Trump Declares 'I Can Ban All Reporters From WH' - Snowflake Heads Explode

Can you explain to us what the press being a corporation has anything to do with its 1st Amendment protections?
can you explain to me why hiding behind the 1st amendment excuses bad behavior?
Can you explain to me your lust for dictators?

If Trump doesn't want to be challenged by the press so much, he needs to stop lying so much
can you explain to me why you can put words in my mouth or thoughts in my head? i don't agree with your assessment. that doesn't give me a lust for dictators anymore than if i said you have a lust for anarchy. people in general need to get their fucking heads out of the "extreme" and stop pretending the world is your way or 100% the other.
Because he needs a boogerman to justify his hatred.
So you're back to tiny trump, I see.
Yeah, he is your boogerman.
The Press are the representatives of the People, in this regard.

Our public sector is public, not private.
Now tat is funny as hell.

The Press is a corporation that does what it does for profit and money. They have no motive to be representatives of the people, and if they did, they still would not be as they are NOT elected by the people.
Yea, you hate the first amendment, we get it
I actually love the FIrst Amendment and when I see government violating the First, I am one of the very first to stand up and condemn it

Perhaps you could actually respond to what I wrote regarding the laughable notion that the press are representatives of the people?

They know why?

Because when Nixon was running his criminal enterprise, it was the press that told you about it

When Vietnam was becoming nothing but a quagmire -- it was the press that told you about it

When people in the south were being beaten, butchered, and murdered, it was the press that told you about it

The press, journalists -- not TV pundits on FOX, MSNBC or CNN -- journalists

But if you want to be a good little cult follower, you rely on Trump to tell you all the information you need to know -- I will rely on "JOURNALISTS"
I know you think you answered, but you really didn't.

Answer one simple question.

Who elected them? In order to represent the people, they have to be elected. They don't even have the best interest of the people in mind. They are strictly 'give us cash and attention'

The press is a profit motivated entity looking to sensationalize the tiniest little thing in order to generate revenue. You go ahead an worship them, thinking that they have some kind of virtue-driven need to expose the truth, and I'll continue to treat them for exactly what they are.


The First Amendment is broken when the government prevents the press from writing what they want to write. To date, none of that has happened.
What a ridiculous point of view
I see no answer that shows any violation of the first amendment. Only wild conjectures.
You don't get it, and it's by your own design. Obama gets on his knees every night and thanks the Fed Reserve for helping him out for his entire 8 years.. It was the weakest post recession economy since the depression.
I wish you folks will make your mind up

First you say Obama destroyed and ruined America -- then concede that "yea, the economy isn't destroyed, but that's because of the Feds" --- whom you also hate

Let's see how you deflect out of this one....Obama lowered the black unemployment rate by more than Trump did -- except, republicans didn't care about black unemployment rates until Trump got elected

Tell me how its a bad thing that Obama lowered the black unemployment rate by over 7% and its a good thing that Trump lowered it by over 1%?

Let the deflection begin
Biff......will you show me where I said that Obama DESTROYED OUR ECONOMY! Go ahead, show me one of my posts that states that.
This is just one of your deflections from the truth. Until then STFU!
Oh suck a dick with that "I didn't personally say he destroyed our economy"

But you will definitely agree with the millions of times you idiots claimed Obama destroyed not only the economy, but America -- you just pissed that facts aint on your side, and to that I say...and?
obammy's regulations stopped the US of A. stopped it. silenced the private sector and drove jobs into other economies. globalist!!! it's all he was. It's why I'm a nationalist!!! My patriotism is to the US of A not the globe.
What regulation stopped the USA??

I'll wait while you vomit up more incoherent non-sense
It doesn't matter. It's been proven a 1000 times that you scum don't accept facts when they prove you wrong.
Oh how about the climate change shit Trump left. That was enough with the epa regulations to cripple many industries.
I wish you folks will make your mind up

First you say Obama destroyed and ruined America -- then concede that "yea, the economy isn't destroyed, but that's because of the Feds" --- whom you also hate

Let's see how you deflect out of this one....Obama lowered the black unemployment rate by more than Trump did -- except, republicans didn't care about black unemployment rates until Trump got elected

Tell me how its a bad thing that Obama lowered the black unemployment rate by over 7% and its a good thing that Trump lowered it by over 1%?

Let the deflection begin
Biff......will you show me where I said that Obama DESTROYED OUR ECONOMY! Go ahead, show me one of my posts that states that.
This is just one of your deflections from the truth. Until then STFU!
Oh suck a dick with that "I didn't personally say he destroyed our economy"

But you will definitely agree with the millions of times you idiots claimed Obama destroyed not only the economy, but America -- you just pissed that facts aint on your side, and to that I say...and?
obammy's regulations stopped the US of A. stopped it. silenced the private sector and drove jobs into other economies. globalist!!! it's all he was. It's why I'm a nationalist!!! My patriotism is to the US of A not the globe.
What regulation stopped the USA??

I'll wait while you vomit up more incoherent non-sense
It doesn't matter. It's been proven a 1000 times that you scum don't accept facts when they prove you wrong.
and Trump has lied 8 times since you typed that bullshit comment
Biff......will you show me where I said that Obama DESTROYED OUR ECONOMY! Go ahead, show me one of my posts that states that.
This is just one of your deflections from the truth. Until then STFU!
Oh suck a dick with that "I didn't personally say he destroyed our economy"

But you will definitely agree with the millions of times you idiots claimed Obama destroyed not only the economy, but America -- you just pissed that facts aint on your side, and to that I say...and?
obammy's regulations stopped the US of A. stopped it. silenced the private sector and drove jobs into other economies. globalist!!! it's all he was. It's why I'm a nationalist!!! My patriotism is to the US of A not the globe.
What regulation stopped the USA??

I'll wait while you vomit up more incoherent non-sense
It doesn't matter. It's been proven a 1000 times that you scum don't accept facts when they prove you wrong.
and Trump has lied 8 times since you typed that bullshit comment
We don't care. His lying is what we love about him.
It must be a pathetic existence to think "making libs angry" is an accomplishment.
I would also add these people are so short sighted they are either too blind or too dumb to see that Trump will gone, most likely, in two years. The next president may very well use Trump's precedent, if it upholds, to ban any reporters they do not like.

We already know the Trumpist does not like the free press. We know Trump hates the free press. They want a compliant press. November 8th was a resounding rejection of Trumpism and its warped view of the constitution and democratic institutions. Trump and Trumpers can't come to grips with the Country's rejection of their twisted ideology.

Yeah, let Trump be Trump and watch his poll numbers go lower and lower.
well he's following the precedent set by obama to attack the media.

if you're gonna try and sound like you're seeing the whole picture, you need to include little nuggets like that.
Obama had his issues with Fox, but he never threatened to pull its FCC license, never threatened to pull its reporters credentials, and damn sure never called them the enemy of the people. Your post was making a false equivalency.
and you're not being honest with what obama did cause you hate trump and all. first of all - you talked about setting a precedent. so EVEN IF trump is worse than obama, my main point is that obama set the precedent. now - many people who's job it is to be a journalist also agree obama was worse, so you can take it up with them if you like - i'm not gonna split farts with you on it.

Barack Obama’s press freedom legacy
“This is the most closed, control freak administration I’ve ever covered,” said Sanger in a 2013 CPJ report, “The Obama Administration and the Press.” The report’s author, former Washington Post Executive Editor Leonard Downie, Jr., declared, “The administration’s war on leaks and other efforts to control information are the most aggressive I’ve seen since the Nixon administration.” As journalists often note, the Obama administration has prosecuted more leakers under the 1917 Espionage Act than all former presidents combined.

Opinion | If Donald Trump Targets Journalists, Thank Obama
Under Mr. Obama, the Justice Department and the F.B.I. have spied on reporters by monitoring their phone records, labeled one journalist an unindicted co-conspirator in a criminal case for simply doing reporting and issued subpoenas to other reporters to try to force them to reveal their sources and testify in criminal cases.

President Obama’s War on Journalists
“The Obama administration’s unprecedented pursuit of criminal liability against security leakers threatens to rope in the Fourth Estate,” wrote Stanford’s Jennifer Granick and Morgan Weiland for Forbes. (Weiland used to work for the far-left Media Matters.) “The message? Don’t report national security stories or you will become a target.”

Obama's Escalating War on Freedom of the Press | HuffPost
That court decision came seven days after the Justice Department released its “News Media Policies” report announcing “significant revisions to the Department’s policies regarding investigations that involve members of the news media.” The report offered assurances that “members of the news media will not be subject to prosecution based solely on newsgathering activities.” (Hey thanks!) But the document quickly added that the government will take such action “as a last resort” when seeking information that is “essential to a successful investigation or prosecution.”

Translation: We won’t prosecute journalists for doing their jobs unless we really want to.

Trump's war on press no match for Obama's
And, in fairness to Trump, his administration has not escalated the conflict with the press to a new level. It has not yet come close to doing what President Obama's administration did in making the act of reporting itself criminal behavior in a case that started in 2009 under the Espionage Act of 1917.
and i won't even get to what he did to sharyl attkisson and other journalists individually.

so - are you willing to be "honest" here and not a biased cheerleader screaming ORANGE MAN BAD - ORANGE MAN MAKES ME SAD and shit or is that your only real goal?
For sake of argument I will concede all you say is true. Does it make any difference how Obama treated the press? Each President will push the barrier further and further until the FIRST Amendment is a shell of what the framers intended. At some point, the people have to say enough is a enough.

Obama's policy towards the press was troubling. He never crossed the threshold of calling the press was the enemy which btw is a first for a President. Even Nixon never went that far.

Once a precedent is created it is hard to walk back. Bush started with signing statements to undercut passed legislation; Obama then expanded the use of EOs; Trump is now pushing EO's even further.

I will also add the first amendment is under stress. The press is under financial stress and the "dark press" as it should be called, is undermining our faith in news and truth. We do not need a president who is pouring gasoline on an inferno.
It must be a pathetic existence to think "making libs angry" is an accomplishment.
I would also add these people are so short sighted they are either too blind or too dumb to see that Trump will gone, most likely, in two years. The next president may very well use Trump's precedent, if it upholds, to ban any reporters they do not like.

We already know the Trumpist does not like the free press. We know Trump hates the free press. They want a compliant press. November 8th was a resounding rejection of Trumpism and its warped view of the constitution and democratic institutions. Trump and Trumpers can't come to grips with the Country's rejection of their twisted ideology.

Yeah, let Trump be Trump and watch his poll numbers go lower and lower.
well he's following the precedent set by obama to attack the media.

if you're gonna try and sound like you're seeing the whole picture, you need to include little nuggets like that.
Obama had his issues with Fox, but he never threatened to pull its FCC license, never threatened to pull its reporters credentials, and damn sure never called them the enemy of the people. Your post was making a false equivalency.
and you're not being honest with what obama did cause you hate trump and all. first of all - you talked about setting a precedent. so EVEN IF trump is worse than obama, my main point is that obama set the precedent. now - many people who's job it is to be a journalist also agree obama was worse, so you can take it up with them if you like - i'm not gonna split farts with you on it.

Barack Obama’s press freedom legacy
“This is the most closed, control freak administration I’ve ever covered,” said Sanger in a 2013 CPJ report, “The Obama Administration and the Press.” The report’s author, former Washington Post Executive Editor Leonard Downie, Jr., declared, “The administration’s war on leaks and other efforts to control information are the most aggressive I’ve seen since the Nixon administration.” As journalists often note, the Obama administration has prosecuted more leakers under the 1917 Espionage Act than all former presidents combined.

Opinion | If Donald Trump Targets Journalists, Thank Obama
Under Mr. Obama, the Justice Department and the F.B.I. have spied on reporters by monitoring their phone records, labeled one journalist an unindicted co-conspirator in a criminal case for simply doing reporting and issued subpoenas to other reporters to try to force them to reveal their sources and testify in criminal cases.

President Obama’s War on Journalists
“The Obama administration’s unprecedented pursuit of criminal liability against security leakers threatens to rope in the Fourth Estate,” wrote Stanford’s Jennifer Granick and Morgan Weiland for Forbes. (Weiland used to work for the far-left Media Matters.) “The message? Don’t report national security stories or you will become a target.”

Obama's Escalating War on Freedom of the Press | HuffPost
That court decision came seven days after the Justice Department released its “News Media Policies” report announcing “significant revisions to the Department’s policies regarding investigations that involve members of the news media.” The report offered assurances that “members of the news media will not be subject to prosecution based solely on newsgathering activities.” (Hey thanks!) But the document quickly added that the government will take such action “as a last resort” when seeking information that is “essential to a successful investigation or prosecution.”

Translation: We won’t prosecute journalists for doing their jobs unless we really want to.

Trump's war on press no match for Obama's
And, in fairness to Trump, his administration has not escalated the conflict with the press to a new level. It has not yet come close to doing what President Obama's administration did in making the act of reporting itself criminal behavior in a case that started in 2009 under the Espionage Act of 1917.
and i won't even get to what he did to sharyl attkisson and other journalists individually.

so - are you willing to be "honest" here and not a biased cheerleader screaming ORANGE MAN BAD - ORANGE MAN MAKES ME SAD and shit or is that your only real goal?
For sake of argument I will concede all you say is true. Does it make any difference how Obama treated the press? Each President will push the barrier further and further until the FIRST Amendment is a shell of what the framers intended. At some point, the people have to say enough is a enough.

Obama's policy towards the press was troubling. He never crossed the threshold of calling the press was the enemy which btw is a first for a President. Even Nixon never went that far.

Once a precedent is created it is hard to walk back. Bush started with signing statements to undercut passed legislation; Obama then expanded the use of EOs; Trump is now pushing EO's even further.

I will also add the first amendment is under stress. The press is under financial stress and the "dark press" as it should be called, is undermining our faith in news and truth. We do not need a president who is pouring gasoline on an inferno.
I fiberals couldn't deflect, what would they do? What the post you are trying to deflect from is doing, is simply pointing out the non-stop hypocrisy of liberals.
Biff......will you show me where I said that Obama DESTROYED OUR ECONOMY! Go ahead, show me one of my posts that states that.
This is just one of your deflections from the truth. Until then STFU!
Oh suck a dick with that "I didn't personally say he destroyed our economy"

But you will definitely agree with the millions of times you idiots claimed Obama destroyed not only the economy, but America -- you just pissed that facts aint on your side, and to that I say...and?
obammy's regulations stopped the US of A. stopped it. silenced the private sector and drove jobs into other economies. globalist!!! it's all he was. It's why I'm a nationalist!!! My patriotism is to the US of A not the globe.
What regulation stopped the USA??

I'll wait while you vomit up more incoherent non-sense
It doesn't matter. It's been proven a 1000 times that you scum don't accept facts when they prove you wrong.
and Trump has lied 8 times since you typed that bullshit comment
Got to love this tds
It must be a pathetic existence to think "making libs angry" is an accomplishment.
I would also add these people are so short sighted they are either too blind or too dumb to see that Trump will gone, most likely, in two years. The next president may very well use Trump's precedent, if it upholds, to ban any reporters they do not like.

We already know the Trumpist does not like the free press. We know Trump hates the free press. They want a compliant press. November 8th was a resounding rejection of Trumpism and its warped view of the constitution and democratic institutions. Trump and Trumpers can't come to grips with the Country's rejection of their twisted ideology.

Yeah, let Trump be Trump and watch his poll numbers go lower and lower.
well he's following the precedent set by obama to attack the media.

if you're gonna try and sound like you're seeing the whole picture, you need to include little nuggets like that.
Obama had his issues with Fox, but he never threatened to pull its FCC license, never threatened to pull its reporters credentials, and damn sure never called them the enemy of the people. Your post was making a false equivalency.
and you're not being honest with what obama did cause you hate trump and all. first of all - you talked about setting a precedent. so EVEN IF trump is worse than obama, my main point is that obama set the precedent. now - many people who's job it is to be a journalist also agree obama was worse, so you can take it up with them if you like - i'm not gonna split farts with you on it.

Barack Obama’s press freedom legacy
“This is the most closed, control freak administration I’ve ever covered,” said Sanger in a 2013 CPJ report, “The Obama Administration and the Press.” The report’s author, former Washington Post Executive Editor Leonard Downie, Jr., declared, “The administration’s war on leaks and other efforts to control information are the most aggressive I’ve seen since the Nixon administration.” As journalists often note, the Obama administration has prosecuted more leakers under the 1917 Espionage Act than all former presidents combined.

Opinion | If Donald Trump Targets Journalists, Thank Obama
Under Mr. Obama, the Justice Department and the F.B.I. have spied on reporters by monitoring their phone records, labeled one journalist an unindicted co-conspirator in a criminal case for simply doing reporting and issued subpoenas to other reporters to try to force them to reveal their sources and testify in criminal cases.

President Obama’s War on Journalists
“The Obama administration’s unprecedented pursuit of criminal liability against security leakers threatens to rope in the Fourth Estate,” wrote Stanford’s Jennifer Granick and Morgan Weiland for Forbes. (Weiland used to work for the far-left Media Matters.) “The message? Don’t report national security stories or you will become a target.”

Obama's Escalating War on Freedom of the Press | HuffPost
That court decision came seven days after the Justice Department released its “News Media Policies” report announcing “significant revisions to the Department’s policies regarding investigations that involve members of the news media.” The report offered assurances that “members of the news media will not be subject to prosecution based solely on newsgathering activities.” (Hey thanks!) But the document quickly added that the government will take such action “as a last resort” when seeking information that is “essential to a successful investigation or prosecution.”

Translation: We won’t prosecute journalists for doing their jobs unless we really want to.

Trump's war on press no match for Obama's
And, in fairness to Trump, his administration has not escalated the conflict with the press to a new level. It has not yet come close to doing what President Obama's administration did in making the act of reporting itself criminal behavior in a case that started in 2009 under the Espionage Act of 1917.
and i won't even get to what he did to sharyl attkisson and other journalists individually.

so - are you willing to be "honest" here and not a biased cheerleader screaming ORANGE MAN BAD - ORANGE MAN MAKES ME SAD and shit or is that your only real goal?
For sake of argument I will concede all you say is true. Does it make any difference how Obama treated the press? Each President will push the barrier further and further until the FIRST Amendment is a shell of what the framers intended. At some point, the people have to say enough is a enough.

Obama's policy towards the press was troubling. He never crossed the threshold of calling the press was the enemy which btw is a first for a President. Even Nixon never went that far.

Once a precedent is created it is hard to walk back. Bush started with signing statements to undercut passed legislation; Obama then expanded the use of EOs; Trump is now pushing EO's even further.

I will also add the first amendment is under stress. The press is under financial stress and the "dark press" as it should be called, is undermining our faith in news and truth. We do not need a president who is pouring gasoline on an inferno.
dude you just said trump was setting a bad precedence.

i show you obama started that shit n now it doesnt matter how the press was treated? you are going out of you way to attack trump n excuse obama. obama may never have called the media (other than fox) the enemy of the people per se, but he damn sure treated them as such.

look up what he did to sharyl attkisson then come back defending him.
Last edited:
I would also add these people are so short sighted they are either too blind or too dumb to see that Trump will gone, most likely, in two years. The next president may very well use Trump's precedent, if it upholds, to ban any reporters they do not like.

We already know the Trumpist does not like the free press. We know Trump hates the free press. They want a compliant press. November 8th was a resounding rejection of Trumpism and its warped view of the constitution and democratic institutions. Trump and Trumpers can't come to grips with the Country's rejection of their twisted ideology.

Yeah, let Trump be Trump and watch his poll numbers go lower and lower.
well he's following the precedent set by obama to attack the media.

if you're gonna try and sound like you're seeing the whole picture, you need to include little nuggets like that.
Obama had his issues with Fox, but he never threatened to pull its FCC license, never threatened to pull its reporters credentials, and damn sure never called them the enemy of the people. Your post was making a false equivalency.
and you're not being honest with what obama did cause you hate trump and all. first of all - you talked about setting a precedent. so EVEN IF trump is worse than obama, my main point is that obama set the precedent. now - many people who's job it is to be a journalist also agree obama was worse, so you can take it up with them if you like - i'm not gonna split farts with you on it.

Barack Obama’s press freedom legacy
“This is the most closed, control freak administration I’ve ever covered,” said Sanger in a 2013 CPJ report, “The Obama Administration and the Press.” The report’s author, former Washington Post Executive Editor Leonard Downie, Jr., declared, “The administration’s war on leaks and other efforts to control information are the most aggressive I’ve seen since the Nixon administration.” As journalists often note, the Obama administration has prosecuted more leakers under the 1917 Espionage Act than all former presidents combined.

Opinion | If Donald Trump Targets Journalists, Thank Obama
Under Mr. Obama, the Justice Department and the F.B.I. have spied on reporters by monitoring their phone records, labeled one journalist an unindicted co-conspirator in a criminal case for simply doing reporting and issued subpoenas to other reporters to try to force them to reveal their sources and testify in criminal cases.

President Obama’s War on Journalists
“The Obama administration’s unprecedented pursuit of criminal liability against security leakers threatens to rope in the Fourth Estate,” wrote Stanford’s Jennifer Granick and Morgan Weiland for Forbes. (Weiland used to work for the far-left Media Matters.) “The message? Don’t report national security stories or you will become a target.”

Obama's Escalating War on Freedom of the Press | HuffPost
That court decision came seven days after the Justice Department released its “News Media Policies” report announcing “significant revisions to the Department’s policies regarding investigations that involve members of the news media.” The report offered assurances that “members of the news media will not be subject to prosecution based solely on newsgathering activities.” (Hey thanks!) But the document quickly added that the government will take such action “as a last resort” when seeking information that is “essential to a successful investigation or prosecution.”

Translation: We won’t prosecute journalists for doing their jobs unless we really want to.

Trump's war on press no match for Obama's
And, in fairness to Trump, his administration has not escalated the conflict with the press to a new level. It has not yet come close to doing what President Obama's administration did in making the act of reporting itself criminal behavior in a case that started in 2009 under the Espionage Act of 1917.
and i won't even get to what he did to sharyl attkisson and other journalists individually.

so - are you willing to be "honest" here and not a biased cheerleader screaming ORANGE MAN BAD - ORANGE MAN MAKES ME SAD and shit or is that your only real goal?
For sake of argument I will concede all you say is true. Does it make any difference how Obama treated the press? Each President will push the barrier further and further until the FIRST Amendment is a shell of what the framers intended. At some point, the people have to say enough is a enough.

Obama's policy towards the press was troubling. He never crossed the threshold of calling the press was the enemy which btw is a first for a President. Even Nixon never went that far.

Once a precedent is created it is hard to walk back. Bush started with signing statements to undercut passed legislation; Obama then expanded the use of EOs; Trump is now pushing EO's even further.

I will also add the first amendment is under stress. The press is under financial stress and the "dark press" as it should be called, is undermining our faith in news and truth. We do not need a president who is pouring gasoline on an inferno.
I fiberals couldn't deflect, what would they do? What the post you are trying to deflect from is doing, is simply pointing out the non-stop hypocrisy of liberals.

Says the guy who is trying to deflect from the fact that Trump openly picked a fight with a reporter solely to get him thrown out.

And he did it to deflect from his obstruction of justice in firing the AG. Stop pretending it’s anything else
well he's following the precedent set by obama to attack the media.

if you're gonna try and sound like you're seeing the whole picture, you need to include little nuggets like that.
Obama had his issues with Fox, but he never threatened to pull its FCC license, never threatened to pull its reporters credentials, and damn sure never called them the enemy of the people. Your post was making a false equivalency.
and you're not being honest with what obama did cause you hate trump and all. first of all - you talked about setting a precedent. so EVEN IF trump is worse than obama, my main point is that obama set the precedent. now - many people who's job it is to be a journalist also agree obama was worse, so you can take it up with them if you like - i'm not gonna split farts with you on it.

Barack Obama’s press freedom legacy
“This is the most closed, control freak administration I’ve ever covered,” said Sanger in a 2013 CPJ report, “The Obama Administration and the Press.” The report’s author, former Washington Post Executive Editor Leonard Downie, Jr., declared, “The administration’s war on leaks and other efforts to control information are the most aggressive I’ve seen since the Nixon administration.” As journalists often note, the Obama administration has prosecuted more leakers under the 1917 Espionage Act than all former presidents combined.

Opinion | If Donald Trump Targets Journalists, Thank Obama
Under Mr. Obama, the Justice Department and the F.B.I. have spied on reporters by monitoring their phone records, labeled one journalist an unindicted co-conspirator in a criminal case for simply doing reporting and issued subpoenas to other reporters to try to force them to reveal their sources and testify in criminal cases.

President Obama’s War on Journalists
“The Obama administration’s unprecedented pursuit of criminal liability against security leakers threatens to rope in the Fourth Estate,” wrote Stanford’s Jennifer Granick and Morgan Weiland for Forbes. (Weiland used to work for the far-left Media Matters.) “The message? Don’t report national security stories or you will become a target.”

Obama's Escalating War on Freedom of the Press | HuffPost
That court decision came seven days after the Justice Department released its “News Media Policies” report announcing “significant revisions to the Department’s policies regarding investigations that involve members of the news media.” The report offered assurances that “members of the news media will not be subject to prosecution based solely on newsgathering activities.” (Hey thanks!) But the document quickly added that the government will take such action “as a last resort” when seeking information that is “essential to a successful investigation or prosecution.”

Translation: We won’t prosecute journalists for doing their jobs unless we really want to.

Trump's war on press no match for Obama's
And, in fairness to Trump, his administration has not escalated the conflict with the press to a new level. It has not yet come close to doing what President Obama's administration did in making the act of reporting itself criminal behavior in a case that started in 2009 under the Espionage Act of 1917.
and i won't even get to what he did to sharyl attkisson and other journalists individually.

so - are you willing to be "honest" here and not a biased cheerleader screaming ORANGE MAN BAD - ORANGE MAN MAKES ME SAD and shit or is that your only real goal?
For sake of argument I will concede all you say is true. Does it make any difference how Obama treated the press? Each President will push the barrier further and further until the FIRST Amendment is a shell of what the framers intended. At some point, the people have to say enough is a enough.

Obama's policy towards the press was troubling. He never crossed the threshold of calling the press was the enemy which btw is a first for a President. Even Nixon never went that far.

Once a precedent is created it is hard to walk back. Bush started with signing statements to undercut passed legislation; Obama then expanded the use of EOs; Trump is now pushing EO's even further.

I will also add the first amendment is under stress. The press is under financial stress and the "dark press" as it should be called, is undermining our faith in news and truth. We do not need a president who is pouring gasoline on an inferno.
I fiberals couldn't deflect, what would they do? What the post you are trying to deflect from is doing, is simply pointing out the non-stop hypocrisy of liberals.

Says the guy who is trying to deflect from the fact that Trump openly picked a fight with a reporter solely to get him thrown out.

And he did it to deflect from his obstruction of justice in firing the AG. Stop pretending it’s anything else
so taking a question from acosta is openly picking a fight.

lord some people lie to themselves more than they ever will the rest of us.
I do wish he would. That would be great!

He could stand there and talk to himself.

perfect solution.
They should all just stop showing up at Sanders' bullshit sessions. It's not like she ever tells the truth, and there's rarely any real news to discuss.

trump's nearing a total meltdown.
oh my god - obama used bush as a crutch for 6 god damn years.
The damage Lil Bush left behind is still being felt to this day. trump was the best thing that ever happened to Dubyah. It knocked him from the top of the 'stupidest POTUS in history' list.
I do wish the Press would not bother with him when he leaves the WH, he craves attention.
That would absolutely drive him crazy. Unfortunately, there will be so much damage to clean up, he'll be in the news for his incompetence.

Which will make him almost as crazy...given his inability to discern fact from his delusions. He'll be convinced that he was the best POTUS in history.

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