Trump Defends His Sons' Sick Hobby Of Killing Innocent Animals

You guys do realize every hamburger, steak, pork chop, lamb chop, lobster, shirmp, fish, piece of ham, susage, or bacon that you ever ate was a living breathing animal do you not?

Do you eat lion meat?
It's possible I've eaten horse meat in any event I don't sit at the computer griping about a defenless animal being killed while eating another defenless animal that was killed.
Yo Fauxahontas, what did your ancestors eat before relying on the government to take care of them?;)

Yeah..her ancestors drove millions of bison over cliffs by setting the prairie on fire.
There were huge piles of bones at the most popular cliffs.
They called em buffalo jumps.
Yours did the same in Europe not too many years before .
then they invented the camberpot and tossed the contents out of any handy window, and you say the native Americans were savages.

Link me up....
Do your own home work.

Says the guy who pulls shit out of his bunghole.....
Keep dreaming.
You guys do realize every hamburger, steak, pork chop, lamb chop, lobster, shirmp, fish, piece of ham, susage, or bacon that you ever ate was a living breathing animal do you not?

Do you eat lion meat?
It's possible I've eaten horse meat in any event I don't sit at the computer griping about a defenless animal being killed while eating another defenless animal that was killed.

Well, good for you. The tourists at the park where Cecil lived miss him. The dentist who illegally poached him didn't eat any of his meat - because after decapitating and caping - his meat was left for the vultures and other predators. The park plans to use Cecil's bones as a memorial.
You guys do realize every hamburger, steak, pork chop, lamb chop, lobster, shirmp, fish, piece of ham, susage, or bacon that you ever ate was a living breathing animal do you not?

Do you eat lion meat?
It's possible I've eaten horse meat in any event I don't sit at the computer griping about a defenless animal being killed while eating another defenless animal that was killed.

Well, good for you. The tourists at the park where Cecil lived miss him. The dentist who illegally poached him didn't eat any of his meat - because after decapitating and caping - his meat was left for the vultures and other predators. The park plans to use Cecil's bones as a memorial.
Dam right good for me I'm not going to be a hypocrite who expresses phony outrage over the killing of one animal and then goes out and pay's 20 plus dollars to eat another one that was killed.
Oh look fakotas eskimo cousins

I have a bear skin rug. I ate its donor Is that morbid? To you, perhaps, but to me it is a more useful trophy that the one I have for bowling.
Should I have just tossed the skin like it was garbage? I think it preferable to honor the bear and the experience by giving it a place in my home.
you said you ate the bear.....did this guy plan on eating this lion?....did he eat that rhino?....there is a difference Ernie....killing some animal just so you can have its head on your wall is just a tad guys are starting to defend hunters who give give hunters a bad name just because the basterd is a Brother in laws older brother is a big game hunter,he has a wing in his house with at least 15 animals he shot and killed in Africa,he belongs to the same "club" this guy does,my Bro in law was over his house and asked him what he thought about this,he said i hate to say it because he is one of us....but this guy fucked up....he wanted that lion,he was stupid and gave BGH's world wide a black eye....he said these guys know where and what they are hunting....this man was no rookie hunter....i know personal anecdotes,tough everyone has them.....
I'm not defending this guy, he had to cheat. I have no problem with trophies, why should we? The lion/bear/deer is dead. The issue is this guy is a white dentist from America, never mind the poachers who do this all the time. It's sad that when media tugs the chain, people will do their duty and express outrage over animals, and shrug their shoulders at a major genocide, sex slave trade, and an orphaned baby blown up to demonstrate bomb making by Isis. Sounds to me like people are being taught what to think, not how to think
he had to cheat?....why?...he has been out there before,like Harry,Brother inlaws name,said,this guy was no rookie hunter.....
So now your saying there was no wrong doing on the part of the hunter? Going after a well know lion with a well known location, and baiting it of the preservation?

The dentist has said repeatedly he didnt know the guides had been baiting lions from the preserve.
Would you go to africa and break their laws knowing the consequences of getting caught?
I dont see this guy doing that,he had a good thing going back in the states,why would he risk it?
ever considered that the dentist was lying to cover his ass. ...
thought not.
Oh look fakotas eskimo cousins

False comparison whales beach themselves the inuit take advantage of that, just like you would if someone left there malt liquor on the sidewalk in front of your favorite 711.
Here's an excerpt from the story where the image was first posted:

Hunters in the Nunavut Territory of Northern Canada are celebrating after catching their first bowhead whale in a century.

The successful hunt occurred in the waters near Clyde River, an Inuit town located on the shore of Baffin Island's Patricia Bay. The hunt marked the return of an ancient practice to this community of 900 residents.

Does that sound like the whale beached itself?

A successful whale hunt in northern Canada revives an ancient Inuit tradition Public Radio International
You guys do realize every hamburger, steak, pork chop, lamb chop, lobster, shirmp, fish, piece of ham, susage, or bacon that you ever ate was a living breathing animal do you not?

Do you eat lion meat?
It's possible I've eaten horse meat in any event I don't sit at the computer griping about a defenless animal being killed while eating another defenless animal that was killed.

Well, good for you. The tourists at the park where Cecil lived miss him. The dentist who illegally poached him didn't eat any of his meat - because after decapitating and caping - his meat was left for the vultures and other predators. The park plans to use Cecil's bones as a memorial.
Dam right good for me I'm not going to be a hypocrite who expresses phony outrage over the killing of one animal and then goes out and pay's 20 plus dollars to eat another one that was killed.

As an ethical hunter - I respect game laws. The poaching dentist does not. He also has other violations.
you said you ate the bear.....did this guy plan on eating this lion?....did he eat that rhino?....there is a difference Ernie....killing some animal just so you can have its head on your wall is just a tad guys are starting to defend hunters who give give hunters a bad name just because the basterd is a Brother in laws older brother is a big game hunter,he has a wing in his house with at least 15 animals he shot and killed in Africa,he belongs to the same "club" this guy does,my Bro in law was over his house and asked him what he thought about this,he said i hate to say it because he is one of us....but this guy fucked up....he wanted that lion,he was stupid and gave BGH's world wide a black eye....he said these guys know where and what they are hunting....this man was no rookie hunter....i know personal anecdotes,tough everyone has them.....
I'm not defending this guy, he had to cheat. I have no problem with trophies, why should we? The lion/bear/deer is dead. The issue is this guy is a white dentist from America, never mind the poachers who do this all the time. It's sad that when media tugs the chain, people will do their duty and express outrage over animals, and shrug their shoulders at a major genocide, sex slave trade, and an orphaned baby blown up to demonstrate bomb making by Isis. Sounds to me like people are being taught what to think, not how to think
he had to cheat?....why?...he has been out there before,like Harry,Brother inlaws name,said,this guy was no rookie hunter.....
So now your saying there was no wrong doing on the part of the hunter? Going after a well know lion with a well known location, and baiting it of the preservation?

The dentist has said repeatedly he didnt know the guides had been baiting lions from the preserve.
Would you go to africa and break their laws knowing the consequences of getting caught?
I dont see this guy doing that,he had a good thing going back in the states,why would he risk it?
ever considered that the dentist was lying to cover his ass. ...
thought not.

You think like a liberal and project your penchant for dishonesty on to others.

This reminds me of when the wife and I go to Jamaica.
You get locals trying to sell you lobster out of season,they eventually had to launch a major info campaign directed at tourist as to when it was legal to eat lobster.
You guys do realize every hamburger, steak, pork chop, lamb chop, lobster, shirmp, fish, piece of ham, susage, or bacon that you ever ate was a living breathing animal do you not?

Do you eat lion meat?
It's possible I've eaten horse meat in any event I don't sit at the computer griping about a defenless animal being killed while eating another defenless animal that was killed.

Well, good for you. The tourists at the park where Cecil lived miss him. The dentist who illegally poached him didn't eat any of his meat - because after decapitating and caping - his meat was left for the vultures and other predators. The park plans to use Cecil's bones as a memorial.
Dam right good for me I'm not going to be a hypocrite who expresses phony outrage over the killing of one animal and then goes out and pay's 20 plus dollars to eat another one that was killed.

As an ethical hunter - I respect game laws. The poaching dentist does not. He also has other violations.
This hunter relied on his guide and safari promoter to respect the laws.


Donald Trump was forced to weigh in on the issue this week after a gory photo of his trophy hunting sons resurfaced online, tying his family to the very practice that has sparked fierce backlash in recent days. When asked for his response at a press conference in Scotland this week, Trump was reportedly far from condemning of the fact that his sons had a hobby of killing innocent animals, too.

"My sons love to hunt," The Daily Mail reports Trump said. "They are members of the NRA, very proudly. I am a big believer in the Second Amendment. But my sons are hunters, Eric is a hunter and I would say he puts it on a par with golf, if not ahead of golf. My other son, Don, is a hunter. They're great marksman, great shots, they love it. I em, like golf. I don't do that."

As benign as he makes it sound, Trump's sons are hardly run-of-the-mill hunters. The family's fortune has apparently been used to fund safaris to Africa, targeting beloved animals like elephants and leopards — hunting trips that can range in the tens of thousands of dollars.

Trump Defends His Sons' Sick Hobby Of Killing Innocent Animals

How much of that meat do the Trumps eat? What kind of person would want to kill an elephant?
Like all other retarded faggot libs you support abortion don't you? Chief stupid.
Great! Another nutjob bringing his gay fantasies to the board.
Yo Fauxahontas, what did your ancestors eat before relying on the government to take care of them?;)

We ate lots of buffalo - until whitey killed them all.

You've probably never seen a buffalo. Get past your hate, it's making you stupid

Do you have a crystal ball? You seem to know a lot of shit that ain't true.

Look who's taking, You're a racist old fool. Nothing more and nothing less. And get past you're owed anything due to the fact your people (if you really are NA,which I doubt) have failed to progress and suffer for it. I owe you nothing and neither does anyone else
There it is....the White Man's Burden.
Oh look fakotas eskimo cousins

False comparison whales beach themselves the inuit take advantage of that, just like you would if someone left there malt liquor on the sidewalk in front of your favorite 711.
Here's an excerpt from the story where the image was first posted:

Hunters in the Nunavut Territory of Northern Canada are celebrating after catching their first bowhead whale in a century.

The successful hunt occurred in the waters near Clyde River, an Inuit town located on the shore of Baffin Island's Patricia Bay. The hunt marked the return of an ancient practice to this community of 900 residents.

Does that sound like the whale beached itself?

A successful whale hunt in northern Canada revives an ancient Inuit tradition Public Radio International

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