Trump decertifies Iran deal

They publicly execute people, hang gay folks off bridges and other assorted abhorrent behavior. Thats not neat stuff.

So why is this our problem again?

Look, we dealt with horrible people for years all over the world- Somoza, Pinochet, the Shah, Marcos, who did stuff that was just as bad.

The Saudis publicly execute women for adultery... and they are our best buds in the world!

No, we are mad at the Iranians because 40 years ago, they threw out the Shah and spanked us.

We need to seriously get the fuck over it.

This person wants to change the narrative, lol. DEATH TO AMERICA! OK, let the senate agree to the deal, then run for election in 2018. You want the deal? Lobby your senator, and good luck to you!
If I were Iran I'd be making nukes , since Israel has them, they only want to protect their people.

Another narrative changer-) When did Israel say..........DEATH TO IRAN? You phony-baloneys are so transparent, you look like Casper the unfriendly ghost!
The one thing the Idiot-in Chief has done is send a message to all governments on this Earth that the word the United States commits to in any agreement is subject to the whim of any future President after a number of years have passed. That fucking NARCISSISTIC FOOL has done grave damage to the reputation of this Nation and is unconscionable!
It is amazing how quickly Crazy Donnie has totally destroyed the reputation of the United States.

Depends------->if he was mouthing the words of America, or the words of fringe people like you! You guys are all under the bus, and Obama put you there, lol!
The Iran deal was one of the worst acts against the US that obama did. He should have been arrested and tried over that one. Thank God Trump is undoing everything that rat bastard did in his 8 years of mayhem and destruction.

I don't think you even understand the Iran deal, but the reality is, it wasn't our deal. It was Europe's deal, we just pushed our way into it.

If Trump decertifies the deal, Europe, Russia and China will just ignore us and trade with Iran on their own.

Well, maybe North Korea will join them also. Now you know who your enemies are. Remember what Obama said when running against Romney, lol. See, Obama lied about that too, but why aren't the thinking people in the country surprised!
The one thing the Idiot-in Chief has done is send a message to all governments on this Earth that the word the United States commits to in any agreement is subject to the whim of any future President after a number of years have passed. That fucking NARCISSISTIC FOOL has done grave damage to the reputation of this Nation and is unconscionable!
what it actually says is that the days when we sat back and did nothing are over. N Korea, pay the fk attention to this. N. Korea did what it did as a result of the iranian deal. LOL I wish you libturds would learn something once.
North Korea IS paying attention, you fool.

They know any negotiations with trump cannot be trusted.

After Bill Clinton, anyone with 1/2 a brain knows that any negotiation with NK is useless-) Why they even fooled him. Of course, he was probably off with Monica somewhere when he made the deal!
The one thing the Idiot-in Chief has done is send a message to all governments on this Earth that the word the United States commits to in any agreement is subject to the whim of any future President after a number of years have passed. That fucking NARCISSISTIC FOOL has done grave damage to the reputation of this Nation and is unconscionable!
what it actually says is that the days when we sat back and did nothing are over. N Korea, pay the fk attention to this. N. Korea did what it did as a result of the iranian deal. LOL I wish you libturds would learn something once.
North Korea IS paying attention, you fool.

They know any negotiations with trump cannot be trusted.

They may discover that their near-term purpose for existence is to become an example for the Iranian mullahs to contemplate.
From surrender-monkey trump? LOL

Besides, his codes don't work. The adults are not stupid.

No, but lefties are dumber than a box of rocks, lol. If Trump was so bad, how did you lose? Oh, I forgot; RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, lol. How is that working out for ya-)
son, too funny
What's so funny?

It is the republican doctrine ~ The USofA is never to be trusted. GeeW wrote the republican doctrine. If you disarm, the USofA will invade you anyway.
son, stop it, you're gonna make me pee.
When you grow up, you will be able to control such things, bedwetter
not when someone makes me laugh like you do. it's embarrassing, but damn you are funny.
I am always happy to teach my republican friends some wisdom

We actually believe you have great wisdom. What other group of people could create Beirut in America, and call it Chicago, lolololol!
Decertification doesn’t, on its own, end the nuclear deal. But it would formally begin a process through which Congress could quickly reimpose sanctions on Iran that were lifted under the terms of the agreement. If the Republican-controlled body did choose to do that, it would pretty much guarantee that the deal falls apart, as Iran would have little reason to stay in it if sanctions are being put back in place.

so now Trump needs Congress again ... Trump needing Congress - how's THAT been working out for his sorry ass?
I think you read the same article I read. Trump could have asked congress to apply sanctions. That of course would have kill the US agreement with Iran. However, he didn't which I hate to admit is a smart move both diplomatically and politically. No longer does Trump have to grit his teeth and certify the deal every 90 days.

The Senate could kill the agreement with sanctions but to what end. China, Russia, the UK, and France will still be trading with Iran. The UN has now lifted sanctions since Iran is meeting all the specified certification requirement so the rest of the world is free to trade with Iran. I predict the Senate will do nothing as they have with all the Trump legislation. The agreement will remain in place and will become a non-issue.
The actual merits to walking out or benefits we got from the deal or will or won't get now are IRRELEVANT TO THE DISCUSSION. We should never negotiate with Iranians. That's the damn point. All praise to Trump!

And besides he really just kicked it down to congress .... along with daca healthcare and the budget ... for 6 mos.
The point is we did negotiate with Iran and the United States signed the agreement. The Iranians have met the requirements of the agreement according to our Secretary of State and the UN who conducted the inspections. Just because the Senate did not vote on the agreement, that does not make the treaty invalid in international courts. If the US is going to renege on an agreement it certainly should have a lot better reason than we should have never negotiated.

Personally, I didn't like the deal and think we could have done better but we agreed to it and the United States lives up to it's agreements.

If not ratified by the Senate, there is no treaty. It was an agreement between the other parties and Barack Obama only. We are not signatories to any international court.
Ratified by the Senate. Link is top of the page

I'm sorry, but my bullshit limit has been reached until 9:00 pm.

It was not ratified.
You "think" only republicans can play procedure games in Congress?

Silly you

It was an executive agree as are over 90% of our international agreements. It is politically binding. In the US it is not considered legally binding but it is internationally.
The point is we did negotiate with Iran and the United States signed the agreement. The Iranians have met the requirements of the agreement according to our Secretary of State and the UN who conducted the inspections. Just because the Senate did not vote on the agreement, that does not make the treaty invalid in international courts. If the US is going to renege on an agreement it certainly should have a lot better reason than we should have never negotiated.

Personally, I didn't like the deal and think we could have done better but we agreed to it and the United States lives up to it's agreements.

If not ratified by the Senate, there is no treaty. It was an agreement between the other parties and Barack Obama only. We are not signatories to any international court.
Ratified by the Senate. Link is top of the page

I'm sorry, but my bullshit limit has been reached until 9:00 pm.

It was not ratified.
You "think" only republicans can play procedure games in Congress?

Silly you

It was an executive agree as are over 90% of our international agreements. It is politically binding. In the US it is not considered legally binding but it is internationally.

Our view of it is the only one that counts. It is not binding.
Once again, president Trump just forced Congress to do its job.

The Iran deal was President Obama's personal unconstitutional treaty. After he completed the deal he ran straight to the UN to have it ratified before ever allowing Congress to even look at it.
-- so much for the most transparent Administration evuh.

If Democrats and Republicans still want this deal they will have to legally and constitutionally have it by passing their own legislation.

President Trump is exposing to all Americans just how broken Congress is.

He is also showing there is more than one way to drain a swamp...

Sorry bud, but all Trump did was prove his word means nothing and allow the Iranians to build whatever they like without those agreements in place. Good thing too, a nuclear Iran AND our words and agreements meaning nothing are good things, right?

On positives can come from going back on your word over semantics.

Thats on Trump ad he cant put that on anyone else
Are you mad?
The deal allows Iran to continue enriching uranium and prevents us from checking up on them by not allowing us on any of their military installations. When I ran demanded that they be allowed to continue to enrich uranium we should have walked away from the table.

United States should have walked away from the table when I ran Marcus as we sat there, while the Shah of Iran called for the destruction of the United States during the Goshi ation, while the Iranian Air Force practiced bombing Mark u.s. aircraft carriers during the negotiations.

President Obama wanted this so bad as part of his legacy he was willing to give away just about anything. After declaring that we do not leave Americans behind, he wanted this personal treaty so badly that he refused to even ask for us hostages back as part of the deal. He wanted this deal so badly that he refused to demand that Iran ceased terrorists and terrorists surrogate activity throughout the Middle East as part of the deal.

I'm not quite sure that if Iran had demanded that President Obama turn over his wife and two daughters as part of the deal if he would not have at least considered it...

Only a Madman ... or politician desperate to secure a legacy ... would have remained at the table and agreed to such a one-sided 'surrender'

So when we inspected their facilities and saw they've been compliant you're doing the old Iraq war run around saying that the proof isnt real. Well, golly thats original.

And the deal shouldve been done another way. Thats some new material there!

And it all sucks so bad that going back on a deal we agreed to is just like the deal itself. MORE NEW STUFF! Never heard that before! (Healthcare, Iran Deal, Paris Agreement etc etc)
They got their money. What's it to you if Iran can't buy our products? Oh wait, we don't make many products anymore.

You idiot, we gave them Billions then tore up the deal that prevented them from going Nuclear. That was smart. If you thought they were so bad giving them start up funds and taking the cuffs off doesnt seem like a smart move. But, you're not a smart person.
That’s a funny parody saying the Obama deal prevented Iran from going nuke.
Once again, president Trump just forced Congress to do its job.

The Iran deal was President Obama's personal unconstitutional treaty. After he completed the deal he ran straight to the UN to have it ratified before ever allowing Congress to even look at it.
-- so much for the most transparent Administration evuh.

If Democrats and Republicans still want this deal they will have to legally and constitutionally have it by passing their own legislation.

President Trump is exposing to all Americans just how broken Congress is.

He is also showing there is more than one way to drain a swamp...

Sorry bud, but all Trump did was prove his word means nothing and allow the Iranians to build whatever they like without those agreements in place. Good thing too, a nuclear Iran AND our words and agreements meaning nothing are good things, right?

On positives can come from going back on your word over semantics.

Thats on Trump ad he cant put that on anyone else
Are you mad?
The deal allows Iran to continue enriching uranium and prevents us from checking up on them by not allowing us on any of their military installations. When I ran demanded that they be allowed to continue to enrich uranium we should have walked away from the table.

United States should have walked away from the table when I ran Marcus as we sat there, while the Shah of Iran called for the destruction of the United States during the Goshi ation, while the Iranian Air Force practiced bombing Mark u.s. aircraft carriers during the negotiations.

President Obama wanted this so bad as part of his legacy he was willing to give away just about anything. After declaring that we do not leave Americans behind, he wanted this personal treaty so badly that he refused to even ask for us hostages back as part of the deal. He wanted this deal so badly that he refused to demand that Iran ceased terrorists and terrorists surrogate activity throughout the Middle East as part of the deal.

I'm not quite sure that if Iran had demanded that President Obama turn over his wife and two daughters as part of the deal if he would not have at least considered it...

Only a Madman ... or politician desperate to secure a legacy ... would have remained at the table and agreed to such a one-sided 'surrender'

So when we inspected their facilities and saw they've been compliant you're doing the old Iraq war run around saying that the proof isnt real. Well, golly thats original.

And the deal shouldve been done another way. Thats some new material there!

And it all sucks so bad that going back on a deal we agreed to is just like the deal itself. MORE NEW STUFF! Never heard that before! (Healthcare, Iran Deal, Paris Agreement etc etc)
It was widely reported that Iran was caught VIOLATING THE TEMP TERMS / CONDITIONS put in place while Barry negotiated his 'deal' ... and he still stayed at the table when we should have walked away JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER NATION DID.

(Gee, the last time every other nation pulled out and Barry refused to AMERICANS WERE KILLED!)

- Iran mocked the US and Barry
-- Barry stayed at the table

- The Sha called for the destruction of the US
--- Barry stayed at the table

- Iran's military practiced bombing a mock US aircraft carrier
--- Barry stayed at the table

- Iran demanded the right to keep enriching Uranium
-- Barry said 'ok' and stayed at the table

- Iran said no access to their based
-- Barry said 'ok' and stayed at the table

- Barry refused to ask for US hostages
--- But he says no Americans left behind

- Barry refused to ask for an end to supporting terrorism in the ME

- Barry agreed to an end to sanctions and giving them a butt-load of money

Iran got everything they wanted....

Once it was done he ran to the UN to have it ratified without letting Congress read it. Even when he let Congress read it he did not let all of Congress read it

This was a complete Un-Constitutional f*-up that benefitted our enemy. This was Barry's version of Bill Clinton giving North Korea 2 reactors and thus a nuclear weapons program capable of reaching the US.
Once again, president Trump just forced Congress to do its job.

The Iran deal was President Obama's personal unconstitutional treaty. After he completed the deal he ran straight to the UN to have it ratified before ever allowing Congress to even look at it.
-- so much for the most transparent Administration evuh.

If Democrats and Republicans still want this deal they will have to legally and constitutionally have it by passing their own legislation.

President Trump is exposing to all Americans just how broken Congress is.

He is also showing there is more than one way to drain a swamp...

Sorry bud, but all Trump did was prove his word means nothing and allow the Iranians to build whatever they like without those agreements in place. Good thing too, a nuclear Iran AND our words and agreements meaning nothing are good things, right?

On positives can come from going back on your word over semantics.

Thats on Trump ad he cant put that on anyone else
Are you mad?
The deal allows Iran to continue enriching uranium and prevents us from checking up on them by not allowing us on any of their military installations. When I ran demanded that they be allowed to continue to enrich uranium we should have walked away from the table.

United States should have walked away from the table when I ran Marcus as we sat there, while the Shah of Iran called for the destruction of the United States during the Goshi ation, while the Iranian Air Force practiced bombing Mark u.s. aircraft carriers during the negotiations.

President Obama wanted this so bad as part of his legacy he was willing to give away just about anything. After declaring that we do not leave Americans behind, he wanted this personal treaty so badly that he refused to even ask for us hostages back as part of the deal. He wanted this deal so badly that he refused to demand that Iran ceased terrorists and terrorists surrogate activity throughout the Middle East as part of the deal.

I'm not quite sure that if Iran had demanded that President Obama turn over his wife and two daughters as part of the deal if he would not have at least considered it...

Only a Madman ... or politician desperate to secure a legacy ... would have remained at the table and agreed to such a one-sided 'surrender'

So when we inspected their facilities and saw they've been compliant you're doing the old Iraq war run around saying that the proof isnt real. Well, golly thats original.

And the deal shouldve been done another way. Thats some new material there!

And it all sucks so bad that going back on a deal we agreed to is just like the deal itself. MORE NEW STUFF! Never heard that before! (Healthcare, Iran Deal, Paris Agreement etc etc)
It was widely reported that Iran was caught VIOLATING THE TEMP TERMS / CONDITIONS put in place while Barry negotiated his 'deal' ... and he still stayed at the table when we should have walked away JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER NATION DID.

(Gee, the last time every other nation pulled out and Barry refused to AMERICANS WERE KILLED!)

- Iran mocked the US and Barry
-- Barry stayed at the table

- The Sha called for the destruction of the US
--- Barry stayed at the table

- Iran's military practiced bombing a mock US aircraft carrier
--- Barry stayed at the table

- Iran demanded the right to keep enriching Uranium
-- Barry said 'ok' and stayed at the table

- Iran said no access to their based
-- Barry said 'ok' and stayed at the table

- Barry refused to ask for US hostages
--- But he says no Americans left behind

- Barry refused to ask for an end to supporting terrorism in the ME

- Barry agreed to an end to sanctions and giving them a butt-load of money

Iran got everything they wanted....

Once it was done he ran to the UN to have it ratified without letting Congress read it. Even when he let Congress read it he did not let all of Congress read it

This was a complete Un-Constitutional f*-up that benefitted our enemy. This was Barry's version of Bill Clinton giving North Korea 2 reactors and thus a nuclear weapons program capable of reaching the US.

Maybe if you keep repeating that the reports of them complying are lies like the good old Iraq debacle and rely on just saying how everything is already bad then you can convince yourself that anything done to those bad ideas are better ideas. But thats not your angle. You dont say how things are better, your schtick is to just say everything is bad so everything is ok.

Thats you. Congrats. Now Iran can build all the nukes they want AND we gave them their BILLIONS as start up capital. Sounds like a fucking winner!
This took guts. I applaud President Trump for doing it. The iran deal guaranteed us that Iran would get Nukes after ten years, at best. Trump was right that it was the worst deal ever negotiated.

And yet all allied leaders are saying don't get rid of this deal. Now, here's the thing, is Trump more intelligent than these other people, or is it that they're more intelligent than Trump?

Basically Trump needs side show attractions to divert attention away from his idiocies, and Iran, along with North Korea, provide that. So he's going to have to do some more sabre rattling to get what he wants.

I mean, it's govt run just so Trump can feel good about himself, screw the consequences for every other mother fucker in this world.
This person wants to change the narrative, lol. DEATH TO AMERICA! OK, let the senate agree to the deal, then run for election in 2018. You want the deal? Lobby your senator, and good luck to you!

The problem is, the deal is already in place. If we pull out of it, the other signatories on it will just ignore us and keep trading with Iran.

I'm sorry you don't get this, or don't want to get this, but Trump doesn't have all that much influence.

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Iran

Iran imports 87 Million in US goods and exports 172 million. Most of that is oil, so if they don't sell it to us, they'll sell it to someone else and we'll have to buy someone else's oil.

Now while that might sound like a lot of money, Iran's GDP is 400 Billion. We aren't even talking about 1/10th of 1% of their total GDP.

So the Orange Shitgibbon wants to tank the deal, it really doesn't stop Iran from going back to enriching Uranium if that's what they want to do.
This person wants to change the narrative, lol. DEATH TO AMERICA! OK, let the senate agree to the deal, then run for election in 2018. You want the deal? Lobby your senator, and good luck to you!

The problem is, the deal is already in place. If we pull out of it, the other signatories on it will just ignore us and keep trading with Iran.

Great! Europe can pay for their own security with the profit.
After Bill Clinton, anyone with 1/2 a brain knows that any negotiation with NK is useless-) Why they even fooled him. Of course, he was probably off with Monica somewhere when he made the deal!

I think you leave an important part of that equation out. Bill Clinton negotiated a deal where the Norks got food and reactors that can't be used to create weapon grade material in exchange for inspections. So the deal actually worked out.

Then George W. Stupid Came along, and put North Korea in an "Axis of Evil" along with IRan and Iraq, and then they invaded Iraq to get weapons that didn't exist. so if you are North Korea at that point, you hurry up and make you some nukes! Don't fuck with me, I've got Nukes!

Well, maybe North Korea will join them also. Now you know who your enemies are. Remember what Obama said when running against Romney, lol. See, Obama lied about that too, but why aren't the thinking people in the country surprised!

Actually, he said that the Cold War called and wants it's talking points back, and he was right. Russia is not the threat the USSR was and they still aren't.

And, no, nobody who voted for the Game Show Host can be accused of "thinking".

That’s a funny parody saying the Obama deal prevented Iran from going nuke.

Well, it happens to be true. Although I'm sure they'll go nuke soon enough now that the Orange Shitgibbon has tanked the deal.
Now Iran can build all the nukes they want AND we gave them their BILLIONS as start up capital. Sounds like a fucking winner!

What do you think they're doing now? Why do you think I ran demanded the right to continue to enrich uranium? The left made the same excuses and remarks after Clinton gave North Korea to reactors. The nuclear weapons fairy didn't simply bring them nuclear weapons overnight.
That asshole Obama was an idiot doing that deal with Iran and then giving them everything up front.How could any body be that stupid?

Probably the worst foreign policy deal ever made by the US.

However, Obama was never smart enough to do a deal like that. Being a dumbass affirmative action community organizer he probably couldn't even find Iran on a map. That was the dumbass that said that Hawaii was in Asia. The deal was Valarie Jarrett's doing. She was a Communist Iranian.

It would have been nice if that shithead Obama had cared as much about the US as he cared about those filthy ass Muslim countries.

These Moon Bats were morons electing him.

Good for Trump for undoing some of the damage down by Obama. Thank god he was elected instead of that Crooked Hillary piece of shit.

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