Trump Defends His Sons' Sick Hobby Of Killing Innocent Animals

You think like a liberal and project your penchant for dishonesty on to others.

This reminds me of when the wife and I go to Jamaica.
You get locals trying to sell you lobster out of season,they eventually had to launch a major info campaign directed at tourist as to when it was legal to eat lobster.
Are you always this wrong.
Are you always this bereft of integrity?
Integrity is subjective.
No, it's not.

It is if you're a liberal.
Or a conservative no ideaolgy is free of subjectivity.
im sorry killing anything to put its head up on the wall is kinda morbid....
I have a bear skin rug. I ate its donor Is that morbid? To you, perhaps, but to me it is a more useful trophy that the one I have for bowling.
Should I have just tossed the skin like it was garbage? I think it preferable to honor the bear and the experience by giving it a place in my home.
you said you ate the bear.....did this guy plan on eating this lion?....did he eat that rhino?....there is a difference Ernie....killing some animal just so you can have its head on your wall is just a tad guys are starting to defend hunters who give give hunters a bad name just because the basterd is a Brother in laws older brother is a big game hunter,he has a wing in his house with at least 15 animals he shot and killed in Africa,he belongs to the same "club" this guy does,my Bro in law was over his house and asked him what he thought about this,he said i hate to say it because he is one of us....but this guy fucked up....he wanted that lion,he was stupid and gave BGH's world wide a black eye....he said these guys know where and what they are hunting....this man was no rookie hunter....i know personal anecdotes,tough everyone has them.....
I'm not defending this guy, he had to cheat. I have no problem with trophies, why should we? The lion/bear/deer is dead. The issue is this guy is a white dentist from America, never mind the poachers who do this all the time. It's sad that when media tugs the chain, people will do their duty and express outrage over animals, and shrug their shoulders at a major genocide, sex slave trade, and an orphaned baby blown up to demonstrate bomb making by Isis. Sounds to me like people are being taught what to think, not how to think
he had to cheat?....why?...he has been out there before,like Harry,Brother inlaws name,said,this guy was no rookie hunter.....
So now your saying there was no wrong doing on the part of the hunter? Going after a well know lion with a well known location, and baiting it of the preservation?
So now your saying there was no wrong doing on the part of the hunter?
i said that?....where?....learn to read.....
Yo Fauxahontas, what did your ancestors eat before relying on the government to take care of them?;)
they not only ate what they killed they used most everything else on the animal too....kinda different right?....

No they didnt,they drove hundreds of bison over cliffs and took the best and let the rest rot.
did they do it just to put their heads up in their TP's or did they eat and use most of the rest of the beasties? know dam well the indians hunted for food and skins...what does a "big game" hunter hunt for? you want me to dumb that down for you?.....

Way to change the subject.
And if the animals have to be culled,dont you think it's best to have someone pay big money for the privilege when it goes to conservation of the species?
Thats just common sense right there...
how the fuck did i change the subject when i was answering what you said in the thread i quoted which was about hunting bison?...was i not talking about hunting bison or not?...should i dumb it down for you?...


Donald Trump was forced to weigh in on the issue this week after a gory photo of his trophy hunting sons resurfaced online, tying his family to the very practice that has sparked fierce backlash in recent days. When asked for his response at a press conference in Scotland this week, Trump was reportedly far from condemning of the fact that his sons had a hobby of killing innocent animals, too.

"My sons love to hunt," The Daily Mail reports Trump said. "They are members of the NRA, very proudly. I am a big believer in the Second Amendment. But my sons are hunters, Eric is a hunter and I would say he puts it on a par with golf, if not ahead of golf. My other son, Don, is a hunter. They're great marksman, great shots, they love it. I em, like golf. I don't do that."

As benign as he makes it sound, Trump's sons are hardly run-of-the-mill hunters. The family's fortune has apparently been used to fund safaris to Africa, targeting beloved animals like elephants and leopards — hunting trips that can range in the tens of thousands of dollars.

Trump Defends His Sons' Sick Hobby Of Killing Innocent Animals

How much of that meat do the Trumps eat? What kind of person would want to kill an elephant?
Like all other retarded faggot libs you support abortion don't you? Chief stupid.

Can't you retarded NaziCons focus on anything but abortion? Try focusing on pregnant women seeking abortions for mental, physical and/or financial reasons for a change. After all - the women come first.
shut the fuck up with your "if you dont agree with me you are a nazi con" are a fucking "nazilib" just for saying ignorant shit like that dumbass....
I doubt your full or most NA, I've been to the Navajo res 3 times now, and they all love hunting. It's part of their... And every human culture throughout history
I doubt your full or most NA, I've been to the Navajo res 3 times now, and they all love hunting. It's part of their... And every human culture throughout history

Fauxahontas would have shot himself in the foot with his bow and arrow

Oink. Oink. Isn't it time to go eat your slop?

Yawn....our 10 year old twins have better insults. They are also eons ahead of what you can ever hope to become. They know they are owed nothing and are preparing to take life on. Something you should have done instead of bawling about your circumstances your entire life

Maybe you should be spending more time with them...

Maybe you should stay out of things that don't concern you, loon. How's that? LOL Like I'd ever take advice from you? The Mexicans we hire to take care of the lawn are smarter than you....harder working also you hire illegals? Are you part of the problem?
Fauxahontas would have shot himself in the foot with his bow and arrow

Oink. Oink. Isn't it time to go eat your slop?

Yawn....our 10 year old twins have better insults. They are also eons ahead of what you can ever hope to become. They know they are owed nothing and are preparing to take life on. Something you should have done instead of bawling about your circumstances your entire life

Maybe you should be spending more time with them...

Maybe you should stay out of things that don't concern you, loon. How's that? LOL Like I'd ever take advice from you? The Mexicans we hire to take care of the lawn are smarter than you....harder working also you hire illegals? Are you part of the problem?
The answer is yes.


Donald Trump was forced to weigh in on the issue this week after a gory photo of his trophy hunting sons resurfaced online, tying his family to the very practice that has sparked fierce backlash in recent days. When asked for his response at a press conference in Scotland this week, Trump was reportedly far from condemning of the fact that his sons had a hobby of killing innocent animals, too.

"My sons love to hunt," The Daily Mail reports Trump said. "They are members of the NRA, very proudly. I am a big believer in the Second Amendment. But my sons are hunters, Eric is a hunter and I would say he puts it on a par with golf, if not ahead of golf. My other son, Don, is a hunter. They're great marksman, great shots, they love it. I em, like golf. I don't do that."

As benign as he makes it sound, Trump's sons are hardly run-of-the-mill hunters. The family's fortune has apparently been used to fund safaris to Africa, targeting beloved animals like elephants and leopards — hunting trips that can range in the tens of thousands of dollars.

Trump Defends His Sons' Sick Hobby Of Killing Innocent Animals

How much of that meat do the Trumps eat? What kind of person would want to kill an elephant?
Like all other retarded faggot libs you support abortion don't you? Chief stupid.

Can't you retarded NaziCons focus on anything but abortion? Try focusing on pregnant women seeking abortions for mental, physical and/or financial reasons for a change. After all - the women come first.
shut the fuck up with your "if you dont agree with me you are a nazi con" are a fucking "nazilib" just for saying ignorant shit like that dumbass....
He is a retarded lib, what he says thinks means shit.


Donald Trump was forced to weigh in on the issue this week after a gory photo of his trophy hunting sons resurfaced online, tying his family to the very practice that has sparked fierce backlash in recent days. When asked for his response at a press conference in Scotland this week, Trump was reportedly far from condemning of the fact that his sons had a hobby of killing innocent animals, too.

"My sons love to hunt," The Daily Mail reports Trump said. "They are members of the NRA, very proudly. I am a big believer in the Second Amendment. But my sons are hunters, Eric is a hunter and I would say he puts it on a par with golf, if not ahead of golf. My other son, Don, is a hunter. They're great marksman, great shots, they love it. I em, like golf. I don't do that."

As benign as he makes it sound, Trump's sons are hardly run-of-the-mill hunters. The family's fortune has apparently been used to fund safaris to Africa, targeting beloved animals like elephants and leopards — hunting trips that can range in the tens of thousands of dollars.

Trump Defends His Sons' Sick Hobby Of Killing Innocent Animals

How much of that meat do the Trumps eat? What kind of person would want to kill an elephant?
Like all other retarded faggot libs you support abortion don't you? Chief stupid.

Can't you retarded NaziCons focus on anything but abortion? Try focusing on pregnant women seeking abortions for mental, physical and/or financial reasons for a change. After all - the women come first.
shut the fuck up with your "if you dont agree with me you are a nazi con" are a fucking "nazilib" just for saying ignorant shit like that dumbass....
He is a retarded lib, what he says thinks means shit.
speaking of retards ,what you just posted makes no sense.
Here's an excerpt from the story where the image was first posted:

Hunters in the Nunavut Territory of Northern Canada are celebrating after catching their first bowhead whale in a century.

The successful hunt occurred in the waters near Clyde River, an Inuit town located on the shore of Baffin Island's Patricia Bay. The hunt marked the return of an ancient practice to this community of 900 residents.

Does that sound like the whale beached itself?

A successful whale hunt in northern Canada revives an ancient Inuit tradition Public Radio International
Didn't follow the link, did you?
I did, the hunt drives the whale to beach itself . Then they finish it off
they don't have the manpower or the boats to process the kill at sea.
You want fries with that?
A woman hunter HARPOONED the whale.
No thanks, but maybe next time I stop by Micky D's I'll take you up on that.

Your point ? It still had to be driven to the beach .
Driven towed, whatever. The whale didn't beach itself. Your post implied that the whale beached itself for reasons other than the hunt. You saw a picture and assumed, because NA's are a "protected class" that they were butchering a whale they found dead on a beach somewhere.
As I said, you lack integrity.


Donald Trump was forced to weigh in on the issue this week after a gory photo of his trophy hunting sons resurfaced online, tying his family to the very practice that has sparked fierce backlash in recent days. When asked for his response at a press conference in Scotland this week, Trump was reportedly far from condemning of the fact that his sons had a hobby of killing innocent animals, too.

"My sons love to hunt," The Daily Mail reports Trump said. "They are members of the NRA, very proudly. I am a big believer in the Second Amendment. But my sons are hunters, Eric is a hunter and I would say he puts it on a par with golf, if not ahead of golf. My other son, Don, is a hunter. They're great marksman, great shots, they love it. I em, like golf. I don't do that."

As benign as he makes it sound, Trump's sons are hardly run-of-the-mill hunters. The family's fortune has apparently been used to fund safaris to Africa, targeting beloved animals like elephants and leopards — hunting trips that can range in the tens of thousands of dollars.

Trump Defends His Sons' Sick Hobby Of Killing Innocent Animals

How much of that meat do the Trumps eat? What kind of person would want to kill an elephant?
Like all other retarded faggot libs you support abortion don't you? Chief stupid.

Can't you retarded NaziCons focus on anything but abortion? Try focusing on pregnant women seeking abortions for mental, physical and/or financial reasons for a change. After all - the women come first.
shut the fuck up with your "if you dont agree with me you are a nazi con" are a fucking "nazilib" just for saying ignorant shit like that dumbass....
He is a retarded lib, what he says thinks means shit.
speaking of retards ,what you just posted makes no sense.
He skipped a word. You could have figured that out, but would rather go ad hom.
Yeah as written, it doesn't make a lot of sense, but if we compare that to most of your posts, we find that he is far more honest and cogent than you.
Didn't follow the link, did you?
I did, the hunt drives the whale to beach itself . Then they finish it off
they don't have the manpower or the boats to process the kill at sea.
You want fries with that?
A woman hunter HARPOONED the whale.
No thanks, but maybe next time I stop by Micky D's I'll take you up on that.

Your point ? It still had to be driven to the beach .
Driven towed, whatever. The whale didn't beach itself. Your post implied that the whale beached itself for reasons other than the hunt. You saw a picture and assumed, because NA's are a "protected class" that they were butchering a whale they found dead on a beach somewhere.
As I said, you lack integrity.
Like all other retarded faggot libs you support abortion don't you? Chief stupid.

Can't you retarded NaziCons focus on anything but abortion? Try focusing on pregnant women seeking abortions for mental, physical and/or financial reasons for a change. After all - the women come first.
shut the fuck up with your "if you dont agree with me you are a nazi con" are a fucking "nazilib" just for saying ignorant shit like that dumbass....
He is a retarded lib, what he says thinks means shit.
speaking of retards ,what you just posted makes no sense.
He skipped a word. You could have figured that out, but would rather go ad hom.
Yeah as written, it doesn't make a lot of sense, but if we compare that to most of your posts, we find that he is far more honest and cogent than you.
Also false. Thanks for playing.
Are you always this bereft of integrity?
Integrity is subjective.
No, it's not.

It is if you're a liberal.
Or a conservative no ideaolgy is free of subjectivity.
The word is integrity, not ideology. You either possess integrity, or you don't. You DON'T.
A swing and a miss
strike three.
Your opinion on integrity is also subjective and extremely bias.
Not at
Didn't follow the link, did you?
I did, the hunt drives the whale to beach itself . Then they finish it off
they don't have the manpower or the boats to process the kill at sea.
You want fries with that?
A woman hunter HARPOONED the whale.
No thanks, but maybe next time I stop by Micky D's I'll take you up on that.

Your point ? It still had to be driven to the beach .
Driven towed, whatever. The whale didn't beach itself. Your post implied that the whale beached itself for reasons other than the hunt. You saw a picture and assumed, because NA's are a "protected class" that they were butchering a whale they found dead on a beach somewhere.
As I said, you lack integrity.
Not at all false. You assumed what you wanted and now refuse to admit it. You lack integrity.
Can't you retarded NaziCons focus on anything but abortion? Try focusing on pregnant women seeking abortions for mental, physical and/or financial reasons for a change. After all - the women come first.
shut the fuck up with your "if you dont agree with me you are a nazi con" are a fucking "nazilib" just for saying ignorant shit like that dumbass....
He is a retarded lib, what he says thinks means shit.
speaking of retards ,what you just posted makes no sense.
He skipped a word. You could have figured that out, but would rather go ad hom.
Yeah as written, it doesn't make a lot of sense, but if we compare that to most of your posts, we find that he is far more honest and cogent than you.
Also false. Thanks for playing.
Very true. But you knew that already. Thanks for playing so poorly.
Integrity is subjective.
No, it's not.

It is if you're a liberal.
Or a conservative no ideaolgy is free of subjectivity.
The word is integrity, not ideology. You either possess integrity, or you don't. You DON'T.
A swing and a miss
strike three.
Your opinion on integrity is also subjective and extremely bias.
Home run, in my book. Integrity is something you obviously have no knowledge of.
No, it's not.

It is if you're a liberal.
Or a conservative no ideaolgy is free of subjectivity.
The word is integrity, not ideology. You either possess integrity, or you don't. You DON'T.
A swing and a miss
strike three.
Your opinion on integrity is also subjective and extremely bias.
Home run, in my book. Integrity is something you obviously have no knowledge of.
Again false integrity is just another way of saying morality
morality is both relative and subjective , your opinion must also be. In reality you have no more and no less integrity than I.
Not at
I did, the hunt drives the whale to beach itself . Then they finish it off
they don't have the manpower or the boats to process the kill at sea.
You want fries with that?
A woman hunter HARPOONED the whale.
No thanks, but maybe next time I stop by Micky D's I'll take you up on that.

Your point ? It still had to be driven to the beach .
Driven towed, whatever. The whale didn't beach itself. Your post implied that the whale beached itself for reasons other than the hunt. You saw a picture and assumed, because NA's are a "protected class" that they were butchering a whale they found dead on a beach somewhere.
As I said, you lack integrity.
Not at all false. You assumed what you wanted and now refuse to admit it. You lack integrity.
Nope it's you who has done all the assuming.
It is if you're a liberal.
Or a conservative no ideaolgy is free of subjectivity.
The word is integrity, not ideology. You either possess integrity, or you don't. You DON'T.
A swing and a miss
strike three.
Your opinion on integrity is also subjective and extremely bias.
Home run, in my book. Integrity is something you obviously have no knowledge of.
Again false integrity is just another way of saying morality
morality is both relative and subjective , your opinion must also be. In reality you have no more and no less integrity than I.

To anyone with integrity or morality? It is most certainly not relative nor subjective.
Right is right and wrong is wrong.
Those who cant tell the difference are sociopaths.

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