Trump Declares 'I Can Ban All Reporters From WH' - Snowflake Heads Explode

Now tat is funny as hell.

The Press is a corporation that does what it does for profit and money. They have no motive to be representatives of the people, and if they did, they still would not be as they are NOT elected by the people.
Yea, you hate the first amendment, we get it
I actually love the FIrst Amendment and when I see government violating the First, I am one of the very first to stand up and condemn it

Perhaps you could actually respond to what I wrote regarding the laughable notion that the press are representatives of the people?

They know why?

Because when Nixon was running his criminal enterprise, it was the press that told you about it

When Vietnam was becoming nothing but a quagmire -- it was the press that told you about it

When people in the south were being beaten, butchered, and murdered, it was the press that told you about it

The press, journalists -- not TV pundits on FOX, MSNBC or CNN -- journalists

But if you want to be a good little cult follower, you rely on Trump to tell you all the information you need to know -- I will rely on "JOURNALISTS"
I know you think you answered, but you really didn't.

Answer one simple question.

Who elected them? In order to represent the people, they have to be elected. They don't even have the best interest of the people in mind. They are strictly 'give us cash and attention'

The press is a profit motivated entity looking to sensationalize the tiniest little thing in order to generate revenue. You go ahead an worship them, thinking that they have some kind of virtue-driven need to expose the truth, and I'll continue to treat them for exactly what they are.


The First Amendment is broken when the government prevents the press from writing what they want to write. To date, none of that has happened.
Let me know what the constitution says about the press having to be elected?

Your panties are in a bunch because the press isn't being a lap dog to Trump in the way that Hannity is -- not my problem

The press being lap dogs is how we ended up in Iraq
My panties are not in a bunch. I don't have to be upset to correctly analyze and paint an accurate picture of what 'The Press' actually is.

Let Me know what the Consitution says about who represents the people. A bunch of greedy, fear-mongering, political activists no more qualifies as a 'representative of the people' then any other greedy, fearmongering activist from...oh I don't know, say Russia.

Strikes Me that YOU and your ilk have your panties in a bunch because you're not allowed to insult a President you hate in the White House.

I personally think that they all need to register as activists, and file at least a 501c6 status.

Advocacy, Lobbying, and Political Activities
It’s not a forum for Acosta nor any individual reporter it is for all reporters to ask questions
Acosta does not ask questions he delivers opinions and when Trump does not endorse them or engage in debate about them then Acosta become disruptive, interruptive, aggressive and rude. That’s why he was booted and should have been

TRUMP called on Accosta for the sole purpose of provoking a confrontation. He had no intention of answering anything Accosta asked. This was simply Trump bullying CNN because he could. Trump could have called on any reporter in the room but he deliberately selected Accosta and then when Accosta asked his question he refused to answer and insulted him. This whole event in ALL ON TRUMP.

The the White House put out doctored video of the event. So don't try to tell us that Accosta brought this on himself. Trump orchestrated this event as a trial balloon for getting rid of media he doesn't like.

THAT's why FOX News is filing a brief in support of CNN
They want a berate and debate Trump conference and not a press conference
We say No, he say No.
The Press are the representatives of the People, in this regard.

Our public sector is public, not private.
Now that is funny as hell.

The Press is a corporation that does what it does for profit and money. They have no motive to be representatives of the people, and if they did, they still would not be as they are NOT elected by the people.
Can you explain to us what the press being a corporation has anything to do with its 1st Amendment protections?
can you explain to me why hiding behind the 1st amendment excuses bad behavior?
Can you explain to me your lust for dictators?

If Trump doesn't want to be challenged by the press so much, he needs to stop lying so much
can you explain to me why you can put words in my mouth or thoughts in my head? i don't agree with your assessment. that doesn't give me a lust for dictators anymore than if i said you have a lust for anarchy. people in general need to get their fucking heads out of the "extreme" and stop pretending the world is your way or 100% the other.
Because he needs a boogerman to justify his hatred.
Now that is funny as hell.

The Press is a corporation that does what it does for profit and money. They have no motive to be representatives of the people, and if they did, they still would not be as they are NOT elected by the people.
Can you explain to us what the press being a corporation has anything to do with its 1st Amendment protections?
can you explain to me why hiding behind the 1st amendment excuses bad behavior?
Can you explain to me your lust for dictators?

If Trump doesn't want to be challenged by the press so much, he needs to stop lying so much
can you explain to me why you can put words in my mouth or thoughts in my head? i don't agree with your assessment. that doesn't give me a lust for dictators anymore than if i said you have a lust for anarchy. people in general need to get their fucking heads out of the "extreme" and stop pretending the world is your way or 100% the other.
Because he needs a boogerman to justify his hatred.
that's what it all comes down to.

emotional insurance.
It’s not a forum for Acosta nor any individual reporter it is for all reporters to ask questions
Acosta does not ask questions he delivers opinions and when Trump does not endorse them or engage in debate about them then Acosta become disruptive, interruptive, aggressive and rude. That’s why he was booted and should have been

TRUMP called on Accosta for the sole purpose of provoking a confrontation. He had no intention of answering anything Accosta asked. This was simply Trump bullying CNN because he could. Trump could have called on any reporter in the room but he deliberately selected Accosta and then when Accosta asked his question he refused to answer and insulted him. This whole event in ALL ON TRUMP.

The the White House put out doctored video of the event. So don't try to tell us that Accosta brought this on himself. Trump orchestrated this event as a trial balloon for getting rid of media he doesn't like.

THAT's why FOX News is filing a brief in support of CNN
good god the bullshit can get strong as the left struggles to even believe their own bullshit anymore.
In response to CNN's ridiculous law suit suing the WH for the 'right' of reporters to be rude, hijack Press Conferences, and throw a tantrum if they do not get their way, President Trump responded by declaring....

"I can ban ALL reporters from the WH, not
just CNN's rude a**hole Acosta!"

The Liberal / snowflake response was as expected:


The funny fact is the President is right - he can 'ban' every reporter from the WH. Doing so does not violate their Constitutional right of a 'free press' / to report any news they want...God knows banning Acosta has not stopped CNN from continuing to report Fake News!


'Banning' every reporter can be accomplished as easily and legally as simply declaring the President will no longer hold any Press Conferences until the media learns some respect, how to act and carry out their jobs professionally...

No Press Conference, no need for WH access....

The a Liberal Press has met its match in a President who won't take their fake news / shit laying down like every other Republican / Conservative President has. The corrupt press is being challenged, and they don't like it.

F* 'em! Bwuhahahahaha!

Trump seeks to land blow against media in court fight with CNN

"CNN argued in its lawsuit filed Tuesday that the White House infringed on Acosta's First Amendment rights by revoking his access in response to a dispute over a press conference last week."

No one is preventing CNN from reporting the news, as pointed out. CNN is pissed they don't get to run WH Press Conferences, that they can not impose their will on Trump and 'beat him into line', are not being allowed to call the President a 'racist' and 'white supremacist' during Press Conferences....

“The only sure bulwark of continuing liberty is a government strong enough to protect the interests of the people, and a people strong enough and well enough informed to maintain its sovereign control over the government.”
― Franklin Delano Roosevelt

The Press are the representatives of the People, in this regard.

Our public sector is public, not private.
Now that is funny as hell.

The Press is a corporation that does what it does for profit and money. They have no motive to be representatives of the people, and if they did, they still would not be as they are NOT elected by the people.
Yea, you hate the first amendment, we get it
I actually love the FIrst Amendment and when I see government violating the First, I am one of the very first to stand up and condemn it

Perhaps you could actually respond to what I wrote regarding the laughable notion that the press are representatives of the people?

They know why?

Because when Nixon was running his criminal enterprise, it was the press that told you about it

When Vietnam was becoming nothing but a quagmire -- it was the press that told you about it

When people in the south were being beaten, butchered, and murdered, it was the press that told you about it

The press, journalists -- not TV pundits on FOX, MSNBC or CNN -- journalists

But if you want to be a good little cult follower, you rely on Trump to tell you all the information you need to know -- I will rely on "JOURNALISTS"

The press didn't tell us about Hillary and the DNC shenanigans

Russia had to do it

The Press are the representatives of the People, in this regard.

Our public sector is public, not private.
Now that is funny as hell.

The Press is a corporation that does what it does for profit and money. They have no motive to be representatives of the people, and if they did, they still would not be as they are NOT elected by the people.
Yea, you hate the first amendment, we get it
I actually love the FIrst Amendment and when I see government violating the First, I am one of the very first to stand up and condemn it

Perhaps you could actually respond to what I wrote regarding the laughable notion that the press are representatives of the people?

They know why?

Because when Nixon was running his criminal enterprise, it was the press that told you about it

When Vietnam was becoming nothing but a quagmire -- it was the press that told you about it

When people in the south were being beaten, butchered, and murdered, it was the press that told you about it

The press, journalists -- not TV pundits on FOX, MSNBC or CNN -- journalists

But if you want to be a good little cult follower, you rely on Trump to tell you all the information you need to know -- I will rely on "JOURNALISTS"

The press didn't tell us about Hillary and the DNC shenanigans

Russia had to do it

Actually, the NY Times broke the story back in 2015 -- but its ok if you get your news from Russians
It’s not a forum for Acosta nor any individual reporter it is for all reporters to ask questions
Acosta does not ask questions he delivers opinions and when Trump does not endorse them or engage in debate about them then Acosta become disruptive, interruptive, aggressive and rude. That’s why he was booted and should have been

TRUMP called on Accosta for the sole purpose of provoking a confrontation. He had no intention of answering anything Accosta asked. This was simply Trump bullying CNN because he could. Trump could have called on any reporter in the room but he deliberately selected Accosta and then when Accosta asked his question he refused to answer and insulted him. This whole event in ALL ON TRUMP.

The the White House put out doctored video of the event. So don't try to tell us that Accosta brought this on himself. Trump orchestrated this event as a trial balloon for getting rid of media he doesn't like.

THAT's why FOX News is filing a brief in support of CNN
good god the bullshit can get strong as the left struggles to even believe their own bullshit anymore.
Yes they say he called on Acosta to pick a fight
That’s called evaluating circumstances from a 3rd grade emotional point of view. But, that’s the libbie platform.
The Press are the representatives of the People, in this regard.

Our public sector is public, not private.
Now that is funny as hell.

The Press is a corporation that does what it does for profit and money. They have no motive to be representatives of the people, and if they did, they still would not be as they are NOT elected by the people.
Can you explain to us what the press being a corporation has anything to do with its 1st Amendment protections?
can you explain to me why hiding behind the 1st amendment excuses bad behavior?
Can you explain to me your lust for dictators?

If Trump doesn't want to be challenged by the press so much, he needs to stop lying so much
can you explain to me why you can put words in my mouth or thoughts in my head? i don't agree with your assessment. that doesn't give me a lust for dictators anymore than if i said you have a lust for anarchy. people in general need to get their fucking heads out of the "extreme" and stop pretending the world is your way or 100% the other.
Says the person who wants the 1st A changed because the press gives Trump the sads
It would be quite something if he were, indeed, to ban the press entirely. The results would be interesting to witness. It makes one wish he would.
Also interesting would be for the press, out of solidarity, to boycott the White House.
It’s not a forum for Acosta nor any individual reporter it is for all reporters to ask questions
Acosta does not ask questions he delivers opinions and when Trump does not endorse them or engage in debate about them then Acosta become disruptive, interruptive, aggressive and rude. That’s why he was booted and should have been

TRUMP called on Accosta for the sole purpose of provoking a confrontation. He had no intention of answering anything Accosta asked. This was simply Trump bullying CNN because he could. Trump could have called on any reporter in the room but he deliberately selected Accosta and then when Accosta asked his question he refused to answer and insulted him. This whole event in ALL ON TRUMP.

The the White House put out doctored video of the event. So don't try to tell us that Accosta brought this on himself. Trump orchestrated this event as a trial balloon for getting rid of media he doesn't like.

THAT's why FOX News is filing a brief in support of CNN
good god the bullshit can get strong as the left struggles to even believe their own bullshit anymore.
Yes they say he called on Acosta to pick a fight
That’s called evaluating circumstances from a 3rd grade emotional point of view. But, that’s the libbie platform.

they say whatever they need to in order to justify their inner-emo.
Now that is funny as hell.

The Press is a corporation that does what it does for profit and money. They have no motive to be representatives of the people, and if they did, they still would not be as they are NOT elected by the people.
Can you explain to us what the press being a corporation has anything to do with its 1st Amendment protections?
can you explain to me why hiding behind the 1st amendment excuses bad behavior?
Can you explain to me your lust for dictators?

If Trump doesn't want to be challenged by the press so much, he needs to stop lying so much
can you explain to me why you can put words in my mouth or thoughts in my head? i don't agree with your assessment. that doesn't give me a lust for dictators anymore than if i said you have a lust for anarchy. people in general need to get their fucking heads out of the "extreme" and stop pretending the world is your way or 100% the other.
Says the person who wants the 1st A changed because the press gives Trump the sads
great. now show me where i said the 1st amendment needs to be changed.

stop making shit up.
Trump Declares 'I Can Ban All Reporters From WH'

he can throw them in prison or shoot them like his communist lover Kim Un does too .
Now that is funny as hell.

The Press is a corporation that does what it does for profit and money. They have no motive to be representatives of the people, and if they did, they still would not be as they are NOT elected by the people.
Yea, you hate the first amendment, we get it
I actually love the FIrst Amendment and when I see government violating the First, I am one of the very first to stand up and condemn it

Perhaps you could actually respond to what I wrote regarding the laughable notion that the press are representatives of the people?

They know why?

Because when Nixon was running his criminal enterprise, it was the press that told you about it

When Vietnam was becoming nothing but a quagmire -- it was the press that told you about it

When people in the south were being beaten, butchered, and murdered, it was the press that told you about it

The press, journalists -- not TV pundits on FOX, MSNBC or CNN -- journalists

But if you want to be a good little cult follower, you rely on Trump to tell you all the information you need to know -- I will rely on "JOURNALISTS"

The press didn't tell us about Hillary and the DNC shenanigans

Russia had to do it

Actually, the NY Times broke the story back in 2015 -- but its ok if you get your news from Russians

Can you explain to us what the press being a corporation has anything to do with its 1st Amendment protections?
can you explain to me why hiding behind the 1st amendment excuses bad behavior?
Can you explain to me your lust for dictators?

If Trump doesn't want to be challenged by the press so much, he needs to stop lying so much
can you explain to me why you can put words in my mouth or thoughts in my head? i don't agree with your assessment. that doesn't give me a lust for dictators anymore than if i said you have a lust for anarchy. people in general need to get their fucking heads out of the "extreme" and stop pretending the world is your way or 100% the other.
Says the person who wants the 1st A changed because the press gives Trump the sads
great. now show me where i said the 1st amendment needs to be changed.

stop making shit up.
When you dick suckers say nothing but cheer when Trump openly calls for the 1st A to be changed -- when you get your bitch ass on here and whine about how the press is the enemy all because they don't kiss Trump's ass

Yes, you want it to be changed or outright abolished, period

Donald Trump Thinks the Freedom of the Press Is ‘Disgusting’
can you explain to me why hiding behind the 1st amendment excuses bad behavior?
Can you explain to me your lust for dictators?

If Trump doesn't want to be challenged by the press so much, he needs to stop lying so much
can you explain to me why you can put words in my mouth or thoughts in my head? i don't agree with your assessment. that doesn't give me a lust for dictators anymore than if i said you have a lust for anarchy. people in general need to get their fucking heads out of the "extreme" and stop pretending the world is your way or 100% the other.
Says the person who wants the 1st A changed because the press gives Trump the sads
great. now show me where i said the 1st amendment needs to be changed.

stop making shit up.
When you dick suckers say nothing but cheer when Trump openly calls for the 1st A to be changed -- when you get your bitch ass on here and whine about how the press is the enemy all because they don't kiss Trump's ass

Yes, you want it to be changed or outright abolished, period

Donald Trump Thinks the Freedom of the Press Is ‘Disgusting’
so - i never said it. and to you because i don't bash him 24x7 like you, i must be a dick sucker. what are you, 12? was the 4th grade the hardest 6 years of your life? what *IS* your problem.

but - again. i never said it. thank you. now go be shitlicking stupid elsewhere.
You liberal idiots need to explain how removing accoster’s hard pass violates his first amendment rights. There is nothing stopping him from reporting anything he wises to report. There is no right to harass or confront anyone, there is no right to be allowed to continually disrupt or attempt to control anyone else’s right of free speech, which is exactly what pile of shit accoster did. I want you pile of shit liberal to remember your BS when reporters ask all of your scum liars a question and They run away or have their bodyguards you always used “ racist racist when anyone asked your mess I ah treasonist any hard question about anything and were so shocked at their lack of respect for the president.
Now that is funny as hell.

The Press is a corporation that does what it does for profit and money. They have no motive to be representatives of the people, and if they did, they still would not be as they are NOT elected by the people.
Can you explain to us what the press being a corporation has anything to do with its 1st Amendment protections?
can you explain to me why hiding behind the 1st amendment excuses bad behavior?
Can you explain to me your lust for dictators?

If Trump doesn't want to be challenged by the press so much, he needs to stop lying so much
can you explain to me why you can put words in my mouth or thoughts in my head? i don't agree with your assessment. that doesn't give me a lust for dictators anymore than if i said you have a lust for anarchy. people in general need to get their fucking heads out of the "extreme" and stop pretending the world is your way or 100% the other.
Because he needs a boogerman to justify his hatred.
So you're back to tiny trump, I see.

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