go around telling others what to have and what not to have? And leave them vulnerable for us to invade them at anytime?

Sheer dominating political and military power, cash, and the will to act in our own interests.

You do understand those items run the world, yes?
So you finally admit, in the only way possible for your kind, that congress is behind the problems Trump is having. Good good. 2018 will make it much better.

behind my left nut .. Congress is holding a loose cannon in check ...

You go ahead and try it. Congress is elected to work for the people who elected them and not play games, and work for the highest bidder like they are. You thugs just wait. Midterm will be the death of you.
ten demoloser senators up for reelection, if they don't sign off on the tax bill, they are done.
The American people are gonna give trump more republicans?

That's funny
What ever party they are, we are going to give him men and women who will do the job the were elected to do.

Impeachment and Removal

If anyone thinks you clowns are crying now, just wait. Your butthurt will be galactic and the crying will drive people insane!

We control Congress as the minority. Being in the majority will be fun!
I think if we have the right to own nukes others should too. What gives us the right to go around telling others what to have and what not to have? And leave them vulnerable for us to invade them at anytime?

If they don't want to be invaded, they should stop sponsoring terrorism around the world.
Invade Iran?

LOL we are gonna need more bullets.

Is it Iran first, or North Korea first?
I think if we have the right to own nukes others should too. What gives us the right to go around telling others what to have and what not to have? And leave them vulnerable for us to invade them at anytime?
son, too funny
What's so funny?

It is the republican doctrine ~ The USofA is never to be trusted. GeeW wrote the republican doctrine. If you disarm, the USofA will invade you anyway.
I think if we have the right to own nukes others should too. What gives us the right to go around telling others what to have and what not to have? And leave them vulnerable for us to invade them at anytime?

If they don't want to be invaded, they should stop sponsoring terrorism around the world.
Invade Iran?

LOL we are gonna need more bullets.

Is it Iran first, or North Korea first?

If Trump was REALLY for the people,the fucker would invade Israel which hurts the feelings of Billy Kinetta and others probably yourself as well the truth on that is being
I think if we have the right to own nukes others should too. What gives us the right to go around telling others what to have and what not to have? And leave them vulnerable for us to invade them at anytime?
son, too funny
What's so funny?

It is the republican doctrine ~ The USofA is never to be trusted. GeeW wrote the republican doctrine. If you disarm, the USofA will invade you anyway.
son, stop it, you're gonna make me pee.
I think if we have the right to own nukes others should too. What gives us the right to go around telling others what to have and what not to have? And leave them vulnerable for us to invade them at anytime?
son, too funny
What's so funny?

It is the republican doctrine ~ The USofA is never to be trusted. GeeW wrote the republican doctrine. If you disarm, the USofA will invade you anyway.
son, stop it, you're gonna make me pee.
When you grow up, you will be able to control such things, bedwetter
Unless you are a crazy angry Hussein worshiper you have to admit that the Iran deal was like a band aid on a radiation burn. Nothing made any sense including air lifting about 500 billion in U.S. taxpayer cash and euros to a country that supports terrorism right after they kidnapped a boatload of crying U.S. Sailors.
I think if we have the right to own nukes others should too. What gives us the right to go around telling others what to have and what not to have? And leave them vulnerable for us to invade them at anytime?
son, too funny
What's so funny?

It is the republican doctrine ~ The USofA is never to be trusted. GeeW wrote the republican doctrine. If you disarm, the USofA will invade you anyway.
son, stop it, you're gonna make me pee.
When you grow up, you will be able to control such things, bedwetter
not when someone makes me laugh like you do. it's embarrassing, but damn you are funny.
I think if we have the right to own nukes others should too. What gives us the right to go around telling others what to have and what not to have? And leave them vulnerable for us to invade them at anytime?
son, too funny
What's so funny?

It is the republican doctrine ~ The USofA is never to be trusted. GeeW wrote the republican doctrine. If you disarm, the USofA will invade you anyway.
son, stop it, you're gonna make me pee.
When you grow up, you will be able to control such things, bedwetter
not when someone makes me laugh like you do. it's embarrassing, but damn you are funny.
I am always happy to teach my republican friends some wisdom
This took guts. I applaud President Trump for doing it. The iran deal guaranteed us that Iran would get Nukes after ten years, at best. Trump was right that it was the worst deal ever negotiated.

How does Trump stop them from restarting their nuke program.....Right Now?
The one thing the Idiot-in Chief has done is send a message to all governments on this Earth that the word the United States commits to in any agreement is subject to the whim of any future President after a number of years have passed. That fucking NARCISSISTIC FOOL has done grave damage to the reputation of this Nation and is unconscionable!
The Iran deal was not restricting the Iranians from any goal of becoming nuclear armed.
When you have an agreement whereby the party you want to restrict from having nuclear arms:
1. Be given a 24 hour notice before inspections.
2. Be exempted from inspections of their military bases.
3. Allowed to and have manufactured ICBM's (which are only used for nuclear weapons purposes).
You have deterred nothing. At some point (if not already) they will have nuclear weapons and in the case of Iran, they would be only too happy to clandestinely give such to terrorist for attacks on the west, especially the US.
Holy Crap!

The conservative case to keep the Iran deal

Smart foreign policy is always keeping in mind prioritization, ensuring that America’s national interests are front and center. And that is the key promise President Trump made—to make America “first” again. And that means keeping America in the Iran deal.

The conservative case to keep the Iran deal ~ Fox News!


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