Trump Defeats Castro Communists: Cuba Set to Open Up Its Economy

Yet another Commie nation falls to Capitalism.

Having nothing to do with Trump.



Is Trump taking credit for this too?

Yet another Commie nation falls to Capitalism.

Having nothing to do with Trump.
Oh let me guess. Trumps tough policies on Cuba was nothing. Biden put the screws to them!
That, and their main industry (tourism and prostitution) is dead thanks to their Communist comrades in China not being honest with their plagues.

Esso Cuba and Cuban Sugar was very successful until we drove them into the arms of the Soviets.

Jan 13, 2021 · Stories have and will continue to be written about how Trump's hard line on Cuba's Communist leaders played well with the Latino vote in Florida.

The voters didn't like 8 years of Obama sucking up to the Commie regime?
Yet another Commie nation falls to Capitalism.

Having nothing to do with Trump.



Is Trump taking credit for this too?

He should take credit. Per the print articles this is one reason Cuba announced they were going to open up the economy away from state controlled socialism. Specifically speaking American companies have done almost no business with them since Castro took over and of course travel there has been mostly non existent. The only real foreign groups doing business there are resort operators. I would not anticipate any sort of miracle there although modern foreign agriculture companies, if they feel they operations would not be confiscated, would be a god send. Modern farming is obsolete there, they import 80% of their food. Infrastructure is terrible. The Cuban government should return the property and real estate to the people they stole it from, or their ancestors many of which are in the USA. That would be a good start.

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